Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

arte oriental
Eastern art

The term 'arte oriental' in Spanish refers to Eastern Art. This comprises a vast range of influences from various cultures and periods that includes arts from Asia like Chinese, Korean, and Japanese art, as well as Islamic art. This art form is known for its unique techniques, symbolism, and philosophies embodying the social, cultural, and philosophical traits of the East.

Example sentences with  arte oriental
arte realista
realistic art

The Spanish term 'arte realista' translates to 'realistic art' in English. Realistic art refers to the type of art that attempts to represent subject matter truthfully, without artificiality, and avoiding speculative fiction and supernatural elements. It is a form of art that depicts and mirrors reality. The term is often applied in discussions about art in various media to different degrees of precision and verisimilitude.

Example sentences with  arte realista
arte románico
Romanesque art

The term 'arte románico' translates to 'romanesque art' in English. Romanesque art is a style of architecture and decorative arts characterized by semi-circular arches. It originated in the 11th century, in Medieval Europe, and was followed by the Gothic style. The term 'romanesque' was first used to describe this style in the early 19th century, when historians noticed the similarity to Roman architecture.

Example sentences with  arte románico
arte vanguardista
avant-garde art

The term 'arte vanguardista' in Spanish translates to 'avant-garde art' in English. It often describes innovative or experimental concepts, techniques, or works in the realm of art, generally characterized by its departure from traditional, mainstream art forms. Generally, 'avant-garde art' may incorporate or express challenging, provocative or rebellious ideas and ideals, pushing the viewer to question conventions, norms or status quo within society, culture or art itself.

Example sentences with  arte vanguardista

The Spanish word 'arteria' translates to 'artery' in English. An artery, or 'arteria', is a large tubular structure in the body that carries blood away from the heart. It is a vital part of the circulatory system, transporting oxygenated blood (except in the case of the pulmonary artery) to the body's cells, tissues, and organs. The term 'arteria' is often used in medical and health contexts.

artes escénicas
performing arts

The Spanish term 'artes escénicas' is translated into English as 'performing arts'. The term encompasses all forms of art that are performed before an audience. This includes various forms of dance, music, and theater. The primary purpose of these arts is to provide entertainment and to convey the artist's interpretation of emotions, situations, and narratives to the audience. Notable examples of performing arts include drama, opera, music, ballet, magic, illusion, mime, speculum, puppetry, circus performances, and performance art.

Example sentences with  artes escénicas
artes plásticas
plastic arts

The term 'artes plásticas' is Spanish for 'plastic arts' in English. Plastic arts are primarily physical, visual creative works, such as sculpture and design, as opposed to performative, auditory, or literary arts. They are termed 'plastic' because they often involve materials that can be moulded or modulated in some way, such as clay, paint, or bronze. In essence, 'artes plásticas' represent the tangible substance turned into a visual scenario that an artist perceives for an artwork.

Example sentences with  artes plásticas

The Spanish word 'articulación' translates to 'joint' in English. This term can refer to the structural connection between two bones in the body, commonly allowing for mobility and motion, such as the knee, elbow, or hip. It can also mean the point where two things are joined, indicating their connection or relationship. This term is used across several contexts, including biology, construction, and mechanics, reflecting the broad use of the concept of joining or linking items together.


The Spanish word 'artículo' means 'article' in English. It can refer to a piece of writing in a newspaper, magazine or other publication. It can also refer to a particular item or object. 'Artículo' is used similarly to how 'article' is used in English, either to refer to a written piece or a specific object within a collection or a list of things.

Example sentences with  artículo
artículo de fondo
Background article

The Spanish phrase 'artículo de fondo' translates to 'background article' in English. It refers to a detailed piece of writing that elaborates the background, history, or underlying information about a particular topic, often present in newspapers, websites, or magazines. It gives in-depth coverage, qualitative analysis or interpretation of events or trends, expanding beyond just the basic facts.

artículo de opinión
article of opinion

The Spanish phrase 'artículo de opinión' translates to 'opinion article' in English. It refers to a piece of writing, typically found in a newspaper or magazine, where the author expresses their personal opinions about a specific topic or issue. These articles are often written by experts or professionals in the field related to the topic at hand. They provide insights and perspectives that can lead to a deeper understanding of the subject.


The Spanish word 'artista' is used just like how 'artist' is used in English. It can be used to describe someone who creates pieces of art such as drawings, paintings, sculptures, etc. or someone who is skilled in a profession. It is a gender-neutral term so it can be used to refer to a male or female artist.

Example sentences with  artista
artista reconocido
recognized artist

The Spanish term 'artista reconocido' translates to 'recognized artist' in English. It refers to an artist, which could be in any field such as painting, sculpture, music, acting among others, who has gained recognition, acknowledgement, or fame due to his or her exceptional talent, skill, or work. This term could be related to artists at both a national and international level and it doesn't specify the medium of art in which the artist is specialized or recognized.

Example sentences with  artista reconocido

The word 'artístico' refers to something being related or pertaining to art. This could involve the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination. The 'artístico' term can be used when describing various forms of creative activities such as painting, sculpture, literature, music, dance, etc. In English, 'artístico' is translated as 'artistic'. It is also used to describe someone who shows an informed or creative interest in the arts, or possess skills in a specific art form.

Example sentences with  artístico

The Spanish word, 'arzobispo', translates to 'archbishop' in English. An archbishop is a high-ranking bishop in the Christian Church, typically governing an ecclesiastical province or diocese. Arzobispo is a very specific religious term, and not typically used in everyday Spanish conversation unless discussing church hierarchy or history.

