Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'radiografía' translates to 'x-ray' in English. It is a form of electromagnetic radiation, similar to light but with higher energy. X-rays are primarily used in the medical field for imaging purposes to view the internal structure of objects or human body parts. Doctors commonly use radiografías to detect fractures in bones, illnesses in the lungs, and dental problems.

Example sentences with  radiografía

Radiología, a Spanish term that translates to radiology in English, is a branch of medicine that uses radiation for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Often, both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation are used. This area of medicine is divided into two main areas - diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology. Diagnostico radiology concerns with imaging test treatments such as X-rays and MRIS, it aids with the process of diagnosing illnesses. While interventional radiology involves minimally invasive, image-guided treatment of medical conditions that once required open surgery.

Example sentences with  radiología
ráfaga de viento
wind gust

The Spanish term 'ráfaga de viento' translates to 'wind gust' in English. Essentially, this term is used to describe a brief, high-speed increase in wind force that typically lasts fewer than 20 seconds. Wind gusts can occur during storms, hurricanes, or even on clear, sunny days. They are usually a result of the uneven heating of the Earth's surface, which creates pockets of air with different temperatures and pressures, resulting in wind. Understanding this term is essential in weather forecasting as it helps identify potentially dangerous weather conditions.

Example sentences with  ráfaga de viento
raíz cuadrada
square root

The Spanish phrase 'raíz cuadrada' translates into English as 'square root'. In mathematics, the square root of a number is a value that, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number. For example, the square root of 9 is 3, as 3 times 3 equals 9. This term is commonly used in mathematical and scientific fields.

Example sentences with  raíz cuadrada
raíz cúbica
Cubic root

The Spanish term 'raíz cúbica' translates to 'cubic root' in English. It is a mathematical term used to denote the operation which finds a number that when multiplied by itself three times yields the original number. For example, the cubic root of 8 is 2, because 2 * 2 * 2 equals 8.

Example sentences with  raíz cúbica
raíz del pelo
hair root

The Spanish phrase 'raíz del pelo' translates to 'hair root' in English. This term is used to refer to the part of the hair that is below the surface of the skin. This is where hair growth occurs and is nourished with nutrients from the bloodstream. Keeping a healthy hair root is essential for maintaining strong, vibrant hair.

Example sentences with  raíz del pelo
rallar queso
grating cheese

The Spanish phrase 'rallar queso' translates to 'grating cheese' in English. 'Rallar' is a verb which refers to the act of grating or shredding something, usually with a tool like a grater. 'Queso' is a noun that means cheese. Hence, 'rallar queso' refers to the action of grating cheese, often as a way to prepare it for cooking or for adding as a topping to certain dishes.


Ramadán is a term in Spanish that translates to 'Ramadan' in English. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection and community. This annual observance is regarded as one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The month lasts 29–30 days based on the visual sightings of the crescent moon.

Example sentences with  Ramadán
to shave

The Spanish word 'raparse' translates to 'to shave' in English. In a sentence, you may use it to describe the act of cutting off hair close to the skin with a razor or any other bladed implement. This could be for any body part like the face, legs, or head. The verb 'raparse' is commonly used in the context of shaving one's own hair, particularly the head.

Example sentences with  raparse

This is an adverb frequently used with verbs denoting action to explain how quickly they are performed.

Example sentences with  rápidamente

In Spanish, 'rápido' represents the concept of quick or fast. It could be used in different contexts e.g., running quickly, fast car, etc.

Example sentences with  rápido

The term 'raqueta' in Spanish translates to 'racket' in English. Primarily, it's used to denote the sporting equipment consisting of a handled frame with an open hoop, which a network of cord is tightly stretched. This equipment is commonly used in games such as tennis, badminton, and squash. The user swings the 'raqueta' to hit a ball or shuttlecock in the respective sport.


It communicates actions, occurrences that are not occurring frequently, it talks about unusual or scarcely happening subjects.

Example sentences with  raramente

The Spanish word 'ratón' translates to 'mouse' in English. It can refer either to the small rodent or, in modern technology, to a device used to control the pointer in a computer. It is a masculine noun in Spanish, and the plural form is 'ratones'.


The Spanish word 'razón' is used similarly to the English word 'reason', meaning the explanation or justification for an action or event. It can be used in a variety of contexts and can be found in many Spanish sentences, especially in discussions related to logic or reasoning. Keep in mind that like many other words, 'razón' might have different connotations based on the specific context.

Example sentences with  razón
razonamiento filosófico
philosophical reasoning

The term 'razonamiento filosófico' translates to 'philosophical reasoning' in English. This refers to the application of specific mental abilities and techniques to questions that have been raised by philosophy. These abilities can include, but are not limited to, logical reasoning, critical thinking, systematic problem solving and questioning. Philosophical reasoning is a way of critically examining ideas and beliefs, including one's own beliefs, to better understand and explain the world and our experiences within it.

