Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

personas en paro
unemployed persons

The Spanish phrase 'personas en paro' translates to 'unemployed persons' in English. It is often used to refer to individuals who are currently without jobs, either due to lack of opportunities or other circumstances. The phrase can apply to a wide variety of situations and contexts, such as economic reports, social analyses, or personal conversations. Remember, like many terms related to societal status, it's important to use it considerately when speaking or writing.

personas mayores

The Spanish term 'personas mayores' translates to 'elderly' in English. It is a phrase commonly used to refer to senior citizens or older adults in Spanish speaking societies. Similar to the English term, 'personas mayores' denotes respect and recognition of the age and wisdom of the referred individuals. It can be used to include anyone in an older age group, typically those who are retirement age or older.

personas sin hogar

The phrase 'personas sin hogar' in Spanish translates to 'homeless' in English. It is used to refer to individuals who lack fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. This term can apply to individuals or families living in shelters, on the street, in cars, or in any other unstable or non-permanent situation. It is a deeply socio-economical term, often discussed in the political and social services context.

personas sin trabajo
people without work

'Personas sin trabajo' is a Spanish phrase that translates into English as 'people without work'. This phrase is typically used to refer to the unemployed population in a particular area. It speaks to the sociopolitical and economic climate of that area, giving a glimpse into the rate of unemployment and potentially, the standard of living. The phrase may be particularly common in discussions around economics, employment policies, and social welfare.

pertenecer a un partido político
belong to a political party

The Spanish phrase 'pertenecer a un partido político' translates to 'belong to a political party' in English. It implies that the individual is a member of a specific political group or party. The word 'pertenecer' means 'to belong', 'a' means 'to', and 'un partido político' means 'a political party'. This phrase may be used in the context of discussing political affiliations or activities.

Example sentences with  pertenecer a un partido político

The Spanish word 'pesca' translates to 'fishing' in English. It can refer to the activity of catching fish, either for sport or with the intent of gathering food. 'Pesca' is a common term used in Spanish-speaking countries and coastal regions where fishing is a prevalent activity or industry. Besides its literal meaning, it may also be used in some idioms and expressions.

Example sentences with  pesca
pesca fluvial
River fishing

The Spanish term 'pesca fluvial' translates to 'river fishing' in English. River fishing is a type of fishing that refers to the act of catching fish in rivers. It is a popular activity for sports and recreation. It generally requires specific types of equipment and techniques that are suitable for fishing in flowing waters. The types of fish caught typically depend on the river's ecosystem.

Example sentences with  pesca fluvial
pesca marítima
Maritime fisheries

The Spanish term 'pesca marítima' directly translates to 'maritime fisheries' in English. This terminology refers to the industrial harvesting of wild fish and other seafoods in the vast expanse of saltwater bodies. Often considered a global industry, maritime fisheries provide a significant portion of the world's food supply and livelihood for millions of people. The term 'pesca marítima' is commonly used in Spanish-speaking coastal countries, where this industry is a critical economic component.

Example sentences with  pesca marítima

'Pescado' is the Spanish term for 'fish'. This word is particularly significant in coastal regions where fish is a prevalent part of the local diet.

Example sentences with  pescado
pescado a la plancha
fish on the plate

'Pescado a la plancha' is actually a Spanish term for a style of preparing fish, commonly translated as 'grilled fish'. This simple yet delightful dish typically involves a fish filet seasoned with salt, pepper, and perhaps other spices, which is then grilled to perfection.

pescado blanco
white fish

The Spanish term 'pescado blanco' translates to 'white fish' in English. In culinary and cultural context, it usually refers to fish species that have light-colored, mild-flavored flesh, including species such as cod, haddock, and hake. These fishes are often used in a variety of dishes across many cuisines due to their versatile flavor profile and texture. The term 'white fish' is an umbrella term and doesn't refer to a specific species, but rather many fish that share similar characteristics. 'Pescado blanco' is commonly found in Spanish-speaking regions' seafood cuisine.

Example sentences with  pescado blanco
pescado congelado
frozen fish

The Spanish term 'pescado congelado' translates to 'frozen fish' in English. It is a compound noun that is often found in the food and catering industry. 'Pescado' means fish, and 'congelado' means frozen. This is typically used to refer to fish that have been preserved by freezing after being caught, to maintain the freshness until they are cooked or consumed. Fish is a common part of the diet in Spain, and therefore this phrase is frequently used in everyday life, especially in restaurants, markets, and on menus.

Example sentences with  pescado congelado
pescado de mar
sea fish

The Spanish term 'pescado de mar' directly translates to 'sea fish' in English. This will often refer to any kind of fish that is sourced or caught from the sea as opposed to freshwater sources. The 'pescado' part of the term refers to 'fish' and the 'de mar' part simply means 'of the sea'. However, this can be broadly used to talk about a variety of fish species, including those that are often caught for food.

Example sentences with  pescado de mar
pescado de río
river fish

The term 'pescado de río' in Spanish translates to 'river fish' in English. This is a common term used to refer to fish that inhabit rivers and streams, as opposed to those that live in the sea or ocean. Furthermore, 'pescado' specifically refers to fish that has been caught for food, distinguishing it from 'pez', which is the general term for fish.

