Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish term 'representar' is used in many of the same contexts as the English word 'represent'. It can refer to the act of depicting, symbolizing, or standing in for something else. It may also be used in contexts like expressing something in a specified way, such as 'The results are represented in percentage form'. It can also mean to perform a role or play the part of someone in a theatrical performance.

Example sentences with  representar
representar un musical
represent a musical

The Spanish phrase 'representar un musical' translates to 'represent a musical' in English. It often refers to the process of acting, directing, or producing a musical performance or stage show. This might involve taking on a role within the performance or handling the logistics and creative elements behind the scenes.

Example sentences with  representar un musical
representar un número
represent a number

The Spanish phrase 'representar un número' translates to 'represent a number' in English. This can be used in various contexts, such as mathematics, where you may need to express one number in terms of another number or a function. It could also be used in programming, where a variable may 'represent a number' that is used in calculations. Likewise, in accounting or finance, a certain figure could 'represent a number' significant to financial reports or analyses. Even in everyday life, we 'represent numbers' in various ways such as telling time, counting objects, or representing measurements or distances.

representar una obra teatral
represent a theatrical work

The phrase 'representar una obra teatral' in Spanish implies the act of performing a piece of theatre or drama. It could be used to refer to individuals or a group of actors who are putting on a theatrical performance on stage. The phrase itself can be related to theater, drama, performance art or any context where a play or theatrical work is being performed.

Example sentences with  representar una obra teatral
representar una ópera
represent an opera

The phrase 'representar una ópera' in Spanish translates to 'represent an opera' in English. It refers to the action of performing or staging an opera, which involves acting, singing or managing the production. This could be undertaken by an individual or a group, such as a theatre company or an opera troupe, and would involve interpretation of the opera's musical and dramatic elements.

Example sentences with  representar una ópera
reproducción asistida
assisted reproduction

The term 'reproducción asistida' is Spanish for 'assisted reproduction', a field of medicine dedicated to the intervention in normal physical functions to allow for conception, primarily used when there are fertility issues. Methods include in-vitro fertilization, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, and many others.


The Spanish verb 'reproducirse' translates to 'reproduce' in English. It describes the process where living organisms create an offspring or a new individual of the same kind. This could be in the context of human beings, animals, plants, or even cells. 'Reproducirse' can be used in various tenses and grammatical constructs in Spanish, just like 'reproduce' in English.

Example sentences with  reproducirse

The Spanish word 'reptar' can be translated into English as 'to crawl' or 'to creep'. It is generally used to describe the way babies, animals, or insects move, typically on their hands and knees or on all fours, often with a slow and steady motion. It can also metaphorically refer to the gradual or stealthy progression of something.

Example sentences with  reptar

The word 'reptil' in Spanish translates to 'reptile' in English. A reptile is a type of animal that is cold-blooded, typically lays eggs, and has skin covered in scales or bony plates. Examples of reptiles include snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, and tortoises. 'Reptil' can be used in a similar way in Spanish, to refer to these types of creatures.

Example sentences with  reptil

The Spanish word 'república' translates to 'republic' in English. A republic is a form of government where power resides in the people, and the country is considered a 'public matter' with officials being representatives of the public and must govern according to existing constitution.

Example sentences with  república

The Spanish word 'republicano' which translates to 'republican' in English, typically refers to a supporter of a republic, a form of government that is not a monarchy or dictatorship, and can also denote a member of a specific political party carrying the name 'Republican'. It is often used in a political context to describe a person's political beliefs or affiliation.

Example sentences with  republicano
Spare parts

The Spanish word 'repuesto' translates to 'spare parts' in English. This typically refers to additional pieces of machinery or equipment that are kept on hand in case a part of a device or vehicle breaks down or wears out. These repuestos, or spare parts, can be crucial for maintaining the functionality of devices and equipment, particularly in industrial or technological contexts. They can also be used in home settings, such as spare parts for appliances or other household items.

Example sentences with  repuesto

The Spanish word 'repugnar' is an action verb which is equivalent to the English word 'repulse'. This term is often used to describe a strong feeling of disgust or intense aversion towards something. For instance, one might use 'repugnar' when describing something that is morally or physically repugnant, i.e., causing severe distaste and dislike.


The Spanish word 'resentimiento' translates to 'resentment' in English. Essentially, it refers to the feeling of bitterness or indignation towards someone or something due to perceived unfairness. One might hold 'resentimiento' because of past insults, neglect, or unjust treatment. This word is often used in both formal and informal language, similarly to how it is used in English. Despite its negative meaning, 'resentimiento' is a common part of the human emotional spectrum and can be found peppered throughout literature and daily conversations in the Spanish language.


The Spanish word 'reservado' translates into English as 'reserved'. It can be used in a variety of contexts such as hotel or restaurant reservations (i.e. 'reservado para' meaning 'reserved for'), indicating a reserved demeanor or nature (i.e. 'persona reservada' meaning 'reserved person'), and implying set aside or earmarked conditions (i.e. 'espacio reservado' meaning 'reserved space'). Thus, 'reservado' serves a versatile role in the Spanish language and its usage is determined based on context.

reservar un billete de autobús
book a bus ticket

The Spanish phrase 'reservar un billete de autobús' translates to 'book a bus ticket' in English. It is a phrase commonly used in travel and transit situations. 'Reservar' is a verb that means 'to book' or 'to reserve'. 'Un billete de autobús' is a noun phrase that means 'a bus ticket'. So, combined, 'reservar un billete de autobús' conveys the action of securing a spot or seat on a bus for travel.

