Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

puerto comercial
commercial port

The Spanish term 'puerto comercial' translates to 'commercial port' in English. A commercial port is a place where ships can dock and unload their cargo to be further distributed. These ports serve as crucial nodes in the world's economic system, enabling trade and commerce to thrive by facilitating the import and export of goods across borders. The term 'puerto comercial' carries the same meaning in Spanish-speaking regions.

Example sentences with  puerto comercial
puerto deportivo

The Spanish term 'puerto deportivo' translates to 'marina' in English. A marina is a specifically designed harbor with moorings for small boats and yachts. It often includes facilities such as repair services, storage units, and amenities for the crew and passengers making it a recreational area and a shelter for boats. The equivalent term in Spanish, 'puerto deportivo', carries the same meaning, referring to a harbor area dedicated to recreational boating and yachting.

Example sentences with  puerto deportivo
puerto fluvial
river port

A 'puerto fluvial' refers to a river port in English. It is a type of port situated along the banks of a river, providing docking capabilities for riverine vessels and facilitating trade, transport, or travel along the river. Its functionality serves not just as a point of transition for goods and passengers, but also offers water-related services like cargo handling and storage. The actual size and capability of a 'puerto fluvial' can vary immensely, depending on the volume of traffic it handles and the size of the river on which it is located.

Example sentences with  puerto fluvial
puerto marítimo
sea port

The Spanish phrase 'puerto marítimo' translates to 'sea port' in English. It refers to a place on the coast where ships can take shelter and where goods and passengers can be transferred from sea to land and vice versa. Sea ports are equipped with specialized facilities and equipment designed to assist in the handling of ocean-going vessels, their cargoes, and their passengers.

Example sentences with  puerto marítimo
puerto natural
natural port

The Spanish phrase 'puerto natural' translates to 'natural port' in English. A natural port is a landform where a portion of a body of water is protected and deep enough to furnish anchorage. It's often surrounded by land, resulting in a natural harbor that protects boats from the rough waters of the sea or lake. Natural ports are naturally occurring and were not man-made, but they might have been improved with breakwaters, jetties, and piers for better usage.

Example sentences with  puerto natural
puerto pesquero
fishing port

The Spanish term 'puerto pesquero' translates in English to 'fishing port'. This is a part of a body of water such as a sea, river, or lake, which has been designated for the use of commercial fishing activities. This includes activities concerning the landing and distribution of fish, shellfish, and other sea products. It also serves as a base for other related services like fish processing, supplying of fishing gear, and ship maintenance.

Example sentences with  puerto pesquero
puesto de socorro
aid station

The Spanish phrase 'puesto de socorro' translates to 'aid station' in English. An aid station is a temporary facility, often set up in emergency situations, where varying degrees of medical services are provided. This could range from first aid treatment to more extensive medical procedures. When translated word by word, 'puesto' means 'post' or 'station', and 'socorro' means 'aid' or 'help'. The phrase 'puesto de socorro' is commonly used in Spanish speaking countries in contexts related to healthcare, emergency services and disaster response.

Example sentences with  puesto de socorro
puesto de trabajo

The Spanish phrase 'puesto de trabajo' translates to 'job' in English. The term refers to the role or position a person holds in a business or organization, typically involving specific duties, responsibilities, and skills. This could be anything from a retail job, a corporate position, to a self-employed job. It's an essential concept in the contexts of career, occupation, and professional life.

Example sentences with  puesto de trabajo

The Spanish word 'pulgar' translates to 'thumb' in English. The thumb is a digit on the human hand that provides an opposable digit that enables gripping. It is the most flexible finger, positioned oppositely from the other four fingers. The equivalent term in Spanish, 'pulgar', is used in a similar context.


The word 'pulmón' is a noun in Spanish, which translates to 'lung' in English. This term is predominantly used in medical or biological contexts. In Spanish-speaking countries, it is used to refer to one of the two respiratory organs in the chest that supply the blood with oxygen. For example, 'El tabaco puede dañar tus pulmones.' translates to 'Tobacco can damage your lungs.'


The Spanish word 'pulpa' translates to 'octopus' in English. It is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to the soft-bodied, eight-armed sea creature known for its intelligence and unique physical characteristics. 'Pulpa' can be used in various contexts such as food, wildlife, and literature. Please note, in some regions, 'pulpo' is more commonly used for octopus, while 'pulpa' can also mean 'pulp'.


The Spanish word 'pulsera' translates to 'bracelet' in English. This is a piece of jewelry that people wear around their wrist. Bracelets can be made from different materials such as gold, silver, beads, etc. and can be styled in various ways to suit different fashion preferences. The word 'pulsera' might be used in various contexts, for example shopping, fashion, or simply in a conversation about personal belongings.

puñado de lentejas
handful of lentils

The Spanish phrase 'puñado de lentejas' translates to 'handful of lentils' in English. This phrase can be broken down into two parts: 'puñado', which means handful, and 'lentejas', which means lentils. It can be used in various contexts, particularly in describing a small quantity, similar to the English phrase 'a handful of'. The use of 'puñado de lentejas' would often be found in food-related discussions or recipes where a small quantity of lentils is required.

