Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

arreglar un pinchazo
fix a puncture

The Spanish term 'arreglar un pinchazo' translates to 'fix a puncture' in English. It is generally used in the context of repairing a flat tire, or any situation where there is a hole that needs to be patched up. The verb 'arreglar' means to fix or arrange, while 'un pinchazo' refers to a puncture or prick.

Example sentences with  arreglar un pinchazo
arreglar una gotera
fix a drop

The term 'arreglar una gotera' in Spanish translates to 'fix a leak' in English. It is often used concerning household repairs, more specifically referring to fixing a leak in a roof or pipe. 'Arreglar' translates to 'fix' or 'arrange', while 'una gotera' refers to a 'leak' or 'drip'. It is an important phrase to know, especially when dealing with house maintenance issues.

arreglar una grieta
fix a crack

The Spanish phrase 'arreglar una grieta' translates to 'fix a crack' in English. It is formed by three words: 'arreglar' which means to fix or to adjust, 'una' which is an indefinite article meaning 'a', and 'grieta' which translates to crack. This phrase can be used in different contexts such as in construction or building maintenance where one might need to fix cracks. It may also metaphorically refer to resolving a problem or a difficult situation.

arreglo personal
personal arrangements

The Spanish phrase 'arreglo personal' translates to 'personal arrangements' in English. It refers to the individual or private plans, preparations, or adjustments a person makes according to their preference, schedule, or specific needs. This term can be used in various contexts, such as personal grooming (getting ready), scheduling personal appointments or events, and organizing private affairs or responsibilities.

Example sentences with  arreglo personal

The Spanish verb 'arrepentirse' refers to the action of feeling regret or remorse for a wrongdoing or sin, or the decision to change one's mind or ways as a result of this regret. This is equivalent to 'repent' in English, and often used in a religious or moral context.


The Spanish word 'arresto' translates to 'arrest' in English. It is often used in a legal or law enforcement context to signify the act of apprehending a person to answer for an offense or crime they have committed. It can also be used in a broader sense to denote any act of stopping or hindering progress.


The Spanish word 'arrogancia' translates to 'arrogance' in English. It is a noun and refers to an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or presumptuous claims or assumptions. In general, it is used to describe a person who believes they are better, smarter, or more important than other people. Arrogance can be expressed in various ways such as in someone's tone of voice, body language, and behavior.


The Spanish word 'arrogante' translates to 'arrogant' in English. This word is used to describe a person who has or reveals an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities. 'Arrogante' can be used in similar contexts in Spanish as 'arrogant' can in English, and it carries a largely negative connotation.


Arroz is the Spanish word for 'rice', a mainstay in many traditional dishes. Whether in paella in Spain or moros y cristianos in Cuba, rice is omnipresent in Hispanic cuisine, making 'arroz' a crucial term for learners.

Example sentences with  arroz
arroz con leche
rice with milk

The Spanish phrase 'arroz con leche' translates to 'rice with milk' in English. It is a traditional dessert made from rice, sweetened with sugar, and flavoured with spices like cinnamon. Often, it's cooked until it has a creamy consistency similar to that of rice pudding. This dish is a common and popular dessert in many Latin American countries as well as Spain.


The term 'arrugado' is a Spanish word which translates to 'wrinkled' in English. It is an adjective that can be used to describe something that has lines or creases, often because it has not been ironed or is old or has been used a lot. The word is used in the same way in Spanish as 'wrinkled' is used in English, to describe things like clothes, skin, or any other surface that is not smooth.

arrugar la frente
wrinkle your forehead

The Spanish phrase 'arrugar la frente' directly translates to 'wrinkle your forehead' in English. This phrase is typically used to describe the action of furrowing one's brow, often done when someone is confused, thinking deeply, or worried. It is a descriptive phrase that can add depth to your understanding of Spanish idiomatic expressions.

arrugar la nariz
wrinkle your nose

The Spanish phrase 'arrugar la nariz' translates to 'wrinkle your nose' in English. It describes the action of scrunching up your nose, typically due to a strong, often unpleasant, smell or as a physical indication of dislike, annoyance or skepticism towards something.

arruinarse una empresa
ruin a company

The Spanish phrase 'arruinarse una empresa' translates to 'ruin a company' in English. It is used to describe a situation where a business or company experiences significant financial decline, mismanagement, or failure. This could be due to various reasons such as poor strategic decisions, economic downturn, financial mismanagement, or other unfavorable conditions. It is a phrase often used in business or financial contexts.

Example sentences with  arruinarse una empresa

The Spanish word 'arte' is equivalent to 'art' in English. It refers to the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. 'Arte' can also denote other endeavors or activities considered as requiring skill and creativity.

Example sentences with  arte
arte abstracto
abstract art

The Spanish term 'arte abstracto' translates to 'abstract art' in English. Abstract art is a style of art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of visual reality. Instead, it uses shapes, colors, forms, and gestural marks to achieve its effect. Works of abstract art, like those referred to by 'arte abstracto,' can evoke emotions and ideas, and invite interpretation from the viewer.

Example sentences with  arte abstracto
arte barroco
Baroque art

Baroque Art, known as 'arte barroco' in Spanish, is an artistic style that used exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail to produce drama, tension, exuberance, and grandeur in sculpture, painting, literature, dance, and music. It originated in Italy at the end of the 16th century and its influence was felt throughout Europe. The Baroque is distinguished by complex shapes, ornamental decorations and a spectacular use of light and shadow. The term 'Baroque' also describes anything that is detailed and intricate in design.

Example sentences with  arte barroco
arte callejero
Street art

Arte callejero, translated as 'street art' in English, refers to visual art created in public locations such as city streets, walls, tunnels, and basically any outdoor public space. This form of art is often unsanctioned, but some works may be commissioned or legally created on private property. It includes diverse techniques and styles including graffiti, stencil art, sticker art, wheatpasting, video projection, art intervention, guerrilla art, flash mobbing, and street installations.

