Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'rendimiento' is used to refer to how well a task is being or has been done. It is often used in contexts related to work, education, athletics, or any activity where the quality, efficiency, or effectiveness of the action is important. Besides, 'rendimiento' is also used when talking about the productivity or output of machines or systems.

Example sentences with  rendimiento
RENFE (Red Nacional de Ferrocarriles Españoles)
RENFE (National Network of Spanish Railways)

RENFE (Red Nacional de Ferrocarriles Españoles) is a Spanish word referring to the National Network of Spanish Railways. It's the state-owned company which operates freight and passenger trains on the 1,668 mm (5.5 ft) Iberian gauge, 1,435 mm (4 ft 8.5 in) standard gauge, and 1,000 mm (3 ft 3.4 in) meter gauge networks in Spain. Ultimately, RENFE symbolizes both the vast history and modern development of rail transport in Spain.

Example sentences with  RENFE (Red Nacional de Ferrocarriles Españoles)

The Spanish word 'reñir' translates to 'quarrel' in English. It is typically used to depict a heated argument or disagreement between two or more parties. It's often used in the context of a verbal clash that could arise in various situations such as family disputes, political debates, personal conflicts etc. Additionally, 'reñir' might also imply the act of rebuking or scolding someone.


The 'reno' is a type of deer that inhabits the colder regions of North America, Northern Europe, and Asia. It is commonly associated with Christmas in many western cultures. The word is used in similar contexts as it would be in English, to refer to the animal itself or metaphors and cultural references based on it.

Example sentences with  reno

The Spanish word 'renovación' is used exactly how 'renewal' is used in English. It can refer to the act of making something effective for an additional period, or the act of replacing something that is worn out, run down, or broken. It's often used in contexts like lease renewal (renovación de contrato) or renewal of a driver's license (renovación de licencia de conducir).

Example sentences with  renovación
renovar el carné de conducir
renew driver's license

The Spanish phrase 'renovar el carné de conducir' translates to 'renew the driver's license' in English. It is often used in the context of administrative procedures that need to be followed in order to continue operating a motor vehicle legally. The word 'renovar' means 'to renew', 'el carné de conducir' refers to 'the driver's license'. So if you need to update or extend the validity of your driver's license in a Spanish-speaking country, this is the phrase you would use.

Example sentences with  renovar el carné de conducir
renovar el permiso de circulación
renew circulation permit

The Spanish phrase 'renovar el permiso de circulación' translates to 'renew circulation permit' in English. This phrase is commonly used in legal or administrative contexts, particularly when referring to the process by which one ensures their vehicle is legally permitted to travel on public roads. To renew a circulation permit typically involves payment of a fee and proof that the vehicle meets safety and environmental standards.

Example sentences with  renovar el permiso de circulación
renovar un contrato
renew a contract

The Spanish term 'renovar un contrato' translates directly to 'renew a contract' in English. It involves extending the duration of an existing contract, often with the same terms and conditions. This term is commonly used in business contexts, where contracts between two parties may need to be extended or renewed from time to time.

renovar un documento
renew a document

The term 'renovar un documento' in Spanish translates to 'renew a document' in English. This could potentially refer to any form of document which requires renewal after a certain period of time. Examples of such documents could include licenses, certificates, agreements, contracts, or passports etc. The process of renewal typically requires a formal request or submission of an application to the relevant authority who originally issued the document. Hence, 'renovar un documento' involves extending the validity of a document for an additional predefined duration.


The Spanish term 'renta' translates to 'rent' in English and is used in the context of payments made periodically by a tenant to an owner for the use or occupancy of property, commonly a rented house or apartment.

Example sentences with  renta

The Spanish word 'reparación' translates to 'repair' in English. It can refer to the act of fixing or mending something that is broken or damaged. It is commonly used in various contexts like repairing a car, a computer, a building or even metaphorically, as in repairing a broken relationship.

Example sentences with  reparación
reparación de equipos
repair of equipment

The Spanish phrase 'reparación de equipos' translates into English as 'repair of equipment'. This phrase is commonly used in various contexts especially in the technical and mechanical fields. It refers to the act of fixing, mending, or bringing back to a good condition, any sort of equipment or machinery that might have been damaged or dysfunctional.

Example sentences with  reparación de equipos
reparación de máquinas
repair of machines

The Spanish phrase 'reparación de máquinas' translates to 'repair of machines' in English. Within a mechanical or industrial context, this may refer to the fixing or mending of broken or malfunctioning machinery. An individual skilled in this area may be known as a mechanic or machinery technician. The scope of their work can vary largely, ranging from small appliances to larger industrial machines.

Example sentences with  reparación de máquinas
reparación de piezas
repair of parts

The Spanish phrase 'reparación de piezas' translates to 'repair of parts' in English. It is generally used in the context of mending or fixing broken parts of an item or a machine. This could relate to various fields such as auto repair, technological repair, or device maintenance. The word 'reparación' involves restoring something from a condition of damage or dysfunction back to its original, functional state, while 'piezas' refers to the separate parts or components of a larger entity.

Example sentences with  reparación de piezas
reparar una gotera
repair a drip

The Spanish phrase 'reparar una gotera' translates to 'repair a drip' in English. It is often used in household or construction contexts where a leak or drip in a pipe, roof, or other fixture may need fixing. The verb 'reparar' means to repair, and 'una gotera' refers specifically to a drip or leak.

reparar una grieta
repair a crack

The Spanish phrase 'reparar una grieta' translates in English to 'repair a crack'. It is commonly used in various settings, and the context of the phrase often helps in understanding the kind of crack being referred to, whether it is a physical crack like in a wall or a metaphorical one. This phrase is commonly used in instructional contexts, like in repair manuals or guides, or in daily conversations whenever there is a need to repair something broken or damaged.


