Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'picor' translates to 'itching' in English. It can be used in various contexts to describe a similar sensation of irritation or discomfort that requires scratching. Generally, it's associated with a myriad of conditions like allergies, skin conditions, and insect bites. Hence, it is often found in medical contexts. However, its meaning can extend in colloquial use to describe metaphorical forms of irritation or annoyance.

Example sentences with  picor

The Spanish word for 'foot' is 'pie'. Just like in English, this can mean the lower extremity of the leg below the ankle, on which a person stands or walks, but not the unit of measure. For instance, you could say 'Me duele el pie' which means 'My foot hurts'. However, keep in mind that Spanish nouns have gender and 'pie' is masculine.

Example sentences with  pie
pie de foto

The Spanish term 'pie de foto' translates to 'caption' in English. It is used in the context of images, photographs or diagrams, where a brief description or explanation related to the visual content is provided for better understanding. This term is often used in editorial or journalistic settings where images are accompanied by a concise text that gives readers further context or details about the image.

pie de una montaña
foot of a mountain

The Spanish term 'pie de una montaña' translates literally to 'foot of a mountain' in English. It is a geographic term that refers to the lower end or base of a mountain. Its English equivalent might be 'base,' 'foot,' or 'bottom' of a mountain. Viewed in a broader sense, 'pie de una montaña' can also symbolize the starting point of a difficult journey or large task, much like climbing an actual mountain begins at its foot.

Example sentences with  pie de una montaña

The Spanish word 'piedad' translates to 'piety' in English. Piety is the quality of being religious or reverent. It embodies virtues such as respect, love, and humility, and it generally refers to someone's devotion or religiosity. This noun is widely used in religious contexts, often referring to acts of devotion or religious observance. Perseverance in prayer, offering acts of mercy, and humbly abiding by religious duties are all considered acts of piety.

piel (des)hidratada
skin (from)hydrated

The Spanish term 'piel (des)hidratada' translates to 'skin (from)hydrated' in English. This is often used in the context of skincare, referring to skin that is lacking in hydration. The words individually translate to 'piel' as 'skin' and '(des)hidratada' as '(from)hydrated'. Therefore, it could relate to a condition of the skin that is either hydrated or dehydrated based on the context in which it is mentioned.

Example sentences with  piel (des)hidratada
piel (re)seca
skin (re) dry

'Piel (re)seca' is a Spanish term which translates to 'skin (re) dry' in English. It is commonly used in both medical and daily conversations to describe skin that is excessively dry. This might be due to environmental conditions, like dry or cold weather, or it could indicate a skin condition that requires treatment. Dry skin can usually feel tight or rough to the touch, and may also show flaking, scaling or peeling.

Example sentences with  piel (re)seca
piel arrugada
wrinkled skin

The Spanish term 'piel arrugada' interprets directly into English as 'wrinkled skin'. This phrase describes skin that has lost its youthful elasticity and smoothness, usually due to ageing, but can also be due to factors like sun exposure or dehydration. It is often visually characterized by creases or furrows in the skin. Overall, 'piel arrugada' is a reflection of a natural biological process and the passage of time.

piel grasa
skin fat

The Spanish term 'piel grasa' refers to oily or greasy skin, rather than 'skin fat'. It is a common term in dermatology, referring to skin that produces excess sebum, a naturally occurring skin oil, which can possibly lead to acne or shiny skin appearance. The term encompasses a large variety of skin conditions and is commonly used within the skincare and beauty industry.

Example sentences with  piel grasa
piel tersa
smooth skin

The Spanish phrase 'piel tersa' translates to 'smooth skin' in English. It is used to describe skin that is free from blemishes, roughness, or wrinkles, giving it a soft, even texture. The phrase is made up of two words: 'piel', which means 'skin', and 'tersa', which means 'smooth' or 'sleek'. This phrase is commonly used in descriptions and compliments, especially in contexts related to beauty and skincare.

pierna de cordero
leg of lamb

The Spanish term 'pierna de cordero' translates to 'leg of lamb' in English. This term is commonly used to refer to a specific cut of meat from a lamb, specifically the leg part. This cut is often prepared in various cuisines worldwide, particularly in roasts, stews, and other dishes where its rich flavor and tender texture are highlighted.

pieza de repuesto
spare part

The Spanish term 'pieza de repuesto' translates to 'spare part' in English. It refers to an extra component kept on hand to replace a part that may fail or need replacement in various types of machinery, electronic devices, or other types of equipment. This term is prevalent in various types of industries and is an essential aspect of effective equipment maintenance, often helping to prevent extended periods of downtime and support efficient operations.


The Spanish word 'pijama' translates to 'pajama' in English. This word is a noun, which often refers to a pair of loose-fitting clothes worn for sleeping. It consists of trousers and a jacket, sometimes accompanied by a pajama top. In colloquial language, it can also imply staying in and relaxing in your home, usually in your pajamas. The plural form is 'pijamas' in Spanish, similar to the English plural 'pajamas'.

pila bautismal
baptismal font

The term 'pila bautismal' in Spanish translates to 'baptismal font' in English. Located within Christian churches, a baptismal font is essentially a basin or receptacle that contains water for the purpose of baptisms. Typically, they are placed prominently in the area of the church known as the baptistery. They hold significant importance in various Christian baptisms where the ritual of water immersion or water sprinkling takes place. 'Pila bautismal' directly corresponds to this religious feature.

Example sentences with  pila bautismal

The Spanish term 'piloto' translates into 'pilot' in English. A 'piloto' can refer to an individual who operates the controls of an aircraft. Similarly, it is also used in other contexts to denote individuals who are proficient in navigating or controlling a particular piece of machinery or vehicle. Like in English, 'piloto' can also pertain to a concept or prototype version, as in a 'piloto' for a television series.

