Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

playa desierta
desolate beach

The Spanish phrase 'playa desierta' translates to 'desolate beach' in English. This phrase can be broken down into two words where 'playa' means 'beach' and 'desierta' means 'desolate'. This term refers to a beach that is empty or uninhabited, often implying a sense of solitude or abandonment. In literature or conversation, it might be used to set the scene or create mood, suggesting a location that is isolated, peaceful, or eerily quiet.

Example sentences with  playa desierta
playa privada
private beach

The Spanish term 'playa privada' translates to 'private beach' in English. This term is used predominantly in tourist cities in Spanish-speaking countries to denote a beach area that is exclusively accessible to the guests of a certain hotel or resort. Instead of being open to the public, a private beach is maintained by a private entity and entry is often restricted for non-guests.

Example sentences with  playa privada
playa tranquila
quiet beach

The Spanish phrase 'playa tranquila' translates to 'quiet beach' in English. This could refer to a calm or serene seashore location that isn't crowded, where you can relax, hear the waves, feel the breeze, and enjoy the peace and quiet. It denotes not just the physical landscape, but also the feeling of tranquility and relaxation associated with such a place.

Example sentences with  playa tranquila

The word 'plaza' in Spanish translates to 'square' in English. It's often used to refer to a city square or public park in a town's center. Historically, it is a meeting place where markets and social activities are held. The term 'plaza' can also refer to a wide and open area in a town or city where people can gather.

plaza de toros

The Spanish term 'plaza de toros' translates to 'bullring' in English. A bullring is a circular or oval open-air venue, primarily used for bullfighting, a traditional spectacle in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries. It can also host other performances or events, similar to how an amphitheater functions in public spaces. The cultural significance of plazas de toros stems from their integral part in the 'corrida de toros' or bullfight, a ritualistic performance rooted in Spain's history.

plaza mayor
main square

The Spanish term 'plaza mayor' translates in English to 'main square.' It is most commonly used to refer to the principal public square in towns or cities in Spain, other Spanish-speaking countries, and even in some parts of the Philippines. The plaza mayor is traditionally the center of the city where important public buildings, shops, and churches are located and events are held. The term 'plaza mayor' is widely used in urban planning terms, maps, and in daily conversation.

Example sentences with  plaza mayor

In English, 'lead' refers to a heavy, malleable, ductile, bluish-white, dense metallic element, extracted chiefly from galena and found in ore with zinc, silver, and copper. In Spanish, the word is translated as 'plomo'. When it comes to usage, 'plomo' is used in Spanish in almost the same contexts as 'lead' in English, referring to the chemical element or the material used in bullets, pipes, weights etc. It can also be used metaphorically in various Spanish phrases.

Example sentences with  plomo
pluralidad cultural
Cultural plurality

The term 'pluralidad cultural' in Spanish translates to 'cultural plurality' in English. This is a term used in social sciences to refer to the presence and equal value of different cultural characteristics in a society. In practice, it represents the acceptance and promotion of diverse cultural expressions within a society. It acknowledges cultural differences as a valuable asset, using it to promote mutual understanding and peace among different ethnic, religious, and cultural groups. It encapsulates the idea that multiple ways of life coexisting harmoniously in one place can enrich society as a whole.

Example sentences with  pluralidad cultural
pluralidad lingüística
Linguistic pluralism

The term 'pluralidad lingüística' stands for 'linguistic pluralism' in English. Linguistic pluralism refers to the coexistence of multiple languages within a particular region or society. It emphasizes the importance of diverse languages and supports their coexistence. Linguistic pluralism can often be seen in multinational or multicultural countries, helping to promote cultural diversity and mutual understanding among different linguistic communities.

Example sentences with  pluralidad lingüística
pluralidad religiosa
Religious plurality

The term 'pluralidad religiosa' in Spanish translates to 'religious plurality' in English. This phrase refers to the existence, acceptance, or promotion of multiple religious traditions within a single jurisdiction, usually a state or a country. It is an attitude or policy of multiculturalism that applies to religious diversity and promotes peaceful existence among the followers of different faiths. As a sociological term, religious plurality can also imply religious diversity, the number of distinct religions in a society, and the relative societal influence each religion holds.

Example sentences with  pluralidad religiosa

The word 'población' is used in Spanish to refer to the total number of people living in a specific geographical area such as a city, country, or the world. It can also refer to a group of individuals of a specific type living in an area. Just like in English, it is used in various contexts, including but not limited to, demography, statistics, and geography.

Example sentences with  población
población activa
active population

'Población activa' in Spanish refers to the active population in English. This phrase is utilized within economic and demographic context and it signifies the section of a country's population that is either employed or actively seeking employment. It includes individuals who contribute to the economy of a country and doesn't comprise retired individuals, students, and those not actively searching for work.

población adulta
adult population

The Spanish phrase 'población adulta' translates to 'adult population' in English. This term refers to the segment of a city, region, country, or any other demographic entity that is composed of individuals who have reached adulthood, usually denoted by a certain age threshold. This concept is often used in various forms of analyses, such as social, economic, or health. The precise age range defining the adult population can vary depending on the context and the legal or cultural norms of a particular society or institution.

Example sentences with  población adulta
población joven
young population

The Spanish term 'población joven' refers to the demographic group typically defined as 'young population' in English. It generally encompasses individuals who fall under a certain age range, typically adolescents and young adults. This term may be used in various contexts, including social, economical, and political discussions to refer to the active and upcoming generation of a specific geographical area or country.

