Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

pintura brillante
brilliant painting

The Spanish term 'pintura brillante' translates to 'brilliant painting' in English. It is a descriptive phrase used to denote artwork, typically a painting, that is especially impressive, vibrant or has outstanding qualities. 'Pintura' stands for painting and 'brillante' means brilliant. Similar expressions can be formed by replacing 'pintura' with another form of artwork, and 'brillante' can be used as an adjective to describe any object or person that stands out due to its exceptional qualities.

pintura mate
matt painting

The term 'pintura mate' in Spanish translates to 'matt painting' in English. This refers to paintings that have a dull and non-reflective finish. A matt painting finish is typically used to prevent light from reflecting off the surface of the painting, allowing you to clearly see the artwork without glare. Matte paint is often used in photography and cinematographic contexts, as well as in artworks or just for decoration at home or workplace.

to cheep

The word 'pipiar' is a verb in Spanish that is often used to describe the sound that small birds make, similar to 'cheep' or 'chirp' in English. Like many verbs, 'pipiar' can be conjugated in accordance with the subject of the sentence, following Spanish conjugation rules.

Example sentences with  pipiar

The Spanish word 'piragua' translates to 'canoe' in English. It refers to a narrow vessel designed to be propelled by one or more people using a paddle, typically in the context of recreational activities on water such as paddling, camping, fishing, or exploring rivers and seas. In Spanish-speaking Caribbean islands, a 'piragua' may also mean a form of shaved ice dessert, but in general usage, the word aligns more with the English term 'canoe'.

Example sentences with  piragua

The Spanish word 'pirámide' translates to 'pyramid' in English. Pyramids are monumental structures with a square or triangular base and sloping sides that meet in a point at the top. These were especially common as burial sites for pharaohs in Ancient Egypt, but can be found in various forms around the world. The term 'pirámide' in Spanish can also refer to structures, strategies or diagrams that have a pyramid-like shape or organization.

Example sentences with  pirámide
pirata (informático)
pirate (informative)

The Spanish word 'pirata (informático)' translates in English to 'pirate (informative)'. However, in a more contextual sense, it is usually taken to mean a 'computer hacker'. This term is often used to refer to those individuals who illegally gain access to computer systems with the intent of causing damage, creating disruptions, or simply exploiting weaknesses. The use of 'pirata' draws a comparison to pirates who would illegally seize property and cause disruptions in the past.

pisar (a fondo) el embrague
step (fully) on the clutch

The Spanish phrase 'pisar (a fondo) el embrague' is translated in English as 'step (fully) on the clutch'. It is a term commonly used in the context of operating a manual vehicle. The clutch is a mechanical device that disengages and re-engages the power transmission, especially from the driving shaft to the driven shaft. Stepping fully on the clutch means to completely depress the pedal, which is usually necessary before changing gears. Therefore, this term may often come up in situations where a vehicle's gears need to be switched, or when the car is starting or stopping.

Example sentences with  pisar (a fondo) el embrague
pisar (a fondo) el freno
step (fully) on the brake

The Spanish phrase 'pisar (a fondo) el freno' translates to 'step (fully) on the brake' in English. It is used in contexts relating to the operation of vehicles, where one needs to apply full force on the brake pedal. This could be due to various driving situations requiring the driver to stop the vehicle swiftly or reduce its velocity drastically.

Example sentences with  pisar (a fondo) el freno

The Spanish word 'piscina' translates to 'pool' in English. It's commonly used to refer to a structure that is designed to hold water for leisure activities like swimming. It can be found in public places like parks and recreational centers, but also in private residences. The word 'piscina' can also be used to describe a specific type of pool known as a 'swimming pool'.


The word 'piso' is the Spanish translation for English word 'floor'. It is used in the same way as 'floor' is used in English: to refer to the surface of a room on which one stands. It can also denote the level of a building. For example, 'vivo en el quinto piso' means 'I live on the fifth floor'. It's important to note that 'piso' refers to the inside of a building. For outside surfaces, 'suelo' would be more appropriate to use.

Example sentences with  piso
piso de [número cardinal] habitaciones
floor of [ cardinal number] rooms

The Spanish 'piso de [número cardinal] habitaciones' translates to 'floor of [cardinal number] rooms' in English. It denotes a specific floor that has a certain number of rooms. The cardinal number (número cardinal) is used to define the precise quantity of rooms. For instance, 'piso de tres habitaciones' translates to 'floor of three rooms'. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts such as describing a building layout, planning interior design, or in real estate.

piso de estudiantes
student apartment

The term 'piso de estudiantes' in Spanish translates to 'student apartment' in English. This is a type of housing particularly intended for students who are enrolled in an institution of higher learning, such as a college or university. Student apartments are often located in close proximity to campus, feature amenities and services tailored to the lifestyle and needs of students, and have lease terms that align with the academic calendar.

piso de nueva construcción
new construction floor

The Spanish phrase 'piso de nueva construcción' translates to 'new construction floor' in English. It is a term commonly used in the real estate and construction industries to describe a floor or level in a building that has recently been built or is in the process of being completed. It can also refer to an individual residence within a new building. Each word in the phrase can be broken down: 'piso' means floor or level, 'de' is a preposition equivalent to 'of' or 'from', 'nueva' is the feminine form of 'new', and 'construcción' means construction.

piso exterior

The Spanish term 'piso exterior' refers to an outdoor floor or exterior floor in English. This phrase is commonly used in real estate to refer to an apartment that has windows or rooms facing towards the street or outdoor environment, instead of an interior courtyard. Therefore, it's not precisely equivalent to 'exterior', but rather a specific term implying certain characteristics of a building or apartment.

