Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

sala de embarque
boarding room

The Spanish term 'sala de embarque' is translated as 'boarding room' in English. In an airport setting, it's the area where passengers wait before they can board their plane. It's usually filled with seats, shops and other amenities to make the waiting time more comfortable. If the flight is an international one, the 'sala de embarque' would come after passing through passport control and security checks. Once their flight is ready for boarding, passengers will be called from the 'sala de embarque' to their respective aircraft.

Example sentences with  sala de embarque
sala de exposiciones
exhibition room

The Spanish term 'sala de exposiciones' translates to 'exhibition room' in English. This is a space designed specifically for the display of various types of items like art, historical artifacts, innovations, etc., typically found in museums, galleries, or events. In Spanish-speaking countries, 'sala de exposiciones' is a common term used to refer any such space or place, where objects are displayed for the public.

sala de llegadas
arrival room

The Spanish term 'sala de llegadas' translates to 'arrival room' in English. Typically found in transportation hubs like airports or train stations, the 'sala de llegadas' is the area where passengers go after disembarking from their flight or ride. It's usually where baggage claim and exits to the main terminal can be found.

Example sentences with  sala de llegadas

The word 'salado' does not translate to 'salad' in English. 'Salado' actually translates to 'salty'. The correct Spanish word for 'salad' is 'ensalada'.


A salary is the amount of money that an employee is paid in return for the work they have done. It's an important aspect managing a business and maintaining employee satisfaction.

Example sentences with  salario
sales de baño
bath salts

The Spanish term 'sales de baño' directly translates to 'bath salts' in English. They are a type of designer drug that are often disguised as actual bath salts. They can come in powder, crystal, or liquid form. The compounds found in these 'bath salts' are similar to naturally occurring substances like salt, but they have been chemically modified to produce similar effects as drugs. The term 'sales de baño' might also refer to a product used in bathing for moisture absorption and skin relaxation.

Example sentences with  sales de baño
sales minerales
mineral salts

The Spanish phrase 'sales minerales' translates to 'mineral salts' in English. Mineral salts are substances found in the earth and water that our bodies need to develop and function normally. They include calcium, iron, potassium, and zinc, among others. In a dietary context, these are often found in foods and supplements.

Example sentences with  sales minerales
salida de emergencia
emergency exit

The Spanish phrase 'salida de emergencia' translates to 'emergency exit' in English. It is used in establishments like buildings, restaurants, planes or boats, to indicate the fastest and safest way to exit the premises in case of an emergency. This could be crucial in situations of imminent danger such as fire, earthquake or violence. Esp-Eng buildings usually post signs with this phrase along with a symbol representing a running figure and a door, indicating the direction of the escape path.

salida de mercancías
exit of goods

The Spanish phrase 'salida de mercancías' directly translates to 'exit of goods' in English. It is used primarily in logistics and transportation sectors to indicate the physical location or process through which goods or merchandise leave a facility or warehouse, often for distribution to retail outlets or directly to customers. Further, it can also refer to a logical 'exit' or 'output' point in a supply chain or distribution network. As such, this phrase could be used in a variety of contexts such as inventory management, shipping, logistics planning, and similar areas.

Example sentences with  salida de mercancías

The Spanish verb 'salir' translates to 'leave' in English. It is a commonly used verb that indicates the action of leaving a place or departing. It can also refer to exiting a situation or a state of being. For example, 'Voy a salir de casa' which translates to 'I am going to leave the house.'

Example sentences with  salir
salir a devolver
go out and return

The Spanish phrase 'salir a devolver' translates as 'go out and return' in English. This phrase can be used in different contexts to mean either physically leaving a place and then coming back to it, or it might also signify the action of reattempting a task or activity. Spanish uses a lot of phrases like this where two verbs combined give a more nuanced meaning than either verb would by itself.

Example sentences with  salir a devolver
salir a escena
go on stage

The Spanish phrase 'salir a escena' translates to 'go on stage' in English. This phrase is commonly used in the context of theater or performance arts where performers 'go on stage' to start their act or presentation. It represents the transition from being off-stage or backstage to being in front of the audience, ready to perform or present.

Example sentences with  salir a escena
salir a la pizarra
go out to the board

The phrase 'salir a la pizarra' is a Spanish expression that literally translates to 'go out to the board'. It is most commonly used in an academic or school context. When a teacher tells a student to 'salir a la pizarra', they are instructing the student to come to the front of the class to write or present something on the board. However, it can also be used in a broader sense to mean 'to present or demonstrate something publicly'.

salir a pagar
go out and pay

The phrase 'salir a pagar' in Spanish translates as 'go out and pay' in English. This phrase is commonly used to forbid someone from exiting a place without making the necessary payment for services or goods first. Going out to pay can also mean going out for the explicit purpose of making a specific payment. It is an active expression, alluding to an action one intends to take or is requested to take.

