Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

salir una mancha
to get a stain

The Spanish phrase 'salir una mancha' refers to the occurrence of a stain. It is used when a stain or mark appears on something, particularly on fabrics or surfaces. Its English equivalent is 'to get a stain'. The phrase can be used in various contexts, for example, to describe a stain appearing on a person's clothing or on a piece of furniture. 'Salir' generally means 'to go out' or 'to leave', but in this context, it signifies the emergence or appearance of the 'mancha', which means 'stain'.

salir voluntario

'Salir voluntario' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'volunteering' in English. In a broad sense, it implies offering oneself for a service or undertaking, willingly or without being forced. This can be applicable in various contexts including social work, community service or events organization among others. This phrase signifies the act of stepping up spontaneously for a cause, activity or responsibility.

salirse de la carretera
Get out of the road

The Spanish phrase 'salirse de la carretera' translates to 'get off the road' in English. It's a command and can be used in situations where someone may be in danger or obstructing traffic on the road. The verb 'salirse' means to 'get out' or 'exit', 'de' is a preposition similar to 'from' or 'of', and 'la carretera' is a noun meaning 'the road'. So when put together, it's used to convey the urgency or necessity for a person or vehicle to leave or move away from the roadway. Remember that in Spanish, the word order can be different compared to English, and this is a good example of how context matters in translation.

Example sentences with  salirse de la carretera

The Spanish word 'salmón' translates to 'salmon' in English. It is a term used to refer to a variety of species of ray-finned fish in the family Salmonidae. Salmon are native to the tributaries of the North Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. The term 'salmón' is used in many Spanish dishes and cuisine where this fish is a main ingredient.

Living room

The Spanish word 'salón' is translated to 'living room' in English. This term primarily refers to a room in a house where people can relax, socialize, and engage in recreational activities. It is often designed in a way that offers a comfortable and entertaining atmosphere. 'Salón' is a fairly common term in Spanish speaking households.

salón de belleza
beauty salon

The Spanish phrase 'salón de belleza' directly translates to 'beauty salon' in English. A 'salón de belleza' is a place where individuals go to receive services that improve their appearance, such as haircuts, hair color, makeup application, and nail treatments, among other services. It is an establishment where people go for professional beauty treatments. It's a widespread industry and exists in almost every culture worldwide.

Example sentences with  salón de belleza

The word 'salsa' is Spanish, meaning 'sauce' in English. In a more general context, it is used to describe a variety of sauces used in Mexican and Spanish cuisines, including salsa roja (a red sauce) and salsa verde (a green sauce). The term 'salsa' is also widely associated with a popular genre of Latin American music and dance.

salsa de soja
soy sauce

The term 'salsa de soja' is Spanish for 'soy sauce'. Soy sauce is a type of sauce made from fermented soybeans, wheat, salt, and water. It is a common condiment in many Asian cuisines, used for flavoring food during cooking, as well as a dip. It is known for its umami flavor, a savory taste that is considered the fifth flavor alongside sweetness, sourness, bitterness, and saltiness.

salsa roquefort
Roquefort sauce

The Spanish phrase 'salsa roquefort' translates to 'roquefort sauce' in English. This phrase is used to describe a sauce made primarily from Roquefort cheese, which is a blue cheese from the Roquefork region of France. It is often used to accompany various dishes, like steak, potatoes, or pasta, adding a rich, pungent, and slightly tangy flavor to these meals. The variations of the sauce can include additional ingredients such as cream, butter, white wine, or other seasonings according to individual preference.

salsa verde
Green sauce

The term 'salsa verde' native to Spanish language, translates as 'green sauce' in English. This sauce is typically made of tomatillos, green chili peppers, cilantro, and various other green ingredients. It is a popular condiment in Mexican cuisine, often served with tacos, grilled meat and many other dishes. True to its name, the sauce is green in color.

salsa vinagreta
vinaigrette sauce

The Spanish term 'salsa vinagreta' translates to 'vinaigrette sauce' in English. Typically, a vinaigrette sauce is a type of dressing or marinade, usually made from a mixture of oil, vinegar, and sometimes seasonings. It is used widely in numerous recipes for salads, marinades, or to add flavor to various dishes.

to jump

'Saltar' corresponds to the act of leaping or hopping, typically by launching oneself into the air.

Example sentences with  saltar
saltarse las reglas del juego
break the rules of the game

The Spanish phrase 'saltarse las reglas del juego' translates to 'break the rules of the game' in English. It refers to the action of not following established protocols or rules, particularly in a game, but it can be applied in a broad range of contexts as well.

saltarse un semáforo en rojo
jumping a red light

The Spanish phrase 'saltarse un semáforo en rojo' directly translates to 'jumping a red light' in English. This phrase is used in the context of driving a vehicle. When a driver 'jumps a red light', they are ignoring the traffic control signal indicating to stop, potentially causing a dangerous situation or even an accident. This is considered a traffic violation in many jurisdictions and can result in penalties such as fines or loss of driving privileges.

Example sentences with  saltarse un semáforo en rojo
saltarse un stop
jumping a stop

The Spanish phrase 'saltarse un stop' translates to 'jumping a stop' in English. This phrase refers to the action of not stopping or ignoring a stop sign while driving. It is commonly used in the context of transportation and traffic rules. It indicates a violation, specifically, not adhering to the stop sign, which is a traffic violation. Therefore, whenever you come across this phrase in Spanish, it is referring to this particular traffic infraction.