Example sentences with  arzobispo

The Spanish term 'asalariado' translates to 'paid' in English. It primarily refers to a person who receives a regular wage or salary. The word derives from 'salario', meaning 'salary', thus indicating its context of use. It is often used in formal and informal conversations, as well as in written Spanish.

to assault

The Spanish word 'asaltar' translates to 'assault' in English. This verb is often used in contexts where a violent or sudden attack is involved. For instance, this could refer to a physical attack on a person, or figuratively, a sudden unexpected disruption or disturbing event that metaphorically 'attacks' a situation. It's crucial to note that the term 'asaltar', like many verbs, can hold slightly different connotations depending on the context in which it's used.

Example sentences with  asaltar

The Spanish word 'asalto' translates to 'assault' in English. This can be used in a variety of contexts, but often refers to a violent physical or verbal attack. In English, 'assault' can also have legal implications, as it is considered a criminal act. Similarly, 'asalto' could be used to describe a military attack, as the concept of 'assault' in English is broad and can apply to both personal and institutional aggressions. It is important to note the serious nature of this word in both languages.

Example sentences with  asalto

The Spanish word 'asar' translates to 'roast' in English. It is a verb commonly used in a culinary context to describe the process of cooking something, typically meat, by prolonged exposure to heat, especially through fire or heat radiation. The term 'asar' can also be used metaphorically in various contexts in the Spanish language.

ascender a jefe de sección
as head of section

'Ascender a jefe de sección' in Spanish refers to a job promotion to the role of a section leader or head of a particular department or section within a larger organization or company. In this context, 'ascender' refers to the act of rising or moving up in rank or status, 'jefe de sección' refers to the head or overseer of a particular section. This phrase is often utilized within work environments and in discussion of career progression.

ascender a responsable de unidad
to be responsible for unit

The Spanish phrase 'ascender a responsable de unidad' translates to 'to be promoted to unit manager' in English. This phrase is typically used in business or organizational settings, where there is a hierarchy or structure of positions. An 'unidad' in this context represents a group or team within the organization. The person 'responsable de unidad' is the person in charge or leading that particular team. Therefore 'ascender a responsable de unidad' represents the action of moving up in ranks within the structure to become the person in charge of a unit or team.

ascender a subdirector
as deputy director

The Spanish phrase 'ascender a subdirector' translates to 'as deputy director' in English. It usually refers to one's advancement or promotion to the position of a deputy director. It could be in any organization, company, or entity where this hierarchical position exists. This phrase is typically used in a job scenario or professional context. Please note that 'ascender' alone means 'to ascend', 'subdirector' translates 'deputy director', and 'a' functions as 'to' or 'as' depending on the context.

ascenso de la mortalidad
promotion of mortality

The Spanish phrase 'ascenso de la mortalidad' translates to 'promotion of mortality' in English. This expression is mostly used in a medical or statistical context to refer to an increase or rise in the death rate within a specific population. It is not a common phrase you'd use in everyday Spanish conversation, but it might be seen in news articles, medical journals or demographic studies. The word 'ascenso' literally translates to 'rise' or 'increase', while 'la mortalidad' means 'the mortality'.

Example sentences with  ascenso de la mortalidad
ascenso de la natalidad
promotion of birth

The phrase 'ascenso de la natalidad' in Spanish translates to 'promotion of birth' in English. This phrase could be used in a variety of contexts but is commonly associated with policies or strategies aimed at increasing birth rates in a population. These may include incentives such as financial benefits, improved healthcare services, extended parental leave or various forms of support for families with children.

Example sentences with  ascenso de la natalidad
ascenso de la población
promotion of the population

The Spanish term 'ascenso de la población' translates to 'promotion of the population' in English. This can refer to economic, social, or general improvement of a group of people within a certain population. For instance, it could imply improving living standards, increasing opportunities, or enhancing the level of education. The term optimistically suggests a positive forward motion of society as a whole rather than individual enhancement.

Example sentences with  ascenso de la población

The Spanish word 'ascensor' translates to 'elevator' in English. An elevator is a type of vertical transportation that moves people or goods between floors of a building, vessel, or other structures. Traditionally, these are powered by electric motors that either drive traction cables and counterweight systems or pump hydraulic fluid to raise a cylindrical piston. 'Ascensor' may be used in various contexts, for instance, in structures such as buildings, ships or even for specialized equipment at construction sites.

to clean up

The Spanish word 'asear' translates to 'to clean up' in English. It is a verb and is often used in reference to cleaning or tidying up a space such as a room or a house. It can also refer to preparing oneself by cleaning and grooming. This versatile word holds an important place in day-to-day conversations. It is a practical verb that one can use in various situations, making it a valuable addition to any Spanish language learner's vocabulary.

Example sentences with  asear
aseo personal
personal toilet

The term 'aseo personal' in Spanish translates to 'personal hygiene' in English. It is generally used to refer to practices that individuals perform to take care of their physical health and well-being. This includes a variety of activities such as showering, brushing teeth, washing hands, and more. It does not directly translate to 'personal toilet', which would refer specifically to a bathroom appliance, but instead pertains to the broader practice of keeping oneself clean.

Example sentences with  aseo personal
aseos públicos
public toilets

The Spanish phrase 'aseos públicos' translates to 'public toilets' in English. It is a noun phrase commonly used to describe restroom facilities in public places such as parks, shopping malls, and train stations. In this phrase, 'aseos' refers to washrooms or toilets, and 'públicos' means public, referring to the fact that these facilities are open to general public use.

asesinar a alguien
murder someone

The Spanish phrase 'asesinar a alguien' translates to 'murder someone' in English. It is generally used in legal, crime-related, and dramatic contexts to refer to the act of unlawfully killing another person intentionally and with premeditation. It's a strong and serious term showing extreme action and it's highly advisable to be cautious when using it.

Example sentences with  asesinar a alguien
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