Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'planchado' translates to 'ironing' in English. It is derived from the verb 'planchar' which means 'to iron'. The word 'planchado' is commonly used in context related to house chores and laundry. It refers to the process of using a heated tool, an iron, to remove wrinkles from fabric. This term is widely used in both casual and formal communication.

planear una jugada
planning a move

The Spanish phrase 'planear una jugada' can be translated into English as 'planning a move'. It is mostly used in the context of strategic games or sports, where it signifies strategizing a particular action or move to make progress or gain an advantage. However, it can also be used in a broader sense to mean planning any sort of action, step or strategy in life or business scenarios.


The Spanish word 'planeta' translates to 'planet' in English. It's used in the same context as in English, referring to any of the large solid objects that orbits a star (like the Earth around the Sun). It is a noun in Spanish as it is in English. The pronunciation in Spanish is slightly different, pronounced as 'plah-net-ah'.

Example sentences with  planeta
plano de fondo

The Spanish term 'plano de fondo' directly translates to 'background' in English. It's used in similar contexts to the English 'background', such as referring to a desktop wallpaper on a computer (plano de fondo del escritorio), the backdrop of a photo (plano de fondo de una foto), or more abstractly, the underlying conditions or situation (plano de fondo de la situación).

Example sentences with  plano de fondo
plano general
general plan

The Spanish phrase 'plano general' does not translate to 'general plan' in English. Instead, it is a term used in cinematography which translates to 'long shot' or 'wide shot'. This refers to a shot that shows an entire object or human figure in relation to its surroundings. It is often used to set the scene or to show all the action happening in a large area like a crowd.

Example sentences with  plano general
plano turístico
tourist plane

'Plano turístico' does not translate to 'tourist plane' in English. It translates to 'tourist map'. 'Plano turístico' is often used in Spanish-speaking countries to help guide tourists when visiting new cities or regions. A 'plano turístico' typically shows important landmarks, such as museums, parks, or historic sites, as well as common necessities like public transportation stops or notable food and drink spots. Therefore, it is a useful tool for tourists to navigate and explore effectively.

Example sentences with  plano turístico

The Spanish word 'planos' translates to 'plans' in English. It refers to a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something. It can also mean flat or flat surfaces in a mathematical context, or blueprint in an architectonic context. The translation depends on the context in which it is used.


In Spanish, the word for 'plant' is 'planta'. It can be used in several contexts such as vegetation, machinery, building, or plan. However, most commonly it is used to refer to an organ of a plant that usually rises above the ground and supports the leaves and flowers. For instance, 'Voy a regar la planta' means 'I am going to water the plant'.

Example sentences with  planta
planta acuática
Aquatic plant

The term 'planta acuática' is Spanish for 'aquatic plant'. An aquatic plant is a type of plant that has adapted to living in water environments (saltwater or freshwater). They are also referred to as hydrophytes, macrophytes, or waterplants. These plants require special adaptations for living submerged in water, or at the water's surface, including but not limited to floating leaves, finely dissected leaves or breathing roots.

Example sentences with  planta acuática
planta carnívora
carnivore plant

The term 'planta carnívora' in Spanish translates to 'carnivorous plant' in English. Carnivorous plants are a unique subset of plants that can obtain nutrients, particularly nitrogen, by trapping and consuming insects and sometimes small animals. Some examples of such plants are the Venus flytrap or pitcher plants. The phrase 'planta carnívora' can be used to refer to any plant in this group.

Example sentences with  planta carnívora
planta de exterior
outdoor plant

The Spanish phrase 'planta de exterior' translates to 'outdoor plant' in English. It is often used in the context of gardening and horticulture, referring to plants that are suitable for outdoor cultivation, as opposed to indoor plants. Outdoor plants are typically hardier, able to withstand varying weather conditions, and may include a wide variety of plants from flowering plants to shrubs to trees.

Example sentences with  planta de exterior
planta de interior
interior plant

The Spanish term 'planta de interior' translates to 'interior plant' in English. This refers to a plant that is typically grown indoors, in places such as homes or offices. It includes a variety of types, mainly decorative plants that can potentially improve indoor air quality. Examples of interior plants include succulents, ferns, and various ornamental plants.

Example sentences with  planta de interior
planta decorativa
decorative plant

The Spanish term 'planta decorativa' translates into English as 'decorative plant'. This phrase is typically used in horticulture and interior decor settings. A decorative plant refers to any plant that is primarily used for its beauty or ornamental value, rather than for practical purposes such as food or medicine. Decorative plants can come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and types, and many can be grown both indoors and outdoors, depending on the specific species and its individual needs or requirements. These plants play a crucial role in enhancing aesthetics and providing pleasing visual detail in any space.

Example sentences with  planta decorativa
planta medicinal
medicinal plant

The Spanish term 'planta medicinal' translates to 'medicinal plant' in English. These are typically plants discovered and developed to be used in pharmacognosy, which is the study of drugs derived from plants. The use of medicinal plants has a long history in the treatment of diseases and health maintenance and are found vital, owing to the fact that they are naturally occurring, biodegradable, and less likely than synthetic drugs to have unsettling side effects. Many modern substances were and are still derived from plants.

