Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'quemadura' translates to 'burn' in English. It can be used to describe physical injuries caused by heat, chemistry, electricity or radiation. Similarly, in Spanish, it is used to represent the wound, scar, or injury on the skin or organ due to exposure to extreme heat, corrosive chemicals, electricity, or radiation. This word has a similar application in medical context as in English.

Example sentences with  quemadura
quemar(se) un dedo
burn a finger

In Spanish, 'quemar(se) un dedo' translates to 'burn a finger' in English. This phrase is used when someone physically burns their finger or gets hurt from heat or fire on their finger. It can be used in various contexts, for instance, when someone accidentally touches a hot pan or overexposes their finger to a fire. It should be noted that when 'se' is added to 'quemar', the action is reflexive, meaning the subject is performing the action to itself. Therefore, 'quemarse un dedo' implies that the person has burned their own finger.

Example sentences with  quemar(se) un dedo
quemar(se) una mano
burn a hand

The Spanish phrase 'quemar(se) una mano' translates to 'burn a hand' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as in healthcare settings, domestic accidents, cooking incidents, or literal sense. For instance, it can be used to describe a situation where someone has hurt their hand by exposing it to any form of extreme heat or fire. The word 'quemar(se)' means 'to burn' and 'una mano' is 'a hand'. This phrase can also have an idiomatic meaning referring to making a mistake or experiencing a minor mishap.

Example sentences with  quemar(se) una mano
quemarse la comida
burn the food

The Spanish phrase 'quemarse la comida' translates to 'burn the food' in English. It is generally used to describe a scenario when cooking goes wrong and the food gets overcooked to a point of being charred or burnt. Often, it indicates a cooking error or mishap.

quemarse la espalda
Burn your back

The Spanish phrase 'quemarse la espalda' translates to 'burn your back' in English. It can be used literally, to denote the act of one's back being physically burned, perhaps as a result of exposure to high heat or sunburn. However, it might also be used figuratively in the Spanish language, implying a betrayal, in a similar context to the English expression 'stab in the back'. It's a versatile phrase that can be used in various contexts, depending on its intended meaning.

Example sentences with  quemarse la espalda
quemarse los hombros
burn your shoulders

The Spanish phrase 'quemarse los hombros' translates to 'burn your shoulders' in English. It doesn’t necessarily mean to literally burn your shoulders. It can often be used metaphorically. For example, in the context of sun exposure, it is very common to use during summer to caution people against sunburn.

Example sentences with  quemarse los hombros

The term 'queso' directly translates to 'cheese' in English. It is a staple in many Spanish dishes and therefore an essential word for any food-related conversation.

Example sentences with  queso
queso azul
Blue cheese

Queso azul is a Spanish term that translates to 'blue cheese' in English. This is a general term for cheeses that have had cultures of the mold Penicillium added so that the final product is spotted or veined throughout with blue, blue-grey or blue-green mold, and carries a distinct smell. Such cheeses can range from mild to sharp in flavor, and are often enjoyed with fruits, like pears and apples. Within this category, there are many specific kinds of blue cheese, each with their own distinct flavors, including but not limited to Gorgonzola, Roquefort and Stilton.

queso de cabra
goat cheese

The Spanish term 'queso de cabra' refers to a type of cheese produced using goat's milk. It is commonly enjoyed in a variety of dishes for its unique and tangy flavor. Goat cheese can range in taste from strong and pungent, to delicate and mild. It is considered a delicacy in many cultures worldwide.

queso de oveja
sheep cheese

The phrase 'queso de oveja' comes from Spanish and is translated into English as 'sheep cheese.' This refers to cheese that is made from the milk of sheep. This type of cheese is very popular in various parts of the world and can have a diverse range of flavors and textures, depending on many factors such as the breed of the sheep, the diet of the sheep, the production process, and the age of the cheese.

queso fresco
fresh cheese

The Spanish term 'queso fresco' directly translates to 'fresh cheese' in English. 'Queso fresco' is soft, moist, and crumbly, which makes it perfect for sprinkling over a wide variety of dishes. White in color, this popular variety of cheese usually doesn't melt when heated, but it becomes somewhat creamy while still retaining its overall shape. It is quite mild in flavor, which makes it versatile in culinary applications.


The term 'quicio' does not translate to 'trade' in English. It is a Spanish word that translates to 'doorjamb' or 'hinge' in English, and it typically refers to the part of a door frame where the door is hung. The phrase 'estar en el quicio de la puerta' means to be at the threshold or on the brink of something.


The Spanish word 'quiero' translates as 'want' in English. It's used predominantly to express a desire, need or intention to do something. 'Quiero' is the first person singular form of 'querer', which means 'to want' or 'to love'. Like English, it could be used in various contexts such as 'yo quiero un café' which means 'I want a coffee', or 'yo quiero ir a la playa' translating to 'I want to go to the beach'.

Example sentences with  quiero

Chemistry is a branch of science that studies the properties and behaviour of matter. It investigates everything from the reactions and interactions of individual atoms to complex chemical structures and processes.

Example sentences with  química

The Spanish word 'químico' translates to 'chemical' in English. It's usually used in the context of science, and refers to a substance produced by or used in a chemical process. This term is closely associated with chemistry, the study of the properties and changes of matter and their related energy changes. Details about a 'químico' can tell you about its composition, reactions, and uses in various fields, including medicine, industry, and environmental science.

