Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

reformar el código de circulación
reform the traffic code

The phrase 'reformar el código de circulación' in Spanish directly translates to 'reform the traffic code' in English. This phrase is composed of the verb 'reformar' meaning 'to reform', the article 'el' meaning 'the', the noun 'código' meaning 'code', the conjunction 'de' meaning 'of', and finally the noun 'circulación' meaning 'traffic'. In a broader sense, it denotes the act of making changes or improvements to the regulations or laws governing the flow and movement of traffic.

Example sentences with  reformar el código de circulación
reformar las normas (de circulación)
reform of (traffic) rules

The Spanish phrase 'reformar las normas (de circulación)' translates to 'reform of (traffic) rules' in English. This phrase is usually used in the context of re-examining and changing existing traffic regulations to improve road safety or to adapt to new traffic circumstances. The word 'reformar' means to 'reform' or 'restructure', 'las normas' refers to 'the rules, and '(de circulación)' indicates the context which in this case is 'traffic'. Therefore, when you hear 'reformar las normas (de circulación)', you can understand that a change or restructuring of traffic rules is being discussed.

Example sentences with  reformar las normas (de circulación)
reformar las normas de tráfico
reform traffic regulations

The Spanish phrase 'reformar las normas de tráfico' translates to 'reform traffic regulations' in English. This phrase implies the action of making changes or improvements to the existing rules and regulations that govern traffic in order to make them more efficient, effective or fair. It is often used in discussions or debates relating to policy changes within the transport or traffic management sector.

Example sentences with  reformar las normas de tráfico
reformar un edificio
reform a building

The phrase 'reformar un edificio' in Spanish translates to 'reform a building' in English. It implies modifying or refurbishing a building to improve its condition or adapt it to new uses or standards. This term can be used in both professional settings such as in construction and architecture, and in casual conversations to describe making improvements or changes to a residential or commercial property.

Example sentences with  reformar un edificio
reformar una ley
reform a law

The Spanish phrase 'reformar una ley' translates to 'reform a law' in English. This typically refers to the process of making changes or improvements to a law in order to correct injustices or to update the law to reflect contemporary circumstances or attitudes. The term is often used within governmental, political, and legal contexts.

Example sentences with  reformar una ley

The Spanish word 'refresco' translates to 'soda' in English. It's commonly used in many Spanish-speaking countries to refer to sweet, carbonated beverages that are often served chilled. While local brands and flavors can vary widely, the general concept of a 'refresco' remains consistent across regions as a type of delicious, bubbly drink that can be either fruit-based or cola-based.


A refrigerator is a popular household appliance that consists of a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump that transfers heat from its inside to its external environment so that its inside is cooled to a temperature below the room temperature.

Example sentences with  refrigerador
give away

The Spanish word 'regalar' translates to 'give away' in English. It is a verb, often used when someone is giving something as a gift or offering something without expecting anything in return. For example, 'Voy a regalar estos juguetes a los niños,' which in English would be 'I am going to give these toys away to the children.' In summary, whenever the act of giving, especially in the context of a gift, is involved, 'regalar' is the apt Spanish verb to use.


The Spanish word 'regalo' translates to 'gift' in English. The word 'regalo' can be used in various contexts but commonly refers to something given voluntarily without payment in return, as to show favor toward someone, honor an occasion, or make a gesture of assistance. It can be a physical object, a kindness, or a service. The word 'regalo' can be used in a sentence like 'Este es un regalo para ti', which translates to 'This is a gift for you' in English.


The Spanish word for 'gifts' is 'regalos'. It is often used in similar contexts as 'gifts' in English such as celebrating birthdays, holidays, and special occasions. For instance, 'I bought gifts for my family' translates to 'Compré regalos para mi familia' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  regalos

The Spanish word 'regañar' translates to 'scolding' in English. This term is commonly used to denote an act of reprimanding or rebuking someone, typically in a harsh or formal manner. In Spanish-speaking cultures, it can often refer to the act of a parent disciplining a child or an employee being criticized by their boss for a mistake. It signifies a form of correction, punishment, or disapproval.

regar el jardín
water the garden

The Spanish phrase 'regar el jardín' translates to 'water the garden' in English. This is a common phrase that you might use if you are doing gardening tasks. The verb 'regar' specifically refers to the act of watering something, such as plants or a garden, and 'el jardín' means 'the garden'. So when combined, you're essentially saying that you are watering the garden.

Example sentences with  regar el jardín
regar las plantas
water the plants

The Spanish phrase 'regar las plantas' translates to 'water the plants' in English. It is often used to refer to the act of providing water to plants as part of their care and maintenance routine. This phrase is commonly used in a gardening or household context where someone is tasked to care for greenery either indoors or outdoors. The verb 'regar' signifies the act of watering while 'las plantas' specifically means the plants.

Example sentences with  regar las plantas
regar las zonas verdes
water the green areas

The Spanish phrase 'regar las zonas verdes' translates to 'water the green areas' in English. This phrase is typically used in the context of gardening or park maintenance, where it refers to the act of irrigating grass, plants, or other vegetation in a specific region labeled as the 'green area'. The verb 'regar' means to water or irrigate while the term 'zonas verdes' can be understood as green areas, areas with substantial greenery or vegetation. It is an action indicative of care for the environment and plant life.

regar los jardines
water the gardens

The phrase 'regar los jardines' translates to 'water the gardens' in English. In Spanish, 'regar' refers to the action of pouring water on something especially for agricultural purposes or to aid in the growth of plants. 'Los jardines', on the other hand, is the plural form of 'el jardin', which means 'the garden' in English. Hence, 'regar los jardines' refers to the act of watering the gardens, a common routine for gardeners, landscapers, and individuals who engage in plant care and gardening activities.


