Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


A 'Restaurante' is a business that serves prepared food and beverages to patrons. Food service, the experience and the location of the restaurant, can be a main selling point.

Example sentences with  restaurante
restaurante chino
Chinese restaurant

The Spanish term 'restaurante chino' directly translates to 'Chinese restaurant' in English. This term is used commonly in Spanish-speaking regions to denote a dining establishment that primarily serves Chinese food. The cuisines offered in such a restaurant may range from various regional dishes from China or may be localized versions of Chinese dishes tailored to suit the local palate. The term encompasses standalone restaurants as well as food-chain establishments that serve Chinese food.

restaurante de cuatro tenedores
four-star restaurant

The Spanish phrase 'restaurante de cuatro tenedores' directly translates to 'four forks restaurant' in English. However, it is often interpreted as 'four-star restaurant'. The 'four forks' is a Spanish rating system for restaurants, similar to the 'star' rating system often used in English speaking countries. Therefore, a 'restaurante de cuatro tenedores' is a top-quality restaurant with high standards in terms of both food and service.

restaurante de fama internacional
internationally renowned restaurant

The Spanish phrase 'restaurante de fama internacional' translates to 'internationally renowned restaurant' in English. This phrase would typically be used to describe a restaurant that is well-known around the world for its excellent food, service and overall dining experience. It suggests that the restaurant has a high reputation and has received recognition or awards from international food or restaurant associations, critics or media.

restaurante de lujo
luxury restaurant

The phrase 'restaurante de lujo' in Spanish translates to 'luxury restaurant' in English. This is a term often used to describe high-end, upscale dining establishments which provide high-level of food service and an elaborate meal, often consisting of several courses. Luxury restaurants often focus on top-notch ambiance, a wide variety of gourmet and exotic dishes, exceptional customer service, and are most often significantly more costly than ordinary restaurants.

restaurante italiano
Italian restaurant

'Restaurante italiano' is a Spanish term that translates to 'Italian restaurant' in English. An Italian restaurant is a dining establishment that specializes in Italian cuisine. This can include a wide variety of dishes such as pasta, pizza, risotto, lasagna, and many others. Besides, an Italian restaurant often reflects the Italian culture, authentic Italian cooking style and atmosphere.

restaurante mexicano
Mexican restaurant

The phrase 'restaurante mexicano' translates to 'Mexican restaurant' in English. This can refer to a restaurant that serves Mexican cuisine, which includes foods and dishes originating from the country of Mexico. These might include tacos, enchiladas, tamales, and many other dishes. Mexican restaurants might be found all around the world, reflecting the global popularity of Mexican food.

restaurante sencillo
simple restaurant

The Spanish phrase 'restaurante sencillo' translates to 'simple restaurant' in English. It can refer to a dining establishment that has a simple setting and menu, focusing on providing basic meals rather than elaborate dishes or a grand dining experience. Such restaurants are usually affordable and are common in areas where people aim for quick, uncomplicated meals. Examples may include local eateries or cafes.

restaurante vegetariano
vegetarian restaurant

The phrase 'restaurante vegetariano' in Spanish translates to 'vegetarian restaurant' in English. This relates to a dining establishment where all the food being served are plant-based and do not have any meat or animal product. It is a place for individuals who prefer to consume meals that are more environment-friendly and are known to be healthier. Such restaurants offer diverse choices varying from vegetable dishes, salads, plant-based protein, and meat substitutes.


The Spanish word 'resucitar' translates to 'resurrect' in English. It is a verb used to refer to the action of bringing someone or something back to life. In a literal sense, it is a term often associated with spiritual or religious contexts, particularly related to the belief in life after death in Christianity. Metaphorically, it can also be used to express the idea of revitalizing, rejuvenating, or restoring something that was previously inactive or in decline.

Example sentences with  resucitar

The Spanish word 'resultado' is used similarly to English 'result'–it can refer to an outcome or consequence, or the end product of a calculation or experiment. For example, 'el resultado del partido fue 3-2' means 'the result of the match was 3-2'. It is also used in mathematical contexts, just like in English.

Example sentences with  resultado
resumir un texto
summarize a text

The Spanish phrase 'resumir un texto' translates to 'summarize a text' in English. It refers to the action of condensing the main ideas or concepts of a text into a shorter form, maintaining the essence of the original content. As a verb, 'resumir' relates to the reduction of information, while 'un texto' is simply 'a text' or work of literature, a newspaper article, a manual, among others, that can be summarized.

Example sentences with  resumir un texto

The Spanish word 'resurrección' translates to 'resurrection' in English. It is most commonly used to refer to the concept of coming back to life after death. In religious context, particularly Catholicism, 'resurrección' is highly significant as it refers to the belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his crucifixion. However, the word can also be used metaphorically in everyday conversation to describe the revitalization or revival of any phenomenon or entity.

Example sentences with  resurrección
retirar dinero
withdraw money

The Spanish phrase 'retirar dinero' translates to 'withdraw money' in English. This term is often used in a banking or financial context, referring to the action of taking money out of a bank account. It's important to note that 'retirar' could also be used in other contexts to refer to the action of removing or taking away something. Similarly, 'dinero' is a versatile word that refers to money and can be used in various contexts, such as shopping, salary, cost, and more.

retirar el primer plato
remove the first dish

The Spanish phrase 'retirar el primer plato' translates to 'remove the first dish' in English. This could be used in a dining or kitchen context, referring to the action of clearing away the initial course in a meal. It can be useful phrase for those working in a restaurant or hospitality setting, or in a home context when managing a formal meal with multiple courses.

retirar el segundo plato
remove the second dish

The Spanish phrase 'retirar el segundo plato' translates to 'remove the second dish' in English. This could be used in a dining or kitchen scenario, when one is done with their second course of a meal, or when clearing the table for the next course. In a broader context, it can also be used metaphorically in any situation where something is being replaced or removed for something else.


