Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

perfume dulzón
sweet perfume

The Spanish term 'perfume dulzón' translates into English as 'sweet perfume'. It refers to a fragrance or scent that is sweet in nature. It can be used to describe a variety of odors, from the scents of flowers to the fragrances of certain foods or drinks. The adjective 'dulzón' portrays a particularly rich or concentrated sweetness, signaling a strong, pleasant, inviting scent. This phrase may be used in contexts like descriptions of smells in everyday conversation, literary description, or product marketing.

Example sentences with  perfume dulzón
perfume fresco
Fresh perfume

The phrase 'perfume fresco' in Spanish translates to 'fresh perfume' in English. It is often used to describe scents that are light, clean, and invigorating. This is frequently used in the context of personal care or beauty products such as colognes, body sprays, and perfumes where freshness denotes a pleasing, revitalizing fragrance.

Example sentences with  perfume fresco
perfume fuerte
Strong perfume

The Spanish term 'perfume fuerte' translates to 'strong perfume' in English. This phrase can refer to a scent that is bold and potent. In the context of perfumery, the strength of a perfume can refer to the intensity and longevity of its fragrance. An example of usage could be: 'El perfume fuerte puede ser abrumador', which means 'The strong perfume can be overwhelming'.

Example sentences with  perfume fuerte
perfume intenso
intense perfume

The Spanish phrase 'perfume intenso' translates to 'intense perfume' in English. This can refer to a strong or potent fragrance. For example, if a perfume has a very noticeable scent that lasts for a long time, it could be described as 'perfume intenso' in Spanish. This term can be used in both a positive and negative context depending on personal preferences for scents.

Example sentences with  perfume intenso

The Spanish word 'periferia' translates to 'periphery' in English. It is commonly used in both languages to indicate the outer limits or edge of an area or object. It can refer to a physical boundary, such as the periphery of a city, or a conceptual one, such as the periphery of a topic or issue. Similar to its usage in English, 'periferia' can also refer to something that is not central or mainstream, conveying a sense of distance or marginality.

Example sentences with  periferia
periódico de la mañana
morning paper

The Spanish phrase 'periódico de la mañana' translates to 'morning paper' in English. The word 'periódico' means 'paper' or 'newspaper' typically referring to a daily publication that contains news, articles, features, etc. When combined with 'de la mañana' which means 'of the morning', it refers specifically to a morning edition of a newspaper or a newspaper that is published and distributed in the morning.

periódico de la tarde
in the afternoon

The term 'periódico de la tarde' in Spanish can be translated as 'afternoon newspaper' in English. Despite the word by word translation suggesting 'newspaper of the afternoon', the phrase is used to refer to newspapers that are published in the afternoon. These afternoon publications may contain latest news updates which were not in the morning edition. They can also be seen as an evening edition, giving a round-up of the day's news.


The term 'periodismo' in Spanish translates to 'journalism' in English. Journalism refers to the production and distribution of reports on recent events. The word 'journalism' applies to the occupation, using methods of gathering information and utilizing literary techniques. Various forms of journalistic mediums include print, television, radio, internet and, in the past, newsreels. Concepts of the appropriate role for journalism vary between countries.

periodismo agresivo
aggressive journalism

The Spanish term 'periodismo agresivo' refers to an approach in journalism where reporters are persistent, daring, and assertive, often pursuing stories and interviews fiercely. The English equivalent for this term is 'aggressive journalism'. It can often be seen in investigative reporting, where journalists aggressively seek the truth and the underlying stories that are not immediately apparent. This approach, however, can sometimes be controversial due to its confrontational nature.

periodismo de investigación
investigative journalism

The term 'periodismo de investigación' in Spanish translates to 'investigative journalism' in English. This type of journalism involves in-depth reporting and thorough investigation of a particular subject, which typically is complex and takes a longer time to research. It aims to uncover truth and expose any misconduct or anomaly that might be in the public interest. These could include issues related to corruption, crime or political events. It is one of the most crucial types of journalism as it often holds power to account.

periodismo independiente
independent journalism

The term 'periodismo independiente' in Spanish translates to 'independent journalism' in English. It refers to the practice of reporting and disseminating news, analyses, and discussions on events, trends, and issues on various platforms like newspapers, television, radio, and the internet, free from control or influence of corporate or government entities. Independent journalism signifies the freedom to investigate, critique and comment without the pressure to comply with parties with vested interests, resulting in greater transparency and credibility.


The Spanish word 'periodista' translates to 'journalist' in English. A journalist is a person who collects, writes, or distributes news or other current information to the public. They can work in various media outlets such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and online platforms. The primary goal of a journalist is to inform, educate and entertain the public while adhering to ethical norms and standards.


In Spanish, the word 'periodo' is used to refer to a span or interval of time, equivalent to the English word 'period'. It is used in various contexts. For instance, in a chronological sense to denote era or age and in an academic sense referring to academic semesters or terms.

Example sentences with  periodo
periodo electoral
electoral period

The term 'periodo electoral' in Spanish directly translates to 'electoral period' in English. This phrase refers to the timeline or sequence of events leading up to an election. It typically includes the registration of candidates, campaigning, voting, and the announcement of results. This term is used in the context of political elections, whether they are local, regional, national, or even organizational such as in clubs or societies.

Example sentences with  periodo electoral

The Spanish word 'perjudicial' translates to 'harmful' in English. It is an adjective most commonly used to describe something that causes damage or harm. This could refer to a wide range of things, such as substances, actions, or behaviors. Its usage is similar to its English equivalent, and like the term 'harmful', 'perjudicial' often carries a negative connotation.

