Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

prohibido aparcar/girar
prohibited parking/girar

The Spanish phrase 'prohibido aparcar/girar' is often seen on signage and it translates to 'prohibited parking/turning' in English. This is a directive stating that one is not allowed to park or make a turn in the specific area where the sign is posted. Violation of this rule can lead to consequences such as fines or towing of the vehicle.

Example sentences with  prohibido aparcar/girar

The Spanish word 'proletariado' is translated into English as 'proletariat'. The proletariat is a term used to describe the class of wage-earners in a capitalist society, whose only possession of significant material value is their labor power. Essentially, these are individuals who sell their labor to live and do not own the means of production. Historically, it is a term used heavily in Marxist theories.

Example sentences with  proletariado

The Spanish word 'promoción' translates to 'promotion' in English. It may refer to the act of advancing someone to a higher position or rank, usually in a professional context. Moreover, 'promoción' can also mean a special offer aimed at increasing the sales of a product or service. It varies in usage based on context.


The Spanish word 'promotor' translates to 'promoter' in English. A promoter is a person or organization that helps to publicize or advertise something. For example, in an event, the promoter is responsible for scheduling, marketing, and managing the event. This term is used across various fields, like marketing, business, music, and sports, among others.

Example sentences with  promotor
promover el aprendizaje
promote learning

The term 'promover el aprendizaje' in Spanish translates to 'promote learning' in English. It primarily denotes the action of facilitating, stimulating, or encouraging learning. This could be in various contexts such as in classrooms, workplaces, or even in personal lives. The term could be utilized by educators, leaders, or literally anyone aiming to enhance the knowledge or skills of themselves or those around them.


The word 'pronto' in Spanish translates to 'soon' in English. It is usually used to indicate that something is about to happen after a very short time. For example, 'Estaremos allí pronto' translates to 'We will be there soon'. It's a common word, and is used in everyday Spanish conversation.

Example sentences with  pronto
propaganda electoral
electoral propaganda

The term 'propaganda electoral' in Spanish refers to the spread of information, either in support of or opposition to a political cause, policy or candidate during an election period. It is used by political parties and candidates to influence voters' perspectives and decisions. Similarly, in English, 'electoral propaganda' is communication specifically designed to influence the political viewpoints of potential voters in the period preceding an election.

Example sentences with  propaganda electoral

The Spanish verb 'propagar' translates to 'propagate' in English. It is used to describe the action of spreading and promoting an idea, theory, etc., to a lot of people. In the context of biology, 'propagar' can also mean to multiply, breed, or spread species. In everyday use, you might encounter this word in situations where information, news, or some sort of belief is being spread or disseminated among a group of people.

Example sentences with  propagar
propagar(se) un incendio
propagate a fire

The Spanish phrase 'propagar(se) un incendio' translates as 'propagate a fire' in English. This generally means that the fire is spreading from one place to another. It's often used in contexts where fires in forests, buildings, or other situations are expanding. This can be due to various conditions such as wind, availability of flammable materials, or high temperatures. The term can be used metaphorically as well to signify the spreading of ideas or information, mirroring the way a physical fire spreads.

Example sentences with  propagar(se) un incendio

The word 'propiedad' is used in Spanish to refer to something that belongs to an individual or a legal entity, similar to 'property' in English. It can also be used in various contexts, not dissimilar from the English usage. For instance, it can refer to real estate (real property), personal belongings (personal property), intellectual ownership (intellectual property), etc.

Example sentences with  propiedad

The Spanish word 'propietario' is translated as 'owner' in English. This is typically used to denote the person who legally owns something, such as a business, car, house or another type of property. The term can apply in multiple contexts and environments, both personal and legal. It indicates possession and control over an item, property, idea, or similar objects and concepts.


The Spanish term 'proporcionar', which translates to 'provide' in English, is often used in the same contexts as its English counterpart. For example, it can refer to supplying or furnishing someone with something, usually in response to a request or need. Like 'provide', 'proporcionar' is a versatile verb that can be applied in various contexts, from providing a service to providing information.

Example sentences with  proporcionar

The Spanish word 'propósito' is used to describe an intention or a goal you plan to achieve. It corresponds directly to the English word 'purpose'. It could be used in various contexts, such as expressing personal ambitions or objectives in a business strategy.

Example sentences with  propósito
prorrogar un contrato
extend a contract

The Spanish phrase 'prorrogar un contrato' translates to 'extend a contract' in English. In the context of a business or legal scenario, this term is typically used when an existing contract between parties is continued beyond its original termination date. The extension can be agreed upon by the involved parties under existing terms and conditions, or with modifications. Generally, this action is carried out because one or both parties involved find it beneficial to continue the contract, whether it's for employment purposes, ongoing services, or other business arrangements.


The term 'prospecto' in the Spanish language translates directly to 'prospect' in English. It is commonly used in contexts where there is a possibility or expectation of something happening in the future. This could be referring to the potential for business opportunities, the likelihood of an event occurring, or the potential performance or success of a person within a particular field. It invokes a sense of anticipation and future possibilities.

Example sentences with  prospecto

The Spanish word 'prosperidad' translates to 'prosperity' in English. Prosperity refers to the state of being successful typically in terms of wealth, health, happiness or well-being. It often implies a continuous state of growth or abundance.


