Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

recuperar información
recover information

The Spanish phrase 'recuperar información' can be translated to English as 'recover information'. It generally refers to the process of retrieving data or knowledge that has been previously stored or processed in our mind or in any digital device. It can be used in various contexts such as the technical context of retrieving data that has been lost or deleted in a computer system or at a more individual level where one is trying to remember or recall certain information from his memory.

Example sentences with  recuperar información
recuperar una nota
recover a note

The Spanish phrase 'recuperar una nota' translates to 'recover a note' in English. This could be used in a context where someone has misplaced a note and has found it again, or in a digital context where someone has deleted a note and then restored it from the recycle bin or through a backup.

to recuperate

The Spanish word 'recuperarse' translates to 'to recuperate' in English. It is often used in contexts where someone is recovering from an illness or setback. For example, 'Necesito recuperarme después de la gripe' means 'I need to recuperate after the flu'. It is a reflexive verb in Spanish, which means that it is usually accompanied by reflexive pronouns such as 'me', 'te', 'se', etc., to indicate who is performing the action of the verb.

recuperarse de
recover from

'Recuperarse de' in Spanish is a verb phrase that translates to 'recover from' in English. It is commonly used to express the process of getting better after an illness, setback, or difficult situation. Like in English, this term can be used in both a literal and metaphorical context. For instance, one can 'recuperarse de' a physical illness or a challenging life event.

Example sentences with  recuperarse de
recurrir una multa
appeal a fine

The phrase 'recurrir una multa' in Spanish translates to 'appeal a fine' in English. This can refer to the process wherein an individual formally requests a review or reconsideration of an imposed penalty or decision. To 'recurrir una multa' is to seek to get a fine or penalty overturned or lessened, often utilizing legal mechanisms and processes to do so. This term frequently appears in the context of legal, judicial, or administrative discussions or procedures wherein fines or penalties might get imposed.

Example sentences with  recurrir una multa

The Spanish word 'recurso' is used in a similar manner as the English word 'resource'. It can refer to a supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively. It can also refer to an action or strategy which may be adopted in adversarial situations. 'Recurso' is often used in formal or business contexts.

Example sentences with  recurso
recursos naturales
natural resources

The Spanish term 'recursos naturales' translates to 'natural resources' in English. These are resources that exist without any human intervention and occur naturally within environments. They include things like water, soil, wood, vegetation, animals, and fossil fuels. Natural resources are utilized by humans for various purposes, including energy production, manufacturing, and the provision of food and shelter. It is essential for human civilization but needs to be carefully managed to prevent depletion and to maintain a balanced environment.

Example sentences with  recursos naturales

The Spanish word 'red' translates to 'network' in English. It is usually used in the context of social networking (red social), network of contacts (red de contactos), or a computer network (red de ordenadores). However, just like in English, 'red' is a versatile word in Spanish and its meaning can change depending on the context. Do note, 'red' also means 'net' or could refer to color- red.

Example sentences with  red
red de falsificación de documentos
forgery of documents

The term 'red de falsificación de documentos' in Spanish directly translates to 'forgery of documents' in English. This phrase refers to the unlawful act of altering or creating documents with the intention of deceiving or defrauding others. It can include various activities such as falsifying official papers, counterfeiting legal certificates, producing fake IDs, or even fabricating financial records. In many jurisdictions, this act is considered a serious crime and could lead to significant legal penalties.

Example sentences with  red de falsificación de documentos
red de prostitución
prostitution ring

The Spanish term 'red de prostitución' translates to 'prostitution ring' in English. This refers to an organized operation, network, or scheme dedicated to the illegal act of selling sexual services. Such a ring typically involves multiple individuals working under a leader who may benefit the most financially from this illegal activity. As with all forms of human trafficking, prostitution rings are a severe violation of human rights and are strictly illegal in many regions and countries.

Example sentences with  red de prostitución
red de teléfono
telephone network

The term 'red de teléfono' in Spanish translates to 'telephone network' in English. A 'telephone network' is a telecommunications network that allows for audio communication between users. It is a system of interconnected hardware and software components designed to transmit and receive sound signals. These networks can be used for various types of communication, such as conventional phone calls, mobile calls, and Internet-based voice calls. The word 'red' means network and 'teléfono' stands for telephone.

red de tráfico de armas
arms trafficking network

The Spanish term 'red de tráfico de armas' translates to 'arms trafficking network' in English. This phrase is often used in legal, crime, and justice context and refers to an organized syndicate or system involved in the illicit trade of firearms. These networks can operate locally, nationally, or internationally, smuggling firearms illegally for use in crimes, terrorism, and conflicts.

Example sentences with  red de tráfico de armas
red telefónica
Telephone network

The Spanish term 'red telefónica' can be translated into English as 'telephone network'. This term generally refers to a structured system of telephone lines that could either be wired or wireless. The system begins in the premises of the user and eventually leads up to the telephone exchange. Such a network enables the possibility of voice communication between users located at different places.

redactar un artículo
drafting an article

The Spanish phrase 'redactar un artículo' translates to 'drafting an article' in English. This phrase suggests the process of creating, organizing, and developing an article. It refers to the initial stage of writing an article where one focuses on generating ideas, organizing them, and putting them down in a structured manner before the final write-up. The term 'redactar' implies the act of writing or drafting, while 'un artículo' refers to an article.

