Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'recientemente' is an adverb used to express an action or state that occurred in the very recent past. It's equivalent to the English word 'recently'. Keep in mind that, like in English, you generally place this adverb after the main verb. For example, 'He visitado España recientemente' (I have recently visited Spain).

Example sentences with  recientemente

The Spanish word 'recipiente' translates to 'container' in English. A container can be any object that can be used to hold things, especially for transport or storage. It can be a box, bottle, cask, tin, barrel, bag, or any other object that can contain something else. The word 'recipiente' in Spanish is commonly used in various contexts where one might need to refer to a container or vessel of some sort.


The Spanish word 'recital' translates to 'recital' in English. It is typically used to refer to a program of music or dance, or any sequence of poems or other work being read out loud. Just like in English, 'recital' can describe a public performance of something such as a piece of music or poetry. The word 'recital', therefore, is a cognate, where the word has the same meaning and similar pronunciation in both English and Spanish.


The Spanish word 'recitar' translates to 'recite' in English, where 'recite' means to say a piece of writing aloud from memory, or to list or describe something. It is often used in contexts like reciting a poem, prayer, pledge, etc. This verb is common in both languages, and has a similar meaning in the realm of performing arts, classrooms, and formal ceremonies.

Example sentences with  recitar
reclamar un pago
claim a payment

The Spanish phrase 'reclamar un pago' translates into English as 'claim a payment'. This phrase is typically used in context where one is demanding or asking for a payment that is owed to them. For instance, a business may 'reclamar un pago' from a customer who has received a service or product but has yet to remit payment.

Example sentences with  reclamar un pago

The word 'claim' in Spanish can be translated as 'reclamo'. It is often used in the context of making a complaint or forwarding a request. Like in English, it can be used both in a legal sense, such as the claim of property, or in casual instances, such as claiming a seat.

Example sentences with  reclamo

The Spanish word 'recogedor' translates to 'collector' in English. The term can be used broadly to refer to a person, device, or container that collects anything. In a more specific context, it can indicate a dustpan, the tool that collects swept-up dust and debris. However, it is best to understand the usage in the specific context it is used.

recoger el equipaje
collect the luggage

The Spanish phrase 'recoger el equipaje' translates to 'collect the luggage' in English. This commonly used phrase is typically used in contexts related to travel, particularly at airports, bus stations, or train stations. The verb 'recoger' means 'to collect' and 'el equipaje' refers to 'the luggage'. As a phrase, it's generally used to express the action of retrieving one's belongings after a trip.

Example sentences with  recoger el equipaje
recoger la basura
collect the trash

The Spanish phrase 'recoger la basura' translates to 'collect the trash' in English. The verb 'recoger' means 'to collect' or 'to pick up', and 'la basura' stands for 'the trash'. Therefore, this phrase is commonly used in contexts such as household chores or jobs related to waste management.

recoger la casa
pick up the house

The phrase 'recoger la casa' in Spanish doesn't literally mean 'pick up the house'. In fact, it is a Spanish idiom which translates to 'tidy up the house' or 'clean up the house'. It's used when referring to putting things in their proper places around the house or clean up any mess or clutter.

recoger la cocina
clean up the kitchen

The Spanish phrase 'recoger la cocina' translates to 'clean up the kitchen' in English. This is a command or directive, used to instruct someone to tidy up the kitchen area. This might involve activities such as washing the dishes, wiping the counter, or putting things back in their right place. It's a common phrase used in households to maintain cleanliness and order in the kitchen.

recoger la correspondencia
collect mail

The Spanish phrase 'Recoger la correspondencia' translates to 'collect mail' in English. It is often used to tell someone to pick up or gather the mail from a mailbox, post office, or other place where mail is delivered. In a sentence, one might use it like this: 'Por favor, no te olvides de recoger la correspondencia.' Which means: 'Please don't forget to collect the mail.'

recoger la mesa
clean up the table

The Spanish phrase 'recoger la mesa' translates directly to 'pick up the table' in English. However, its idiomatic meaning refers to clearing or cleaning up the table. It is often used in contexts such as after having a meal when someone is expected to clear any dishes, food, or utensils left on the table to make it neat and tidy again.

recoger la tienda de campaña
pick up the tent

The Spanish phrase 'recoger la tienda de campaña' translates to 'pick up the tent' in English. This can be used in a variety of contexts, typically referring to the action of taking down and packing up a tent after camping. It can also be used metaphorically to mean ending a particular activity or operation.

Example sentences with  recoger la tienda de campaña
recoger las maletas
collect the bags

The Spanish phrase 'recoger las maletas' translates to 'collect the bags' in English. It's a common phrase used in travel contexts, often in airports or other transportation hubs where individuals need to pick up their luggage from a certain place. 'Recoger' means 'to collect' or 'to pick up', 'las' is the definite article 'the', and 'maletas' means 'bags' or 'suitcases'. Therefore, if someone says 'recoger las maletas', they're asking to collect or pick up the bags.