Example sentences with  pescado de río
pescado fresco
fresh fish

The term 'pescado fresco' in Spanish translates to 'fresh fish' in English. 'Pescado' refers to fish and 'fresco' denotes the freshness of the item. This term is commonly used in Spanish-speaking regions particularly in coastal areas and markets where seafood is prevalent.

Example sentences with  pescado fresco
pescado frito
fried fish

The word 'pescado frito' is a common phrase in Spanish. 'Pescado' means 'fish' and 'frito' means 'fried'. Thus, 'pescado frito' translates to 'fried fish' in English. This is a popular dish in many Spanish-speaking countries, involving fish that is battered and then fried, often served with a side of chips or a salad.

pescado hervido
boiled fish

The Spanish term 'pescado hervido' is a culinary term that refers to a preparation method for fish. In English, it directly translates to 'boiled fish'. This could be a dish where the fish is cooked in hot liquid, usually water or a broth. This method of cooking is popular for its perceived health benefits as it uses less oil than frying or sautéing. The flavor of the fish is often enhanced with various herbs, spices and vegetables that are added to the boiling liquid.


The Spanish word 'pesebre' is comparable to the English term 'manger'. It is often used in a religious context, predominantly in describing the scene of the Nativity, where 'Jesus was lain in a pesebre'. The term can also refer to a feeding trough for animals in a general context, though this usage is less common.

Example sentences with  pesebre

The Spanish word 'pesimismo' translates to 'pessimism' in English. It is a noun and refers to the tendency to see, anticipate, or emphasize only bad or undesirable outcomes, results, conditions, problems, etc. The connotation is generally negative, as it denotes a sense of hopelessness or an expectation that the worst will happen in any situation.


The Spanish word 'pestaña' translates to 'eyelash' in English. This term refers to one of numerous short hairs growing along the eyelids that protect the eye by triggering a reflexive blink if an object comes too close, and also adds to the aesthetic appeal of one's eyes. The word 'pestaña' in Spanish represents an essential part of the body that a person has, similar to the English term 'eyelash'.

to blink

The Spanish word 'pestañear' translates to 'to blink' in English. This is an involuntary action where one briefly closes and then opens their eyes again quickly. It is a normal function that protects the eyes by spreading tears over its surface to keep it moist and removing small particles. The action of blinking in general is universal in its application, irrespective of language or region.


The Spanish word 'pesticidas' translates to 'pesticides' in English. Pesticides are substances or mixtures that are used to control, prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate any pest ranging from insects, animals and weeds to microorganisms such as fungi, molds, bacteria, and viruses. They are often used in agriculture to prevent damage to crops but can have potential harm to humans, animals, or the environment if not used responsibly.

Example sentences with  pesticidas

The Spanish word 'pétalo' translates to 'petal' in English. It is often used in the context of botany and flower description. Just like in English, 'pétalo' refers to the individual elements that together form the corolla, or the inner circle, of a flower. Petals are usually the colorful parts of a flower that serve to attract pollinators.

Example sentences with  pétalo

The Spanish word 'pezuña' translates to 'hoof' in English. Animals such as horses, deer, and pigs have 'pezuñas' or hooves. Hooves are the hard, thick parts at the ends of an animal's legs. They are used by animals for walking and running on different terrains. These hooves help protect their feet from injury. In many cultures, horseshoes are made to protect 'pezuñas' or hooves and are seen as symbols of good luck.

Example sentences with  pezuña

The word 'pianista' is a noun in Spanish. It corresponds to the English word 'pianist'. A 'pianista' is a person who plays the piano. In performing genres, a pianist could be an accompanist, improviser, session musician and it is seen as an essential skill in classical music, musical theatre, jazz, blues, and many other music genres.

Example sentences with  pianista

The piano is a musical instrument with a keyboard. 'Piano' is also a noun in Spanish largely used in any music discussions or instructions.

Example sentences with  piano

The Spanish word 'picadora' translates to 'chopper' in English. This can refer to multiple things such as a tool used to chop food into smaller pieces, a type of motorcycle, or even a type of helicopter. The context in which 'picadora' is used will determine its exact meaning in English.


The Spanish word 'picante' translates to 'hot' in English. However, this 'hot' is not referring to temperature but to the spicy level of food. When a dish or food is described as 'picante' in Spanish, it means it has a lot of spices or chili and has a substantial kick to it. It could be used to describe anything from salsa to hot sauce.


The Spanish word 'picar' translates to 'itch' in English. However, its usage is versatile as it can also mean 'to chop' or 'to mince' in the context of cooking. Additionally, it can signify 'to sting' or 'to bite' in case of insects. It could mean 'to peck' when referring to the action of a bird. So, although 'picar' primarily translates to 'itch', its appropriate translation depends on the context in which it's used.

Example sentences with  picar
picar carne
chop meat

The Spanish phrase 'picar carne' translates to 'chop meat' in English. This is commonly used in various cooking methods and recipes where one needs to cut meat into small pieces. The phrase itself 'picar' means 'to chop or mince', and 'carne' means 'meat'. Therefore, 'picar carne' can be used whenever you need to refer to the action of chopping, mincing, or dicing meat in a culinary context.

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