Example sentences with  población joven
población urbana
urban population

The Spanish term 'población urbana' translates to 'urban population' in English. It refers to all people living within the administrative boundaries of a city or a town. It also carries significance in sociological, historical, and geographical studies where it represents a segment of population residing in established areas or cities, as contrasted with rural populations living in scattered, non-defined areas or in smaller villages.

Example sentences with  población urbana

The Spanish term 'poblado' translates to 'village' in English. It is usually used to refer to a small human settlement, typically one that is larger than a hamlet but smaller than a town. Such settlements are often situated in a rural or a semi-rural area and they usually consist of a few dwellings where people live. The term 'poblado' is a noun, and it reflects the beauty and simplicity of small-scale, community-oriented living arrangements in Spanish-speaking cultures.

Example sentences with  poblado

The Spanish word 'pobre' is normally used to describe a person, a country or a situation that lacks material possessions or money. It often has the same connotations as in English, and can also be used in a range of other situations. For example, it can describe someone's unfortunate circumstances, as in 'Es un pobre hombre' (He's a poor man), demonstrating sympathy or pity.

Example sentences with  pobre

The Spanish word 'pobreza' translates to 'poverty' in English. It is a noun and often used to denote a state of being poor, lack of means, scarcity or insufficiency. It can also be used metaphorically to describe lack of quality or deficiency in certain attributes. For example, 'pobreza de espiritu' translates to 'poverty of spirit', meaning a lack of courage, strength or vitality.

poco hecho
under done / rare

The Spanish term 'poco hecho' is directly translated as 'little made' in English. However, in practical usage, it does not correspond to this direct translation. It's typically used in culinary contexts to refer to food, especially meat, that is cooked for a short period of time, thus leaving it 'underdone' or 'rare'. In a restaurant, if you prefer your steak still red in the middle, you would request it 'poco hecho'. It essentially refers to food that's less cooked and closer to its raw state.


The Spanish word 'poda' translates to 'pruning' in English. 'Pruning' is an agricultural practice that involves selectively removing certain parts of a plant, such as branches, buds, or roots. This is often done to remove deadwood, to maintain the plant's health, or to control growth. Typically, it is carried out in late winter or early spring. The term 'poda' can also be used metaphorically in Spanish to refer to trimming or cutting back in various contexts, similar to its usage in English.

Example sentences with  poda

In Spanish, 'poder' is used to represent 'power'. It can be used in a variety of contexts like 'he has the power to change this' which translates to 'él tiene el poder de cambiar esto'. Furthermore, 'poder' can also imply ability or possibility, in cases similar to the English 'can' or 'be able to'. For instance, 'yo puedo' would mean 'I can' or 'I am able to' in English.

Example sentences with  poder
poder judicial

The Spanish term 'poder judicial' translates to 'judiciary' in English. This is a system where judges are tasked with making decisions based on the law. It includes courts that have the authority to determine both civil and criminal cases. In broad terms, it comprises the mechanism established for the resolution of disputes, enforcement of rights, and punishment of offenders under the country's constitution. The judiciary is one of the three branches of government, along with the executive and legislative branches, functioning independently of each other for a system of checks and balances.

Example sentences with  poder judicial
poder legislativo

In English, 'poder legislativo' translates to 'legislature'. This term is used to describe the part of government that has the power to create, amend, and repeal laws. The legislature is often composed of elected representatives who work together to shape and influence law within a certain country, state, or jurisdiction. As such, the 'poder legislativo' plays a crucial role in the function and governance of society.

Example sentences with  poder legislativo
poder político
political power

The Spanish term 'poder político' translates to 'political power' in English. This encompasses the authority and influence that those in governance or positions of leadership have over political affairs, legislation, and societal rules within a certain geographical area or community. It also relates to the ability to influence, control or even manipulate social and public behavior, policy changes, distribution of resources and other key political decisions.

Example sentences with  poder político

The Spanish word 'podría' translates to 'could' in English. In both languages, this is used to express possibility or potential actions, often in a hypothetical context. For example, in the sentence 'I could go to the party, but I'm tired', 'podría' would play the same role in the equivalent Spanish sentence, demonstrating a possible course of action.

Example sentences with  podría

The Spanish word 'poema' translates to 'poem' in English. A poem is a form of literary art in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of, its apparent meaning. Poems can be structured or free-form and can cover a wide range of themes. Poetry is a key part of literature and it is used to express emotions, describe scenes, tell stories, or evoke a certain mood or atmosphere.

Example sentences with  poema

The Spanish word 'poesía' translates to 'poetry' in English. It refers to a type of literature that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language, such as phonoaesthetics, sound symbolism, and metre, to evoke meanings in addition to, or in place of, the prosaic ostensible meaning. Poetry could be written in numerous ways like sonnets, short stories, epics, and is often used to express deep emotions, tell stories, or describe nature and environment.

Example sentences with  poesía

The Spanish word 'poeta' translates to 'poet' in English. A 'poet' is a person who writes poems, which are works of literature that express feelings, ideas or a particular style of writing with the use of language in a rhythmical and emotional way. The term 'poeta' in Spanish is used in a similar context representing an individual who is adept at producing creative writings that may captivate, inspire, or provoke thought in readers.

Example sentences with  poeta

'Policía' refers to a member of a police force. It's a gender-neutral term.

Example sentences with  policía
policía de tráfico
Traffic police

The Spanish phrase 'policía de tráfico' translates to 'traffic police' in English. The traffic police are law enforcement officers who are responsible for enforcing traffic laws to ensure safety and manage the flow of traffic on the roads. They might be seen at intersections, patrolling highways, or responding to accidents. In some regions, they also conduct inspections or investigations related to vehicular incidents.

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