Example sentences with  recoger las maletas
recoger los platos
pick up the dishes

The Spanish phrase 'recoger los platos' translates to 'pick up the dishes' in English. This is often used in the context of cleaning up after a meal, where you might be asked to 'recoger los platos' from the table. In general, 'recoger' means 'to pick up' or 'to collect', and 'los platos' means 'the dishes'.

recogerse el pelo
picking up the hair

The phrase 'recogerse el pelo' in Spanish translates to 'picking up the hair' in English. It is often used in contexts relating to hairstyling or grooming, where one gathers their hair to secure it in place, such as in a ponytail or bun. This phrase can be used in different situations - it could mean getting your hair out of the way while you're doing some work, or it could refer to a specific hairstyle that involves pulling your hair up and away from your face.

Example sentences with  recogerse el pelo
recogida de firmas
collection of signatures

The Spanish term 'recogida de firmas' translates to 'collection of signatures' in English. This phrase is commonly used in various contexts, such as petition drives where signatures are collected to support a cause or initiative. Think of any scenario where a group of people need to provide their signature as a form of agreement or support - that's where you'd use 'recogida de firmas'.


The Spanish term 'recolección' translates to 'collection' in English. It can be used to refer to the act of collecting something, for instance, a collection of coins, stamps, or any other items. Additionally, it can be applied to refer to agricultural settings, denoting the gathering or harvest of crops. The word 'recolección' can be broken down into the root word 'recolectar', meaning 'to collect', and the suffix '-ción', used to denote action or effect in Spanish verbs.

Example sentences with  recolección

The Spanish word 'reconocer' translates to 'recognize' in English. It's typically used in the context of identifying someone or something from having encountered them before. It can also imply the acknowledgement of the existence, validity, or legality of something. Just like in English, 'reconocer' is used in various contexts and can change based on the situation.

Example sentences with  reconocer
récord de audiencia
record audience record

The Spanish phrase 'récord de audiencia' translates to 'audience record' in English. This term is often used in the context of broadcast media, to refer to the highest number of viewers or listeners that a television show, radio program, or other event has ever reached at one particular time. It is a measure of the popularity and reach of a media program.


The word 'recordar' is a commonly used verb in Spanish, equivalent to 'remember' in English. It is used in the context of keeping something in mind or retaining a particular piece of information. For example, 'No puedo recordar su nombre' means 'I can't remember his name'. It also carries an emotional meaning, depending on the context, as it is frequently used to express the act of recalling or reliving a moment or experience.

Example sentences with  recordar
recorrer el océano
travel the ocean

The Spanish phrase 'recorrer el océano' translates to 'travel the ocean' in English. It is usually used in a metaphorical sense to indicate long, arduous journeys with many experiences, similar to a sailor traversing the vast ocean. However, it can also be used literally to state somebody's desire or action of going on an ocean voyage.

Example sentences with  recorrer el océano
recorrer el país
travel the country

The Spanish phrase 'recorrer el país' translates to 'travel the country' in English. This is often used to denote the act of traveling through different parts of a country, visiting various cities or regions. It's often used in the context of tourism or exploration. The word 'recorrer' is a verb that means 'to travel' or 'to traverse', and 'el país' is a noun that translates to 'the country'. When put together, they form a phrase that encourages an expansive, diverse travel experience within a country's borders.

Example sentences with  recorrer el país
recortar el sueldo
cut the salary

The Spanish phrase 'recortar el sueldo' translates to 'cut the salary' in English. It is often used in contexts where there is a reduction in the amount of money one earns. This phrase could be used for various situations, such as a company reducing employees' salaries due to economic hardships, or when someone takes a lower-paying job and experiences a decrease in their income. The phrase consists of the verb 'recortar' which means 'to cut', and 'el sueldo', which translates to 'the salary'.

recortarse el bigote
cut the mustache

The phrase 'recortarse el bigote' in Spanish translates to 'cut the mustache' in English. It is an action phrase that refers to the act of trimming or cutting one's mustache. This phrase can be used in various contexts but is primarily used in grooming and personal hygiene discussions. Furthermore, it can be expanded to include other grooming activities by replacing 'el bigote' with other body parts as per the context.

Example sentences with  recortarse el bigote
recortarse la barba
cut the beard

'Recortarse la barba' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'cut the beard' in English. It is often used in personal grooming context where men do regular maintenance of their facial hair. It is a common phrase and is used in everyday language in Spanish speaking societies.

Example sentences with  recortarse la barba

The Spanish word 'rector' translates to 'rector' in English. This term is mainly used in an academic context, often denoting the head of a university, college, or other educational institution. While it has the same spelling in both languages, its pronunciation and usage differ. In English-speaking countries, this title is typically given to a clergy person in certain Christian denominations, but it can also refer to the chief administrative officer of certain universities.

i remember

The Spanish word 'recuerdo' is commonly used as a noun, which translates to 'memory' in English. However, it can also be used as the first-person singular present indicative form of the verb 'recordar' meaning 'I remember'. This word can be used in several contexts such as to express one's memory about a past event or person, or to indicate the act of remembering something.

recuperar clientes
recover customers

The Spanish phrase 'recuperar clientes' translates to mean 'recover customers' in English. This phrase is often used in business contexts and refers to the process of encouraging former customers who have stopped doing business with a company to return and become active customers again. This could be through strategies like improved customer service, marketing efforts, or providing better products or services than before.

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