Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

primo hermano

The Spanish term 'primo hermano' directly translates to 'first cousin' in English. It refers to the children of a person's aunt or uncle. These individuals share at least one set of grandparents and are one generation beneath that of their common ancestors. In many cultures, cousins often form close familial bonds, similar to siblings.

primo segundo
Second cousin

The term 'primo segundo' in Spanish refers to a 'second cousin' in English. This is your parent's first cousin's child or equivalently your grandparents' siblings' grandchildren who are not your own siblings or first cousins. The relationship is one of moderate genetic closeness, sharing about 3.13% of their genetic code.


The Spanish word 'princesa' translates to 'princess' in English. This term is often used in the context of royal or noble rank, or informal address. In stories, a princess is usually a high- ranking female element of royalty, typically the daughter of a king or queen. They are often depicted in fairy tales or other historical narratives.

Example sentences with  princesa

The Spanish word 'principal' translates to 'main' in English. It is commonly used to signify importance or precedence in Spanish sentences, akin to 'main' in English. An example would be 'La razón principal' which implies 'The main reason'. However, do note it may not be applicable for all circumstances and phrases as Spanish words might differ based on usage and context.

Example sentences with  principal

The term 'principal/secundario' in Spanish translates to 'main/secondary' in English. 'Principal' is used to distinguish something as the most important or primary, whereas 'secundario' signifies that something is of less importance or is secondary. These words are typically used in contexts involving hierarchies or classifications, where rank or importance needs to be specified.

Example sentences with  principal/secundario

The Spanish word 'príncipe' translates to 'prince' in English. It is commonly used to refer to a male royal ruler of a small country, or a monarch's son. The word 'príncipe' comes from the Latin word 'princeps', meaning 'first in time or order; the chief, most distinguished, ruler, prince.' It can also be used metaphorically to refer to someone pre-eminent in a particular field or someone viewed as a superior example.

Example sentences with  príncipe

The Spanish word 'principio' translates to 'principle' in English. It can be used in various contexts. In one sense, it could represent a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief, behavior, or for a chain of reasoning, similar to its English counterpart. Additionally, it might also signify the beginning or starting point of something, such as in a phrase meaning 'at the beginning.'

Example sentences with  principio
principio firme
firm principle

The Spanish phrase 'principio firme' is translated into English as 'firm principle'. This phrase is used to describe a rule or belief that is steadfast and unwavering. One might use this phrase to describe a guiding code of conduct, a strong ethical belief, or a foundational truth that is not subject to change, doubt, or compromise. For instance, 'integrity' could be considered a ‘principio firme’ for many people.

Example sentences with  principio firme
principio fundamentado
underlying principle

The Spanish term 'principio fundamentado' translates to 'underlying principle' in English. As a compound noun, 'principio' means principle, foundation, basis or beginning, while 'fundamentado' is the past participle of the verb 'fundamentar', which means to base or to ground. Therefore, when used together, 'principio fundamentado' specifically refers to the basic, foundational, integral, or key principle that forms the basis of a matter, argument or system. It is commonly used in both legal and philosophical contexts.

Example sentences with  principio fundamentado
principio sólido
solid principle

The Spanish term 'principio sólido' translates to 'solid principle' in English. This phrase consists of two words. The first word, 'principio', translates to 'principle', and the second word, 'sólido', translates to 'solid'. The phrase is usually used in a metaphorical sense to describe a concept or belief that is stable, reliable, and unwavering. It's not limited to, but often used in, the contexts of morality, philosophy, science, and laws. The understanding and application of a 'solid principle' are key to thorough comprehension and proper practice in these areas.

Example sentences with  principio sólido

The Spanish word 'probable' is used to express the possibility or likelihood of an occurrence. Like 'likely' in English, it can be used both in spoken and written Spanish to express probability, and it aligns towards the speaker's conception of the likelihood of future events.

Example sentences with  probable

The Spanish word 'probablemente' is used similarly to its English translation 'probably'. It's often used when speaking about things that are likely, but not certain, to happen. It can be placed at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence without changing its meaning.

Example sentences with  probablemente
fitting room

The Spanish word 'probador' translates to 'fitting room' in English. It is a place within a store where one can try on clothes privately before purchasing them, to ensure they fit correctly and are to the shopper's liking. This term is commonly used in clothing and department stores.


The Spanish word 'probar' translates to 'prove' in English. It is generally used in the context of demonstrating the truth or existence of something through evidence or argument. Similar to its use in English, the word 'probar' can also mean trying or testing something in Spanish.

Example sentences with  probar
probar matemáticamente
test mathematically

The Spanish phrase 'probar matemáticamente' translates to 'test mathematically' in English. In a broad sense, it implies carrying out a process or a procedure to ascertain or validate something in a mathematical or logical manner. The term can be used in various contexts, particularly in academic, scientific or technological disciplines where mathematical testing or rigorous logic-based validation is commonly performed.

