Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

precipitaciones débiles
weak rainfall

The Spanish phrase 'precipitaciones débiles' translates to 'weak rainfall' in English. This can be used in meteorological context to denote a light rain or drizzle, not severe or heavy. It signifies a condition where the intensity or amount of rainfall is less, often only enough to dampen the surface. This can be linked to a less severe weather pattern or a mild atmosphere condition.

Example sentences with  precipitaciones débiles
precipitaciones fuertes
strong precipitation

The term 'precipitaciones fuertes' in Spanish can be translated to 'strong precipitation' in English. This phrase is typically used in weather forecasts to indicate heavy rain, snow, or other forms of precipitation that are falling with significant intensity. It is a valuable phrase to know when discussing or interpreting meteorological conditions. As with other compound phrases in Spanish, the adjectives follow the noun they modify.

Example sentences with  precipitaciones fuertes

The Spanish word 'predicador' translates to 'preacher' in English. This term refers to someone who delivers sermons or gives religious speeches, typically a member of a religious institution like a church. They often lead religious services and can serve as spiritual guides or counselors. Just like in English, this term can be used both in a general and specific context: referring to anyone who preaches religion or to a specific person or role within a religious institution.

Example sentences with  predicador

The Spanish word 'prefijo' translates to 'prefix' in English. In language terms, a prefix is a type of affix. Specifically, it's an affix that is added in front of the word. In both English and Spanish, prefijo or prefix is used to change the meaning of a word. Examples in English are 'un', 're', 'in', etc. which, when added to a root word, modify its meaning. 'Prefijo' in Spanish functions similarly, making it an important part of grammar and vocabulary building.


The Spanish word 'pregunta' maps directly to the English term 'question'. It's used in the same context as its English counterpart, referring to a query or doubt intended to elicit information or an answer. Like in English, it can function as a noun, for example, 'una pregunta' means 'a question'. Furthermore, 'pregunta' can also be a call to action in conversational Spanish, for instance, 'haz una pregunta' means 'ask a question'.

Example sentences with  pregunta

The Spanish word 'preguntar' translates to 'ask' in English. It is a regular verb commonly used in conversations and formal contexts. The verb 'preguntar' requires the use of an object to be complete, either directly or indirectly. You would use this term when you want to inquire or request information from someone. For example, 'Puedo preguntar algo?' translates to 'Can I ask something?'.

preguntar abiertamente
openly ask

The Spanish phrase 'preguntar abiertamente' translates to 'openly ask' in English. This is a verb phrase combining 'preguntar', meaning to ask, with 'abiertamente', meaning openly or frankly. It implies not just asking, but asking in a direct or honest way, without hiding anything or being secretive. It's used in contexts where someone is encouraged to express their queries or concerns without any hesitations.

preguntar con malicia
ask with malice

The phrase 'preguntar con malicia' in Spanish translates to 'ask with malice' in English. It refers to the act of asking a question with an intention of causing mischief or harm. This phrase is often used in contexts where the person asking the question has a hidden negative agenda or is purposely trying to make the other person uncomfortable. Note that this is not a term used in everyday conversations, and it might be better associated with literary and formal contexts.

preguntar insistentemente
to ask insistently

The Spanish phrase 'preguntar insistentemente' translates to 'to ask insistently' in English. It involves asking a question or series of questions persistently, or in a continual manner. It usually implies a sense of urging or earnestness in seeking an answer or response. This phrase may be used in various contexts where persistence in queries is notable, such as in discussions, interviews, investigations, etc.

premio literario
Literary award

The term 'premio literario' in Spanish translates to 'literary award' in English. A 'premio literario' is a mark of recognition attributed by a specific group or organization, discerning significant accomplishment in the literary realm. This might involve crafting quality literature in the form of novels, short stories, poetry, or non-fiction. The award may be specific to a genre, language, country or could be international. It serves as an important benchmark and recognition of the author's creative or intellectual prowess.

Example sentences with  premio literario

The word 'prensa' in Spanish translates to 'press' in English. It is often used to refer to the medium of newspapers and magazines or any other print media. It can also be referred to as a device that applies pressure to compress or shape a material. In context, if it's related to a pressing action it could be 'presionar'. Like English, the specific usage can depend on the context of the sentence.

Example sentences with  prensa
prensa amarilla

The term 'prensa amarilla' refers to a type of media popularly known as tabloids in English. These are newspapers that prioritize sensationalism over factual reporting, with a heavy emphasis on personal or scandalous stories, often written in a sensational, eye-catching style. The term 'prensa amarilla' translates directly to 'yellow press', which is also a term used in English to refer to this type of news. It is often considered less reputable than more traditional news outlets.

prensa deportiva
sports press

The term 'prensa deportiva' in Spanish refers to the segment of the media specifically devoted to the coverage of sports. It includes all forms of media that provide sports news, such as print newspapers, online news pages, television broadcasts, and radio shows. The sports press is responsible for keeping the public informed about different sports events, tournaments, team updates, athlete's achievements and breakdowns, amongst other things. It plays a major role in sports journalism, and is the primary source of information for many sports enthusiasts.

prensa económica
economic press

The term 'prensa económica' in Spanish translates to 'economic press' in English. It refers to the segment of the media, like newspapers, magazines, and digital news platforms, that primarily cover topics related to economics. These include reports and analysis on financial matters, business news, updates on stock markets, fiscal policies, and other economic trends and developments.

prensa escrita
press written

The term 'prensa escrita' in Spanish translates to 'written press' in English. This term is widely used in the context of journalism and media, and primarily refers to print journalism like newspapers, magazines etc., as opposed to online or broadcast journalism. A 'prensa escrita' is a medium that disseminates information or news in written or printed format.

