Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish term for risk is 'riesgo'. It is commonly used in the same context as in English, which is to describe a situation involving exposure to danger or the possibility that something unpleasant or unwelcome will happen. An example sentence in Spanish would be 'Existe un riesgo si no tomas precauciones', which translates to 'There is a risk if you don't take precautions.'

Example sentences with  riesgo
riesgos laboral(es)
occupational hazards

The Spanish term 'riesgos laboral(es)' translates to 'occupational hazards' in English. In an employment context, it refers to the potential harms, dangers, or uncomfortable conditions that may be encountered in a workplace. It encompasses a wide variety of issues, such as physical injuries, psychological stresses, diseases or illnesses that can arise or be exacerbated due to job tasks, work climate or lack of safety measures. Organizations often strive to mitigate occupational hazards to maintain the well-being of their workforce.


The Spanish word 'rimar' translates to 'rhyme' in English. This is a verb that refers to the action of creating or using rhymes, which are words that end with the same sounds. This is commonly used in poetry and songs to give a pleasant rhythm and structure. Similarly in Spanish, 'rimar' is used in writing and reciting poetry and song lyrics.

Example sentences with  rimar

The Spanish word 'rímel' translates to 'mascara' in English. Mascara is a cosmetic commonly used to enhance the eyelashes. It may darken, thicken, lengthen, and/or define the eyelashes. It is usually in a tube with a round brush for applying the product on the lashes. In Spanish speaking countries, the word 'rímel' is often used as a general term for mascara, regardless of brand.

Example sentences with  rímel

The Spanish word 'riñón' translates to 'kidney' in English. The kidney is a vital organ in the body, commonly known for its role in filtering the body's blood to remove waste and extra fluid, producing urine. The term 'riñón' can be used in various contexts in Spanish, especially in the fields of medicine and health. However, it may also appear in everyday conversation, representing an essential part of the Spanish language vocabulary.


'Río' is the Spanish word for 'River'. This term is used to describe a large, flowing body of water that usually empties into a sea or ocean. Just like in English, this term is used in geographical contexts or in metaphoric expressions, such as 'vida es un río', referring to the flow of life.

Example sentences with  río

The Spanish word 'riqueza' translates to 'wealth' in English. It refers to an abundance of valuable possessions or money. This noun illustrates the state of being rich and prosperity. The word 'riqueza' can be used in various contexts such as describing a person's wealth, a country's wealth, or the 'wealth' of knowledge someone has. Just like in English, 'riqueza' can be both tangible, like owning a lot of property, and intangible, like having a wealth of experience or skills.


Ritmo, which stands for 'Rhythm', is a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound.

Example sentences with  ritmo

The Spanish word 'rizo' translates to 'curly' in English. In most contexts, it is used to describe the texture or shape of things, like hair, and signifies when something is shaped or grows in a spiral pattern or coiling. For instance, if a person has 'rizos', it means they have curly hair. It can also be used metaphorically in some contexts. However, its most common usage is in describing physical attributes.


The Spanish word 'robar' translates to 'steal' in English. This is an action verb that primarily implies the taking of another person's property without their consent and with the intention of permanently depriving them of it. It can also suggest taking something unlawfully or without the owner's permission.


The Spanish word 'robo' translates to 'robbery' in English. This term refers to the act of stealing or unlawfully taking someone's possessions, often involving force or threat. It's a noun which, while most commonly associated with a crime in the physical world, can also refer to non-physical situations where a robbery of rights, opportunities, or chances takes place.


The Spanish word 'robusto' translates to 'robust' in English. In both languages, this word is used to describe something as strong, healthy, or hardy. It can apply to various contexts, from describing physical qualities, such as a robust person or animals, to more abstract use, like a robust system or plan. In essence, when something is referred to as 'robusto', it's meant to convey that it's well-constructed or capable of withstanding pressure.


The Spanish word for rock is 'roca'. This is a noun and can be used in the same way as 'rock' in English. It can refer to a large mass of stone forming a hill, cliff, promontory, or the like, or a small piece or part of a hard substance. Similar to English, it can also be used metaphorically, for example in the phrase 'eres mi roca', or 'you are my rock'.

Example sentences with  roca
rodar una película
shoot a movie

The phrase 'rodar una película' in Spanish translates to 'shoot a movie' in English. It is used in the context of film production, where the process of capturing the film on camera is known as shooting. Therefore, 'rodar una película' would typically refer to the full process of creating a movie, from setting up the scenes, to recording the footage, and finally, to editing the captured film.

Example sentences with  rodar una película

'Rodilla' is a Spanish noun and it is used to refer to the joint that connects the upper and lower parts of the leg in the human body, also known as 'Knee' in English. It doesn't mean 'kneel', it's the actual body part. Kneel, which is a verb referring to the action of resting on the knees, is translated as 'arrodillarse' in Spanish.


In Spanish, 'rojo' pertains to the color 'red'. Spanish learning beginners for instance may mock 'la manzana es roja' creation as meaning 'the apple is red'.

