Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

ropa de hombre
men's clothing

The Spanish phrase 'ropa de hombre' directly translates to 'men's clothing' in English. This can refer to any garments, accessories or footwear traditionally worn by men. It is a common phrase used in retail and fashion contexts, where it is used to distinguish men's wear from women's or children's clothing.

ropa de invierno
winter clothes

The Spanish term 'ropa de invierno' translates to 'winter clothes' in English. These are articles of clothing typically worn during the colder winter months. Depending on the region, this could include items such as coats, sweaters, scarves, hats, gloves, and thermal underwear. 'Ropa de invierno' is integral to regions with cold winters, as they help to provide warmth and protect from the harsh weather conditions.

ropa de montaña
mountain clothes

The Spanish phrase 'ropa de montaña' translates to 'mountain clothes' in English. These are items of clothing designed for activities in mountainous areas, such as climbing, hiking or camping. They are typically made of materials that are durable, protect against the elements, and provide comfort during physical exertion. This can include items like coats, boots, gloves, hats, and specialized equipment for specific activities such as skiing or mountaineering.

ropa de mujer
women's clothing

The term 'ropa de mujer' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'women's clothing' in English. It encompasses all types of clothing items specifically designed, manufactured, and marketed for women. This may include dresses, skirts, blouses, pants, lingerie, and other types of clothing items that are typically associated with women's fashion. This term is widely used in Spanish-speaking countries to denote women's sections in clothing stores, fashion trends, or the concept of women's attire in general.

ropa de niño
child clothing

The Spanish phrase 'ropa de niño' translates to 'child clothing' in English. It is used to refer to clothes specifically designed and made for children. These may include items such as shirts, pants, dresses, and coats among others. The term encompasses a wide range of clothing items, styles, and sizes, all catered to the needs and tastes of children.

ropa de temporada
seasonal clothes

The Spanish term 'ropa de temporada' translates to 'seasonal clothes' in English. This phrase refers to the range of clothes that are specifically designed and worn during a particular season. For instance, light, breathable fabrics for summer, or heavy, warm clothes for winter. The term ‘ropa de temporada’ helps in categorizing and understanding these specific types of clothes worn in different seasons of the year.

ropa de verano
summer clothes

The phrase 'ropa de verano' in Spanish translates to 'summer clothes' in English. It refers to any type of clothing that is specifically designed for, or typically worn during, the summer season. This can include lightweight t-shirts, shorts, dresses, sandals, and other breathable and comfortable items of clothing. The phrase describes clothing that is suitable for warm, sunny weather, often used in outfits for beach trips, picnics, and other outdoor activities.


The Spanish word 'rosa' translates to 'rose' in English. It can be used to refer to the flower of varying shades and colors, most commonly red, that is famous for its appearance and scent. 'Rosa' can also be used to depict the color rose or pink in Spanish. Furthermore, it also stands for the name 'Rose' in English.

Example sentences with  rosa

The Spanish word 'rosario' translates to 'rosary' in English. It is a string of beads that are used primarily by Roman Catholics for prayers, counting the prayers as they recite them aloud or in their mind. The rosary is considered very holy and is commonly used during personal or group prayer times. The word 'rosario' can also be used as a personal name in some Spanish-speaking regions.

Example sentences with  rosario

The Spanish word 'rotonda' translates to 'roundabout' in English. In road infrastructure, a roundabout is a type of circular intersection or junction in which road traffic is allowed to flow in one direction around a central island, and priority is typically given to the circulating traffic. It's a notable feature in managing traffic flow and it's used all over the world.

Example sentences with  rotonda
rotulador de punta fina
thin-tipped marker

The Spanish phrase 'rotulador de punta fina' translates to 'thin-tipped marker' in English. A 'thin-tipped marker' is a writing tool which uses ink and has a very fine or thin tip. These markers are typically used for detailed work or smaller text as they allow for more precise marking or writing.

rotulador de punta gruesa
thick-tipped marker

The Spanish phrase 'rotulador de punta gruesa' directly translates to 'thick-tipped marker' in English. It is made up of three parts: 'rotulador' meaning marker, 'de' meaning of, and 'punta gruesa' meaning thick tip. This phrase would be used to refer to a specific type of marker pen that has a thicker tip, which allows for broader strokes and is commonly used in art and design for creating large, bold lines and filling in large spaces quickly. It might also be used in business or educational settings for marking charts, posters, or other visual aids.

rotulador fluorescente
fluorescent marker

The Spanish phrase 'rotulador fluorescente' translates to 'fluorescent marker' in English. It is typically used to describe a type of marker pen which has brightly colored, fluorescent ink. These markers are usually used for highlighting text in books, notes or documents to easily identify and remember important information.

rozar los zapatos
spray the shoes

The phrase 'rozar los zapatos' in English does not mean 'spray the shoes'. It translates to 'to brush the shoes' or 'to graze the shoes'. However, the use of this phrase in specific contexts may vary. In general, 'rozar' means to touch or scrape lightly, and 'los zapatos' means the shoes. Therefore, the phrase can be understood as to barely touch or lightly scrape the shoes.


