Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

ponerse morado
Get bitten

The phrase 'ponerse morado' does not translate directly to 'get bitten' in English. It is an idiomatic expression in Spanish which is used to indicate eating or drinking excessively. A literal English translation would be 'turn purple', however, it is commonly used to refer to overindulgence, akin to the English phrase 'to pig out'.

ponerse triste
Get sad

The Spanish term 'ponerse triste' translates to 'get sad' in English. It is a reflexive verb phrase that is used to express an emotion of becoming or getting sad. The infinitive verb 'ponerse' indicates a change in state or condition, and 'triste' is an adjective that translates to sad. Therefore, 'ponerse triste' is used when someone is transitioning from a different emotion to a state of sadness.

ponerse un moño
Put on a bow

The Spanish phrase 'ponerse un moño' translates to 'put on a bow' in English. It involves the action of adorning oneself with a bow, often used in reference to a hair accessory or decoration for clothing. The verb 'ponerse' is reflexive and implies that the action is being done by the subject to the subject. 'Un moño' refers to a single bow. This phrase may be used in various contexts, such as personal grooming or getting dressed.

Example sentences with  ponerse un moño
ponerse una coleta
Put on a choke.

The Spanish phrase 'ponerse una coleta' does not translate to 'put on a choke' in English. Instead, it translates to 'putting on a ponytail' in English. This is often used in the context of hairstyling or preparing one's appearance. A ponytail is a specific type of hairstyle where the hair is pulled back and tied, typically at the back of the head. This phrase may be used when someone is arranging their hair in such a style.

Example sentences with  ponerse una coleta
ponerse una mascarilla
Put on a mask

The Spanish phrase 'ponerse una mascarilla' translates to 'put on a mask' in English. It may be used in various contexts, such as a reminder for personal safety measures during health crises or indicating the act of applying a facial beauty mask. 'Ponerse' is the reflexive form of the verb 'poner', which means 'to put'. 'Una' is an indefinite article equating to 'a', and 'mascarrila' specifically means 'mask'.

Example sentences with  ponerse una mascarilla
ponerse una prótesis
put on a prosthesis

The Spanish phrase 'ponerse una prótesis' translates to 'put on a prosthesis' in English. In a medical context, a prosthesis is a device, either external or implanted, that substitutes or supplements a missing or defective part of the body. Therefore, 'ponerse una prótesis' refers to the action of attaching such a device on one's body. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, most commonly in medical and health-related discussions.

Example sentences with  ponerse una prótesis
ponerse una trenza
Put on a braid

The Spanish phrase 'ponerse una trenza' translates to 'put on a braid' in English. The phrase is typically used to instruct or describe someone braiding their hair and wearing it in that style. It's a reflexive construction in Spanish, wherein 'ponerse' translates to 'put on' and 'una trenza' translates to 'a braid'. Thus, 'ponerse una trenza' figuratively means to create and wear a braided hairstyle.

Example sentences with  ponerse una trenza
ponerse una vacuna
Get a vaccine

The Spanish phrase 'ponerse una vacuna' translates to 'get a vaccine' in English. It is often used in the context of healthcare and medicine. Generally, it refers to the act of receiving a medicinal preparation, typically injected, that provides immunity against a specific disease. Vaccines are a significant tool in preventative medicine and public health initiatives worldwide.

Example sentences with  ponerse una vacuna

The word 'pop' in Spanish also translates to 'pop' in English. It is used in the context of popular music genre named 'pop', which originated in its modern form during the late 1950s. The term is often used interchangeably with the term 'popular music', although the latter describes music that is popular across all genres. In Spanish, you would use 'pop' in the same way, to describe the same style of music.

Example sentences with  pop
por favor

The Spanish term for 'please' is 'por favor'. It is used in the same context as in English when making a polite request. The words can be inserted at the beginning or at the end of the sentence. An example usage: 'Puedes darme agua, por favor?' which translates to 'Can you give me water, please?'

Example sentences with  por favor

The word 'porcentaje', or 'percent' in English, is used in Spanish to signify a part or fraction of a whole, commonly in the realm of 100. It's often used in the context of statistics, sales, or changes in values. For example, 'Un diez por ciento de los estudiantes aprobaron el examen.' which means 'Ten percent of students passed the exam.' Note that '%', the symbol for percent, is universally used as well.

Example sentences with  porcentaje

In Spanish, the word 'porque' is predominantly used as a conjunction to indicate a reason or justification, similar to how 'because' is used in English. It links two related thoughts, the cause and the effect or the justification and the action. For example, if you say 'Comí pizza porque tenía hambre', it translates to 'I ate pizza because I was hungry', essentially linking the action (eating pizza) with the reason (being hungry). Always remember, when providing a reason in Spanish, 'porque' is your go-to word.

Example sentences with  porque
portarse bien
Be good

The Spanish phrase 'portarse bien' translates to 'be good' in English. This phrase is used as an instruction or guidance, usually told by parents to their children implying that they should behave properly, follow the rules, and stay out of trouble. It can be utilized in various contexts to express the same meaning of acting appropriately or behaving in a correct or desired manner.

Example sentences with  portarse bien
portarse mal
Been bad.