Example sentences with  arte callejero
arte clásico
classic art

The Spanish term 'arte clásico' translates to 'classic art' in English. Classic art generally pays homage to ancient civilizations and empires, such as Greece and Rome, that pioneered many forms and styles of visual arts, architecture, literature, theater, music, and other artistic expressions. Additionally, it often implies respect for traditional, inherited aesthetic standards, focusing on proportion, symmetry, and simplicity.

Example sentences with  arte clásico
arte conceptual
conceptual art

The term 'arte conceptual' translates to 'conceptual art' in English. Conceptual Art is an art style where the idea or concept behind the work is more important than the actual physical or visible aspect of the work. It emerged as an art movement in the 1960s and often the artist will use a variety of materials and forms to convey their message, meaning, or idea, leading to works that can look very different from traditional forms such as painting and sculpture. Thus, 'arte conceptual' refers to this intellectual and varied approach to creating art.

Example sentences with  arte conceptual
arte contemporáneo
Contemporary art

The term 'arte contemporáneo' comes from the Spanish language and translates to 'contemporary art' in English. Contemporary art refers to the art, produced at the present period in time or art produced since World War II. It includes many different styles and movements of art that is being created currently. It is a period of experimentation in styles, materials and concepts. This type of art is often much more concerned with social and political issues.

Example sentences with  arte contemporáneo
arte cubista
Cubist art

Cubist Art, known as 'Arte Cubista' in Spanish, is an early-20th-century avant-garde art movement that revolutionized European painting and sculpture, and inspired related movements in music, literature and architecture. The style is characterized by the use of geometric shapes and a departure from the traditional portrayal of physical appearances. Cubist artists include Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque.

Example sentences with  arte cubista
arte expresionista
Expressionist art

The term 'arte expresionista' in Spanish refers to 'expressionist art' in English. Expressionist art is a modernist movement, initially in poetry and painting, originating in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. The style tends to depict raw, emotional and subjective moods, often distorting reality for emotional effect. Expressionist artists sought to express the meaning of emotional experience rather than physical reality. Expressionist art typically was created during times of social upheaval, reflecting the angst and anxieties of society.

Example sentences with  arte expresionista
arte figurativo
figurative art

The term 'arte figurativo' in Spanish translates to 'figurative art' in English. Figurative art, in broad sense, encompasses all forms of modern art that retain strong references to the real world and particularly to the human figure. It is a form of art in which the artist uses recognizable images to express an idea or to illustrate a story, as opposed to abstract art, which does not aim to represent an accurate depiction of visual reality. 'Arte figurativo' is noted for its reliance on the visual representation of real objects or figures to convey its message or story.

Example sentences with  arte figurativo
arte futurista
Futuristic art

Futuristic art, or 'arte futurista' in Spanish, is a type of art movement that originated in Italy in the early 20th century. Futurists emphasized and glorified themes associated with contemporary concepts of the future, including speed, technology, industrial cities and vehicles like the automobile, the airplane, and the industrial city. The movement was in part a reaction against traditional artistic techniques and styles, and had political and social undertones, as it often highlighted violent and confrontational themes.

Example sentences with  arte futurista
arte gótico
Gothic art

Gothic art, also known as 'arte gótico' in Spanish, originated in the Ile-de-France area around the middle of the 12th century, extending into the late 16th century. It is a style of art that evolved from Romanesque art and was followed by Renaissance art. As part of Medieval art in Europe, Gothic art encompasses architecture, sculpture, painting, stained glass, mosaics, manuscripts, and metalwork. It is notable for its use of pointed arches, rib vaults, and flying buttresses, among other characteristics, making its buildings seem to reach skyward.

Example sentences with  arte gótico
arte impresionista
Impressionist art

Impressionist art, or 'arte impresionista' in Spanish, refers to a style of painting which originated in France in the 19th century. Impressionist artists sought to capture the immediate impression of a scene, often depicting its changing qualities of light and color. This marked a break from the realism and exactitude prevalent in the art of the time. The style is characterized by loose brushwork, vibrant colors, and ordinary subject matters such as landscapes, scenes of contemporary life, and the play of light on various surfaces.

Example sentences with  arte impresionista
arte minimalista
minimalist art

The term 'arte minimalista' refers to minimalist art in English. It is a visual art style that emerged in the late 1950s as a reaction against abstract expressionism. It is characterized by extreme simplicity of form and a deliberate lack of expressive content. Minimalist art typically makes use of pure, geometric forms and straightforward presentation, eschewing elaborate artwork techniques. It intends to allow the viewer to experience the artwork more directly by eliminating non-essential forms, features or concepts.

Example sentences with  arte minimalista
arte modernista
Modernist art

The phrase 'arte modernista' in Spanish translates to 'modernist art' in English. Modernist Art refers to various movements and styles that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th century. These movements challenged traditional stylistic norms and were often characterized by a deliberate departure from traditional styles of art. The era of modernist arts included groundbreaking visual art styles like Impressionism, Abstract Art, and Surrealism among others.

Example sentences with  arte modernista
arte moderno
Modern art

The Spanish term 'arte moderno' translates to 'modern art' in English. This encompasses artistic work produced between the 1860s and the 1970s, and signifies the style and philosophy of the art produced during that era. Modern art includes numerous artistic movements such as Impressionism, Cubism, Surrealism, and Abstract Expressionism. Therefore, when Spanish speakers refer to 'arte moderno', they are discussing art that is characterized by a strong emphasis on the subjective expression of the artist's perspective and experience.

Example sentences with  arte moderno
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