The Spanish word 'ruborizarse' translates to 'blushing' in English. This is a reflexive verb, frequently used to describe the act of turning red in the face, especially as a result of embarrassment, shame, or modesty. It is an involuntary reaction that typically occurs due to emotional stress associated with passion, embarrassment, shyness or anger.


The Spanish word 'rueda' translates to 'wheel' in English. A wheel is a circular component that is intended to rotate on an axle bearing. This object is a fundamental part of many machines, particularly vehicles like cars, bicycles, and carts. The word 'rueda' may also be used in Spanish to refer to certain types of dances or other contexts where the concept of turning or rotation is significant.

Example sentences with  rueda
rueda de repuesto
spare wheel

The term 'rueda de repuesto' in Spanish refers to what is known in English as a 'spare wheel' or 'spare tire'. It is a spare part that is crucial for any vehicle. In the event of a tire puncture or other forms of tire damage while driving, the 'rueda de repuesto' can be used as a replacement to help the driver continue their journey without significant delays. It is highly recommended for all vehicles to have one 'rueda de repuesto' for emergency situations.

Example sentences with  rueda de repuesto

Rugby is a team sport that involves running with the ball in hand. It's played between two teams each seeking to win by scoring more points through tries, conversions, penalty kicks, and field goals.

Example sentences with  Rugby

The Spanish word 'rugir' translates to 'roar' in English. It is often used to describe the loud, deep sound made by wild animals such as lions or tigers. Similarly, it can also be used to denote a loud, deep, or harsh sound produced by natural phenomenon like thunder or sea waves. In literature or other forms of expressive writing and speaking, 'rugir' may be used metaphorically to convey great anger or intensity.

Example sentences with  rugir

The word 'rural' in Spanish is directly translated to 'rural' in English. It is predominantly used to describe areas, communities or populations in the countryside or on the outskirts of urban areas. These areas are typically characterized by a low population density and small settlements. Agricultural activities often take place in rural areas, and these areas are also usually areas rich in natural resources. Similar to its English definition, 'rural' in Spanish can also symbolize a simplistic, traditional or relaxed way of living, in contrast to the hustle and bustle associated with city life.

Example sentences with  rural

The Spanish word 'rústico' translates to 'rustic' in English. This adjective is often used to refer to something that is simple, charming, and quite often related to the rural countryside. It can be used to describe a variety of things, including a style of decor, a type of food, or the general feeling of a place. Consistent with its English counterpart, 'rústico' can convey a sense of unrefined, yet appealing and accessible simplicity.

Example sentences with  rústico

The Spanish word 'ruta' translates to 'route' in English. It is generally used to describe a way or track laid down for walking or made by the constant passage of people or vehicles, similar to its English counterpart. It can also refer to a method, direction, or course of action designed to achieve a particular outcome.

Example sentences with  ruta
to know

'Saber' is used when you know a fact or piece of information or if you are familiar with a skill.

Example sentences with  saber
saber de memoria
memory knowledge

The Spanish phrase 'saber de memoria' refers to the concept of having something memorized or knowing something by heart in English. This phrase is typically used when someone has learned or memorized something to such an extent that they can recall it without having to think about it. It is often used in contexts related to education and knowledge, such as learning a poem by heart or memorizing a set of information.

sabor agradable
pleasant flavor

The Spanish phrase 'sabor agradable' translates to 'pleasant flavor' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of food and drinks to describe a satisfying or enjoyable taste. It can also be used metaphorically to denote a pleasant experience or feeling.

sabor bueno
taste good

The Spanish term 'sabor bueno' translates into English as 'taste good'. It is an expression frequently used in contexts associated with food and taste. It refers to something that has a pleasant flavor or, in a broader sense, suggests positive approval or appreciation. Remember to use these words to express your enjoying something tasty during your spanish conversations.

saborear el éxito
savor the success

The Spanish phrase 'saborear el éxito' translates to 'savor the success' in English. This phrase can be used when someone is truly enjoying or taking pleasure from their achievements or victories. Just as one might savor a delicious meal, taking the time to really taste it and enjoy it, the same concept can be applied to success. Hence, 'saborear el éxito' not just means achieving success, but also truly appreciating and relishing in that success.

saborear el triunfo
savor the triumph

The Spanish phrase 'saborear el triunfo' translates to 'savor the triumph' in English. It can be used to describe the act of thoroughly enjoying or taking satisfaction in a victory or a success. The phrase is not literal, meaning you aren't actually tasting anything, but it is metaphorical, depicting the enjoyment of victory as similar to enjoying a good meal.

saborear la victoria
savor the victory

The Spanish phrase 'saborear la victoria' translates to 'savor the victory' in English. This is a metaphorical phrase often used when someone wants to deeply enjoy or take pleasure in a victory or success. It implies not just achieving victory, but also thoroughly relishing in the experience and emotions associated with winning. The exact context in which it is used can vary, such as sports matches, competitions, business ventures or personal achievements. The phrase champions the idea of not just achieving, but truly appreciating one's accomplishments.

saborear un plato
savor a dish

The Spanish phrase 'saborear un plato' translates to 'savor a dish' in English. It implies not just eating, but enjoying and relishing every bite of the dish. The term 'saborear' is derived from 'sabor' which means 'flavor'. It's often used in contexts where the food is considered to be exceptionally enjoyable, causing the eater to take their time to fully experience and appreciate the meal.

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