Example sentences with  piloto
piloto automático
automatic pilot

The Spanish phrase 'piloto automático' translates to 'automatic pilot' in English. This is often used in the context of aviation and maritime transport, referring to a system that controls the trajectory of a vehicle without constant 'hands-on' control by a human operator being required. It's also commonly used figuratively in general language to suggest that someone is functioning or operating in an automatic or unthinking manner, much like an autopilot system does.

Example sentences with  piloto automático

The Spanish word 'pimienta' translates to 'pepper' in English. This word typically refers to a type of spicy seasoning, ground from various types of peppercorns. It is often used in cooking to add flavor and heat to dishes. There are various types of 'pimienta', including black, white, and red pepper, each with their own unique flavor profiles.


The pineapple is a tropical plant with an edible fruit and the most economically significant plant in the family Bromeliaceae. It is a multiple fruit, composed of coalesced berries, also called 'pineapples'.

Example sentences with  piña

The Spanish verb 'pinchar' is commonly used in a technological context and translates to 'click' in English. It refers to the action of pressing and quickly releasing a button on a computer mouse or other input device. For instance, you might 'pinchar' on a link to open a new web page. Please note, 'pinchar' also has other meanings in different contexts, such as 'to prick' or 'to puncture', but in the context of computer usage, it's generally accepted to mean 'click'.

Example sentences with  pinchar
pinchar en un enlace
click on a link

The Spanish phrase 'pinchar en un enlace' directly translates in English to 'click on a link'. It is generally utilized in computer and internet terminology where a user is instructed to engage, through a mouse click or touchscreen press, on a specific connection (link) that redirects the user to a different location in the web sphere.

pinchar(se) (una rueda)
click (a wheel)

'Pinchar(se) una rueda' is a Spanish verb phrase that might be used in a context involving vehicles or movement. It does not translate to 'click a wheel' in English. The accurate translation is 'to puncture a tire'. This phrase can be used when a vehicle's tire is punctured or flat, which causes the vehicle to stop or slow down. It's frequently used in conversations about vehicle issues or accidents.

Example sentences with  pinchar(se) (una rueda)

The Spanish word 'paintar' corresponds to the English word 'paint'. In a broader context, it can mean to apply color to a surface with a brush or to depict something or someone with words, color or music. This can refer to both the physical action of painting, for instance, painting a house or a picture, and the creation of an illustrative depiction of any thing or idea.

Example sentences with  pintar
pintar a la acuarela
paint in watercolor

The Spanish phrase 'pintar a la acuarela' translates to 'paint in watercolor' in English. This phrase refers to the act of creating art by mixing water-soluble pigments with a binder, and then applying them to paper, canvas, or other mediums. This technique allows for great flexibility and subtlety of color, as the artist can vary the amount of water used, often leading to a highly luminous effect. Watercolor painting is especially appreciated for its spontaneity, light effects, and delicate, airy touch.

Example sentences with  pintar a la acuarela
pintar al óleo
paint in oil

The term 'pintar al óleo' in Spanish refers to the act of creating artwork using oil-based pigments. Oil painting is a revered form of artwork with a long historical tradition, particularly in Western art. The vibrant, rich colors of oil paint offer great versatility and longevity, allowing an artist to create a variety of effects and textures. The term encompasses not just the act of painting, but also the artistic intent, technique, and tradition implicated in the utilization of oil-based pigments.

Example sentences with  pintar al óleo
pintar un cuadro
painting a painting

The Spanish phrase 'pintar un cuadro' translates to 'painting a painting' in English. It's often used to refer to the act of creating an artistic work on a canvas or similar surface using paint. An individual who 'pinta un cuadro' is someone who is creating, or has created, a painting.

Example sentences with  pintar un cuadro
pintar un paisaje
painting a landscape

The phrase 'pintar un paisaje' in Spanish refers to the action or the art of creating a depiction of an outdoor natural scenery like mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, and forests in visual art, particularly painting. This could be the artist's own interpretation, or a representation of an existing location translated onto a canvas, paper or any other medium with the use of different painting techniques and tools.

Example sentences with  pintar un paisaje
pintar un retrato
painting a portrait

The phrase 'pintar un retrato' in Spanish translates to 'painting a portrait' in English. This phrase is commonly used to refer to the act of creating a portrait by painting. A portrait is typically a painting, photograph, sculpture, or other artistic representation of a person, in which the face and its expression are predominant. The intent is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the person. Hence, 'pintar un retrato' is an activity that requires artistic skills employed in the representation or portrayal of a person using paints.

Example sentences with  pintar un retrato
pintarse los labios
paint your lips

'Pintarse los labios' is a Spanish phrase essentially meaning 'to paint your lips'. This term is typically used to describe the act of applying lipstick or any other sort of lip color. While the literal translation is 'to paint one's lips', in common usage it refers more broadly to the application of cosmetic products to the lips for the purpose of enhancing or changing their appearance.

Example sentences with  pintarse los labios
pintarse los ojos
paint your eyes

The Spanish phrase 'pintarse los ojos' translates to 'paint your eyes' in English. However, it doesn't mean literally painting your eyes. Instead, it is a common colloquial phrase used to refer to the act of applying makeup to one's eyes, especially using eye shadow, eyeliner, or mascara. This kind of expression can be frequently found in contexts related to beauty and personal care.

Example sentences with  pintarse los ojos

'Pintor' refers to a person who paints, especially as a job. Although it's often used to refer to a male painter, it can be used gender-neutrally.

Example sentences with  pintor
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