Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'sancionar' translates into 'sanction' in English. It primarily refers to a threatened penalty or measure imposed as a result of an action, behaviour, or policy considered by others to be inappropriate or unacceptable. This could include economic restrictions or limitations, disapproval or consequence levied by an organization or country, or a punishment decided by law or regulation. The term can be used in various contexts, including political, economic, educational, and sports environments, among others.

sancionar a un alumno
sanctioning a student

The phrase 'sancionar a un alumno' in Spanish translates to 'sanctioning a student' in English. This is typically used in academic scenarios, referring to the action of imposing a disciplinary action or a penalty on a student for violating rules or norms. The sanction could range from minor penalties, such as warning, to major ones, like expulsion from the school or university.

sancionar a un profesor
sanctioning a teacher

The Spanish phrase 'sancionar a un profesor' translates to 'sanctioning a teacher' in English. In the educational context, this may come into play when a teacher does not follow the rules or expectations set forth by their institution, and as a result, receives a penalty or punishment. Notably, the verb 'sancionar' can also be used in various other contexts, signifying the act of imposing a sanction or penalty.


The Spanish word 'sandalias' translates to 'sandals' in English. As a common item of summer footwear, sandals are open shoes consisting of a sole fastened to the foot by straps. In several English-speaking cultures, the phrase 'flip flops' might also be used interchangeably. The term 'sandalias' is of the feminine form and must agree in gender and number with other Spanish language descriptors.

Example sentences with  sandalias

Watermelon is a plant species in the family Cucurbitaceae, a vine-like flowering plant originally domesticated in West Africa. Its fruit, which is also called watermelon, is a special kind referred to by botanists as a pepo.

Example sentences with  sandía
sanear un área
healing area

The word 'sangre' is the Spanish translation for 'blood'. It carries similar connotations and uses as it does in English. 'Sangre' is primarily used in medical or health contexts but can also be used metaphorically as in the English expression 'blood is thicker than water'.

Example sentences with  sangre

The Spanish word 'santo' translates to 'holy' in English. It is often used in religious contexts to denote something or someone that is associated with sanctity or blessed by a religious institution. In Spanish culture, this word is particularly prevalent due to the country's strong Catholic history. It can be used to refer to a saint (persona santa), a holy day (día santo), or a holy city (ciudad santa). Its usage can also extend beyond the ecclesiastical to express an intense feeling or sentiment as in 'santo cielo!' (holy heaven!).


The Spanish word 'sardina' translates to 'sardine' in English. It is a term used to refer to several types of small, oily fish within the herring family. Sardines are commonly canned and are known for their rich nutritional content, including high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. The word can be used in various contexts, such as in food and nutrition, biology, and even as a metaphor in literature and expressions.


The Spanish word 'sartén' translates to 'skillet' in English. A skillet is a type of pan used for cooking. It's typically made from metal and has a flat bottom. It is suited for frying, searing, and browning foods. This term is commonly used in both home and professional kitchens, and it's an essential utensil that offers great versatility in cooking. The Spanish word for it, 'sartén', serves the same exact purposes.


The word 'satélite' in Spanish translates to 'satellite' in English. A satellite is an object in space that orbits around a larger object. There are two kinds of satellites: natural (like the moon orbiting the Earth) and human-made. Human-made satellites provide a variety of services, such as weather information, television and radio broadcasts, and navigation data.

Example sentences with  satélite

The Spanish word 'satisfecho' translates to 'satisfied' in English. It is an adjective that describes the feeling when one's desires, expectations, or needs have been fully met. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including emotional satisfaction (e.g., 'Estoy satisfecho con mi vida' - 'I am satisfied with my life'), physical satisfaction (e.g., 'Estoy satisfecho después de la comida' - 'I am satisfied after the meal'), and more.

saturarse el correo
saturate the mail

The Spanish phrase 'saturarse el correo' is a figurative phrase often used to refer to an email box being overloaded or overwhelmed with too many messages. In English, we might use the term 'saturate the mail'. This phrase might be invoked in scenarios where someone has received a lot of emails in a short amount of time, or where an email inbox has reached its storage limit, thus no longer being capable of receiving new mails. This phrase might be used in both professional and personal contexts.

saturarse la red
saturate the network

The Spanish term 'saturarse la red' directly translates to 'saturate the network' in English. In the field of technology and communication, this term is commonly used to describe a situation where a network is being used to its full capacity. For instance, if there are too many data being sent over a network than it can handle at a time, the network is said to be 'saturated'. This can cause sluggish speeds or failed data transfers. Hence, 'saturarse la red' refers to overloading or overwhelming a digital network with information or data.


The word 'Saturno' in Spanish corresponds to 'Saturn' in English. Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun in our solar system and it is recognized for its extensive ring system composed primarily of ice particles with a smaller amount of rocky debris and dust. It is named after the Roman god of wealth and agriculture. In Spanish-speaking cultures, 'Saturno' retains the same meaning and refers to the same astronomical body.