The phrase 'portarse mal' in Spanish essentially corresponds to 'behaving badly' or 'being naughty' in English. It's used in a variety of contexts to refer to someone who is not acting according to expectations or rules. Notably, it does not inherently label someone as 'bad', but rather refers to their conduct or actions at a particular time.

Example sentences with  portarse mal

The Spanish word 'portero' translates to 'doorman' in English. A doorman is an employee of a building (often a residential building or hotel) who stands at the door, greets residents and guests, and may perform services such as receiving mail or luggage. Similarly, a 'portero' performs the same duties in Spanish-speaking countries.

posibilidad de promoción
possibility of promotion

The Spanish term 'posibilidad de promoción' translates to 'possibility of promotion' in English. It is often used in career-based and job-related situations. It describes a circumstance or situation where there is potential for upward mobility or advancement in either position or rank within a professional setting or job.


The word 'Posible' in Spanish is used similarly as the English word 'possible'. It can be used to indicate that something may happen or be true. It can also be used to suggest that someone has the ability to do something. The context determines its exact meaning each time it is used.

Example sentences with  posible

The Spanish word 'posición' is used similarly to its English translation 'position'. It could describe a person's job title, the location of an object, or an individual's perspective on a given topic. Like in English, 'posición' can be used in various contexts such as physical placement, sport positioning, views or beliefs, and rankings.

Example sentences with  posición

The Spanish word 'postal' translates to 'postcard' in English. It is a tangible and compact form of correspondence that usually has an image or photograph on one side and a small message and address on the other. Postcards are usually sent through the mail without an envelope and carry messages of greetings, well-wishes, or updates about one's travels.


The Spanish word 'postre' translates to 'dessert' in English. A dessert is typically the sweet course that concludes a meal. The course usually consists of sweet foods, and possibly a beverage such as dessert wine or liqueur. In Spanish culture, 'postre' can be a delicacy like flan, churros, or traditional sweets like 'turrón'.


'Práctica' refers to the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method as opposed to theories about such application or use. In learning, it means to do something repeatedly to acquire skill.

Example sentences with  práctica

The Spanish word 'practicante' translates to 'practitioner' in English. This is a person who is actively involved in a particular profession or occupation. It could refer to anyone from medical practitioners (i.e., doctors, nurses), legal practitioners (lawyers, paralegals), religious practitioners, and more. In every case, the term implies a certain level of expertise and knowledge, acquired through practice and experience in a specific field or industry.

Example sentences with  practicante
to practice

Practicar means to do something repeatedly to improve proficiency. When it comes to studying, practicar often involves repetition of exercises or review of learned material.

Example sentences with  practicar
practicar la religión
practice religion

The Spanish phrase 'practicar la religión' translates to 'practice religion' in English. It is a verb phrase that refers to the act of following, observing, or performing religious customs, rituals, or beliefs. This may involve various activities such as attending religious services, praying, reading religious texts, or participating in religious activities or community. Its usage in a sentence in Spanish might be 'Ella decide practicar la religión de sus abuelos.' which means 'She decides to practice her grandparents' religion.' in English.

Example sentences with  practicar la religión
practicar un deporte
practice sports

'Practicar un deporte' in Spanish translates to 'practice sports' in English. This phrase is typically used in conversation or written text to express the act of partaking in a physical exercise or game typically conducted in a competitive nature. Just like in English, it may denote the regular engagement in a sport for skill improvement, physical strengthening, or pleasure.


The Spanish word 'pradera' translates to 'prairie' in English. A prairie is a type of landscape that is characterized by large open areas of grassland, often with few to no trees. It's a term used especially in the context of North America, referring to the ecosystem type found in regions like the Central United States and Canada. Thus, if you hear or see the word 'pradera' in Spanish, it is referring to this kind of natural environment.

Example sentences with  pradera

The Spanish word 'prado' translates to 'meadow' in English. It refers to a field habitat vegetated by grass and other non-woody plants, often found in rural areas where they are primarily used for grazing by wild and domesticated animals. The blend of beautiful wildflowers, tall grasses and diverse fauna often makes 'prado' a subject in literature and painting, symbolizing nature's quiet but thriving life away from urban landscapes.

Example sentences with  prado

The Spanish word 'preadolescencia' translates to 'preadolescent' in English. The term is used to refer to the age period right before adolescence, typically between the ages of 9-12. This is a time of significant physical, emotional, and psychological changes for individuals. In English, the prefix 'pre-' means before, so the term refers to the period before the adolescent years. Similarly, in Spanish, the prefix 'pre-' has the same meaning. The word is mostly used in educational and psychological contexts.


The Spanish word for 'price' is 'precio'. It is used in similar contexts as in English, to denote the cost of an item or service. For instance, 'El precio de este vestido es alto' translates to 'The price of this dress is high' in English. You can also use it to ask about the price, '¿Cuál es el precio?' means 'What is the price?'.

Example sentences with  precio
precio de venta al público (PVP)
retail price (RRP)

The Spanish term 'precio de venta al público (PVP)' translates to 'retail price (RRP)' in English. It refers to the price at which a product or service is being sold to the general public. This price typically includes the cost of manufacturing, along with any additional organizational costs. Essentially, it sets a standard for comparison or reference to determine whether the product is priced high or low in various retail outlets.

Example sentences with  precio de venta al público (PVP)
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