piso interior

The word 'piso interior' in Spanish refers to an 'interior floor' or more specifically, it can be used to denote the interior part of a building or structure. It's often used to talk about the inside of a home or an apartment. While 'piso' can refer to a floor or level of a building, 'interior' directly translates to 'interior' in English. Therefore, 'piso interior' doesn't strictly mean 'interior', but rather it is used in context to refer to something within the inside or inner part of a structure.

piso luminoso
bright apartment

The Spanish term 'piso luminoso' directly translates to 'bright apartment' in English. It is used to describe a living space, often an apartment or flat, which receives a lot of natural light or is well illuminated. An apartment that is 'luminoso' generally suggests that the space is cheerfully lit, possibly enhanced with features such as large windows or a favorable orientation towards the sun. The word 'piso' denotes a level in a building, correlated to an apartment or a floor in English.

piso soleado
sunny floor

The Spanish term 'piso soleado' translates to 'sunny floor' in English. 'Piso' is the Spanish word for 'floor', commonly used to refer to the surface of a room or compartment on which one stands or the lower enclosing surface of any compartment. 'Soleado' is the Spanish word for 'sunny', frequently used to describe a location or item that is receiving or filled with sunlight. Thus, 'piso soleado' refers to a floor receiving or filled with sunlight.


The Spanish word 'pista' translates to 'track' in English. This term can be used in various contexts and can convey multiple meanings such as a sports track for running or cycling, a path or course laid out for racing, or even a track for music or audio recording. Furthermore, 'pista' can also imply a hint or clue, especially in decoding puzzles or solving mysteries.

pista concluyente
Concluding clue

The Spanish term 'pista concluyente' translates to 'concluding clue' in English. It refers to a final piece of evidence or information that brings a conclusion or resolution to an inquiry or investigation. It denotes a decisive clue or hint that helps solve a puzzle, mystery, or problem.

pista de aterrizaje
Landing track

The Spanish term 'pista de aterrizaje' translates to 'landing track' in English. It is a common term used in aviation and it refers to a specially prepared surface on an airport which airplanes use to land and take off. The landing track is an essential part of an airport's infrastructure. In Spanish, 'pista' means 'track' and 'aterrizaje' means 'landing', which gives us 'pista de aterrizaje' or 'landing track' when translated.

Example sentences with  pista de aterrizaje
pista de baile
dance floor

The Spanish term 'pista de baile' translates to 'dance floor' in English. It is a common phrase used to indicate an area specifically designed or set aside for dancing. Similar to English-speaking countries, in Spanish-speaking countries it is typically found in nightclubs, restaurants, and other places where music entertainment and dancing occur.

pista de emergencia
emergency track

The Spanish phrase 'pista de emergencia' translates directly into English as 'emergency track'. However, the context in which it's used can slightly alter its meaning. Typically, it refers to a pathway designed for immediate and urgent use, such as in transportation or public settings. These tracks are designed for quick access to facilitate rescue operations or to ensure uninterrupted flow in the event of an emergency.

Example sentences with  pista de emergencia
pista de tenis
tennis court

The Spanish term 'pista de tenis' translates directly to 'tennis court' in English. It's a venue where the sport of tennis is played. It consists of a rectangular surface with markings and a net in the middle. It can be made from different materials such as clay, grass, hard court, or artificial grass. It is a common term used in sports and is integral to the game of tennis.

pista de una discoteca

The term 'pista de una discoteca' is a Spanish phrase that translates into English as 'dancefloor'. It refers to a specific area, usually in a club or disco, that's set aside for dancing. The floor of this area is often designed to facilitate dancing and may include features such as special lightings. In Spanish speaking countries, this term is commonly used when referring to the area of a club where people go to dance.

pista del circo
circus ring

The Spanish phrase 'pista del circo' directly translates to 'circus ring' in English. The term is used to describe the main area where circus performances are held. It is generally a circular arena with a stage in the middle. Performances such as acrobatics, juggling, clown antics, animal stunts and other thrilling acts are performed in the 'pista del circo'. This phrase can be part of larger discussions about entertainment, performance arts, and culture.

pista falsa
false lead (red herring)

The Spanish phrase 'pista falsa' directly translates to 'false track' or 'false clue'. However, it is commonly used in English to mean 'false lead' or a 'red herring'. Generally used in crime/mystery narratives, it refers to a misleading or distracting information or clue, designed to divert attention away from the real issue or solution.


The Spanish word 'pistola' translates to 'gun' in English. It is a noun used to refer to a handheld device designed to discharge projectiles driven by rapidly expanding high-pressure gas produced by chemical reactions within a confined space. The term 'pistola' can be used in various contexts, including civilian, military, and law enforcement applications.

Example sentences with  pistola

The Spanish term 'pizzería' translates to 'pizzeria' in English. A pizzeria is essentially a restaurant where pizzas are made and served. Pizzas are Italian dishes that consist of a usually round, flattened base of leavened wheat-based dough topped with tomatoes, cheese, and various other ingredients, which is then baked at a high temperature. The word 'pizzería' in Spanish is used exactly in the same context as its English equivalent.


In Spanish, the word 'plan' is exactly the same as in English, pronounced as 'plan'. It is used in a similar context where planning or intention of future actions is being conveyed. In Spanish, it can be used to talk about future plans or a method being followed to complete a task, just as it is used in English. The Spanish pronunciation, however, has a slightly different accent, with stress on the letter 'a'.

Example sentences with  plan
plan de integración
integration plan

The phrase 'plan de integración' in Spanish translates to 'integration plan' in English. It is usually used in the context of implementing and organizing the diverse elements of a project or a system into a unified whole. This can involve aspects of technology, but also social and cultural sectors, among others. It is an important term in fields like business, technology, social sciences and education.

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