Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

relación amistosa
friendly relationship

The Spanish phrase 'relación amistosa' translates to 'friendly relationship' in English. It is used to describe a relationship or connection between two or more individuals that is marked by mutual affection and respect. The phrase is often used in non-romantic contexts, emphasizing the platonic nature of the connection. In this relationship, parties typically enjoy each other's company, share interests, and offer support in times of need.

relación amorosa
loving relationship

The Spanish term 'relación amorosa' directly translates to 'loving relationship' in English. This term is used to describe a deep affectionate bond between two individuals. The bond could involve romantic, emotional, and physical elements. It is common among couples who share a special connection beyond just friendship. 'Relación amorosa' implies a sense of commitment, care, and intimacy between individuals.

relación duradera
a lasting relationship

The Spanish term 'relación duradera' translates to 'lasting relationship' in English. This phrase is often used to refer to a bond or partnership that has been maintained for a considerable amount of time. It may pertain to various types of relationships, such as personal, working, or romantic relationships. The term emphasizes both the longevity and durability of the connection between involved parties.

relación esporádica
sporadic relationship

The Spanish term 'relación esporádica' translates to 'sporadic relationship' in English. It is a phrase that depicts a relationship that occurs at irregular intervals, not constant or steady. This could refer to various types of relationships, such as friendships, romantic relationships, work relationships, etc. The adjective 'esporádica' comes from 'esporádico' which means something is happening irregularly or only occasionally.

relación fraternal
fraternal relationship

The Spanish term 'relación fraternal' translates in English to 'fraternal relationship'. The term refers to the bond or relationship between siblings. It is often associated with the notions of love, understanding, and mutual respect that exists between brothers and sisters. The term can also be used more broadly to discuss relationships that have a brotherly or sisterly quality, even when the individuals are not biologically related, such as close friends or those who share common interests or experiences.

relación maternal
maternal relationship

The phrase 'relación maternal' in Spanish translates to 'maternal relationship' in English. This term is often used to describe the relationship that exists between a mother and her child. It can denote both a biological relationship, as well as the emotional connection that characterizes the interactions between a mother and her child. The term on a broader sense, can encompass factors like motherly love, care, and parental guidance.

relación pasajera
temporary relationship

The Spanish phrase 'relación pasajera' directly translates to 'temporary relationship' in English. This term is used to describe a relationship that doesn't last very long but serves a purpose for a short period of time. This could be in a romantic context, where the individuals involved are not committed to a long-term partnership, or it could also refer to a brief business partnership or a short-term friendship.

relación paternal
paternal relationship

The phrase 'relación paternal' in Spanish refers to a paternal relationship in English. This term is often used to describe a connection or bond between a father and their child or children. It could be used in both formal and informal contexts. It refers to the feelings, interactions and connections between a father and his offspring.

relación personal
personal relationship

The Spanish term 'relación personal' translates to 'personal relationship' in English. It is used to describe an association between two or more people based on love, liking, engagement, interaction, or other social commitment. These relationships may occur through various social settings like work, family, friends, or neighborhoods, and it encompasses various types of relationships such as friendship, romantic, familial, and professional relationships.

relación profesional
professional relationship

The term 'relación profesional' in Spanish translates to 'professional relationship' in English. This term is often used in a workplace environment to refer to the interpersonal dynamics between coworkers, superiors, and subordinates. A professional relationship might involve mutual respect, setting and maintaining boundaries, and ideally, fostering a productive environment. The nature and quality of such relationships can heavily influence the success and overall health of an organization or business entity.

relación sentimental
sentimental relationship

The Spanish term 'relación sentimental' translates to 'sentimental relationship' in English. It is used often to describe a close, personal connection or bond between two individuals that extends beyond a friend or acquaintance. This phrase is most commonly applied to describe romantic or deep emotional connections but can be used broadly to describe any deep, emotionally charged connection between two people. In essence, 'relación sentimental' can refer to a wide range of personal interactions, from a casual dating scenario to a serious long-term relationship.

relación tormentosa
stormy relationship

The Spanish term 'relación tormentosa' can be translated to English as 'stormy relationship'. It describes a type of relationship that is characterized by incessant disagreements, fights, or tensions. Such relationships can be quite tumultuous and emotionally draining. The term 'relación tormentosa' is often used to gauge the instability and intensity of conflicts within an interpersonal relationship. It should not be confused with the literal translation of 'stormy' in the context of weather patterns.

relacionarse con alguien
relating to someone

The Spanish phrase 'relacionarse con alguien' translates to 'relating to someone' in English. It is used to express the interaction or connection between individuals. It can refer to personal relationships, professional interactions, or social connections. The phrase suggests a condition of being in relation with someone or having a rapport with them.


The Spanish word 'relámpago' translates into English as 'lightning'. This term is used to describe the natural phenomenon characterized by a sudden and brief period of intense light that illuminates the sky, often accompanied by a loud noise or 'thunder', caused by an electrical discharge from the atmosphere.

Example sentences with  relámpago

The Spanish word 'relatar' translates to 'relate' in English. This verb is commonly used to depict the action of telling a story or recounting an event. It holds similar context as to convey or detail in English, especially in narrative formats such as in books, conversations or reports.