Example sentences with  químico

The Spanish word 'quiosco' translates to 'kiosk' in English. A kiosk is typically a small, separated garden pavilion open on some or all sides. It is also frequently used, in modern context, to refer to a small, open-fronted hut or cube-like structure where magazines, newspapers, confectionary or tickets are sold. Therefore, 'quiosco' represents similar concepts in Spanish.

operating room

The Spanish word 'quirófano' translates to 'operating room' in English. It is often used in medical contexts to refer to the specific area within a hospital where surgical procedures are performed. These rooms are specially designed and equipped with advanced technology to promote sterilization and enable various types of surgeries to be performed effectively. The term 'quirófano' originates from the Greek words 'cheir' meaning 'hand', and 'ergon' meaning 'work', thus it is literally the place where 'handwork' or 'surgery' occurs.

quitar el polvo
remove the dust

The Spanish phrase 'quitar el polvo' translates directly to 'remove the dust' in English. It is usually used in the context of cleaning, like dusting furniture or objects. 'Quitar' is the verb that means 'to remove', while 'el polvo' is the noun phrase that means 'the dust'. Both combined form the action phrase that indicates the removal or cleaning of dust.

quitar la mesa
remove the table

The phrase 'quitar la mesa' in Spanish refers to the act of clearing the table after a meal. It is a common household chore where all the dishes, utensils, and left-over food are removed from the table. The items are typically taken to the kitchen for cleaning and storage. In English, it could be translated as 'clear the table' or 'remove the table' but the first translation is more accurate in most contexts.

quitar la sed
remove the thirst

The Spanish phrase 'quitar la sed' translates to 'remove the thirst' in English. This expression is often used to mean satisfying a thirst or quenching a thirst. An equivalent phrase in English might be 'to quench one's thirst'. This could be literally, such as by drinking water when you're thirsty, or figuratively, such as satisfying a deep desire or need.

quitar la suciedad
remove dirt

The Spanish phrase 'quitar la suciedad' translates into English as 'remove dirt'. It is composed of 'quitar' which means to remove or take away, and 'la suciedad' which translates to dirt or filth. Hence, when you come across this phrase, it generally implies the act of cleaning or tidying up, specifically by getting rid of dirt, dust, grime or other similar unclean substances.

quitar las impurezas de la piel
remove the impurities from the skin

The Spanish phrase 'quitar las impurezas de la piel' translates to 'remove the impurities from the skin' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of skincare and beauty treatments, referring to the process of cleansing the skin to remove dirt, oil, and other impurities that can clog pores and cause skin problems.

Example sentences with  quitar las impurezas de la piel
quitar los platos
remove the dishes

The Spanish phrase 'quitar los platos' translates to 'remove the dishes' in English. It is a common phrase used in contexts involving clearing, cleaning, or setting the table. 'Quitar' is a verb that means 'to remove' or 'to take away', and 'los platos' refers to 'the dishes'. So, when combined, it refers to the act of removing or taking away the dishes.

quitar un electrodoméstico
remove an appliance

The Spanish phrase 'quitar un electrodoméstico' translates to 'remove an appliance' in English. When 'quitar' is used in this context, it means to physically take away or remove an object or item. 'Electrodoméstico' is a generic term used in Spanish to refer to any electrically-powered household item or appliance such as a refrigerator, a kitchen stove, a toaster, etc. Therefore, when someone says 'quitar un electrodoméstico', they are referring to the act of removing or taking away a household electrical appliance from its usual place.

quitar una mancha
remove a stain

The Spanish phrase 'quitar una mancha' translates to 'remove a stain' in English. The verb 'quitar' means 'to remove' and 'una mancha' means 'a stain'. This phrase can be used in various contexts related to cleaning or laundry where there is a need to remove a stain from a surface or fabric.

take off

The Spanish verb 'quitarse' translates to 'take off' in English. It refers to the act of removing something that one is wearing. For example, if you want to say 'take off your shoes' in Spanish, you would say 'quítate los zapatos'. Remember, this verb is reflexive, so it requires the use of reflexive pronouns such as 'me', 'te', etc., to indicate who is performing the action toward themselves. It's often used in the context of clothing, accessories, or parts of the body.


It states uncertainty by presenting information as a possibility neither confirming nor denying.

Example sentences with  quizás

The Spanish word 'rabino' translates to 'rabbi' in English. The term is used to denote a religious leader or teacher in Judaism, who is educated in Jewish law, tradition and practices. 'Rabino' is commonly used in religious contexts where the rabbi may lead community services, give sermons or interpret religious texts.

Example sentences with  rabino

The Spanish word 'ración' translates to 'ration' in English. A ration is a fixed amount of something, often food, that is allowed to each person during a time of shortage. Therefore, 'ración' in Spanish refers to a particular portion or share, especially of food, that is allotted to a person.


The Spanish word 'radio' translates to the English word 'radio'. Much like its English counterpart, the Spanish 'radio' can refer to either the electronic device that receives wireless communications for broadcasting sound or the medium of communication wherein audio content is transmitted via radio waves. It also refers to the concept of broadcasting or the transmission of information and entertainment through spoken word and music.

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