The Spanish verb 'retirarse' translates to 'withdraw' in English. It can be utilized in many contexts, such as leaving a location, stepping back from a situation, or ceasing to participate in an event or activity. This is a reflexive verb, which means its action refers back to the doer. Therefore, the subject performs the action upon themselves. For example, 'Yo me retiro' means 'I withdraw myself' or just 'I withdraw'.

retirarse un deportista
withdraw a sportsman

The Spanish expression 'retirarse un deportista' can be translated into English as 'a sportsman withdraws'. This essentially refers to a scenario where a sports person, like an athlete or a footballer, decides to quit or step back from their sports career. This could be due to various reasons that could range from injuries, personal issues, age factor or simply the desire to pursue other areas of interest. Also, 'retirarse' can imply retiring from a single event or match, not only from the entire sports activity.

retomar los estudios
resume studies

The Spanish phrase 'retomar los estudios' translates to 'resume studies' in English. This is often used in the context when someone had paused their studies or education for a certain period, and now they are returning or planning to return to continue their studies. It's similar to the English phrase 'pick up where one left off' in study or work situations.

retransmitir un programa
retransmitting a program

The Spanish phrase 'retransmitir un programa' translates to 'retransmitting a program' in English. This term is typically used in the context of broadcasting, where a program that has previously been transmitted or broadcasted is being transmitted again. It can apply to various forms of media including television and radio programs, podcasts, etc. Retransmission can be useful for reaching audiences who may have missed the original broadcast or for emphasizing important points within the program.

retransmitir una noticia
relaying news

The Spanish phrase 'retransmitir una noticia' translates to 'relaying news' in English. It's mostly used in the context of broadcasting or journalistic communication where information or news is being passed on or relayed from one person or outlet to another. For instance, it could be used when a news station is sharing a story that was originally reported by another source or when a person is passing on the news they heard from someone else. This phrase relates to the idea of disseminating information.

retrasar un vuelo
delay a flight

The Spanish phrase 'retrasar un vuelo' translates to 'delay a flight' in English. In a sentence, one might use this phrase to convey that a flight has been postponed or delayed due to unforeseen circumstances such as bad weather or technical issues. In such context, 'retrasar' means to delay, and 'un vuelo' means a flight.

Example sentences with  retrasar un vuelo

The Spanish word 'retrato' translates to 'portrait' in English. This term generally refers to an artistic representation or depiction of a person, where the countenance and its expression are predominant. The intent of a portrait is to display the likeness, personality, and even mood of an individual. 'Retrato' is often used in contexts such as photography, painting, sculpting, and other forms of art where individuals are depicted.

Example sentences with  retrato
retrato robot
portrait robot

The Spanish term 'retrato robot' translates to 'portrait robot' in English. It's used to refer to a composite image created, typically digitally, to represent someone's face as described by a witness. This is often used by law enforcement authorities to help identify suspects in crimes. In a broader sense, 'retrato robot' can also refer to any generated representations or models of a person's face or figure.


The Spanish word 'retribución' translates to 'retribution' in English. It can be used in various contexts, but primarily it is related to the concept of punishment or reward corresponding in severity or quantity to the action it is responding to. It also carries the connotation of 'payback' or 'compensation' in certain scenarios. Similar to its usage in English, 'retribución' can be used both in a legal context and in more everyday situations.

to give back

The Spanish word 'retribuir' translates to 'to give back' in English. It is often used to denote a response or reciprocation to a previously received favor, action, or compliment. The use of 'retribuir' implies a sense of gratitude or compensatory action on behalf of the speaker, indicating their intention to return the favor or balance the act of giving and receiving. In general, 'retribuir' is used in situations requiring actions of kindness, repayments, or positive reciprocal behavior.


'Retroalimentación' refers to advice, criticism or information about one's performance in an effort to improve. It's a key part especially in educational or professional settings where a person is learning a new skill or subject.

Example sentences with  retroalimentación
overhead projector

The Spanish word 'retroproyector' translates to 'overhead projector' in English. An overhead projector is an optical device used to project an image onto a screen, often presented in classrooms or business meetings. The image to be projected is placed onto a transparency, which is placed onto the overhead projector. Then, light from a source inside the projector passes through the transparency and forms a magnified image on a screen. The term 'retroproyector' in Spanish refers to this piece of equipment.

rear viewer

The Spanish word 'retrovisor' translates to 'rear viewer' in English. It is mainly used to refer to a car's rear-view mirror. This mirror, as the name suggests, allows drivers to view what's happening behind their vehicle. It's an essential part of any vehicle for the purpose of safety and navigation.

Example sentences with  retrovisor

The Spanish word 'reunión' is used to denote a gathering or assembly of people for a specific purpose. This can be a business meeting, a social gathering, or even a meet-up with friends. Much like 'meeting' in English, 'reunión' can be used in various contexts, yet the purpose remains the same – a planned occasion when people come together, often to make decisions or discuss ideas.

Example sentences with  reunión
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