Example sentences with  Saturno

The Spanish word 'savia' translates to 'sap' in English. Sap is a fluid transported in xylem cells of vascular plants or in the phloem. There are two types of sap, known as xylem sap and phloem sap. It carries necessary water, nutrients, and sugars between the leaves and roots of a plant, serving an essential role in the biology of the plant. Hence, in terms of a plant's anatomy and survival, 'savia' holds a significant importance.

Example sentences with  savia

The word 'saxofón' in Spanish translates to 'saxophone' in English. A 'saxofón' or 'saxophone' is a musical instrument that is a member of the woodwind family. It's usually made of brass and played with a single-reed mouthpiece. The saxophone is commonly used in classical music, military bands, marching bands and jazz.

Example sentences with  saxofón

The word 'secado' in Spanish refers to the process of removing water or moisture from something, often by exposure to air or heat. This can refer to the drying of various things, such as clothes after washing, or crops after harvesting. In English, this process is referred to as 'drying'.

secador de pelo

The Spanish phrase 'secador de pelo' translates to 'hairdryer' in English. This term is used to refer to a device which blows air (either hot or cold) to speed up the process of evaporating water from the hair. Hairdryers are a common tool used after washing hair, for styling, and in hair salons. While using a hairdryer can save time and create desired hairstyles, excessive use can cause hair damage due to heat. Therefore, it is often recommended to use a hairdryer in moderation and with heat protection products.

Example sentences with  secador de pelo
secarse las hojas
dry the leaves

The Spanish phrase 'secarse las hojas' translates to 'dry the leaves' in English. This phrase could be used in various contexts. For instance, it might be used in a gardening setting, referring to the action of allowing the leaves to dry out. The verb 'secarse' (to dry out) is reflexive, implying that the action is being done to oneself or one's own things. 'Las hojas' simply means 'the leaves'. Therefore, you could think about this phrase as the leaves drying themselves out.

Example sentences with  secarse las hojas

The Spanish word 'sección' is used much like the English word 'section'. It can refer to a portion, segment, or subdivision of a larger whole. This could be a section of a book, newspaper, or store, among other things. Similar to English, it can also refer to a particular group or division within a larger body, such as a department or section of a company.

Example sentences with  sección

The Spanish word 'secretaría' translates to 'secretary' in English. This term is often used to describe a person employed by an individual or in an office who performs routine clerical and organizational tasks. They may organize files, draft messages, schedule appointments and support other staff.

secta religiosa
religious sect

The Spanish term 'secta religiosa' translates to 'religious sect' in English. A 'secta religiosa' refers to a group of people with somewhat different religious beliefs from those of a larger group to which they belong. The English term 'religious sect' carries the same meaning, hence making these two terms equivalent across both languages.

Example sentences with  secta religiosa
secta satánica
Satanic sect

The word 'secta satánica' in Spanish translates to 'satanic sect' in English. This phrase is often used in references to groups or communities that practice or are believed to practice forms of satanic worships or rituals. The term has a negative connotation and is associated with aspects of occult and secret societies. The English equivalent carries the same meanings and connotations.

Example sentences with  secta satánica
sector de población
population sector

The Spanish term 'sector de población' translates to 'population sector' in English. This term is often used in demographics, urban planning, and statistical contexts. It can refer to a specific segment of population classified based on various parameters like age, income, or geographic location etc. Additionally, in geographical context, it can also refer to a certain area of a city, town, or country where a specific population segment resides.

Example sentences with  sector de población
sector mayoritario

The Spanish phrase 'sector mayoritario' translates to 'majority sector' in English. This phrase typically refers to the part or section of a population, group, or entity which represents the majority, or holds a larger amount of some quantity, resources, or representation compared to other parts. For example, in politics, the 'sector mayoritario' could refer to the political party or group that has the most members or representatives. Similarly, in business, it might refer to the aspect or department of a company which generates the highest revenue, or the particular segment in an industry or market that has the greatest share.

Example sentences with  sector mayoritario
sector primario
Primary sector

The term 'sector primario' in Spanish translates to 'primary sector' in English. The primary sector of the economy includes any industry involved in the extraction and collection of natural resources; such as farming, forestry, fishing and mining. In less developed economies, the primary sector will comprise the biggest part of the economy, as it will represent the largest share of the workforce and total economic output.

Example sentences with  sector primario
sector servicios
sector services

The 'sector servicios' in Spanish refers to the service sector in English. It is an essential part of the economy that creates and delivers services, rather than producing goods. This sector includes industries like hospitality, transportation, entertainment, finance, insurance, healthcare, and other professional or business services. It is a vital component of a country's economy and provides employment to a substantial portion of the population.

Example sentences with  sector servicios
sector terciario
tertiary sector

The term 'sector terciario' translates to 'tertiary sector' in English. This is actually an economic term that refers to the portion of an economy that is made up by services, rather than products or goods. Industries included in this sector are such as retail, tourism, hospitality, entertainment, and other service-based companies. It is also often associated with the service industry. It is one of the three major divisions in the three-sector theory, the others being the primary sector which pertains to raw materials and basic agriculture, and secondary sector concerning manufacturing and construction.

Example sentences with  sector terciario

A 'secuencia' in filmmaking refers to a series of scenes that form a distinct narrative unit, which is often connected by a unity of location, time, event, or story.

Example sentences with  secuencia
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