Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'rebeldía' translates to 'rebellion' in English. It is typically used to describe an act of resistance against an established authority, control, or tradition. Often it is associated with nonconformity to a system, defiance, insubordination, or dissent. This word is commonly used in both everyday conversation and formal contexts such as literature and news reporting.

Example sentences with  rebeldía

The Spanish word 'recaída' translates to 'relapsed' in English. This term is commonly used in a medical context where a person, after showing improvement, falls back into a former state, especially one involving ill health. However, it can also be applied metaphorically in various situations. For instance, if a person has made some progress in breaking a certain habit or improving some aspect of personal behavior and then unexpectedly goes back to their old undesired behavior, this is also called a relapse or 'recaída'.

Example sentences with  recaída

The Spanish word 'recepción' translates to 'reception' in English. It is most typically used to refer to a formal gathering or party, such as after a wedding. However, it can also refer to the act of receiving something or someone. For example, in a hotel, the 'recepción' is the place where guests check in and out and receive information about the hotel and its services.

Example sentences with  recepción

The Spanish word 'recepcionista' translates to 'receptionist' in English. A receptionist is a person usually seated at the entrance of a building or office who greets visitors, answers phone calls, and performs administrative tasks. The term 'recepcionista' is widely used in Spanish-speaking countries in various professional contexts such as hotels, offices, and hospitals.

Example sentences with  recepcionista

The word 'receta' in Spanish translates to 'recipe' in English. A 'receta' can be a set of instructions or guidelines to prepare a particular dish or meal. This includes a list of ingredients required, the cooking methods, steps of preparation, and sometimes even the cooking time or special equipment needed. The term is used extensively in cooking and culinary arts. It may also refer to a prescription given by a doctor in a medical context, but primarily it is associated with food and cooking.


The Spanish word 'rechoncho' translates to 'chubby' in English. In Spanish, it is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is plump, fat or overweight. It is not a very formal term and it's often used in an affectionate or playful manner. It can be used both for humans and animals. Please note, as with all adjectives in Spanish, it may need to agree in gender and number with the noun it is modifying.


The word 'recibir' is a Spanish verb meaning 'to receive' in English. It is used in many same contexts as English, such as receiving a gift (recibir un regalo), receiving news (recibir noticias), or receiving a visitor (recibir una visita). The verb 'recibir' is regular, so it respects the regular conjugation pattern in all the tenses.

Example sentences with  recibir
recibir clases
receive classes

The Spanish phrase 'recibir clases' is translated into English as 'receive classes'. It is generally used to express the action of attending or taking certain classes or courses. For example, if a student is taking English lessons in a school, in Spanish he would say, 'Estoy recibiendo clases de inglés'. This directly translates to 'I am receiving English classes', and accurately means 'I am taking English classes'. Remember that in Spanish, the verb 'recibir' is conjugated differently based on the subject and tense.

recibir educación superior
higher education

The Spanish phrase 'recibir educación superior' translates to 'receive higher education' in English. This is a concept widely used to denote any form of education that exceeds high school level or its equivalent. This type of education usually takes place at colleges, universities, or professional training centers. The phrase could also suggest the act of receiving said education, rather than referring to the institution where it occurs.

recibir educación universitaria
receive university education

The phrase 'recibir educación universitaria' in Spanish refers to the act of acquiring education at a tertiary level, usually after one has completed their secondary education. This instruction often takes place at a college or university, where one can study a vast range of subjects in numerous disciplines. 'Recibir educación universitaria' may encompass a broad variety of experiences, including attending lectures, conducting research, partaking in discussions or seminars, engaging in project work, and preparing for examinations, among others. The terminal goal of 'recibir educación universitaria' is typically to gain academic degrees or professional certifications.

recibir la correspondencia
receive correspondence

The Spanish phrase 'recibir la correspondencia' translates to 'receive correspondence' in English. This can be understood as receiving letters, mails, or other forms of written communication. In a business context, it might also refer to receiving official documents. It is a common phrase used in daily conversation as well as in formal settings in Spanish speaking countries.

recibir un correo
receive mail

The Spanish phrase 'recibir un correo' translates to 'receive mail' in English. This could refer to getting an email or any form of postal service. For instance, in a sentence, you could say 'Acabo de recibir un correo', meaning 'I just received an mail'. Therefore, understanding this phrase is essential for communications in Spanish speaking environments.

recibir un fax
receive a fax

The Spanish phrase 'recibir un fax' translates to 'receive a fax' in English. This is typically used in the context of office or workplace communication, where one could 'recibir un fax' or 'receive a fax' from another employee, a business partner, or customer. Often, it refers to the act of physically retrieving the printed document from a fax machine. However, with the evolution of technology, it could also mean receiving a digital document through electronic fax services.

recibir un mensaje electrónico
receive an e-mail

The Spanish term 'recibir un mensaje electrónico' translates to 'receive an email' in English. This phrase is often used in communication settings, particularly in modern, digital contexts. Much like in English, 'recibir' means 'to receive', 'un' means 'an', 'mensaje' means 'message', and 'electrónico' means 'electronic'. Therefore, if someone were to say 'voy a recibir un mensaje electrónico', they would be stating 'I am going to receive an email' in English.

recibir una ayuda
receive help

The Spanish phrase 'recibir una ayuda' translates to 'receive help' in English. This is a common phrase, a combination of the verb 'recibir' meaning to receive, and 'una ayuda' meaning a help. It is commonly used in contexts where one person is offering or providing assistance to another, and the individual is willing to accept or receive that help. It can be used in various different scenarios and is not limited to any specific type of help, ranging anywhere from emotional support to physical assistance.

recibir una bonificación
receive a bonus

The Spanish phrase 'recibir una bonificación' translates to 'receive a bonus' in English. It is usually used in the context of workplaces or industries where financial bonuses are given as part of an employee's compensation. The word 'recibir' means 'receive', 'una' means 'a', and 'bonificación' means 'bonus'. This phrase can also be used figuratively to refer to receiving a reward or benefit in other contexts.