The Spanish word 'protagonista' translates to 'protagonist' in English. A protagonist is the main character or lead figure in a novel, play, film, or similar work of narrative art. This character drives the story by their actions and decisions, and often undergoes significant personal growth over the course of the story. This word can also be used in a broader sense to refer to a lead or central figure in real-life scenarios, such as a political event or a social movement.

Example sentences with  protagonista

The Spanish word 'protección' translates to 'protection' in English. It is a noun and is used to denote the action of protecting someone or something, or the state of being protected. It can refer to a measure taken to prevent something from being damaged or interrupted or it can denote the act of keeping someone from harm or injury.

proteger a menores
protection of minors

The Spanish phrase 'proteger a menores' translates to 'protection of minors' in English. This phrase refers to various legal and social measures and structures in place to ensure the safety, well-being, and rights of individuals who are under the age of 18, which is usually considered the threshold of adulthood. It encompasses a wide range of areas including, but not limited to, child labor laws, child welfare services, regulations against the exploitation of minors, and laws pertaining to the age of consent.

proteger a trabajadores
protect workers

The Spanish phrase 'proteger a trabajadores' translates to 'protect workers' in English. This phrase indicates the safeguarding or ensuring the safety and health of individuals in a working environment. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as advocating for workers' rights, workplace safety measures or legislation that aims to protect workers from harm and exploitation.

proteger el medio ambiente
protect the environment

The Spanish phrase 'proteger el medio ambiente' translates to 'protect the environment' in English. It's an active verb phrase where 'proteger' means 'to protect', 'el' is the definite article 'the', 'medio' translates to 'middle' or 'among' but in this context it means 'environment', and 'ambiente' loosely translates to 'setting' or 'surroundings'. Hence, when strung together, it means 'to protect the environment', highlighting the environmental awareness and responsibility to maintain and preserve the natural world.

Example sentences with  proteger el medio ambiente
proteger la naturaleza
protect nature

The Spanish phrase 'proteger la naturaleza' directly translates to 'protect nature' in English. This phrase is a call to action inviting individuals to actively participate in conservation efforts to maintain and safeguard the environment. By following this principle, one can contribute to the overall health and longevity of our natural world.

Example sentences with  proteger la naturaleza
protegerse de la radiación solar
protected from solar radiation

The Spanish phrase 'protegerse de la radiación solar' translates to 'protect from solar radiation' in English. It refers to seeking shelter or using protection against the harmful ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun. This might include wearing protective clothing, using sunscreen, or staying in the shade during the peak hours of sunlight.

Example sentences with  protegerse de la radiación solar

The Spanish word 'proteínas' translates to 'proteins' in English. Proteins are large molecules that the cells in our bodies need to function properly. They are made up of smaller units called amino acids, and are essential for the growth and repair of tissue, as well as the production of enzymes and hormones. In Spanish, they use the word 'proteínas' to refer to these important molecules.


The word 'protestante' in Spanish translates to 'protestant' in English. A protestant is a member of any of the Western Christian churches that are separate from the Roman Catholic Church and follow the principles of the Reformation, including the Baptist, Presbyterian, and Lutheran churches.

Example sentences with  protestante

Protestantismo refers to Protestantism in English. This is a form of Christianity that originated with the 16th-century Reformation, a movement against what its followers perceived to be errors in the Roman Catholic Church. Protestants reject the Roman Catholic doctrine of papal supremacy and sacraments, but disagree among themselves regarding the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, and matters of ecclesiastical polity and apostolic succession. They emphasize the priesthood of all believers; justification by faith alone (sola fide) rather than by good works; the teaching that salvation comes by divine grace or 'unmerited favor' only, not as something merited (sola gratia); and affirm the Bible as being the sole highest authority (sola scriptura or scripture alone).

Example sentences with  protestantismo
proveedor de conexión
connection supplier

The Spanish term 'proveedor de conexión' translates to 'connection supplier' in English. This phrase is commonly used in the technology and telecommunications industries. It is used to denote a service or a company that provides internet access to customers. Examples of such suppliers include cable companies, telephone operators, and satellite services. 'Proveedor de conexión' functions in a similar way in Spanish as 'connection supplier' does in English, referring to entities that provide the infrastructure necessary for internet connectivity.

proveer mercancías
supply goods

The Spanish phrase 'proveer mercancías' translates to 'supply goods' in English. It refers to the act of providing or supplying commodities or manufactured articles that are traded in large quantities. 'Proveer' means to supply and 'mercancías' means goods. This phrase is often used in business or commerce context.


The Spanish word 'provincia' translates to 'province' in English. It is a principal administrative division within a country. This term can signify a wide array of regions and districts, from the provincial government to the territorial boundary. Countries are often divided into provinces to manage their territories more efficiently.

Example sentences with  provincia
provocar un incendio
provoke a fire

The Spanish phrase 'provocar un incendio' translates to 'provoke a fire' in English. This phrase might be used when discussing how a fire starts. It could be used in different contexts such as a physical fire, or metaphorically in the sense of causing a disruption or a chaotic situation. Note that 'provocar' can mean 'provoke' or 'cause' based on context, 'un' is 'a', and 'incendio' is 'fire'.

Example sentences with  provocar un incendio
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