Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


A product refers to an item that is built or produced to satisfy the needs or wants of customers. In the business world, it's what a company sells.

Example sentences with  producto
producto alimenticio
food product

The Spanish term 'producto alimenticio' translates to 'food product' in English. This can refer to any type of product designed for human consumption, including but not limited to raw ingredients like fruits, vegetables, and meats, as well as packaged goods like snacks, drinks, and ready-made meals. In a sentence, 'producto alimenticio' might be used to describe something available in a grocery store or served in a restaurant.

producto congelado
frozen product

The Spanish phrase 'producto congelado' can be translated to English as 'frozen product'. It refers to any type of food product that has been subjected to freezing. This process of freezing is done to preserve the food product for a longer span of time. Examples could be frozen vegetables, frozen meats, or any other item that needs to be stored in the freezer to maintain its freshness or prevent it from spoiling.

producto dietético
dietary product

The Spanish term 'producto dietético' translates to 'dietary product' in English. Dietary products are generally those goods that are consciously designed to cater to specific dietary needs and limitations; these could include but are not limited to low-sugar, low-fat, high protein, gluten-free, lactose-free, and items designed for people with specific allergies. They can represent a broad spectrum of substances from meals and beverages to dietary supplements. This term is widely used in food market, nutrition, and diet discussions.

producto fresco
fresh product

The Spanish phrase 'producto fresco' translates to 'fresh product' in English. This term is often used in grocery stores, markets, and restaurants to indicate that a particular food item or commodity is new, not frozen or preserved, but freshly harvested or produced. Some examples of 'producto fresco' could be fruits and vegetables, dairy products, or freshly caught seafood.

producto natural
natural product

The phrase 'producto natural' in Spanish translates to 'natural product' in English. This term generally refers to substances derived from natural sources such as plants, animals, and minerals, as opposed to a product made from synthetic or man-made elements. They are often used in contexts such as food, beauty, health, and wellness industries.

producto orgánico
Professional product

'Producto orgánico' does not mean 'professional product'. In fact, it translates to 'organic product' in English. The phrase would typically refer to items produced in accordance with certain standards that maintain or enhance soil and water quality while reducing pollution. This may include food, beverages, or other items that have been grown or produced without the use of synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation, or genetic engineering.

producto para diabéticos
product for diabetics

The phrase 'producto para diabéticos' in Spanish translates to 'product for diabetics' in English. This phrase is often seen on packaging or advertisements for food or medical goods. These products are designed or processed specially to meet the health needs of people with diabetes. They could be items with low or zero sugar content, diabetes-friendly snacks, or specific medical items like insulin or glucose meters.


The Spanish word 'productor' translates to 'producer' in English. In detail, it refers to a person, company, or country that makes, grows, or supplies goods or commodities for sale, especially in the context of business or agriculture. This term can be applied in various industries including film, music, television, and theater, where it denotes the person who oversees and manages the production of a show or product.

productos cosméticos
cosmetic products

The phrase 'productos cosméticos' is Spanish for 'cosmetic products'. Cosmetic products are substances used to enhance the appearance or fragrance of the body. They include, but are not limited to, products used in skincare routines, makeup applications, hair care procedures and for personal hygiene. Some of these cosmetic products may include lipstick, mascara, foundation, lotions, deodorants, shampoos, hair conditioners, and perfumes.

Example sentences with  productos cosméticos

The Spanish word 'profesión' translates to 'profession' in English. A profession typically refers to a type of job that requires special education, training or skill. This could include fields such as medicine, law, education, engineering, among others. Therefore, if someone in Spain asks about your 'profesión', they are interested in knowing what you do for a living.


The Spanish word 'profesional' translates to 'professional' in English. Similar to its English counterpart, it can be used as both a noun and an adjective. As a noun, it is used to refer to someone who is expert or skilled in a certain field or occupation, typically requiring formal education or training. As an adjective, it describes the competence or skill expected of a professional. It conveys the sense of doing something with efficiency, expertise, and high quality.


The Spanish word 'profesionalidad' translates to 'professionalism' in English. It refers to the competence or skill expected of a professional. It indicates the use of expert and ethical behaviors in roles performed by individuals in an official capacity. This includes qualities such as proficiency, competence, reliability, and adherence to set ethical and work standards.


The term 'profesor' in Spanish corresponds to the English term 'professor'. It is used to refer to an teacher in a university or college or a teacher in general. Similar to English, context can influence the level of education the 'profesor' is associated with.

Example sentences with  profesor

The Spanish word 'profundidad' translates to 'depth' in English. It can refer to the distance between the top or surface of something and its bottom, like water in a pool, or more abstractly, it can denote the complexity or intensity of a situation or emotion, similar to its usage in English. An example of its use can be, 'La profundidad del agua es de tres metros' which means 'The depth of the water is three meters'.

Example sentences with  profundidad

The Spanish word for 'program' is 'programa'. It is commonly used in the same way as it is in English, referring to a schedule or plan for a sequence of events, a broadcast show, or a software program on a computer or other device. For example, 'el programa de televisión' means 'the television program', and 'un programa de computadora' means 'a computer program'.