Example sentences with  razonamiento filosófico

'Razonar' is a Spanish verb that translates to 'reasoning' in English. It is primarily used to describe the process of thinking about something in a logical manner in order to make a decision or understand something. The verb can be used in various contexts, such as legal, mathematical or everyday situations where critical thinking is applied.

Example sentences with  razonar

The term 're' itself is quite versatile in Spanish language. While it doesn't have a direct translation in English, it is often used as an intensifier in informal conversations. It could be somewhat equated to words in English like 'very' or 'really.' For instance, 're lindo' would translate to 'really cute.' It is to be noted that the usage of 're' may vary among different regions in the Spanish-speaking world.

Example sentences with  re

The Spanish word 'real' can be used in the same contexts as the English word 'real'. It refers to something that is not imagined or supposed, but actually exists. However, take note that depending on the context, 'real' can also mean 'royal' in Spanish. For instance, 'Real Madrid' means 'Royal Madrid'.

Example sentences with  real

The Spanish word 'realidad' directly translates to 'reality' in English. It is used in the same context as in English, to denote things as they are, or the truth. For example, it could be used in a sentence like 'La realidad es dura', which translates to 'Reality is hard'.

Example sentences with  realidad
realidad virtual
virtual reality

The term 'realidad virtual' in Spanish translates to 'virtual reality' in English. Virtual reality is a simulated experience that can be similar to or completely different from the real world. It is typically achieved by wearing a headset which tracks the user's movements and changes the user's view accordingly. This technology is used in various fields such as gaming, education, and training programs among others.


The Spanish word 'realizador' refers to a person who is in a position of managing or directing a business, project, or other initiative. This can involve a wide range of tasks, such as coordinating personnel, making strategic decisions, and overseeing day-to-day operations. The word 'realizador' bears the connotation of someone who not only manages, but also brings things into reality, closely aligning with the active and responsible role that managers often play.

realizar un presupuesto

'Realizar un presupuesto' is a Spanish term that translates to 'make a budget' in English. It refers to the process of creating a plan to spend your money. This plan, known as a budget, allows individuals to determine in advance whether they will have enough money to do the things they need to do or would like to do. Budgeting is considered as a crucial activity to manage your finances, it helps you keep track of your income and expenses, and make careful decisions about where to spend money to achieve your financial goals.

realizar un trabajo impecable
to perform impeccable work

The Spanish phrase 'realizar un trabajo impecable' translates to 'to perform impeccable work' in English. This refers to the act of doing a job or task to the highest standard, without any errors or mistakes. This phrase could be used in a professional context to describe an employee's excellent performance, or in a more general sense to describe any task being done flawlessly and with great attention to detail.

realizar un trabajo minucioso
performing a thorough job

The Spanish phrase 'realizar un trabajo minucioso' translates to 'performing a thorough job' in English. It implies doing any task with great attention to detail and completing it to the best one's ability. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, like in professional settings, in academia, in day-to-day chores, or any activity that requires precision and due diligence.

realizar un trabajo riguroso
perform a rigorous job

The phrase 'realizar un trabajo riguroso' in Spanish means to carry out or perform a task or job that is difficult and requires a great deal of effort or precision in English. It implies the work has to be thoroughly carried out with close attention to detail and standards.

realizar una entrega de premios
to hold an awards ceremony

The Spanish phrase 'realizar una entrega de premios' translates to 'to hold an awards ceremony' in English. This is often used in the context of organizing or conducting an event, where awards are being presented to acknowledge and honor the achievement of individuals in various fields. The term implies not just the act of giving awards, but all the associated aspects of such an event such as planning, arranging, and executing.

realizar una entrevista (de trabajo)
perform an interview (working)

The Spanish phrase 'realizar una entrevista (de trabajo)' can be translated into English as 'to conduct an interview (for a job)'. This phrase is commonly used in contexts related to job recruitment or hiring process, where one person (usually an employer or a representative of a company) formally questions another person (the potential employee) in order to assess their suitability for a position. The verb 'realizar' embodies the action of carrying out or executing something, in this case, an interview. 'Entrevista de trabajo' literally translates to 'job interview'.


The word 'realmente' is an adverb in Spanish, equivalent to 'really' in English. It is used to emphasize the word that it modifies. For example, you can use 'realmente' to express surprise, disbelief or agreement to what someone is saying, such as 'Estoy realmente sorprendido' translated as 'I am really surprised.' Also, it can be used in negative sentences to intensify the meaning of the sentence.

Example sentences with  realmente
flock flock

The Spanish word 'rebaño' is translated into English as 'flock'. It refers to a group of animals, particularly birds or sheep, that move together and are often raised or kept by a person for farming purposes or commercial uses. This term indicates the common behavior of these animals to stay close to each other for protection or breeding.

Example sentences with  rebaño
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