Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'proyección' can be translated to English as 'projection'. It is mainly used in context of casting or throwing forward. It can refer to a variety of different concepts depending on context. For instance, in mathematics, it refers to the process of projecting one shape onto another. In cinema, it refers to the process of displaying a motion picture on a screen. It could also be used in a psychological sense, when one ascribes their own attitudes or feelings to someone else.

Example sentences with  proyección
proyección de cine
cinema projection

The Spanish phrase 'proyección de cine' translates to 'cinema projection' in English. This term refers to the projection of images, typically on a large screen, in a movie theater. It primarily denotes the display process during the screening of a film or a movie. However, it can also refer to the broadcasting or airing of cinematic works on televisions. The word 'proyección' stems from the verb 'proyectar', which means 'to project', and 'cine' translates to 'cinema' or 'movie theater'. Therefore, when combined, these two words essentially depict the showing of films in a cinema setup.

proyectar una diapositiva
project a slide

The Spanish phrase 'proyectar una diapositiva' translates to 'project a slide' in English. This consists of two main components - 'proyectar', meaning to project, and 'una diapositiva', meaning a slide. This phrase is often used in the context of presentations or lectures where a slide (perhaps from a PowerPoint presentation or similar) is being displayed to an audience through a projector.

proyectar una transparencia
project transparency

The Spanish phrase 'proyectar una transparencia' can be translated to English as 'project transparency'. However, it is important to note that this phrase can have two potential interpretations dependent on context. Firstly, it may refer to the act of projecting a transparent image or slide, common in presentations. Secondly, it may suggest 'project transparency' in terms of being open and clear about all aspects of a project in a business or work setting. The context of the phrase within a sentence or paragraph will usually reveal the correct interpretation.


In Spanish, 'project' translates to 'proyecto'. The word 'proyecto' is used in the same context as 'project' in English. It can be in reference to general projects in a school or work context. The plural form is 'proyectos'. It is also common to use the verb 'proyectar' when referring to planning or forecasting a project.

Example sentences with  proyecto
proyector de diapositivas
slide projector

The Spanish term 'proyector de diapositivas' translates to 'slide projector' in English. A slide projector is a device for showing photographic slides. In olden days, it was an equipment that globose family entertainment or professional presentations. The term slide refers to the positive photographic images mounted in a framework. They are projected on larger surface for viewing. While analogue slide projectors are now rarely used, the term is still occasionally employed pertaining to digital projectors and software applications that facilitate the production of slides.


The Spanish word 'prudente' translates to 'prudent' in English. In a broader sense, it refers to showing care and thought for the future. It can be used to describe someone who is wise in practical affairs, discreet or circumspect; sober. It encourages the idea of exercising good judgment or common sense in handling practical matters.

Example sentences with  prudente

The term 'prueba' is used in numerous contexts in Spanish. Just like in English, it can refer to a test or exam at school, a trial period for a job, or a test run or experiment of something. It is also commonly used in phrases to infer checking or trying something out, similar to how we use 'test' in English.

Example sentences with  prueba
prueba anual
annual test

The Spanish term 'prueba anual' translates to 'annual test' in English. It's a phrase often used in educational and organizational settings to denote a test or examination that occurs once per year. This could refer to a variety of tests such as annual health checks, yearly academic exams, or yearly evaluations in a company.

prueba final
Final test

The term 'prueba final' in Spanish is translated to 'final test' in English. It is used to denote a test or examination that is delivered at the end of a course or term. In educational settings, this term usually refers to the end-of-term examinations or final evaluations meant to assess the knowledge and skills gained throughout the course.

prueba parcial
Partial evidence

The Spanish phrase 'prueba parcial' translates to 'partial evidence' in English. This phrase is often used in various professional fields, such as law and science. In law, it indicates a piece of evidence that, by itself, fails to prove something but works as a component towards proving the whole; essentially, it is a piece of a larger case or argument. In science, 'prueba parcial' might refer to a segment or component of a larger body of research or experimentation. This phrase can be construed in other contexts as well, but always generally indicates a fragment or segment of a larger whole.


Psicólogo is a Spanish term that denotes a professional trained in psychology, usually possessing a degree and responsible for studying and interpreting human behavior, thoughts, emotions, and actions. In English, this professional is known as a psychologist. A psychologist can work in a variety of different contexts, such as counselling, research, education, corporate settings or in the mental health field, offering therapy and support for mental health issues.


The Spanish word 'psicosis' translates to 'psychosis' in English. Psychosis is a serious mental disorder characterized by a disconnection from reality, often including hallucinations or delusions. People experiencing psychosis may have trouble thinking clearly, managing emotions, making decisions, and relating to others. While the exact cause is often unclear, it can be linked to conditions like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or severe depression. Like in English, 'psicosis' in Spanish refers to the same mental health condition.

Example sentences with  psicosis

The word 'psiquiatría' is a noun in Spanish. It's English equivalent is 'psychiatry'. This word is used in the field of medicine and it refers to the study and treatment of mental illness, emotional disturbance, and abnormal behavior. Just like its English equivalent, 'psiquiatría' can be used in different contexts such as clinical psiquiatría, child psiquiatría, etc.

