Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

reunión cordial
cordial meeting

The Spanish term 'reunión cordial' translates to 'cordial meeting' in English. It is used to describe a warm and friendly meeting among equals, generally organized with a purpose or agenda. This could be a meeting in a personal setting, such as a friendly get-together, or in a professional context, such as a calm and amicable business meeting. The adjective 'cordial' suggests a sense of respect, amiability, and goodwill amongst participants.

reunión de antiguos alumnos
meeting of former students

The Spanish phrase 'reunión de antiguos alumnos' directly translates to 'meeting of former students' in English. This phrase is commonly used to refer to events such as class reunions, where individuals who formerly attended the same school or university gather together to reminisce about their past experiences. This phrase can be broken down into three components: 'reunión' meaning 'meeting', 'de' translating to 'of', and 'antiguos alumnos' meaning 'former students'. This phrase typifies the tendency of Spanish language to use noun phrases where English would often use a single, more specific word.

reunión de socios
partner meeting

The Spanish phrase 'reunión de socios' translates to 'partner meeting' in English. This term is often used in business and corporate settings, referring to a gathering or assembly of business partners or stakeholders. Such meetings generally involve discussions, planning, and decision-making processes related to the organization's business operations or strategies.

reunión de vecinos
Neighborhood meeting

The Spanish term 'reunión de vecinos' translates to 'neighborhood meeting' in English. It typically refers to a gathering or assembly of people living in the same neighborhood or community. During this meeting, individuals discuss issues of common interest, make collective decisions, and plan activities or initiatives for the benefit of the neighborhood. It's a structure of local organization and common in residential areas.

reunión formal
formal meeting

The Spanish term 'reunión formal' translates to 'formal meeting' in English. It refers to a planned event at which people come together to discuss matters of common interest. Usually, it's a structured gathering with a fixed agenda that includes business matters or other serious topics. The term 'formal' emphasizes the importance or official nature of the meeting.

reunión social
social meeting

The Spanish term 'reunión social' translates to 'social meeting' in English. This means a gathering of people in a particular place for a specific purpose such as to socialize, share ideas, or participate in a common activity. These social meetings can range from informal gatherings with friends or family to formal events such as business meetings or social parties. Regardless of the purpose or the people involved, the core concept remains the same, bringing individuals together to interact and communicate.

revalorizarse la moneda
revaluate the currency

The Spanish phrase 'revalorizarse la moneda' translates to 'revaluate the currency' in English. This typically refers to the process in which the value of a particular currency is adjusted, often due to changes in economic conditions or market trends. In such a process, the objective is often to stabilize the currency by addressing issues such as inflation or depreciation, and to restore confidence in the economic stability of the area that the currency represents. This term is widely used in economic and financial contexts.

Example sentences with  revalorizarse la moneda
revelar un carrete
reveal a reel

The Spanish phrase 'revelar un carrete' translates to 'reveal a reel' in English. It's often used in the context of developing film from a film roll, a process which brings the captured images to life. In a broader context, it may also suggest the notion of unveiling or uncovering something.

Example sentences with  revelar un carrete
revelar una foto(grafía)
reveal a photo(graphic)

The Spanish phrase 'revelar una foto(grafía)' translates to 'reveal a photo(graphic)' in English. The word 'revelar' means 'to reveal', 'una' means 'a', and 'foto(grafía)' serves to mean 'photo(graphic)'. Typically, the phrase can be used in the context of revealing or developing a photographic image from a negative or a digital file in a photo laboratory, or in wider contexts, to disclose or display a photo or an image to people. It is indeed an interesting phrase that helps understand the conjunction functions in Spanish language.

Example sentences with  revelar una foto(grafía)
revisar la instalación eléctrica
check the electrical installation

The Spanish phrase 'revisar la instalación eléctrica' translates into English as 'check the electrical installation'. It is a directive phrase often used by electrical technicians or homeowners referring to the act of checking or inspecting the entire setup or network of electrical wires, circuits, outlets and appliances in a building or structure to ensure they are functioning properly and safely.

revisar las actas
review of records

The Spanish phrase 'revisar las actas' translates to 'review of records' in English. It is often used in legal, professional, and educational contexts where documents or records must be examined or reassessed. The verb 'revisar' means to review, check, or inspect, while 'las actas' refers to the records, often ones that have been officially recorded in a formal meeting or an event.

revisar un examen
review a review

The Spanish phrase 'revisar un examen' translates to 'review an exam' in English. It's often used in an academic or learning context, where a teacher or student might need to look over an examination to check the answers or understand the evaluated content better. This phrase is a common command or task within these settings, ensuring the accuracy and understanding of material.

revisar una prueba
review a test

The Spanish phrase 'revisar una prueba' refers to the action of taking a closer look at a 'test' or 'exam', typically with the objective of analyzing, assessing or understanding it better. This may involve going through the test questions, correcting or scoring the responses, or giving another evaluation to ensure accuracy. The equivalent phrase in English would be 'to review a test'. It is applicable in educational contexts and other areas where tests are utilized for assessment.

revisión a fondo
in-depth review

The Spanish term 'revisión a fondo' translates to 'in-depth review' in English. It refers to a comprehensive, detailed examination or analysis of a subject or issue. This phrase is typically used in contexts where thorough scrutiny or close inspection is necessary to fully understand a topic or situation. For instance, it might be used in business or education to suggest a more meticulous analysis of reports, research, or complex problems, beyond a mere surface-level understanding.

Example sentences with  revisión a fondo
revisión anual
Annual review

The Spanish term 'revisión anual' translates to 'annual review' in English. This phrase can be commonly found in workplaces or businesses where the performance of an individual or a system is reviewed on a yearly basis for improvement. 'Revisión' means 'review' in Spanish, indicating an examination or assessment of something with the possibility or intention of instituting change if necessary. 'Anual' translates to 'annual' in English, which means happening once every year.