Example sentences with  perjudicial

The word 'permanecer', translated to 'remain' in English, is commonly used in Spanish conversation and written contexts. This verb is used to express the continuity or persistence of a certain state, condition, or situation. For example, it can be used in sentences like 'quiero permanecer contigo' which means 'I want to remain with you'. It is an essential verb in Spanish language that every learner should familiarize with.

Example sentences with  permanecer
permiso de circulación
Movement permit

The Spanish term 'permiso de circulación' translates to 'movement permit' in English. This is generally used to refer to a legal document or authorization that allows a vehicle to be driven on public roads. It is also referred to in some cases as a road tax disc. This term could be used in various settings: such as legal, traffic, vehicular among others. It is an important term to know when discussing matters relating to transportation, driving, or legal regulations related to vehicles in Spanish speaking countries.

Example sentences with  permiso de circulación

The Spanish equivalent for 'allow' is 'permitir'. It is used in a similar context to the English language. For example, for granting or giving consent for something to happen or exist. As with the English-language usage, 'permitir' can be applied to a wide range of scenarios, like granting permissions, enabling processes, or giving consent.

Example sentences with  permitir

'Perro' is a noun in Spanish that refers to the domestic animal known for its loyalty, obedience, and playful nature. Dogs are often kept as pets for companionship.

Example sentences with  perro
perro adiestrado
trained dog

The term 'perro adiestrado' is Spanish for 'trained dog'. It refers to a dog that has been trained to perform certain tasks or behave in a specific way. Training can range from simple commands such as 'sit' or 'stay', to more complex behaviours like fetching items, performing tricks, or even aiding people with disabilities. This term could be used in a variety of contexts, but it is most commonly utilized to refer to dogs that have been purposefully taught specific behaviors through reward-based methods, often using treats, praise, or toys as incentives.

perro callejero
Street dog

The Spanish phrase 'perro callejero' translates to 'street dog' in English. This phrase might be used to refer to stray dogs, or dogs that live on the street without a specific home or owner. These dogs tend to survive by scavenging for food and shelter, and may be wild or semi-wild. The term 'perro callejero' can sometimes carry a negative connotation, portraying a dog as unclean or potentially dangerous due to the conditions in which it lives.

Example sentences with  perro callejero
perro de caza
hunting dog

The Spanish phrase 'perro de caza' translates to 'hunting dog' in English. These dogs are typically bred and trained for assisting hunters in tracking and retrieving game, particularly birds. Hunting dogs have been popular among hunters for centuries, and they come in a variety of breeds, each with their own strengths and skills for hunting.

Example sentences with  perro de caza
perro policía
police dog

The Spanish phrase 'perro policía' translates to 'police dog' in English. This term describes a dog that is specifically trained to assist police and other law-enforcement personnel in their work, such as in searching for drugs, explosives, locating missing people, finding crime scene evidence, and protecting their handlers.

Example sentences with  perro policía

The Spanish word 'persona' is used similarly to the English word 'person'. It is a basic noun referring to an individual. It can be used in a variety of contexts, from identifying a human being to describing someone's character. Just like in English, the word can be used to represent any human without reference to sex, occupation or nationality.

Example sentences with  persona
persona de cierta edad
person of a certain age

The Spanish phrase 'persona de cierta edad' translates to 'person of a certain age' in English. It is a way of referring to someone without explicitly mentioning their age. It is usually used in a delicate or polite context when the speaker doesn't want to explicitly reveal the age of the person they're referring to. This term is often used in a respectful manner to address older individuals.

persona mayor
older person

The term 'persona mayor' in Spanish translates to 'older person' in English. This phrase is often used to respectfully refer to elderly individuals or senior citizens in the Spanish-speaking society. Etymologically, 'persona' is Spanish for 'person', while 'mayor' translates to 'older' or 'greater'. Hence, 'persona mayor' can be contextually understood as an individual who has reached a relatively significant age or stage of life. It may also sometimes convey a sense of respect and reverence towards the experience and wisdom that often comes with age.


In both English and Spanish, 'personal' relates to an individual or private character. However, it's used differently in Spanish- it can refer to a private event ('el evento fue muy personal'), but can also be used to describe staff or workforce, as in 'personal de trabajo', which translates to 'work staff'.

Example sentences with  personal
personal médico
medical personnel

The term 'Personal médico' in Spanish translates to 'medical personnel' in English. These are professionals in the health care sector who have undergone formal training and education in medicine or healthcare-related fields. They play a crucial role in hospitals, clinics and other healthcare facilities, providing critical services that include diagnosing and treating illnesses, administering medical procedures and treatments, and giving healthcare advice to patients. This term broadly covers a range of professionals including doctors, nurses, paramedics, and other medical practitioners.

Example sentences with  personal médico
personal sanitario
health personnel

The term 'personal sanitario' in Spanish refers to health personnel in English. This term is primarily used to represent all individuals involved in the health care sector, either directly providing care to patients or indirectly assisting in the provision of care. This can encompass a broad range of roles, including doctors, nurses, technicians, administrators, therapists, and other associated healthcare professionals.

Example sentences with  personal sanitario
personas discapacitadas
disabled persons

The Spanish term 'personas discapacitadas' translates to 'disabled persons' in English. This word is primarily used in contexts where it is necessary to refer to individuals with forms of physical or mental disability that may limit their movements, senses, or activities. Just as in English, awareness and respect for people with disabilities are emphasized in Spanish-speaking cultures, and the language reflects this in its terminologies.

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