Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

presentar la tesis doctoral
present the doctoral thesis

The Spanish phrase 'presentar la tesis doctoral' translates to 'present the doctoral thesis' in English. It refers to the act of formally introducing, explaining, or defending an academically produced doctoral thesis or dissertation in front of a committee, usually at a university or similar educational institution. This phrase is often used in the context of higher education, research, or academic works, and it forms part of the process for obtaining a doctoral degree or a similar high level of academic achievement.

presentar pruebas
submit evidence

The Spanish phrase 'presentar pruebas' translates to 'submit evidence' in English. It is generally used in a legal or formal context where one needs to provide proof or evidence for a claim or allegation. In any dispute resolution, investigation or trial, the process of 'presentar pruebas' plays a crucial role. This phrase is imperative for understanding the procedural aspects of the Spanish legal system or any discourse that involves a verification or justification scenario.

presentar un proyecto
submit a project

The Spanish phrase 'presentar un proyecto' translates to 'submit a project' in English. This phrase is commonly used in professional settings, schools, and universities. It refers to formally turning in a project or proposal for consideration or review. Often, the project is something that one has worked on extensively and is now ready to be examined and analyzed by others.

presentar un trabajo de investigación
present a research work

The phrase 'presentar un trabajo de investigación' in Spanish translates to 'present a research work' in English. This phrase would generally be used in academic or professional scenarios, such as in a university or at a business meeting or conference. It can refer to the action of physically showing and explaining the research work, often via a spoken presentation or paper presentation. It can also signify the submission of this work for consideration, such as handing it in to a professor or submitting it for review at a conference.

presentarse a un examen
for consideration

The Spanish phrase 'presentarse a un examen' does not directly translate to 'for consideration' in English. Instead, it translates to 'to take a test' or 'to appear for an exam'. It is often used when referring to the action of attending or participating in an examination or test. For instance, 'Juan se va a presentarse a un examen mañana' translates to 'Juan is going to take a test tomorrow'.


The word 'presente' in Spanish is used exactly similar to 'present' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as indicating time, denoting gift or referring to presence. The context will dictate its connotation. For instance, 'Estoy presente' means 'I am present'; 'El regalo está presente' means 'The gift is present'. It is also used in conjugation of verbs to describe the present tense.

Example sentences with  presente
preservar el medio ambiente
preserving the environment

The phrase 'preservar el medio ambiente' in Spanish translates to 'preserving the environment' in English. It signifies the important action of taking care of the natural world. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts including discussions on nature conservation, health, climate change, and policy making. In daily life, it reminds us to make choices that are eco-friendly and sustainable, hence contributing to the preservation of our environment.

Example sentences with  preservar el medio ambiente

The Spanish word 'presidencia' translates to 'presidency' in English. It's a noun often used to describe the highest position in governments, corporations or other organizations. The person holding this post, known as president, is responsible for managing the organization and making important decisions. This position of authority is generally elected or appointed.

Example sentences with  presidencia

The Spanish term 'presidencial' translates to 'presidential' in English. It is used to describe something related to or possessing the characteristics of a president. For example, in terms of governance, residence, powers, actions, decisions, or period of service. It is often used to refer to debates, elections, or powers associated with the role of a president.

Example sentences with  presidencial

The Spanish term for 'president' is 'presidente'. It is a common noun used to refer to the head of state or leader of an organization, country, club, etc. The word is used in the same context as it is in English. For example, 'El presidente del club se reunió con los miembros esta mañana' which translates to 'The president of the club met with the members this morning'.

Example sentences with  presidente
presidente electo

The Spanish term 'presidente electo' translates to 'president-elect' in English. This term refers to an individual who has been elected as the president but has not yet officially taken or started their role or office. The term is especially used in the interim period between an election and the official inauguration or swearing-in of the individual as president.

Example sentences with  presidente electo
presidente en funciones
Acting President

The Spanish term 'presidente en funciones' translates to 'acting president' in English. This term is often used in a political context, referring to an individual who is temporarily filling in the role of a president, often due to the absence, incapacity, or death of the substantive president. 'Presidente en funciones' can also pertain to a person who holds the office until a new president is elected or appointed.

Example sentences with  presidente en funciones
presidir (el gobierno)
preside (the government)

The term 'presidir (el gobierno)' in Spanish translates to 'preside (the government)' in English. In a political context, it means to occupy the highest position or have control over something such as a meeting, event, or government. For instance, a president or a chairman would preside over their respective organizations or institutions. Hence, when a person is said to 'presidir el gobierno', they are at the helm of the government, making important decisions and guiding its operations.

Example sentences with  presidir (el gobierno)
presidir (un) gobierno
preside over (a) government

The Spanish term 'presidir (un) gobierno' refers to the act of leading or occupying the highest position in the government, equivalent in English to 'preside over (a) government'. This includes activities like decision-making, setting policy direction, and representing the government at official events or in diplomatic matters.

Example sentences with  presidir (un) gobierno
presidir un acto
preside over an act

The Spanish phrase 'presidir un acto' translates to 'preside over an act' in English. It typically refers to the act of leading or overseeing a formal event or ceremony, such as a meeting, ceremony, or other formal occasion. Someone who 'preside un acto' is the leading authority or figurehead during that specific event, guiding its procedures and maintaining order. This phrase is often used in both informal and formal conversation.