The Spanish word 'reparto' is translated as 'distribution' in English. This can refer to the process of handing out or distributing something among a group of people. It might apply to the distribution of resources, the distribution of products in a company, or, more broadly, to any process where something is shared or apportioned. The context will often dictate the precise meaning.

to review

Repasar refers to the action of examining or reviewing something, especially material previously learned, so as to reinforce learning and facilitate retrieval of information.

Example sentences with  repasar
repasar un ejercicio
review an exercise

The Spanish phrase 'repasar un ejercicio' translates to 'review an exercise' in English. This could refer to the process of going back over an exercise in a subject such as mathematics, language learning, or any other practice exercise. It is a common phrase in educational contexts used to encourage learners to study their work, understand the corrections and mistakes to boost their proficiency in the task, subject, or skill being learned.

repasar una lección
review a lesson

The Spanish phrase 'repasar una lección' translates to 'review a lesson' in English. This phrase is typically used in educational contexts indicating that the person should revisit the material taught in a particular lesson to better understand and remember it. The verb 'repasar' specifically refers to the action of going over something again, while 'una lección' is referring to a single lesson. Thus, when learning, if you're asked to 'repasar una lección', it means you need to study the material of that lesson again.

repasar una unidad
review a unit

The Spanish phrase 'repasar una unidad' translates to 'review a unit' in English. It's usually used to indicate the action of going over academic or educational material that has been previously covered, in order to refresh or solidify knowledge of that topic. It is a common term in educational contexts, such as classroom settings, learning platforms, or in conversations related to studies and academic progression.


The Spanish word 'repetidor' translates to 'repeater' in English. A repeater is a device that receives a signal and retransmits it at a higher power level, or to the other side of an obstruction, so that the signal can cover longer distances. In a classroom setting, 'repetidor' could also refer to a student who repeats a grade or a course due to insufficient performance.


The Spanish word 'repetir' directly translates to 'repeat' in English. It is a verb that denotes the action of doing something again either once or multiple times. This could refer to a wide range of activities, such as repeating a phrase or sentence in a conversation, repeating an action, or repeating a period of time or event. The use in a sentence would depend on the context, just as with the English equivalent.

repetir el curso
repeat the course

The Spanish phrase 'repetir el curso' translates to 'repeat the course' in English. This phrase is typically used in an academic context. For instance, if a student did not achieve the necessary grade or understand the course content, they might need to 'repetir el curso', or 'repeat the course'. The verb 'repetir' means 'to repeat' and 'el curso' refers to 'the course'. Therefore, when a student is told to 'repetir el curso', they are being instructed to retake or redo the complete course to improve their understanding or grades.

repoblar los bosques
replenish forests

The Spanish phrase 'repoblar los bosques' directly translates to 'repopulate the forests' in English. However, in a slightly more conversational sense, it could also be interpreted as 'replenish the forests'. This phrase is commonly used when discussing conservation efforts, particularly the planting of trees to restore forests that have been cut down or otherwise depleted. In other words, 'repoblar los bosques' refers to the act of bringing back life to the forests by introducing more trees and plants.

Example sentences with  repoblar los bosques
reponer fuerzas

The Spanish term 'reponer fuerzas' can be translated directly as 'replenish strength' in English. However, in a more specific context, it is commonly used to imply regaining your energy or strength after exertion, particularly used in the sense of having a meal, rest or sleep to recover your energy. Furthermore, it can be used figuratively to refer to ways different from nutrition to restore your spirit or mental energy. For this reason, a closely related English equivalent would be 'replenishment'.

Example sentences with  reponer fuerzas

The Spanish word 'reportero' translates to 'reporter' in English. A reporter is a person who writes news stories for a newspaper, magazine, or broadcast news program. They conduct research and interviews to gather information on various topics or stories, and then write reports that are delivered or published to the public. 'Reportero' has the same meaning in Spanish, and is commonly used in various forms of media in Spanish-speaking countries.

representación teatral
theatrical representation

The term 'representación teatral' in Spanish translates to 'theatrical representation' in English. This term typically refers to a performance acted out on a theater stage or any dramatic presentation. This could include plays, musicals, or other live performances that aim to tell a story or express artistic concepts. The word 'representación' suggests the idea of presenting something again or bringing it to attention, while 'teatral' is derived from 'teatro' which signifies 'theater'.


The Spanish word 'representante' translates to 'representative' in English. A representative is a person chosen or appointed to act or speak for others, often within political, business or other organizational contexts. Similarly, 'representante' in Spanish is used to denote a person who stands or acts on behalf of a group, organization or another individual, often within a specific role or position. Beyond these roles, the term can be used in a number of other contexts to denote someone who embodies or showcases something, much like the diverse uses of 'representative' in English.

Example sentences with  representante
representante de empresa
company representative

In English, the Spanish term 'representante de empresa' translates to 'company representative'. This term is used in business contexts, and refers to an individual who acts as the official delegate or spokesperson for a company. They may represent the company in a variety of situations, including business negotiations, customer inquiries, or at promotional events. Their main duty is to project a positive image of the company and to negotiate and make decisions on behalf of the corporation they represent.

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