The Spanish word 'región' is used exactly like the English word 'region.' It can describe an administrative division within a country, a geographical area, or a realm of activity, knowledge, or influence. It can be used metaphorically as well, however, the context usually makes its meaning very clear.

Example sentences with  región
región poblada
populated region

The Spanish phrase 'región poblada' translates to 'populated region' in English. It refers to an area or part of a country or the world that is occupied by a large number of people. A populated region typically has an established community, resources, and infrastructure which support human livelihood and activities. Examples of populated regions can be large bustling cities, suburbs or even smaller towns or villages which have a significant number of residents.

Example sentences with  región poblada

The word 'regional' in Spanish is identical to the English word 'regional'. It's used to describe something related to a specific area or part of a country. For example, when talking about customs, food, or dialects that are specific to a certain area, one could use the term 'regional'. It also applies to divisions of large businesses and organizations.

Example sentences with  regional
registrar el equipaje
check the luggage

The Spanish phrase 'registrar el equipaje' translates to 'check the luggage' in English. This phrase is commonly used in travel-related situations, particularly in an airport setting. When you 'check your luggage', you are handing over your baggage to the airline so they can put it in the plane's cargo area for the duration of the flight. Upon arriving at your destination, you'll retrieve your checked luggage at the airline's designated baggage claim area.

Example sentences with  registrar el equipaje
registrar las maletas
check the bags

The Spanish phrase 'registrar las maletas' translates to 'check the bags' in English. This term is commonly used in travel contexts, particularly at airports or similar transportation hubs. When you 'registrar las maletas', you are typically handing your luggage over to airline or train station personnel. They will then inspect and store it in the vehicle's cargo area. This is done both to ensure the safety of all passengers and to avoid overcrowding the passenger cabin with large pieces of luggage. The phrase can also be used in a hotel setting, referring to handing over your luggage to hotel staff upon checking in.

Example sentences with  registrar las maletas

The Spanish verb 'registrarse' translates to 'register' in English. It is commonly used in Spanish to indicate the act of signing up for something, for example, registering for a class, an event or a service. It is a reflexive verb, meaning that the action is being performed on oneself. For instance, 'voy a registrarme para la clase de español' would translate to 'I am going to register for the Spanish class'.

Example sentences with  registrarse

The Spanish word 'regla' can be used in much the same way as 'rule' in English. It is often used to describe a regulation, standard, or principle that must be followed. For example, 'Es una regla importante' translates to 'It's an important rule'. This word can also refer to a ruler, a tool used for measuring.

Example sentences with  regla

The Spanish word 'regordete' translates to 'chubby' in English. It is often used to describe someone who is slightly overweight, typically in a way that is endearing or cute. This term is not generally considered to be offensive or derogatory, but rather a gentle way of noting someone's weight or size.


The word 'regresar' in Spanish means 'to return' in English. It is a commonly used verb in Spanish to indicate the action of going back to a previous place or state. For instance, one could use 'regresar' when talking about coming back from a trip or returning an item to a store.

Example sentences with  regresar
rehabilitar una vivienda
rehabilitation of housing

The phrase 'rehabilitar una vivienda' is a Spanish term that refers to the process of restoring, renewing, or fixing up a house or housing unit. This could involve making necessary repairs, updating outdated features, or even just general maintenance to ensure the house is safe and comfortable for occupants. It shares similar implications with the English phrase 'rehabilitation of housing', highlighting the importance of maintaining good living conditions in residential properties.

rehogar verduras
sauté vegetables

The Spanish term 'rehogar verduras' refers to a common cooking technique in English known as 'sautéing vegetables'. This process involves quickly frying the vegetables in a small amount of hot oil or fat. It's a basic and essential cooking method in Spanish cuisine often used as the first step in recipes to enhance the flavor of vegetables.


The Spanish word 'reina' translates to 'queen' in English. This term represents a female monarch who is generally the sovereign ruler of a kingdom or realm. It is also used metaphorically to mean a woman perceived as the best or most important in her sphere of activity.


The Spanish word 'reintegrar' translates to 'refund' in English. It is often used in financial contexts where a payment previously made needs to be returned or compensated. For example, if you return a purchased item back to the store, the store may 'reintegrar' your money, meaning they give you a refund. Similarly, if a service wasn't provided satisfactorily, you may be eligible for a 'reintegrar'. It's also used in banking terms when referring to refund of a loan.


The Spanish word 'reír' is the equivalent of 'laugh' in English. It is used the same way it is in English: to express amusement, joy, or even sarcasm. It can be used in various forms depending on the context and the subject of the sentence, for instance, 'Yo río'(I laugh), 'Tú ríes'(You laugh), 'Él ríe'(He laughs), etc.

Example sentences with  reír

In Spanish, 'relationship' is translated as 'relación'. It is used much like its English counterpart, encompassing various types of connections between people or things. It could refer to romantic relationships ('relaciones amorosas'), familial relationships ('relaciones familiares'), or even relationships in business settings ('relaciones comerciales'). The context will generally explain the kind of 'relación' being referred to.

Example sentences with  relación
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