Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'asesinato' translates to 'murder' in English. It is a noun used to refer to the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. This term is typically used in legal and news contexts. It's important to note that 'asesinato' carries the same heavy connotations as its English counterpart, 'murder', and should be used with caution.


The term 'asesino' is a Spanish noun which translates to 'killer' in English. This term is generally used for a person who has intentionally caused the death of another person. It is a strong word and is often used in legal contexts or in dramatic or filmic narratives. It should be used carefully due to its serious implications. This word forms part of darker thematic discussions, and is highly context-dependent.


The word 'así' is commonly used in Spanish to mean 'thus', 'so', or 'like this'. It refers to the manner or way in which something is done or happens. It helps indicate a conclusion or a result from a previous statement. It can be used in a variety of contexts and is often found in both formal and informal language.

Example sentences with  así

The word 'Asia' in Spanish means 'Asia' in English. It refers to the continent that is the Earth's largest and most populous, located primarily in the Eastern and Northern Hemispheres. This term is the same in both English and Spanish languages, making it simple and straightforward for English speakers to understand when learning Spanish.

Example sentences with  Asia

The Spanish word for seat is 'asiento'. It is commonly used in situations like booking a seat in cinema or asking to pass a seat in bus or train. There could be different variations of the use of the word, depending on the region or country. For example, 'Reservé un asiento para la película' means 'I booked a seat for the movie'.

Example sentences with  asiento
asiento de un cine
seat of a cinema

The phrase 'asiento de un cine' in Spanish translates to 'seat of a cinema' in English. This refers to the individual chairs or seating arrangements in a movie theater where the audience sit to enjoy a film. These seats are usually arranged in rows for optimal viewing of the movie screen. They can vary in terms of comfort and amenities, with some cinemas offering reclining seats, armrests, cup holders, and even meal service.

asiento de un teatro
seat of a theatre

The Spanish phrase 'asiento de un teatro' translates into English as 'seat of a theatre'. It refers to the individual seating arrangement or place where a spectator or viewer is meant to sit in a venue such as a theatre. 'Asiento' is the word for 'seat' and 'teatro' means 'theatre'. Thus, it's an important term in contexts such as booking tickets for a show, play, opera or other events held at a theatre.

asignatura común
common subject

The term 'asignatura común' in Spanish translates to 'common subject' in English. It is a term widely used in educational contexts to refer to a course or subject that is taught across different study programs or fields. The subjects considered 'asignatura común' are typically foundational, providing knowledge and skills that are necessary for various academic and professional areas.

asignatura obligatoria
compulsory subject

The Spanish term 'asignatura obligatoria' translates to 'compulsory subject' in English. This phrase is commonly used in education contexts, referring to a course or subject that a student is required to take in order to fulfill the requirements for their program of study. In many educational systems, students have a mixture of compulsory and elective subjects, allowing for both a broad education and individual specialization.

asignatura práctica
practical subject

The Spanish term 'asignatura práctica' translates to 'practical subject' in English. It often refers to a course or topic in academic settings, especially in higher education, that focuses on the actual application of the concepts learned during theory lessons. In this context, 'practical' means related to experience, observation, or experiment rather than theory or pure calculation. These subjects usually require use of the learned theory through hands-on activities, experiments, or applications to provide students with an understanding of how theories work in real life scenarios.

asignatura teórica
theoretical subject

The Spanish term 'asignatura teórica' translates to 'theoretical subject' in English. This is often used in academic and educational contexts, and can refer to a subject or field of study that is conceptual rather than practical, that is to say, it requires more brainwork and thinking, rather than hands-on work. It's often used to describe subjects such as philosophy, mathematics, and some aspects of social sciences. While practical subjects might involve performing tasks or making things, theoretical subjects primarily involve thinking, discussing, and reasoning.


The Spanish word 'asilo' translates to 'asylum' in English. It is used to denote a place offering protection and safety, particularly for the persecuted and homeless in society, or a place of retreat and security. It also is used in the context of care home for the elderly.

asimilar conocimientos
assimilate knowledge

The Spanish phrase 'asimilar conocimientos' translates to 'assimilate knowledge' in English. This refers to the process of integrating new information into one's existing knowledge base, ultimately leading to understanding and information retention. The verb 'asimilar' is the action of making something similar or comparable, while 'conocimientos' refers to the information or skills one gains through education or experience.


The Spanish word 'asistencia' translates to 'assistance' in English. It can be used in various contexts, similar to English, such as assistance in a project, needing assistance with a task, or providing assistance in a situation. This word can also portray the meaning of attendance or presence in certain events or places like school or a meeting, depending on the context it is used in.

asistencia domiciliaria
domestic assistance

The Spanish term 'asistencia domiciliaria' translates to 'domestic assistance' in English. This generally refers to supportive in-home services provided by trained personnel to people who need help with daily tasks, such as housekeeping, meal preparation, personal care, medications and companionship. This support can be particularly beneficial for older adults, people with physical or mental health conditions, or people recovering from an illness or surgery.

Example sentences with  asistencia domiciliaria
asistencia médica
medical care

The Spanish term 'asistencia médica' translates to 'medical care' in English. It refers to the professional service provided by doctors, nurses, or other healthcare professionals. This includes consultation, diagnosis, treatment, or preventative measures regarding a person's health condition. 'Asistencia médica' could imply assistance in a general healthcare setting or in specialized fields such as dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, optometry, psychology, or other health professions. It often involves services delivered in a healthcare facility such as a hospital, clinic, or a primary healthcare center.