Example sentences with  planta medicinal
planta silvestre
wild plant

The Spanish phrase 'planta silvestre' translates to 'wild plant' in English. It refers to a plant that has not been altered by humans, rather it occurs naturally in habitats that have not been significantly modified by mankind. This can refer to a wide variety of plant species, and can be used to refer to plants in the wild, in forests, in deserts, or any natural environment. 'Planta Silvestre' honors the beauty and uncontrolled spirit of nature's vegetation.

Example sentences with  planta silvestre
planta trepadora
climbing plant

The Spanish term 'planta trepadora' refers to a type of plant known as a 'climbing plant' in English. Climbing plants are plants which climb up trees and other tall objects using special structures such as tendrils or twining stems. They are part of an adaptation strategy which allows them to reach sunlight by using the height of other plants or structures in order to grow. Examples of climbing plants include vines, ivy, and some species of roses and passion flowers. This term is frequently used in horticulture and plant biology.

Example sentences with  planta trepadora
planta venenosa
poisonous plant

The Spanish term 'planta venenosa' translates to 'poisonous plant' in English. This term is used to describe a plant that produces toxins harmful or deadly to animals, humans, or other plants. Diverse plants have different types of toxins, and their effects can range from mild discomfort to severe illness or even death. It's usually recommended to avoid touching or ingesting unknown plants, particularly in the wild, as they could potentially be poisonous.

Example sentences with  planta venenosa

The word 'plantación' in Spanish translates to 'plantation' in English. A plantation is a large farm or estate on which crops such as coffee, sugar, tobacco, or cotton are cultivated, usually by resident laborers. Similarly, a 'plantación' in Spanish refers to an extensive agricultural estate, especially one in tropical or subtropical areas, on which a crop of a specific kind is grown, typically on a large scale and by using mostly manual labor or low-wage labor force.

Example sentences with  plantación
plantar un árbol
plant a tree

The Spanish phrase 'plantar un árbol' translates to 'plant a tree' in English. This phrase is often related to environmental activities or gardening tasks, suggesting the manual process of planting a tree into the ground. It is indicative of the action of burying a tree's seeds or sapling in soil with the intention of growing a tree.

Example sentences with  plantar un árbol
plantear una duda
raise a doubt

The Spanish phrase 'plantear una duda' in English translates into 'raise a doubt'. It is a verbal phrase commonly used when someone expresses their doubts or concerns to question the validity of a statement or idea. This phrase is applied in circumstances where an individual aims to seek clarity or reassurance regarding a particular issue or topic. Similar English phrases could be 'present a question' or 'express uncertainty'.

plantear una hipótesis
pose a hypothesis

The Spanish phrase 'plantear una hipótesis' translates to 'pose a hypothesis' in English. This term is frequently used in scientific or research contexts. It describes the action of proposing a supposition or speculative explanation that is based on limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation. In a broader context, it may also refer to making a suggestion or proposition that needs to be tested or validated.

Example sentences with  plantear una hipótesis

The word 'plata' in Spanish is translated to 'silver' in English. It refers to both the precious metal known for its shiny white hue and the color that resembles this metal. In some contexts, it can also denote money or wealth, showing its cultural significance. The term is widely used in various fields such as jewelry, finance, and color description. Understanding this term can help understand many Spanish phrases and idioms.

Example sentences with  plata

A banana is an elongated, edible fruit produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa.

Example sentences with  plátano

A flat, usually round dish with a slightly raised edge, used to hold food.

Example sentences with  plato
plato combinado
combined dish

The Spanish term 'plato combinado' translates to 'combined dish' in English. This term is frequently used in Spanish dining establishments. A 'plato combinado' generally consists of different types of food served together on a single plate, often containing a portion of meat or fish, a side dish such as fried potatoes, rice, or vegetables, and occasionally accompanied by a salad or an egg. These dishes are normally served as a full meal and are highly popular due to their versatility and simplicity.

plato de postre
dessert plate

The Spanish phrase 'plato de postre' translates to 'dessert plate' in English. This can refer to the dish specifically used to serve desserts, which is usually smaller in size than a regular dining plate. Dessert plates are typically used for serving sweet dishes after a meal, such as cakes, pastries, fruits or other types of desserts. The phrase can also be used metaphorically, referring to the dessert part of a meal or even a specific dessert being served.

plato hondo
dish hondo

The Spanish phrase 'plato hondo' translates to 'deep dish' in English. A 'plato hondo' is a type of dishware, typically larger and deeper than a standard plate. It is most commonly used for serving foods that have more liquid, like soups or stews.

plato llano
Plain dish

The Spanish term 'plato llano' translates to 'plain dish' in English. It commonly refers to a basic, simple dish without any fancy ingredients or complex preparation methods. It could also refer to an unadorned, simple plate in terms of dishware.

plato sopero
soup plate

The Spanish term 'plato sopero' translates to 'soup plate' in English. A 'plato sopero' is a deep dish designed specifically for serving and eating soup. The depth of the plate helps to contain the liquid of the soup and avoid spills. In a traditional table setting, a 'plato sopero' may be placed on top of a dinner plate as part of the table arrangement for a meal, especially in formal settings. This tableware plays a crucial role in not just serving soup, but also enhancing the overall dining experience.


A 'Playa' is a landform alongside a body of water filled with sand, pebbles, or cobblestones. It is a popular location for vacations and fun activities.

Example sentences with  playa
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