In Spanish, 'presión' is used in a similar context as in English. It can refer to the physical force exerted by a substance against a surface (like air pressure or blood pressure), or it can refer to psychological stress or urgency. For instance, 'Siento mucha presión en el trabajo' translates to 'I feel a lot of pressure at work.'

Example sentences with  presión

The Spanish word 'préstamo' translates to 'loan' in English. It is commonly used in contexts of finance and banking, where it represents a sum of money that is borrowed, often from a bank, with the agreement that it will be paid back, generally with added interest. The term 'préstamo' can also be used more broadly to refer to the act of borrowing anything from anyone not necessarily relating only to finance.

prestar dinero
lend money

The term 'prestar dinero' is a Spanish term that translates into English as 'lend money'. It refers to the act of giving money to someone with the expectation that it will be paid back, usually with added interest. Lending money is a common financial practice often conducted by banks or other financial institutions, but it can also occur on a more personal scale between friends and family.

Example sentences with  prestar dinero
prestar juramento

The term 'prestar juramento' in Spanish translates to the English word 'oath'. It is generally used in legal and solemn contexts to signify a formal promise or a pledge, especially one that involves a commitment of responsibility. For example, during court proceedings or in a job, an individual may 'prestar juramento', meaning they take an oath to uphold certain duties or truths. This term is typically used when the guarantee of honesty or loyalty is of great importance.

Example sentences with  prestar juramento
presunto asesino
alleged killer

The Spanish phrase 'presunto asesino' translates to 'alleged killer' in English. This term is used when a person is suspected or accused of a killing or a murder, but the accusation has not been proven in the court of law. It is vital to remember that until a person is proven guilty via legal proceedings, the term 'alleged' must be used to respect the principle of presumption of innocence.

Example sentences with  presunto asesino
presunto terrorista
alleged terrorist

The Spanish term 'presunto terrorista' translates to 'alleged terrorist' in English. This term is often used in legal or official contexts, when a person is suspected of having committed acts of terrorism, but such allegations have not yet been proven in a court of law. Therefore, the use of the term 'presunto' is significant as it indicates that the person is presumed or supposed to be a terrorist, but not yet legally declared as such.

Example sentences with  presunto terrorista
prevenir el estrés
prevent stress

'Prevenir el estrés' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'prevent stress' in English. It combines the verb 'prevenir' which means 'to prevent', and the noun 'estrés', which means 'stress'. Collectively, this phrase can be used in both professional and daily life contexts to talk about measures taken to avoid or reduce stress, which is a common concept in health and wellness discussions.

prevenir los riesgos laborales
preventing occupational risks

In Spanish, 'prevenir los riesgos laborales' translates to 'preventing occupational risks' in English. It refers to the measures taken to avoid potential harm or threat in the workplace. These measures may include safety training, use of protective equipment and implementation of safety protocols. The phrase demonstrates the importance of proactive steps in maintaining a safe and healthy work environment.


The Spanish word 'previsión' translates to 'forecast' in English. It is commonly used in the context of predicting the weather, as in weather forecast, but can also be used in the sense of planning or preparing for the future. The term signifies an estimation or prediction based on current data and trends to help anticipate future events or scenarios.

Example sentences with  previsión
previsión meteorológico
weather forecast

The Spanish term 'previsión meteorológico' translates to 'weather forecast' in English. This is a prediction made by meteorologists to anticipate the atmospheric conditions that will take place in a specific location and at a particular time. Weather forecast is commonly used to plan activities and prevent accidents related to bad weather conditions. The accuracy of a weather forecast decreases with the range of time it covers.

Example sentences with  previsión meteorológico
primer apellido

The term 'primer apellido' in Spanish refers to the first surname. In many Spanish-speaking cultures, people often have two surnames. The 'primer apellido' is typically the father's surname, and is the equivalent of a 'surname' in English-speaking cultures. Though it is often the name used in more formal or official situations, both surnames are important in Hispanic cultures.

primer plato
First dish

The Spanish term 'primer plato' translates to 'first dish' in English. It is often used to refer to the first course or starter in a meal. In a traditional Spanish multi-course meal, 'primer plato' is typically lighter and less hearty than the main course, but more substantial than an appetizer or a tapa. It sets the tone for the rest of the meal, and can range from soups and salads to various types of pasta, rice, and vegetable dishes.

primera página
first page

The Spanish phrase 'primera página' translates to 'first page' in English. It refers to the very first page of a book, document, newspaper or any other material that has multiple pages. The 'primera página' could contain a variety of contents based on the context, such as the title of a book, the lead news in a newspaper, or the introduction in a report. It is usually seen as the starting point from where the rest of the material is navigated.


The Spanish word 'primero' is used to denote either 'first' in a sequence or 'firstly' at the beginning of a statement. It is useful to express priority or order in which things need to be done or occurred. For instance, 'El primero de enero' means 'The first of January', and 'Primero vamos a comer y luego iremos al cine' means 'First, we are going to eat, then we will go to the movies'.

Example sentences with  primero

The Spanish word 'primo' translates to 'cousin' in English. It is used to refer to the child of one's uncle or aunt. In Spanish speaking cultures, similar to English, this term can be used for both male and female cousins unless specified otherwise. Just like in English, Spanish also has specific terms for 'first cousin', 'second cousin', etc., which just adds more precision when describing familial relationships. 'Primo' can also sometimes be used informally among friends to mean 'buddy' or 'mate'.

Example sentences with  primo
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