Example sentences with  salir a pagar
salir al recreo
go out to the recess

The Spanish phrase 'salir al recreo' translates to 'go out to the recess' in English. 'Salir' means 'to go out' or 'to leave', 'al' is a preposition that translates to 'to the' and 'recreo' translates to 'recess'. Thus, this phrase can be used in the context of a school environment where students are allowed to go out, often to an outdoor area or playground, for a break period known as recess.

salir con alguien
dating someone

The phrase 'salir con alguien' in Spanish translates to 'dating someone' in English. It is used to denote the regular companionship shared between two adults with the mutual agreement of a romantic and/or sexual relationship. The individuals are often seen together in public places, engage in social activities, and have a personal connection.

salir con amigos
dating friends

The phrase 'salir con amigos' in Spanish translates to 'going out with friends' in English. It does not necessarily mean dating, but simply indicates spending time with friends. This could involve going to a restaurant, seeing a movie, attending a party, or any other social activity. It's a common phrase used in casual, friendly settings. It is grammatically composed of the verb 'salir', which means 'to go out' and the phrase 'con amigos', which means 'with friends'.

salir de copas
get out of drinks

The Spanish phrase 'salir de copas' does not literally translate to 'get out of drinks'. In fact, it's an idiomatic expression in Spanish that means 'to go out for drinks' and often refers to the social activity of going out to bars or clubs, usually at night, and typically including the consumption of alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer, cocktails, etc. It is similar to the English phrase 'going out for a night on the town'.

salir de fiesta
go partying

The Spanish phrase 'salir de fiesta' translates to 'go partying' in English. This phrase is often used in conversational Spanish to express the act of going out for a party or celebration. It is made up of 'salir' which means 'to go out', 'de' means 'of', and 'fiesta' means 'party'. So, literally translated, it would be 'to go out of party', but in a correct English interpretation, it would be 'to go partying'. Note that in Spanish, the verb often comes before the object or the action, which is why 'salir' comes before 'fiesta'.

salir de fin de semana
get out of weekend

'Salir de fin de semana' is a Spanish phrase that directly translates to 'get out of weekend' in English. However, this translation is not entirely correct because it doesn't convey the true sense of the phrase. A better translation would be 'to go out for the weekend.' This phrase is typically used to express the idea of leaving home to enjoy one's time during the weekend, such as going on a short trip, going to a party, or simply going out to have fun.

Example sentences with  salir de fin de semana
salir de juerga
get out of play

The Spanish phrase 'salir de juerga' does not translate directly to 'get out of play' in English. It is typically used to describe the act of going out, particularly for a night of partying or having fun. In this context, a more accurate English translation of 'salir de juerga' might be 'to go out partying' or 'to go out on the town'.

salir de marcha
Get out of the way

The Spanish phrase 'salir de marcha' does not exactly mean 'get out of the way' in English. It is more commonly used to express 'going out', particularly in the context of going out to party or to enjoy the nightlife. However, Spanish phrases can greatly vary in meaning depending on the region or country.

salir de puente
out of bridge

The term 'salir de puente' does not translate directly to 'out of bridge' in English. It is an idiom that is often used to describe a long weekend, typically when a holiday falls near or on a weekend and the break is extended. This phrase is specific to Spanish culture where the 'bridge' symbolizes the extension from a weekend to a holiday, creating a longer break from work or school.

Example sentences with  salir de puente
salir de rebajas
to go on sale

The phrase 'salir de rebajas' in Spanish translates to 'to go on sale' in English. This phrase typically refers to the practice of businesses temporarily reducing their prices to attract consumers. For example, a store might 'salir de rebajas' during a seasonal clearance event, or a manufacturer might 'salir de rebajas' when introducing a new product. Thus, 'salir de rebajas' represents a common activity in commerce and consumer behavior.

salir de tapas
out of covers

The Spanish phrase 'salir de tapas' does not literally translate to 'out of covers' in English. Instead, it refers to the popular Spanish practice of 'tapeo' or going to a bar or bars to consume tapas. Tapas are a variety of appetizers or snacks that traditionally accompany a drink. So, 'salir de tapas' is more accurately translated as 'going for tapas' or 'going out for tapas' in English.

salir el sol

The Spanish phrase 'salir el sol' translates to 'sunrise' in English. It refers to the moment when the upper rim of the sun appears on the horizon in the morning. This phrase is often used in expressions related to the beginning of a new day or the start of an activity

Example sentences with  salir el sol
salir en portada
on the cover

The Spanish phrase 'salir en portada' literally translates to 'come out on cover'. However, in usage, it predominantly means to 'be on the cover'. This could refer to a person or thing being featured on the cover of a magazine, book, album, etc. It's often used in media and publishing contexts.

salir gratis
go free

The Spanish term 'salir gratis' translates to 'go free' in English. It's often used in contexts where someone avoids a negative consequence or sanction, such as a fine or punishment, or to denote that something doesn't have a cost or charge. However, like with any language, its exact meaning and usage may vary depending on the context.

Example sentences with  salir gratis
salir un bulto
go out a lump

The Spanish phrase 'salir un bulto' can be directly translated to English as 'go out a lump'. However, it's important to note that phrases can possess different connotations and idiomatic meanings, based on the region of usage and context. Thus, proper comprehension may require additional context or cultural understanding.

Example sentences with  salir un bulto
salir un chichón
to get a bump

The Spanish phrase 'salir un chichón' translates to 'to get a bump' in English. This phrase is usually used in the context of physical injury, where a swelling or 'bump' appears on the skin due to a hit or impact. However, it is not solely limited to this usage and the context determines its exact meaning.

Example sentences with  salir un chichón
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