Example sentences with  reservar un billete de autobús
reservar un billete de avión
book a plane ticket

The Spanish term 'reservar un billete de avión' translates to 'book a plane ticket' in English. The term 'reservar' directly translates to 'book', 'un billete de' translates to 'a ticket of', and 'avión' translates to 'plane'. This phrase is often used in the context of planning trips or making travel arrangements.

Example sentences with  reservar un billete de avión
reservar un billete de tren
book a train ticket

The Spanish phrase 'reservar un billete de tren' translates to 'book a train ticket' in English. This phrase is very practical and common, especially when traveling. 'Reservar' is the verb meaning 'to reserve' or 'to book', 'un' is the indefinite article 'a', 'billete' means 'ticket' and 'de tren' means 'train'. Therefore, combined, it means 'to reserve a train ticket'. This phrase can be used in a variety of situations, such as when purchasing a ticket at the station or when making an online reservation.

Example sentences with  reservar un billete de tren
reservar una entrada (por teléfono
book a ticket (by phone)

In Spanish, 'reservar una entrada (por teléfono)' means 'book a ticket (by phone)' in English. You would use this phrase when you want to reserve a ticket for an event, a show, a movie, etc. over the phone. 'Reservar' translates to 'book', 'una entrada' translates to 'a ticket', and '(por teléfono)' translates to '(by phone)'. It's quite a handy phrase to know especially if you're planning to attend any event in a Spanish-speaking country and you need to book your ticket in advance by making a call.

reservar una entrada por Internet
book a ticket online

The Spanish phrase 'reservar una entrada por Internet' translates to 'book a ticket online' in English. This is a common phrase used when one needs to make a reservation for events such as movies, concerts, theater, or other similar activities. The term 'reservar' denotes the act of booking or reserving something, 'una entrada' implies a ticket or an entry pass, and 'por Internet' corresponds to the English phrase, 'online'. All together, it implies the act of booking or reserving a ticket online.

reservar una mesa
reserve a table

The Spanish phrase 'reservar una mesa' translates to 'reserve a table' in English. This phrase is commonly used in the context of making a reservation at a restaurant or a similar establishment. For example, if you are planning to dine at a popular restaurant during peak hours, you may need to 'reservar una mesa' in advance to ensure you have a spot.


The Spanish word 'resguardo' translates to 'safeguard' in English. It is a noun that implies a measure taken to protect someone or something. In its broader sense, it also denotes providing immunity from potential danger or harm. 'Resguardo' can be used in different contexts like finance, health, security, and more. For instance, it can refer to a precautionary measure to safeguard an investment, the immunizing of a person against a disease, or securing a place against possible theft, etc.

Example sentences with  resguardo
residencia estival
summer residence

The Spanish term 'residencia estival' translates to 'summer residence' in English. This phrase is often used to describe a home or dwelling where someone lives during the summer months. This can be a house, a flat, a villa, or any property that someone owns or rents over the summer period. This term can be largely seen in tourist places or cities that are popular during the summer season. For example, a cottage in a beach city can be called a 'residencia estival' by the people living there during the summer. Note that 'residencia' means 'residence' and 'estival' means 'summer', so these words can also be used in different contexts too.

residencia para personas mayores
residence for older persons

The Spanish term 'residencia para personas mayores' translates to 'residence for older persons' in English. This is usually referred to a place where older people are taken care of, similar to a nursing home or a retirement home. These places offer suitable amenities and care services specially designed to cater the needs of old or aging people. They provide comfortable accommodation and medical support to older persons, including those who are healthy and those who may need assistance for their daily activities.

residencia permanente
permanent residence

The Spanish term 'residencia permanente' translates to 'permanent residence' in English. This term is commonly used in immigration contexts and refers to an individual's legal authorization to permanently live and work in a country where he or she is not a citizen. It's an important part of immigration laws and conversations globally. The term's usage and implications might differ depending on legislation of various countries, but it universally implies a long-term, non-temporary settlement permission.

residencia temporal
temporary residence

The term 'residencia temporal' in Spanish translates into English as 'temporary residence'. This phrase typically refers to a living arrangement that is not permanent. In practical use, it often speaks to situations where people live in a place for a short, fixed period of time, such as a student staying in a different city for a semester or a professional taking a short-term job far from home. There could be various reasons for seeking temporary residence, including work, study, or travel opportunities, among others.

residencias para discapacitados
residences for the disabled

The term 'residencias para discapacitados' translates to 'residences for the disabled' in English. These are living facilities designed to accommodate individuals with disabilities. They often contain features such as wheelchair ramps and modified layouts to cater to the various needs of the residents. The goal is to provide a comfortable living environment that enhances the quality of life of the disabled individuals and promotes their independence to the greatest extent possible.

residencias temporales
temporary residences

The Spanish term 'residencias temporales' translates to 'temporary residences' in English. It is used to describe places of accommodation where people live for a short period of time. This could apply to various situations such as vacation homes, dormitories for students, or homes people live in while their primary residence is being repaired or renovated. In a broader sense, it is a place where someone stays temporarily, making it their home for that short timespan.


The Spanish word 'residente' translates to 'resident' in English. It is used to refer to a person who lives somewhere permanently or on a long-term basis. It can be used in various contexts, such as legal, immigration, or simply to refer to the inhabitant of a house or city.

to reside

The Spanish verb 'residir' translates to 'to reside' in English. It is used to express the notion of living somewhere or in a certain place. For example, you might use the phrase 'Yo resido en España' to say 'I reside in Spain'. Just like with other Spanish verbs, 'residir' changes according to the subject and the tense, so it's worth learning its different forms.

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