Example sentences with  relatar

The Spanish word 'religión' translates to 'religion' in English. This word refers to the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. The concept of 'religion' is a vast one, encompassing various global practices like Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc. It is a primary source of moral and cultural values and plays a significant role in influencing socio-cultural practices and norms in different societies.

Example sentences with  religión
religión mayoritaria
majority religion

The Spanish term 'religión mayoritaria' translates to 'majority religion' in English. This term typically refers to the religion that is followed by the greatest number of people within a particular society or community. It could refer to various religions around the world depending on regional demographics, such as Christianity in the United States or Hinduism in India.

Example sentences with  religión mayoritaria
religión minoritaria
minority religion

The Spanish term 'religión minoritaria' translates to 'minority religion' in English. It refers to a religion that does not have a significant following in a particular place or among a particular community. It is generally not the dominant or mainstream religion, and its believers constitute a small fraction of the total population. These religions often have unique practices, traditions, and belief systems that differentiate them from the predominant religions.

Example sentences with  religión minoritaria
religión monoteísta
monotheistic religion

The term 'religión monoteísta' in English translates to 'monotheistic religion'. This refers to any religion that emphasizes belief in a singular, supreme deity. Monotheistic faiths hold that this sole deity is responsible for creation and holds sovereignty over the universe. Some examples of monotheistic religions include Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Understanding such terms can provide a deeper insight into the cultural and religious contexts in Spanish-speaking communities.

Example sentences with  religión monoteísta
religión politeísta
Polytheist religion

The Spanish term 'religión politeísta' translates to 'polytheist religion' in English. A polytheist religion is a type of belief system or faith in which followers believe in and worship multiple deities or gods, unlike monotheistic religions where only one supreme god is worshipped. Examples of polytheist religions include ancient Greek and Roman religions, Norse and Celtic paganism, and many others.

Example sentences with  religión politeísta
to neigh

Relinchar is a Spanish verb that describes the sound a horse makes. Just as in English we say that a horse 'neighs', in Spanish we would say 'el caballo relincha'. Like many verbs, it can be conjugated based on grammatical tense, person, and mood.

Example sentences with  relinchar

The Spanish word 'rellenito' is an adjective used to describe someone, often in an endearing way, who is slightly overweight or plump in English. It can be used for both males and females and also for objects that are plump or filled out. Though it may carry a connotation of excess weight, it is typically used in a positive or neutral sense, not as an insult.


A small timepiece intended to be carried or worn by a person, typically a wristwatch.

Example sentences with  reloj
reloj analógico
analog watch

The term 'reloj analógico' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'analog watch' in English. An analog watch is a type of watch that displays time through the position of rotating hands on a dial, unlike a digital watch, which displays time in a numerical format. Analog watches are considered classic and traditional, and are often valued for their craftsmanship and aesthetic appeal. 'Reloj' means 'watch' and 'analógico' means 'analog' in English.

reloj de pulsera
watch bracelet

The Spanish term 'reloj de pulsera' directly translates to 'watch bracelet' in English. However, the term is commonly understood to mean 'wristwatch' in English, which is a clock designed to be worn or carried by a person on the wrist. It helps to tell time and may often have additional features like date. Its use allows a person to conveniently check the time without having to reach for a mobile device or a larger clock.

reloj digital
Digital watch

The Spanish term 'reloj digital' translates to 'digital watch' in English. It refers to a type of watch where the hour, minute, and often second, are indicated by digits, instead of hands on dials. A digital watch is a modern form of timepieces, often associated with numerous features such as alarm function, stopwatch, timer, and more. Learning series of such words can help in conversing about modern technology in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'remitente' translates to 'sender' in English. It is primarily used in the context of mail or parcels to indicate the person or entity that is sending the item. It can also be used in the context of emails, where the sender of the email is the 'remitente'. The term 'remitente' can be found on envelopes, packages, or in email headers, and it signifies who the mail or message is from.


The Spanish word 'remolcar' translates to 'tow' in English. It is a verb that refers to the action of pulling or dragging a car or other vehicle using another vehicle, typically because the towed vehicle is not functioning. It can also be used in a broader sense to refer to the act of pulling any object. The action of towing requires strength or power, usually mechanical, and is commonly seen in transportation and rescue situations.

Example sentences with  remolcar

The Spanish word 'remolque' translates to 'trailer' in English. It can be used in various contexts similar to English, such as a physical trailer attached to a vehicle for the transportation of goods, items or animals. It's also used in the film industry to refer to a promotional preview for a movie or series, also known as a 'trailer'. Nevertheless, the most common use is to describe a towed vehicle that is designed for personal or commercial use.

Example sentences with  remolque

The Spanish word 'remunerar' is a verb that translates to 'remunerate' in English. It refers to paying someone for work or a service they have performed. In the workplace context, it often describes the act of compensating an employee for their work. This term highlights the monetary aspect of the transaction between two parties, where one provides a service and the other gives compensation in return.

Example sentences with  remunerar
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