Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

residuos atómicos
atomic waste

The term 'residuos atómicos' in Spanish translates to 'atomic waste' in English. 'Atomic waste', also referred to as 'nuclear waste', is a kind of waste that results from nuclear reactions. It contains radioactive materials and is a byproduct of processes related to nuclear technology such as nuclear fission, medicine, and nuclear power production. 'Residuos atómicos' or 'atomic waste' is often categorized based on its radioactivity level, with some varieties requiring specialized long-term storage due to high levels of radioactivity.

Example sentences with  residuos atómicos
residuos radiactivos
radioactive waste

The term 'residuos radiactivos' in Spanish translates to 'radioactive waste' in English. Radioactive waste is a type of hazardous waste that contains radioactive material. It is usually produced by nuclear power plants, nuclear technology research and development institutions, and nuclear medicine procedures. It needs to be properly managed and disposed of to prevent harm to human health and the environment due to its highly dangerous nature.

Example sentences with  residuos radiactivos
residuos tóxicos
toxic waste

The term 'residuos tóxicos' translates to 'toxic waste' in English. It refers to unwanted and hazardous materials produced by industrial, agricultural, and residential actions. These materials, if improperly managed, pose a significant risk to the environment and public health. Toxic waste includes heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals, solvents, and certain types of radioactive materials. Proper disposal methods are crucial to mitigating the potential negative impacts of toxic waste.

Example sentences with  residuos tóxicos

The Spanish word 'resignación' translates to 'resignation' in English. This can refer either to the act of resigning from a position or job, or to a state of acceptance or submission often in the face of something undesirable or inevitable. It is a noun and often used in situations that require giving up control or letting go of a certain situation or outcome.


The Spanish word 'resignado' translates to 'resigned' in English. It is often used to describe a state of passive acceptance, where an individual has given up against resisting something or has accepted something they cannot change. Keep in mind, it's used in various contexts and conjugations depending on the sentence and subject it refers to.


The Spanish word 'resignarse' translates to 'resign' in English. However, it doesn't directly refer to quitting a job, like how 'resign' is often used in English. Instead, 'resignarse' is more about accepting or submitting oneself to a situation that cannot be changed. It conveys a sense of giving up, surrendering, or making peace with something out of our control.


The word 'resoluciones' is used in Spanish in a similar context as in English, often referring to decisions made by an individual or group. It can be used in both formal contexts such as legal or business resolutions, and in personal contexts like New Year's resolutions.

Example sentences with  resoluciones
resolver una duda
solve a doubt

The Spanish phrase 'resolver una duda' translates directly into English as 'to solve a doubt'. However, a more common equivalent in English is 'to clear up a doubt' or 'to resolve a doubt'. It refers to the action of finding a solution or answer to a doubt or question one might have. This phrase is often used in both academic and everyday-life contexts.

resolver una ecuación
resolve an equation

The Spanish phrase 'resolver una ecuación' translates to 'resolve an equation' in English. However, it is important to note that 'resolver' has a broader scope in Spanish and can mean to solve, to answer or to resolve depending on the context. Similarly, 'una ecuación' refers to a mathematical statement consisting of an equals sign and two sides of an equation that holds true. Thus, 'resolver una ecuación' implies the process of finding a solution to a mathematical problem or equation.

Example sentences with  resolver una ecuación

The Spanish word 'respetar' translates to 'respect' in English. It is a verb and it expresses the concept of admiration for someone because of their qualities, accomplishments, or abilities. It can also denote consideration or regard for someone's feelings, wishes, or rights. In a broader sense, 'respetar' can be used in various contexts to imply deference or courtesy.

Example sentences with  respetar
respetar el código de circulación
respect the traffic code

The phrase 'respetar el código de circulación' in Spanish translates to 'respect the traffic code' in English. It essentially means to follow all the rules and regulations established to regulate the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. These rules could include traffic signals, road signs, and the speed limit among other regulations. It is fundamentally about responsible and appropriate conduct when using the road, for the safety and efficiency of all road users.

Example sentences with  respetar el código de circulación
respetar el código de circulación
respect the traffic code

The phrase 'respetar el código de circulación' in Spanish translates to 'respect the traffic code' in English. It's a common phrase related to adhering to driving and transportation rules and laws in a place. The emphasis on 'respect' implies not just about knowledge of the rules but following them for the safety and wellbeing of themselves and other road users.

Example sentences with  respetar el código de circulación
respetar el límite de velocidad
respect the speed limit

The Spanish phrase 'respetar el límite de velocidad' translates to 'respect the speed limit' in English. It is an instruction often used in the context of driving, asking drivers to not exceed the speed limit set on a particular road or highway for safety reasons. It can also be used metaphorically in other contexts to imply that one should not exceed certain boundaries or limits.

Example sentences with  respetar el límite de velocidad
respetar el medio ambiente
respect the environment

The Spanish phrase 'respetar el medio ambiente' translates to 'respect the environment' in English. This phrase denotes the belief in maintaining balance in the environment by not causing harm or overusing natural resources. It promotes eco-friendly activities, sustainability, and responsible actions that will not bring destructive impacts on the environment. The verb 'respetar' means to respect, 'el medio' means the environment, and 'ambiente' stands for atmosphere or surrounding.

Example sentences with  respetar el medio ambiente
respetar la naturaleza
respect nature

The Spanish phrase 'respetar la naturaleza' translates to 'respect nature' in English. This phrase aligns with the idea of sustainability and environmental consciousness, encouraging individuals to show consideration and care for the natural world. This might include actions such as minimizing waste, conserving resources, and protecting plants and wildlife.