Example sentences with  probar matemáticamente
probar una bebida
try a drink

The Spanish term 'probar una bebida' translates to 'try a drink' in English. This phrase can be used in several contexts, but primarily indicates the action of tasting or sampling a beverage. For instance, if you're at a party and you're offered unknown beverage, you may be asked to 'probar una bebida'.

to try on

The Spanish verb 'probarse' translates to 'to try on' in English. It refers to the action of trying on clothing or footwear before buying it in order to check size, style, or preference. It can also be used in different contexts, such as trying on roles in a play. In general, 'probarse' means to experience or test something before making a commitment.


The Spanish word for 'problem' is 'problema'. It is used in much the same way as it is in English, to refer to a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome. For example, 'Tengo un problema' means 'I have a problem'.

Example sentences with  problema
problema medioambiental
environmental problem

The Spanish term 'problema medioambiental' translates to 'environmental problem' in English. The term refers to an issue or problem within the environment, predominantly caused by human activities. These problems include pollution, deforestation, and climate change, and they are generally harmful to ecosystems and biodiversity. The term is often used in discussions about the necessity of environmental conservation and sustainable practices.

Example sentences with  problema medioambiental
procesador de textos
text processor

The Spanish phrase 'procesador de textos' translates to 'text processor' in English. A text processor is a type of application used for creating, editing, and formatting text-based documents. Popular examples of text processors include Microsoft Word and Google Docs. Many text processors now include features beyond basic text formatting such as spell check, grammar check, the ability to insert images and tables, and more.

Example sentences with  procesador de textos

The Spanish word 'procesión' translates to 'procession' in English. It refers to a number of people or vehicles moving forward in an orderly way, often as part of a ceremony or festival. For instance, it could be a religious event where believers or clergy march together, a military parade, or a funeral procession. This word generally implies a formal, organized movement rather than a casual walk or journey.

Example sentences with  procesión

The word 'proceso' in Spanish is used similarly to how 'process' is used in English. It can refer to a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end. It can be applied in various contexts such as scientific, legal, manufacturing, and so on. For example, 'el proceso de cocción' means 'the cooking process.'

Example sentences with  proceso
proceso de aprendizaje
learning process

The term 'proceso de aprendizaje' is Spanish for 'learning process'. It is typically used in educational settings and refers to a series of actions, steps, or phases that one experiences when gaining new knowledge or skills. The phrase involves the understanding of new information or the modification of existing knowledge and behavior. Depending on the context, 'proceso de aprendizaje' can apply to various forms of learning, such as formal education, workplace training, or personal self-improvement.


The Spanish word 'producción' translates to 'production' in English. In business, it refers to the process of creating, making, or manufacturing an item or items, often in large quantities. Similarly, in the movie and entertainment industry, 'producción' refers to the process of making a movie, TV show, or stage performance. Like its English counterpart, 'producción' can also refer to the amount of something that is made or grown, especially by farming. This word is a noun and is often used in economic, business, industrial, and agricultural contexts.


The Spanish word 'producir' translates to 'produce' in English. It is generally used in the context of producing goods, crops or results. Like in English, 'producir' can mean both to create something as an output from a process or to cause a particular result or effect.

Example sentences with  producir
producir acidez
produce acidity

The phrase 'producir acidez' in Spanish translates to 'produce acidity' in English. This is often used in the context of discussing chemical reactions, cooking, or human health, such as when certain foods or situations cause your stomach to produce more acid than normal.

producir gases
produce gases

The Spanish phrase 'producir gases' translates to 'produce gases' in English. It is related to the process or action of creating or generating gases. This phrase could be used in a variety of contexts, such as scientific, medical or everyday discussions about our environment or bodily functions.

producirse un accidente
an accident

The Spanish phrase 'producirse un accidente' translates to 'an accident occurs' in English. It is often used in news reports or daily conversation to describe situations where an unexpected and unfortunate incident has happened, often resulting in damage or injury. This phrase is used to passively indicate that an accident has happened, without attributing responsibility to anyone specifically. Its usage is quite common in Spanish speaking regions.

Example sentences with  producirse un accidente
producirse un corte (en el suministro) de agua
a water cut (in the supply)

The phrase 'producirse un corte (en el suministro) de agua' in Spanish translates to 'a water cut (in the supply)' in English. It is used to describe a situation where there is an intentional or unintentional interruption in the supply of water. This could be due to various reasons such as maintenance work, drought, pipe damage, etc. It is a common phrase used in situations where residents are temporarily unable to access water due to issues with the water supply system.

producirse un corte (en el suministro) de electricidad
power outage

The Spanish phrase 'producirse un corte (en el suministro) de electricidad' translates to 'power outage' in English. In literal terms, it can be broken down into 'producirse' meaning 'to occur', 'un corte' meaning 'a cut', '(en el suministro)' meaning 'in the supply', 'de electricidad' meaning 'of electricity'. The phrase describes a situation where the supply of electricity is interrupted or stopped, which in English is more commonly referred to as a 'power outage'.

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