Example sentences with  programa
programa (del curso)
programme (of course)

The Spanish word 'programa (del curso)' is correlated to the English term 'programme (of course)'. In educational contexts, it can be used to refer to a plan or schedule of activities to be completed or topics to be studied in a course. The word 'programa' can also be used more broadly to denote any organized list or plan of events, activities, or procedures, often in a sequential or chronological order. Therefore, 'programa (del curso)' is a versatile term in Spanish with applications in various areas such as education, event planning, broadcasting, and computer software.

programa de información deportiva
sports information programme

The Spanish phrase 'programa de información deportiva' translates to 'sports information programme' in English. This phrase could be used in a variety of context such as television, radio, or podcasts. This could be a specific show dedicated to providing news, updates, commentary, and discussions about various sports and sporting events. Therefore, if you hear or see this term in Spanish, you would understand that it is referring to a medium where sports information is being discussed or shared.

programa de información general
General information programme

The Spanish phrase 'programa de información general' translates to 'general information programme' in English. It usually refers to a program or schedule that gives an overview or broad information about a specific topic, event, or organization. It's often used in settings like conferences, events, or television broadcasting. Understanding the components of the phrase can also help. 'Programa', 'de', 'información', and 'general' translate to 'program', 'of', 'information', and 'general', respectively.

programa de promoción
promotion programme

'Programa de promoción' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'promotion programme' in English. This can refer to any type of program or initiative designed to promote something it could be a product, a service, an idea, a place, a person, or any other thing one wishes to promote. It is often used in marketing contexts to discuss strategies for generating attention and interest in whatever it is being promoted.

programa electoral
electoral programme

The Spanish term 'programa electoral' translates to 'electoral programme' in English. An electoral program, also known as a political platform, is a list of the policies that are endorsed by a political party or candidate, which they propose to implement, if they secure the mandate in the elections. It serves as a set of principles, actions, and policy goals that the party or candidate stands for, effectively guiding their stint in office post election.

Example sentences with  programa electoral
programa informático

The term 'programa informático' refers to a collection of information or instructions given to a computer system to complete specific tasks. Essentially, it is a set of instructions that allows computers to process specific tasks with a precise result. This is what is usually referred to as 'software' in English, and encompasses a variety of types, including operating systems, utility programs, and applications that allow end-users to perform various tasks on their computer, tablet, or smartphone.

programa radiofónico
radio program

The Spanish term 'programa radiofónico' translates to 'radio program' in English. A radio program is a segment of content intended for broadcast over the radio. It may include news, discussions, interviews, music, or other types of content, and it is often put out by broadcasters, networks, or radio stations. In Spanish, 'programa' means 'program', and 'radiofónico' refers to something relating to the radio, thus 'programa radiofónico' signifies a program that is broadcasted over the radio.

programa social
social programme

The Spanish term 'programa social' translates directly to 'social program' in English. This generally refers to a plan or organized system of action typically put forth by a governmental or non-governmental organization that aims to address specific social issues, promote certain public goods or values, or improve the general welfare or well-being of a community or demographic group. Examples of social programs might include things like welfare, poverty alleviation programs, publicly funded healthcare, education initiatives, and community development projects.

programa televisivo
Television programme

The Spanish term 'programa televisivo' translates to 'television programme' in English. It's typically used to describe a scheduled broadcast on television, which can consist of a variety of content such as news, documentaries, sitcoms, dramas, or reality shows. The term can be applied to both individual episodes or to an entire series as a whole. Understanding this term is crucial when discussing entertainment or media in a Spanish-speaking context.

programación (apta) para todos los públicos
programming (suitable) for all audiences

The Spanish phrase 'programación (apta) para todos los públicos' translates to 'programming (suitable) for all audiences' in English. It's a term widely used in broadcasting, indicating that the programming is appropriate and understandable for different age groups and types of audiences. It's akin to the English term 'family friendly programming', meaning the program contents incur no harm or offense to any audience regardless of age or background. It also carries a cultural nuance, as it appeals to a general public rather than a specific or niche group.

programación cultural
Cultural programming

The Spanish term 'programación cultural' has a direct literal translation in English as 'cultural programming'. It entails the organized planning and implementing of culture-related activities, events or programs. It can include various forms of arts, performances, exhibitions, and events that reflect cultural expressions or traditions, planned or organized by cultural organizations, institutions, or communities with the aim of promoting, preserving, and enhancing cultural heritage and diversity.

programación de calidad
quality programming

The Spanish phrase, 'Programación de calidad', translates to 'Quality programming' in English. This term is often used in the tech industry to describe software or applications that are well-made and efficient, resulting in fewer errors or bugs. The 'quality' refers to the degree of excellence the programming exhibits, which could include things like user-friendly design, speed and responsiveness, and overall functionality. 'Programación de calidad' is a key term for anyone involved in or studying software development or coding in Spanish-speaking contexts.

programar un electrodoméstico
program an appliance

The Spanish phrase 'programar un electrodoméstico' translates to 'program an appliance' in English. In a literal sense, it refers to setting or altering the controls of a domestic device such as a washing machine, oven, or other electrical household appliances to perform a specific task at a pre-set time. It can be used across multiple contexts, such as in technological, domestic, and home appliance discourse.


'Progreso' refers to the process of improving or developing something over a period of time. In learning a new skill, it is used to refer to the improvement one makes.

Example sentences with  progreso
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