Example sentences with  recibir una bonificación
recibir una carta
receive a letter

The Spanish phrase 'recibir una carta' translates as 'receive a letter' in English. It is used in various contexts such as when you are expecting to get a letter from someone, a company, or an institution. It could also be used when someone hands in a letter to you directly and you take it. It's similar in usage to its English equivalent.

recibir una llamada
receive a call

The phrase 'recibir una llamada' in Spanish translates to 'receive a call' in English. It is used when someone gets a phone call. This could be in a casual setting, like receiving a call from a friend, or in a more formal situation such as receiving a business call. This phrase is quite common in everyday Spanish conversations.

recibir una postal
receive a postcard

The Spanish phrase 'recibir una postal' translates to 'receive a postcard' in English. This phrase can be used in various contexts like when someone sends you a postcard from their vacation, or if you are a collector of postcards. In a sentence, it can be used like this: 'Voy a recibir una postal de mi amigo que está de vacaciones en España', which means 'I am going to receive a postcard from my friend who is on vacation in Spain'.


The Spanish word 'recibo' translates in English to 'receipt'. A 'recibo' is a written acknowledgment that something of value has been transferred from one party to another. In additional to the physical goods or services, the receipt often includes the date, price, and particulars of the sale or transaction in it. It serves as a proof of purchase.

Example sentences with  recibo
recibo del teléfono
telephone receipt

The Spanish phrase 'recibo del teléfono' translates to 'telephone receipt' in English. It refers to the document, digital or physical, that confirms the payment for telephone services. It's usually issued monthly and indicates the amount paid, the payment date, and the services covered. This term is commonly used in both business and personal contexts.


The Spanish word 'reciclaje' translates to 'recycling' in English. Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects. It is an alternative to 'conventional' waste disposal that can save material and help lower greenhouse gas emissions. Recycling can prevent the waste of potentially useful materials and reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, thereby reducing: energy usage, air pollution (from incineration), and water pollution (from landfilling).

Example sentences with  reciclaje
reciclar cartón
recycle carton

The Spanish term 'reciclar cartón' translates to 'recycle carton' in English. It is used to describe the activity where cartons, usually made of cardboard or paper, are collected and transformed through a process to be reused. This is part of waste management and is particularly crucial for environmental conservation.

Example sentences with  reciclar cartón
reciclar latas
recycling cans

Reciclar latas is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'recycling cans' in English. It's a concept that encourages reprocessing and reusing metal containers that were previously used for storing food, beverages, and other products. The aim is to reduce waste and save resources, a practice that's widely accepted and promoted globally for its environmental benefits.

Example sentences with  reciclar latas
reciclar papel
recycling paper

The phrase 'reciclar papel' in Spanish translates to 'recycling paper' in English. This is a term that describes the process of converting waste paper into new paper products. It is an important strategy to implement for waste management and environmental protection. By recycling paper, we can reduce the amount of waste going to landfill and save trees from being cut down for raw material for making new paper.

Example sentences with  reciclar papel
reciclar pilas
recycle batteries

The Spanish term 'reciclar pilas' translates to 'recycle batteries' in English. This is a commonly used phrase in regards to e-waste management and environmental conservation. It consists of 'reciclar', which means to recycle, and 'pilas', which means batteries. Its usage is prevalent in urging people to dispose batteries in a responsible and environmentally friendly manner.

Example sentences with  reciclar pilas
reciclar vidrio
recycling glass

The term 'reciclar vidrio' translates to 'recycle glass' in English. It is a common phrase used in Spanish speaking regions to encourage the practice of sustainability and environmental preservation. This refers to the process of converting waste glass into new products. This recycling process helps in reducing raw material waste and energy consumption that is typically associated with making new glass.

Example sentences with  reciclar vidrio

The word 'reciclarse' is a Spanish verb which originates from the noun 'reciclaje', meaning 'recycling'. In English, 'reciclarse' would mean 'to recycle oneself'. This is more often used metaphorically rather than literally, like someone changing their life direction or learning a new skill. So while 'recycled' can be a direct translation, the verb often carries more weight in Spanish, symbolizing change and self-improvement.

recién nacido

The Spanish phrase 'recién nacido' directly translates to 'newly born' in English but it is more commonly referred to as 'newborn'. This term is often used to describe a baby shortly after its birth, generally within the first four weeks of life. In Spanish, the term can be used in the same context as it is in English, referring to a very young child, and it longs within the vocabulary of family and health.


The Spanish word for 'recent' is 'reciente'. It is used in the same context as it is used in English. For instance, when referring to something that happened not long ago or something newly made or obtained, we use 'reciente'. Example: If we want to say 'Recent studies show...', in Spanish we would say, 'Estudios recientes muestran...'.

Example sentences with  reciente
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