Example sentences with  respetar la naturaleza
respetar las normas de circulación
respect the traffic rules

The Spanish phrase 'respetar las normas de circulación' translates to 'respect the traffic rules' in English. In a wider context, this phrase is mostly used in situations relating to road safety and vehicular travel. It is instructing to observe and abide by the rules set for traffic regulation. This might include vehicular speed, following signals, pedestrian rights and general driving demeanor. Just like in English-speaking countries, it's a common phrase to highlight the importance of safe and responsible driving in Spanish-speaking countries.

Example sentences with  respetar las normas de circulación
respetar las normas de tráfico
respect traffic regulations

The Spanish phrase 'respetar las normas de tráfico' translates to 'respect traffic regulations' in English. 'Respetar' means 'to respect', 'las normas' means 'the regulations' and 'de tráfico' means 'traffic'. This phrase is often used in the context of driving or transportation safety regulations.

Example sentences with  respetar las normas de tráfico

The Spanish word 'respirar' translates to 'breathe' in English. It is a verb used to describe the process of taking in oxygen from the air and exhaling carbon dioxide. The English equivalent 'breathe' shares the same meaning and is used similarly, to refer to the vital process that living creatures do. 'Respirar' is used in many of the same contexts as 'breathe,' such as in expressions denoting relief, exercise, meditation, and basic life function.


The Spanish word 'responder' is equivalent to 'respond' in English. It can be used similarly in various contexts where there is a need to answer or reply to a question, statement, situation or a need. For instance, 'Ella puede responder a la pregunta' translates to 'She can respond to the question'. Like its English counterpart, it is a common verb in the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  responder
responder a un correo
respond to an email

The Spanish phrase 'responder a un correo' translates to 'respond to an email' in English. This phrase might be used in both professional and informal settings, such as in an office where emails are commonly used for communication, or in personal conversations where you are asking someone if they have replied to an email yet. In usage, the phrase might have different inflections and conjugations based on who is speaking, who they're speaking to, and what tense they're speaking in.

responder a un fax
respond to a fax

The Spanish phrase 'responder a un fax' translates to 'respond to a fax' in English. This phrase might be used in a business setting or formal communication where a fax is involved. It indicates the action of sending back a response or answer to a received fax.

responder a una llamada
respond to a call

The Spanish phrase 'responder a una llamada' directly translates to 'respond to a call' in English. It is often used in situations where one is required to answer a telephone call. In regular usage, it may also mean to address or react to a certain situation, similar to the English expression 'to answer the call of duty'.

responder a una postal
answer a postcard

The phrase 'responder a una postal' in Spanish is translated as 'answer a postcard' in English. It involves the action of replying to a message or an inquiry which may be found on a postcard. It can be used in several contexts, especially when referring to an act of communication or in discussing travel correspondences. The verb 'responder' is a regular Spanish verb, common in daily conversation and formal contexts. 'Una postal' refers to a postcard, which is a typically a card with a photograph or other artwork on one side; the other side is written on and mailed without an envelope.

responder un fax
answer a fax

The Spanish term 'responder un fax' translates to 'answer a fax' in English. This is generally used in formal settings, particularly in offices where faxes are still employed for communication. The word 'responder' is a verb, meaning to answer or respond while 'un fax' refers to one fax, with 'un' representing the indefinite article 'a' and 'fax' denoting the tool for transmission of scanned documents. It can be deduced that 'responder un fax' is an action of replying or responding to a received fax.

responder una carta
answer a letter

The Spanish phrase 'responder una carta' translates to 'answer a letter' in English. It is a common phrase used to describe the act of writing a reply to a received letter. In this phrase, 'responder' is a verb which means 'to answer' or 'to respond', 'una' is an indefinite article that means 'a' or 'an', and 'carta' is a noun which can be translated as 'letter'. This phrase is often used in both formal and informal communication in the Spanish language.


The Spanish word 'responsabilidad' translates to 'accountability' in English. It is a noun often used in discussions involving duty, obligation, or liability. In a broader sense, 'responsabilidad' can also signify an individual's or organization's responsibility to carry out tasks sincerely and correctly, answering or accounting for their actions or decisions.


The Spanish word 'responsable' translates to 'responsible' in English. It's an adjective that can be used to describe a person, action, or thing that shows reliability or dependability. It denotes an obligation or the ability to act correctly and make decisions on your own. Just like in English, 'responsable' in Spanish can also apply to a role or position in which the person is expected to act on certain responsibilities.

responsable de ventas
responsible for sales

In English, 'responsable de ventas' translates to 'responsible for sales'. This term is often used in business dynamics where a specific individual or a group is designated to manage, monitor, and implement strategies related to selling a company's products or services. Their primary responsibilities may include developing sales strategies, setting sales targets, managing the sales team, and maintaining customer relationships. As 'responsable' is a noun, it can be used in a sentence where a noun is suitable.


The Spanish word for 'response' is 'respuesta'. It is used in the same context as in English, be it a reaction to something, a reply to a request, a question, or something that has been said. For example, you can say 'Su respuesta fue rápida', which translates to 'His/Her response was quick.'

Example sentences with  respuesta

The Spanish word 'restar' translates to 'subtract' in English. It's a verb that refers to the action of taking away a quantity from another. This term is commonly used in mathematics and practical applications when we need to diminish or reduce one quantity or number by another number or quantity.

Example sentences with  restar
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