prensa gratuita
free press

The Spanish term 'prensa gratuita' translates to 'free press' in English. It is a noun phrase and signifies the concept that all individuals or organizations have a right to publish and disseminate their views, thoughts, ideas or news freely without any restriction or censorship imposed by the government or any authorities. This term is commonly used in the context of discussions about journalistic and media freedoms, civil liberties, democracy, and human rights.

prensa rosa
gossip magazine

'Prensa rosa' is a Spanish term which translates to 'gossip magazine' in English. It often refers to a type of print publication, usually weekly, that mainly deals with celebrity lifestyles, scandals, and gossip, much like tabloids. These magazines typically feature prominent personalities from various sectors such as entertainment, sports, or politics. The term 'prensa rosa' can also extend to similar online content and TV programs. Though 'prensa rosa' literally translates to 'pink press', it's more understood and recognized as 'gossip magazine' in English context.


The Spanish word 'preocupación' is used in the same context as the English word 'concern.' It can be used to express worry or anxiety about something or someone. Moreover, it is also used to express a matter of interest or importance to someone. Similar to English, 'preocupación' can be used in a wide variety of contexts and retains the same core meaning of something being of importance or worry to an individual.

Example sentences with  preocupación

The Spanish word for 'worry' is 'preocupar'. It is used much like the English word, to express anxiety, unease, or concern about a situation or problem. It's a reflexive verb, meaning in Spanish you often worry yourself about something, using it with reflexive pronouns such as me, te, se, etc, for example 'me preocupo por ti' translates to 'I worry about you'.

Example sentences with  preocupar

The Spanish word 'preparador' translates to 'preparer' in English. This term often signifies a person who is responsible for arranging, setting up, or preparing something. It can be applied in various contexts, such as in a professional scenario where one is preparing documentation or a chef preparing a meal. The use of 'preparador' is most appropriate when referring to a person doing the act of preparing.


The Spanish word 'preparar' is directly translated to 'prepare' in English. It is used in the same context as in English, where it refers to making something ready for use or consideration. It can also refer to the action of making food, arrangements, plans, or even oneself ready for a particular event or occurrence.

Example sentences with  preparar
preparar un presupuesto
preparation of a budget

The Spanish phrase 'preparar un presupuesto' translates to 'preparation of a budget' in English. It refers to the process of creating a budget, which is a financial plan that estimates income and expenditure for a set period of time. This might be used by individuals for personal finance management, or by businesses to plan and control their financial operations. Understanding and correctly using this phrase can help in communicating about finance-related topics in Spanish.

preparar una comida
prepare a meal

The Spanish phrase 'preparar una comida' translates to 'prepare a meal' in English. It refers to the process of cooking or making a meal. This could include activities ranging from gathering ingredients, chopping vegetables, baking, frying, or boiling to plating the food in an appealing way. This phrase can be used in various contexts in everyday life, such as invitation for someone to help in the kitchen, plans for a family dinner, or description of a chef's work.

preparar una factura
prepare a bill

The Spanish phrase 'preparar una factura' translates to 'prepare a bill' in English. The term 'preparar' means 'prepare', 'una' means 'a' and 'factura' means 'bill'. Therefore, when these words are combined, they form a phrase that signifies the act of generating a bill or invoice for goods or services rendered that will be, or has been, provided.

preparar una jugada
prepare a play

The Spanish phrase 'preparar una jugada' translates to 'prepare a play' in English. This can be used both literally, in terms of getting ready for a theatrical play, and figuratively, in soccer and other games, where it means planning a strategic move. The verb 'preparar' is to prepare, 'una' is an indefinite article meaning 'a', and 'jugada' is a feminine noun that refers to a play or move in a game or a scheme in a broader context.

preparar(se) un examen

The Spanish phrase 'preparar(se) un examen' is commonly used to indicate the process of preparing oneself for an exam or test in English. The verb 'preparar(se)' implies the act of getting oneself ready, arranging or making something ready for use or consideration. Adding 'un examen' specifies what one is preparing for, which is an exam or test in this context. Therefore, it is not a direct translation of 'preparations' in English, but it does convey a similar concept when used in this phrase.

presenciar un espectáculo
witness a show

The Spanish phrase 'presenciar un espectáculo' translates to 'witness a show' in English. This can be used in situations where someone is watching a performance or event. The verb 'presenciar' comes from 'presencia' which means 'presence'. It conveys a sense of being present at a place or event to observe or experience it. 'Espectáculo' refers to show or performance that includes a variety of events like a play, concert, or a sports game.


The Spanish word 'presentador' translates to 'presenter' in English. In the context of a media setting, a 'presentador' is an individual, often a journalist or host, who presents an event, program, or segment on television or radio. The term could also be used to refer to anyone presenting information in various settings such as in seminars, conferences, or meetings. Hence, depending on the context, the term 'presentador' can apply to a variety of roles, all centered around presenting or introducing information.

presentar el currículum vítae
present the curriculum vitae

The phrase 'presentar el currículum vítae' in Spanish translates to 'present the curriculum vitae' in English. This typically refers to the act of submitting a summary or a document of your educational qualifications and previous job experiences, usually as part of a job application. In most English speaking countries, this document is often referred to as a 'resume'.

presentar la declaración de la renta
submit the income statement

The Spanish phrase 'presentar la declaración de la renta' is an operation associated with finance and taxation. In English, it is best translated as 'submit the income statement'. This process involves filling out an income tax return form, which details your annual income, deductions, credits, and other financial information. The resultant document is then submitted to a tax authority so they can calculate your tax liability, if any. The process may vary in different countries and tax jurisdictions.

Example sentences with  presentar la declaración de la renta
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