Example sentences with  saltarse un stop
saltear verduras
sauté vegetables

The Spanish term 'saltear verduras' translates to 'sauté vegetables' in English. In a culinary context, 'sauté' is a method of cooking that uses a small amount of oil or fat in a shallow pan over relatively high heat. 'Verduras' means 'vegetables', so the phrase refers to the process of quickly frying vegetables in a small amount of hot oil or fat. Typically, the vegetables are cut into small pieces or thinly sliced to enhance the quick cooking process. This phrase may often be found in recipes and other food preparation guides.


The Spanish word 'salud' translates to 'health' in English. It is used in a variety of contexts. For example, it can refer to personal health, the health of a community, or the health of an environment. 'Salud' is also used in Spanish-speaking cultures as a toast to someone's health, similar to saying 'cheers' in English.

Example sentences with  salud
salud débil
weak health

The Spanish phrase 'salud débil' translates into English as 'weak health'. This could be used to refer to someone who is not in good health or who has a fragile condition. It can be used both literally, to refer to physical health, and metaphorically, to refer to other types of wellness or stability that could be considered 'weak'.

Example sentences with  salud débil
salud delicada
delicate health

The term 'salud delicada' in Spanish is directly translated into English as 'delicate health'. It is usually used to describe a person who might be ill or has a recurrent or chronic health condition, requiring special care or attention to prevent further illness or deterioration. This phrase is often used in a polite or considerate context and emphasizes the need for care, showing concern for a person's well-being.

Example sentences with  salud delicada
salud frágil
fragile health

The Spanish term 'salud frágil' translates directly to 'fragile health' in English. This phrase is generally used to describe a state of health that is not strong and can easily deteriorate due to conditions like illness, stress, or lack of care. It can refer to physical, mental, or emotional health. In many cases, 'salud frágil' is used when discussing individuals with chronic conditions, elderly people, or some who need special medical attention or care.

Example sentences with  salud frágil

The Spanish word 'saludable' translates to 'healthy' in English. It is often used to describe food, habits or activities that contribute positively to one's health. This adjective can be used in a wide range of contexts, such as in statements like 'Es importante comer comidas saludables' (It's important to eat healthy meals).

Example sentences with  saludable
saludar afectuosamente
greet affectionately

The Spanish phrase 'saludar afectuosamente' refers to the act of greeting someone in a warm, friendly, and affectionate manner. It expresses a sense of closeness or familiarity with the person being greeted. It's used in casual and informal contexts, and it's a way of showing kindness and cordiality towards others.

saludar calurosamente
greet warmly

The Spanish phrase 'saludar calurosamente' translates to 'greet warmly' in English. This phrase is used to describe the act of welcoming someone with enthusiasm and warmth, often conveying feelings of joy and sincerity. Such a greeting can indicate close friendship, deep respect, or simply a heartfelt welcome. The exact context will depend on the situation in which the greeting is given and the relationship between the people involved.


The word 'saludo' in Spanish is translated as 'greeting' in English. It is often used in exchanges between people when they meet, similar to the English phrases 'hello', 'hi', or 'good day'. It may also be used to refer to the act of acknowledging or recognizing someone's presence through a polite gesture, like a nod, wave, or handshake.


The Spanish word for 'greetings' is 'saludos'. This term can be used in formal or informal situations when greeting another person or a group of people. It's used both at the beginning of a conversation, similar to 'Hello' or 'Hi', and also in correspondence, such as an introductory phrase in a letter or email.

Example sentences with  saludos

The Spanish word 'salvación' translates to 'salvation' in English. In a religious context, it refers to the act of saving or protecting from harm, risk, loss, destruction, etc. It's often used to denote deliverance from sin and its consequences. In a broader sense, salvation can also mean liberation or rescue from any dire situation. In essence, 'salvación' carries a positive connotation symbolizing freedom or rescue from a negative circumstance.

Example sentences with  salvación

The Spanish word 'salvador' is used much like the English term 'savior'. It refers to a person who saves others from danger or difficulty, and it is often used in a religious context to refer to Jesus Christ. However, it can also be used to describe any person who significantly changes someone’s fortunes or rescues them from a challenging situation.

Example sentences with  salvador

The Spanish word 'salvapantallas' translates to 'screensaver' in English. It is a computer program that fills the screen with moving images or patterns when the computer is not in use. Originally, screensavers were used to prevent phosphor burn-in on CRT and plasma computer monitors, hence the name. Now, they mainly serve an aesthetic purpose.

Example sentences with  salvapantallas
to save yourself

The Spanish word 'salvarse' translates to 'to save oneself' in English. It is a reflexive verb that is used when somebody evokes self-protection or preservation from a dangerous or challenging situation. 'Salvarse' can be used in various contexts, including physical, emotional, or figurative scenarios. An example sentence could be: 'Ella logró salvarse del accidente', meaning 'She managed to save herself from the accident.'

Example sentences with  salvarse

The Spanish word 'san' translates to 'saint' in English. It is generally used as a prefix in front of names of saints or holy figures, as seen in names of places, people, and institutions. For example, 'San Francisco' refers to Saint Francis. 'San' is a term of reverence and respect in Spanish-speaking cultures.

Example sentences with  san
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