Example sentences with  psiquiatría

The Spanish word 'publicar' translates to 'publish' in English. In both languages, this word is a verb and it denotes the action of preparing and issuing a book, journal, piece of music, or other works to the public. In other words, if a writer chooses to make their written work available for the public to read or buy, they are deciding to 'publish' or 'publicar' it. Therefore, authors, editors, and publishing houses are typically involved in the practice of 'publicar'.

Example sentences with  publicar
publicar el programa oficial de las fiestas
publish the official program of the holidays

The phrase 'publicar el programa oficial de las fiestas' in Spanish translates to 'publish the official program of the holidays' in English. This term can be used in a context where an institution, like a school or a governmental organization, puts forward the schedule or a list of activities they have planned for a holiday or a festival. It implies making public, usually through various communication channels, the detailed schedule or list of events planned for specific holidays or festivities.

publicar un artículo
publish an article

The Spanish phrase 'publicar un artículo' translates to 'publish an article' in English. This phrase is used to express the act of making information or material available to the public, usually on a platform such as a newspaper, magazine, or website. The term 'publicar' means to publish, and 'un artículo' refers to an article. This phrase is typically used in the context of journalism or content creation.

publicar un libro
publish a book

The Spanish phrase 'publicar un libro' translates to 'publish a book' in English. It can be used in various contexts, such as in discussing the process of making a book available to the public for purchase. This phrase is often used in the publishing industry, and can be employed when talking about an author's goal to commercially distribute their written work.

Example sentences with  publicar un libro
publicar un reportaje
publish a report

The Spanish phrase 'publicar un reportaje' translates to 'publish a report' in English. It is often used in journalism or in any professional setting where documents or findings need to be formally announced or shared with public. For instance, a journalist might 'publicar un reportaje' in a newspaper or a scientist may 'publicar un reportaje' in a scientific journal.

publicar una entrevista
publish an interview

The term 'publicar una entrevista' in Spanish can be translated into English as 'publish an interview'. This phrase typically refers to the act of making an interview accessible to the public domain. This can include online platforms like a blog or news website, printed on paper, broadcast on television or radio, or released in some other accessible public medium. It implies the sharing of information or viewpoints expressed in the interview with an audience, thus enabling broader reach and discourse.

publicar una exclusiva
publish an exclusive

The Spanish phrase 'publicar una exclusiva' translates to 'publish an exclusive' in English. This means to release information or a story that no one else, specifically other publishers or news outlets, is able to share or has shared. This term is mostly used in journalism. The person or organization that publishes an exclusive typically has exclusive rights or access to the said information, making it unique and in high demand.

publicar una noticia
publish news

The Spanish phrase 'publicar una noticia' translates to 'publish news' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of journalism and media, where an article or piece of information is made public either through print media (like a newspaper or magazine), online (as on a news website or blog), or broadcast (like on television or radio). The verb 'publicar' refers to the act of making something public, and 'una noticia' refers to a piece of news. Thus combined, the phrase means to disseminate information to the public or put out a piece of news for public consumption.

publicar unas declaraciones
publish statements

The Spanish phrase 'publicar unas declaraciones' translates to 'publish statements' in English. In detail, 'publicar' means to 'publish', 'unas' is translated as 'some' or 'a few', and 'declaraciones' refers to 'statements'. All combined, you get the phrase 'publish some statements' or 'publish a few statements'. This is a common phrase used in contexts related to journalism, broadcasting or when disclosing information in public or popular platforms.


The Spanish word 'publicidad' translates to 'advertising' in English. It is a noun and is used to refer to the activity of making products or services known about and persuading people to buy them. It is an essential function in the business industry, used commonly in media such as television, radio, newspapers, online, and on billboards. It is also used for non-commercial purposes, like in political campaigns.


The Spanish word 'público' is used to refer to something that is open to everyone, similar to how 'public' is used in English. It is often used in phrases like 'transporte público' which means public transportation or 'servicio público', meaning public service. It can also be used as a noun to refer to people in general, much like 'public' used as a noun in English to refer to a group of people.

Example sentences with  público

The Spanish word 'pudrirse' translates to 'rot' in English. It is a reflexive verb that is often used to describe the process of decomposition in organic materials. When something is 'pudriéndose', it means it is currently rotting or decomposing. This word is usually associated with the natural decay of fruits, vegetables, or other biological materials. Keep in mind that this word has a negative connotation, indicating that something is spoiled or ruined.


In Spanish the word for 'town' is 'pueblo'. It is a commonly used word, and can also mean 'people' depending on the context. It can be used in sentences such as 'Yo vivo en un pueblo pequeño' which translates to 'I live in a small town'.

Example sentences with  pueblo
puente aéreo
Air bridge

The Spanish term 'puente aéreo' translates to 'air bridge' in English. An air bridge refers to a route in a network that is usually established between two locations when other forms of transportation are not possible or practical. In the aviation industry, it may refer to a heavily travelled and regular route between two airports. The phrase is also used metaphorically to refer to close connections between two places.

Example sentences with  puente aéreo

A door is a hinged barrier used to close off an entrance. It usually has a handle that you use to open it.

Example sentences with  puerta
puerta de embarque

The Spanish word 'puerta de embarque' translates to 'gateway' in English. It is primarily used in the context of airports or other transportation hubs to signify the point of access into a vehicle, such as a plane or a ship. An equivalent English term often used is 'boarding gate'. So, 'puerta de embarque' could mean both 'gateway' and 'boarding gate' depending on the context.

Example sentences with  puerta de embarque
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