Example sentences with  rojo

The Spanish word for 'role' is 'rol'. It's used in much the same way it is in English, to denote the part or character someone or something has in a particular situation or context. For example, 'El tiene un rol importante en la empresa' would mean 'He has an important role in the company'.

Example sentences with  rol

The word 'romanticismo' in Spanish translates to 'romanticism' in English. It refers to a movement in the arts and literature that originated in the late 18th century, emphasizing inspiration, subjectivity, and the primacy of the individual. This term is frequently used to express a period of history, a way of thinking, a philosophical movement, or an artistic style that has emphasis on expressing personal feelings and emotions.

Example sentences with  romanticismo

Romero is a Spanish noun that translates to 'rosemary' in English. It refers to an aromatic herb used commonly in various cuisines worldwide. This herb is recognized by its small leaves and lovely smell, often used in cooking for its notable flavor. The Spanish word 'romero' might also be used metaphorically in various contexts within literature and songs.


The Spanish word 'rompecabezas' translates to 'puzzle' in English. The term 'rompecabezas' literally means 'break heads', which reflects on the mental effort one often needs to put in solving puzzles. In a puzzle, one has to assemble often complex and interlocking pieces in a specific way to make up a complete picture or pattern, which is much like the concept of a 'rompecabezas' in the Spanish language.

romper con alguien
breaking up with someone

The Spanish phrase 'romper con alguien' translates to 'breaking up with someone' in English. This phrase is generally used in the context of ending a romantic relationship. It suggests a disconnection or cessation of an ongoing personal relationship between two people.

romper el hielo
break the ice

The phrase 'romper el hielo' directly translates to 'break the ice' in English. It is used in a social context where a person attempts to mitigate tension, start a conversation, or create a more friendly environment. The English and Spanish uses of 'break the ice' are similar. This phrase is often used when meeting someone for the first time, starting a new topic of conversation, or attempting to create ease in a tense situation.

Example sentences with  romper el hielo
romper una relación
end a relationship

The Spanish phrase 'romper una relación' translates to 'end a relationship' in English. This phrase can be used in various contexts where a personal relationship or partnership is being terminated or ended. It is commonly employed in personal relationships, such as friendships or romances, when one or both parties decide to part ways. But it can also be used in a business context when a professional partnership or cooperation is being discontinued. Remember, like many phrases, the meaning can slightly vary based on the context it's used in.

romperse el corazón
break your heart

The Spanish phrase 'romperse el corazón' translates to 'break your heart' in English. This term is often used metaphorically to describe the emotional pain or grief one experiences when a deeply distressing or disappointing event occurs, such as the end of a cherished relationship, a betrayal, or loss. The phrase embodies the intense emotional suffering typical of such events, encapsulating the idea that the heart, symbolizing love and affection, can be 'broken' by sorrow.

romperse un brazo
break an arm

The Spanish phrase 'romperse un brazo' translates to 'break an arm' in English. This phrase could be used in various contexts, such as when describing an unfortunate activity or situation where someone experiences physical harm towards their arm such as in an accident or fall. Furthermore, it is crucial to note that 'romperse' is an important verb in Spanish, and it means 'to break'. Combined with 'un brazo' which translates to 'an arm', the phrase 'romperse un brazo' conveys the act of sustaining a fracture or break in the arm.

Example sentences with  romperse un brazo
romperse una pierna
break a leg

The Spanish phrase 'romperse una pierna' directly translates to 'break a leg'. In English, 'break a leg' is an idiomatic phrase commonly used in the field of performing arts to wish someone good luck in an ironic way. However, in the literal sense, it refers to the act of physically breaking one's leg, which is similar to the Spanish phrase. While it's not a phrase one would use in a day-to-day conversation, it surely reflects the rich figurative language in both cultures.

Example sentences with  romperse una pierna

The Spanish word 'ron' translates to 'rum' in English. Rum is a type of alcoholic beverage that is distilled from sugarcane byproducts such as molasses, or directly from sugarcane juice. It has a strong association with the Caribbean and Latin America due to the history and large production of sugarcane in these areas. 'Ron' is used in a variety of Spanish-speaking settings and countries, not unlike how 'rum' is understood and used universally in English-speaking regions.

ropa de calle
street clothes

The word 'ropa de calle' in Spanish translates to 'street clothes' in English. Street clothes refer to everyday clothing suitable for public appearances, as opposed to clothing designed for special activities such as sports, work, or sleeping. The term 'ropa de calle' can be often heard in many Hispanic cultures to describe casual, everyday wear.

ropa de cama
bed linen

The Spanish phrase 'ropa de cama' translates to 'bed linen' in English. This term refers to the material essentials and covering, such as sheets, blankets and pillowcases, that are typically used on a bed.

ropa de deporte
sports clothing

The Spanish phrase 'ropa de deporte' translates to 'sports clothing' in English. It is a collective term that includes various items of clothing worn for sports or physical exercise. Types of sports clothing can depend on the sport being played, and it primarily serves to provide comfort and safety. For example, 'ropa de deporte' can reference jerseys, tracksuits, swimwear, shoes specially designed for sports, among other items. The use of appropriate 'ropa de deporte' is an integral part of many sports.

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