Example sentences with  asistencia médica
asistencia sanitaria
health care

The Spanish phrase 'asistencia sanitaria' translates to 'health care' in English. It refers to the organized provision of medical care to individuals or a community. In many countries, asistencia sanitaria encompasses services provided by hospitals, doctors, nurses, dentists, or pharmacists. It includes preventive, curative, and palliative interventions whether directed to individuals or to populations.

asistente social
social worker

The Spanish term 'asistente social' translates to 'social worker' in English. A social worker is a professional who helps individuals, families, and groups enhance their individual and collective well-being. Their task often involves providing support and resources for navigating various social, medical, and legal challenges. In Spanish speaking regions, 'asistente social' is the professional designated to perform these tasks.

to assist

The Spanish word 'asistir' translates to 'attend', 'assist', or 'be present' in English. It is a verb and it is usually used for referring to someone's presence at a place or event or the act of helping or aiding someone or something. However, it's important to note that the word 'asistir' does not always mean to 'assist' in the context of giving help, as it might imply in English. The use of its meaning is highly dependent on the context in which it is used.

asistir a emigrantes retornados
assist returnees

The Spanish phrase 'asistir a emigrantes retornados' means 'assist returnees' in English. It portrays the idea of extending support or help to those individuals who have returned to their home countries after emigrating or moving to a different country, typically after a certain period. The term inherently means helping these people reintegrate into their society, this assistance could take different forms such as financial, psychological, or logistical support.

asistir a menores
attending minors

The Spanish phrase 'asistir a menores' translates to 'attending minors' in English. This phrase has a context in supervision, care, or help directed towards individuals who are under the age of legal adulthood (minors). In a broader context, it can be used in scenarios such as a nurse attending minors in a hospital, a teacher attending minors in a school etc. This phrase is often used in legal, educational, and healthcare settings.

asistir a trabajadores
assist workers

The Spanish term 'asistir a trabajadores' translates to 'assist workers' in English. This phrase suggests an action, where one person or a group of people are providing help, support or aid to employees or labourers. The concept of assistance might include a variety of tasks depending on the specific context, such as giving information, providing resources, offering physical help, imparting training or simply being there for moral support.

asistir a un cóctel
attend a cocktail

The Spanish phrase 'asistir a un cóctel' translates to 'attend a cocktail' in English. This phrase can be used in social contexts where one might be inviting others to a cocktail party or expressing intent or obligation to go to one themselves. For instance, in a sentence 'Voy a asistir a un cóctel esta noche', the translation in English would be 'I am going to attend a cocktail party tonight'. Remember, 'asistir' is a regular verb, so it follows the standard conjugation rules, which can help in correctly using it in different contexts and tenses.

asistir a un funeral
attend a funeral

The Spanish phrase 'asistir a un funeral' translates to 'attend a funeral' in English. It is a common phrase used when someone is going to a funeral service, similar to how one might 'attend a meeting' or 'attend a concert'. The verb 'asistir' means 'to attend', 'a' is a preposition meaning 'to', and 'un funeral' means 'a funeral'. Together, they convey the act of going to a funeral service.

asistir a una celebración
attend a celebration

The Spanish phrase 'asistir a una celebración' translates to 'attend a celebration' in English. It is a phrase used to indicate participation in a festive or formal event. The verb 'asistir' in this context is used to mean 'to attend', 'a' translates to 'to', and 'una celebración' translates to 'a celebration'. This phrase is often used in invitations or when talking about plans for parties or other events.

asistir a una fiesta de disfraces
attend a costume party

The Spanish phrase 'asistir a una fiesta de disfraces' translates to 'attend a costume party' in English. This is a common phrase in Spanish-speaking cultures, where costume parties are popular social events. It refers specifically to the action of going to a party where participants are expected to wear costumes. 'Asistir' means 'to attend', 'una fiesta' means 'a party' and 'de disfraces' means 'of costumes'

asistir al enfermo
attending the sick

The Spanish term 'asistir al enfermo' translates to 'attending the sick' in English. It is a verb phrase used to describe the act of providing assistance or care to someone who is ill. Similar to how it functions in English, 'asistir al enfermo' is used in a variety of contexts, such as healthcare, personal care, or general discussion about care-giving.


The Spanish word 'asociación' translates to 'partnership' in English. It can refer to a legal term that implies two or more parties who have agreed to share in the profits and losses of a business venture. It could also mean a cooperation between two people or groups. It is used in various contexts including business, social, and legal affairs. The nature of the partnership can be formal, legal, or informal, like an agreement in principle or some form of collaboration.

Example sentences with  asociación
asociación de antiguos alumnos
association of former students

The Spanish phrase 'asociación de antiguos alumnos' translates to 'association of former students' in English. This term is frequently used in educational and organizational contexts to refer to a group of individuals who used to study at the same institution. Membership in such associations usually implies that the person has successfully completed a certain level of education at the institution. These associations are common across the world and often conduct activities, meetings, and programs for their members.

asociación de empresarios
association of entrepreneurs

The phrase 'asociación de empresarios' in Spanish translates to 'association of entrepreneurs' in English. This phrase often describes an organized group or body of entrepreneurs who come together based on their shared business interests. Such an association or organization may serve various purposes such as supporting, promoting, and developing entrepreneurship. It may also work to create a conducive environment for businesses, campaign for advantageous policies, offer resources for business growth, and facilitate networking among its members.

Example sentences with  asociación de empresarios
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