redactar un contrato
draft contract

The Spanish phrase 'redactar un contrato' translates to 'draft a contract' in English. It refers to the process of creating the initial version or plan of a contract. This is often done by legal professionals who have been trained to compose these important legal documents. It's a term commonly used in legal, business, and financial circles. Drafting a contract involves careful consideration of the goods, services, or actions, and the terms that govern them, to be agreed upon by the parties involved.

redactar un reportaje
writing a report

The Spanish phrase 'redactar un reportaje' translates to 'writing a report' in English. It's an action phrase often used in professional or journalistic context. 'Redactar' is the action of writing or drafting a document, while 'un reportaje' refers to a report or a journalistic article. Together, they signify the process of creating a written account or portrayal of a particular event, situation or subject, often meant for publication.

redactar una entrevista
draft an interview

The Spanish phrase 'redactar una entrevista' translates to 'draft an interview' in English. It's commonly used in journalistic contexts where one might need to prepare or draft an interview. 'Redactar' by itself means 'to draft' or 'to write,' and 'una entrevista' means 'an interview.' Together, 'redactar una entrevista' is an action phrase indicating the process of writing or drafting an interview.

redactar una noticia
draft news

The Spanish phrase 'redactar una noticia' translates into English as 'draft news'. This refers to the process of creating, writing, or preparing news prior to its publication. It involves collecting information, structuring it effectively, and presenting it in a written format for public distribution.

redactor (jefe)
editor (boss)

The Spanish term 'redactor (jefe)' can be translated into English as 'editor (boss)'. 'Redactor' means someone who prepares text for publication, which is known as an 'editor' in English. When '(jefe)' is added, indicating a leadership or supervisory role, it translates to 'boss' in English. So 'redactor (jefe)' would refer to a person in charge or the leading authority in an editorial team. This term can be used in various contexts, such as news journalism, broadcast media, or publishing industry where editing and leadership roles are fundamental.


The Spanish word 'redención' is used in the same way as the English word 'redemption'. It can refer to the act of making something better or more acceptable, such as in the context of redeeming one's sins or mistakes. It can also refer to the aspect of salvation in Christian belief. Much like in English, 'redención' is a noun and may require the use of appropriate articles or prepositions based on sentence structure.

Example sentences with  redención
reducción del precio del transporte público
reduction in the price of public transport

The Spanish phrase, 'reducción del precio del transporte público', translates to English as 'reduction in the price of public transport'. It refers to a decrease in the cost that commuters or passengers have to pay for using public forms of transportation such as buses, trams, trains, and other similar services.


The term 'reducir' in Spanish is used to refer to the act of making something smaller or less in size, amount or degree, similar to how the word 'reduce' is used in English. It is typically used in contexts such as cooking, mathematics, and discussions about savings or decrease.

Example sentences with  reducir
reducir la velocidad
reduce speed

The Spanish phrase 'reducir la velocidad' translates to 'reduce speed' in English. This can be used in many contexts and is particularly common in driving situations where one needs to slow down their vehicle speed. It may also be used in a broader sense to mean slowing down in general, your pace of life or an action, for example.

Example sentences with  reducir la velocidad

The Spanish word 'reencarnación' translates to 'reincarnation' in English. 'Reincarnation' is a concept, frequently found in Eastern religions, that an individual's soul returns in a new body after physical death. This term not only represents a belief in a kind of afterlife, but also forms part of a longer cyclic view of human existence where souls continuously learn and develop through experiences in successive lives.

Example sentences with  reencarnación

The Spanish term 'reencarnarse' translates to 'reincarnate' in English. The concept of reincarnation is closely associated with certain philosophies and religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism. In these contexts, 'reincarnate' means to be reborn in a new body after death. In a broader sense, the word can also refer to the idea of being reborn or recreated in a different form or aspect, either literally or metaphorically. As such, 'reencarnarse' carries a similar range of meanings in Spanish.

Example sentences with  reencarnarse
reenviar un documento
forward a document

The Spanish term 'reenviar un documento' translates to 'forward a document' in English. This phrase is widely used in professional settings, particularly those that involve communication via email or other similar platforms. When you 'reenviar un documento', you basically send an original (or modified) copy of the document to a new or multiple recipients, either as part of the original email thread, as a new message, or as part of a new discussion or subject matter.


The Spanish word 'referéndum' translates to 'referendum' in English. A referendum is a general vote by the electorate on a single political question which has been referred to them for a direct decision. It is often used in matters of constitutional or political changes. This democratic process allows citizens to directly participate in making specific legislative or constitutional decisions. The term 'referéndum' is used in the same context in Spanish speaking regions.

Example sentences with  referéndum

The Spanish word for reflection is 'reflexión'. It is used similarly to how it is used in English; to indicate the mirroring of light or other waves, or to suggest deep thought or consideration about something.

Example sentences with  reflexión

The Spanish verb 'reflexionar' translates as 'reflect' in English. It may primarily be used to denote thinking about something carefully and at length. Alternatively, in a more scientific or logical context, it might also be used to refer to the instance where light, heat, or sound is thrown back without absorbing it. Nonetheless, 'reflexionar' is more commonly used in the sense of pondering over something in the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  reflexionar
reforestar los bosques

The phrase 'reforestar los bosques' in Spanish translates to 'reforest the forests' in English. It implies the process of planting new trees in areas where they have been cut or destroyed, typically as part of conservation efforts. This is known as reforestation in English. Actions under 'reforestar los bosques' contribute towards environmental sustainability, helping to combat climate change and preserve ecosystems for future generations.

Example sentences with  reforestar los bosques
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