Example sentences with  puñado de lentejas

The Spanish word 'puño' translates to 'fist' in English. It is a noun used to describe the hand when the fingers are balled up into a tight, compact shape, often in preparation for punching. It is also used in various expressions and phrases to signify power, aggression, or determination.

puntas del pelo
hair tips

The Spanish phrase 'puntas del pelo' directly translates to 'tips of the hair' in English, but it is more commonly referred to as 'hair tips'. This phrase might be used in a variety of contexts, including in personal grooming and beauty, in artistic depictions of people, or in discussions of style and fashion. The understanding and care of one's hair tips can be an important aspect of maintaining hair health and achieving certain hairstyles or looks.

Example sentences with  puntas del pelo

The Spanish word for 'point' is 'punto'. This word is widely used in many contexts. For example, it can denote a location or a position in space, represent a unit of scoring in games or competitions, indicate the decisive moment in a process or event, and even express a detail or argument in a discussion or exchange of views. Moreover, 'punto' is also used in numerical and mathematical contexts to represent the decimal point.

Example sentences with  punto
punto de encuentro
meeting point

The Spanish term 'punto de encuentro' translates to 'meeting point' in English. It is a common term used in navigation and social organization, denoting a specific place where individuals or groups are supposed to gather or meet. It is often used in the context of events, emergencies, outings, or social gatherings to designate a place where all participating individuals can easily find each other.

Example sentences with  punto de encuentro
punto de información
information point

The Spanish phrase 'punto de información' translates to 'information point' in English. It may refer to a specific location where information is provided, such as in a library, shopping center, or online interface. Further, it can also be a specific piece of information or data that is of particular interest or importance, especially within a larger context or body of knowledge.

Example sentences with  punto de información

The Spanish word 'puntualidad' translates to 'punctuality' in English. This refers to the characteristic or quality of being on time. It indicates that a person values time and respects agreed schedules. In many cultures, including Spanish and English-speaking ones, punctuality is highly valued and seen as a sign of responsibility, organisation, and professionalism.


In Spanish, 'puntuar' is a verb that primarily means 'to score' or 'to rate'. It is often used in the context of grading or evaluating a performance, like in a game, on a test, or a critique of an object or event. It's also used in less formal situations such as ranking preferences or opinions. While it can be translated to 'point' in English, be cautious as this is not a one-to-one match. For example, in the context of 'to point at something', which is 'señalar' in Spanish, and not 'puntuar'.


The Spanish word 'pureza' translates to 'purity' in English. This word is a noun, often used to describe innocence, cleanliness or perfection, for instance describing the purity of a substance. It can also be used metaphorically, for example in referencing the purity of one's intentions or heart.

Example sentences with  pureza

The Spanish word 'purgatorio' translates to 'purgatory' in English. In religious context, it refers to a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are expiating their sins before going to heaven. In a more general context, 'purgatory' can also refer to a place or situation of temporary suffering or discomfort.

Example sentences with  purgatorio

The term 'puzle' in Spanish translates to 'puzzle' in English. This term is typically used to refer to a game, toy, or problem, that requires ingenuity and often persistence in solving, putting together, or completing. Puzzles can come in many forms, varying from crosswords to jigsaw puzzles, and they often offer a problem-solving challenge that many people find intriguing and enjoyable. Notably, they are not only an entertaining pastime, but also beneficial for mental activity as they can enhance memory, concentration, and cognitive abilities.


The Spanish word 'que' is used as 'what' in English during interrogative sentences to ask questions or as a relative pronoun in statements. It can be used at the beginning of a sentence or even in between, similar to how 'what' is used in English. For example, ¿Qué quieres decir? meaning 'What do you want to say?'

Example sentences with  que
Qué onda
What wave

This is a common slang expression in Mexico and other Central American countries that is used as a casual greeting, similar to 'what's up' in English.

Example sentences with  Qué onda
quebrar una empresa
to bankrupt a company

The Spanish phrase 'quebrar una empresa' translates to 'to bankrupt a company' in English. This term is commonly used in business contexts and refers to the state where a company becomes insolvent, typically due to being unable to meet its financial obligations. The company's liabilities exceeded its assets, which results in an inability to pay off its debts and thus the need for bankruptcy.

Example sentences with  quebrar una empresa
quedar ajustado

The Spanish phrase 'quedar ajustado' translates to 'adjusted' in English. It is often used to indicate that something has been modified or altered to fit or correspond accurately to something else. It's typically used in the context of making alterations to clothing or adjusting a plan or schedule to suit certain needs.

quedar ancho

The Spanish expression 'quedar ancho' doesn't directly translate to 'wide' in English. However, it is often used in situations where an item is too large or doesn't fit properly, as in the case of clothing. So in the context of 'The shirt is wide on me', you would say 'La camiseta me queda ancha'. It can also be used figuratively in the sense of feeling satisfied or fulfilled.

quedar apretado

The Spanish phrase 'quedar apretado' can be translated into English as 'tighten'. However, it's a phrase rather than a single word, and it's more commonly used in the context of something becoming tight, fitting tightly, or being tight on space or time. In literal terms, 'quedar' means 'to stay' or 'to remain', and 'apretado' means 'tight', so it can be thought of as something remaining tight or becoming tight.

quedar campeón de copa
become cup champion

The Spanish phrase 'quedar campeón de copa' translates to 'become cup champion' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of sports, and particularly in football (or soccer, as it is known in the US), to refer to the achievement of a team or individual emerging as the victor in a tournament or competition that rewards the winner with a cup or similar trophy. For example, if a football team wins the World Cup, they 'quedan campeones de copa'.

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