Example sentences with  revisión anual
revisión dental
dental review

The Spanish phrase 'revisión dental' directly translates to 'dental review' in English. It is used in health and medical contexts, specifically referring to the process where a dentist checks an individual's teeth for any issues or anomalies. This includes looking for cavities, gum disease, and other dental health concerns. This concept is important as regular 'revisiones dentales' or 'dental reviews' are a significant part of maintaining one's overall health.

Example sentences with  revisión dental
revisión ginecológica
gynecological exam

The Spanish term 'revisión ginecológica' translates to 'gynecological exam' in English. A 'revisión ginecológica' is a routine medical examination carried out by a gynecologist. This exam generally assesses women's reproductive health. It includes a series of tests and evaluations such as a pap smear, pelvic examination, breast examination, and may involve other procedures designed to identify and prevent potential diseases or abnormalities occurring in the female reproductive system.

Example sentences with  revisión ginecológica
revisión periódica
periodic review

The Spanish phrase 'revisión periódica' translates to 'periodic review' in English. This means a review or an evaluation of something that is done periodically, or at regular intervals. It often refers to procedures designed to assess performance, progress, health, or other areas of concern on a scheduled basis, such as daily, weekly, monthly, or annually.

Example sentences with  revisión periódica
revista literario
literary magazine

The Spanish phrase 'revista literario' translates to 'literary magazine' in English. This refers to a type of periodical featuring literature, which could include a variety of writings such as poems, short stories, essays, and literary criticism, among other types of literary work. These magazines are often published on a regular schedule, such as monthly or quarterly, and are a platform where both established and emerging writers can showcase their work.

Example sentences with  revista literario
revolución industrial
industrial revolution

The term 'revolución industrial' translates to 'industrial revolution' in English. Industrial revolution refers to the period of major industrialization that occurred during the late 1700s and early 1800s. This period saw the advent of new manufacturing processes, transforming economies that were largely based on agriculture and handicrafts into economies based on large-scale industry, mechanized manufacturing, and the factory system. Major changes in agriculture, mining, manufacturing and transport had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions of the time. It began in Great Britain and eventually spread to Western Europe and the United States.

Example sentences with  revolución industrial

In Spanish, 'rey' is the word for 'king'. It's generally used to refer to the male ruler of a nation who usually inherits his position by virtue of birth- similar to the usage in English. It can also be used metaphorically to represent someone who is best at something, or to denote extreme importance in a specific context.

Example sentences with  rey

The Spanish word 'rezar' refers to the act of speaking to a deity or higher power, often in the form of a fervent request or expression of thanks. This action, known in English as 'pray', is often a central part of religious or spiritual practices. 'Rezar' can imply both the formal act of prayer, such as in a religious service, or a personal, informal pray, such as praying for good weather or for a loved one's health.

Example sentences with  rezar

The Spanish word 'ribera' translates to 'shore' in English. In geographical terms, a shore or shoreline is the fringe of land at the edge of a large body of water, such as an ocean, sea, or large lake. It is a significant geographical concept that differs from other terms like coast, beach, and bank. 'Ribera' in Spanish is used in the same context, to describe the strip of land that meets with a body of water.

Example sentences with  ribera

The Spanish word 'Rico' translates to 'Rich' in English. In Spanish, it is typically used to describe people who possess a lot of wealth or property. However, it can also be used in a broader sense to refer to things that are rich, like food that has a rich flavor. The usage of the term 'Rico' in Spanish can be context-dependent, just like the word 'Rich' in English.

rico en calcio
rich in calcium

The Spanish phrase 'rico en calcio' translates to 'rich in calcium' in English. This phrase might be used in dietary and health contexts, often referring to food or drink that has a high content of calcium. Calcium is a crucial mineral for the human body, supporting the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth, amongst other functions. Thus, a diet 'rico en calcio' can contribute significantly to a person's health and well-being.

rico en calorías
rich in calories

The Spanish phrase 'rico en calorías' translates to 'rich in calories' in English. This is often used to describe food or meals that have a high calorie content. For example, a dessert like a chocolate cake could be described as 'rico en calorías'. It's important to note that this phrase can also be used metaphorically to describe something as 'full of', 'packed with' or 'rich with' a certain attribute or quality.

rico en fibra
rich in fiber

The Spanish phrase 'rico en fibra' translates to 'rich in fiber' in English. Typically, this phrase is used in the context of nutrition and health, often to describe certain foods that contain large amounts of dietary fiber. Including fiber-rich foods in your diet can contribute to better digestion, a feeling of fullness, and other health benefits.

rico en proteínas
rich in protein

The Spanish phrase 'rico en proteínas' translates to 'rich in protein' in English. It is often used to describe food or meals that contain a high amount of protein. Protein is a essential nutrient important for the repair, maintenance and growth of body tissues. Examples of foods that could be described as 'rico en proteínas' include meat, fish, eggs, and legumes.

rico en vitaminas
rich in vitamins

The Spanish phrase 'rico en vitaminas' translates to 'rich in vitamins' in English. This phrase is often used in nutritional contexts to describe foods or meals that have a high vitamin content. In a sentence, you might use 'rico en vitaminas' to say something like 'Este plato es rico en vitaminas', which means 'This dish is rich in vitamins'.


The term 'riego' refers to the process, technique, or method of watering plants, fields, or landscaped areas. It is a critical activity in the farming, gardening, and agricultural sectors, regulating water utilization to seed or assist in the growth of plants. The term irrigation in English matches the understanding of 'riego' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  riego
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