Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

perder a un miembro de la familia
lose a family member

The Spanish phrase 'perder a un miembro de la familia' translates to 'lose a family member' in English. This phrase can be used in situations where a family member has passed away or when a family member is no longer in close contact or has been separated from the family for some reason. It conveys a sense of loss, typically regarding a significant or close family member. As with many phrases, the exact meaning can depend on the context in which it is used.

perder a un ser querido
losing a loved one

The Spanish phrase 'perder a un ser querido' translates to 'losing a loved one' in English. This phrase is often used in discussions about death, grief, and mourning. When a person 'pierde a un ser querido', they have lost someone that they deeply cared about, such as a family member, a friend, or a partner. This phrase suggests a profound sense of loss and sorrow.

perder altura
losing height

The Spanish phrase 'perder altura' translates to 'losing height' in English. It is often used in the context of aviation or physical height measurements. However, it can also be used metaphorically to describe situations where one's status or position is decreasing or being reduced.

Example sentences with  perder altura
perder clientes
lose customers

The Spanish term 'perder clientes' translates to 'lose customers' in English. This phrase is often used in a business context and refers to the situation where a business loses its clients, typically due to unsatisfactory products/services, high rates, better competition, etc. It implies a reduction in business revenue and customer base, and is widely seen as unfavorable for business growth and sustainability.

perder el apetito
losing appetite

The Spanish phrase 'perder el apetito' translates to 'losing appetite' in English. This expression is commonly used to describe a situation where someone does not feel like eating because of various reasons, which could be illness, stress, or lack of appealing food. It's important to understand that this is not necessarily associated with deliberate dieting or fasting.

Example sentences with  perder el apetito
perder el autobús
miss the bus

The Spanish phrase 'perder el autobús' translates directly to English as 'lose the bus', but the correct idiomatic translation is 'miss the bus'. It is used in situations where someone failed to catch or board the public transportation bus in time, and therefore the bus has departed without them.

Example sentences with  perder el autobús
perder el conocimiento
losing knowledge

The Spanish phrase 'perder el conocimiento' does not directly translate to 'losing knowledge' in English. Instead, it is more accurately translated to 'losing consciousness'. This phrase is usually used in a medical or emergency context to describe a person who has fainted or passed out.

Example sentences with  perder el conocimiento
perder el control
lose control

The Spanish phrase 'perder el control' translates to 'lose control' in English. It can be used in various contexts including emotions, vehicles, or situations where someone is no longer able to manage themselves or a circumstance. This phrase can be broken down into two parts: 'perder', which means 'to lose', and 'el control', which means 'the control'.

Example sentences with  perder el control
perder el empleo
lose the job

The Spanish phrase 'perder el empleo' translates to 'lose the job' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of unemployment, indicating an individual has been laid off or terminated from their position of work. It's a common phrase used in the domain of work and employment.

perder el empleo indefinida
losing permanent employment

The Spanish phrase 'perder el empleo indefinida' translates to 'losing permanent employment' in English. This phrase is frequently used in employment settings and job-related conversations in the context of job security or employment status. This could mean that an individual has lost a job that was previously considered to be long-term or permanent. It's a consequential phrase, often indicating a significant, negative change in someone's professional life.

perder el equipaje
losing luggage

The Spanish phrase 'perder el equipaje' translates to 'losing luggage' in English. This phrase is typically used in the context of travel, particularly airport situations. It expresses the action of misplacing, forgetting, or having one's luggage inadvertently taken or not properly transferred during a trip. It can be a stressful situation for travelers as luggage often contains essential personal belongings needed for the trip.

Example sentences with  perder el equipaje
perder el sentido
losing the sense

The Spanish phrase 'perder el sentido' translates to 'losing the sense' in English. This can be used both literally, as in losing one's sense of taste or smell, and metaphorically, as in losing the point or meaning of something. In the latter case, it's often used to describe a situation where something has become so altered from its original form or intent that its original purpose or meaning is no longer evident.

Example sentences with  perder el sentido
perder el tren
miss the train

'Perder el tren' is a Spanish phrase that translates as 'miss the train' in English. It can be used literally to describe the scenario of not arriving in time for a scheduled train. However, it is also commonly used idiomatically in Spanish to express the idea of missing an opportunity or being too late to take advantage of a situation. Just as in English we use the phrase 'miss the boat', in Spanish they use 'perder el tren'.

Example sentences with  perder el tren
perder la confianza de alguien
lose someone's trust

The Spanish phrase 'perder la confianza de alguien' translates into English as 'lose someone's trust'. This concept implies that a person's credibility or dependability has been compromised or diminished in the eyes of another. The loss of trust can happen for various reasons such as betrayal, dishonesty, or unreliability, and can significantly impact interpersonal relationships.

Example sentences with  perder la confianza de alguien
perder la voz
lose your voice

The given Spanish phrase 'Perder la voz' literally translates to 'lose the voice' in English. In general use, 'Perder la voz' is an expression used when one temporarily loses their ability to speak due to strain or illness affecting the vocal cords. This is similar to the English phrase 'losing one's voice'. The phrase can also be used in a metaphorical sense to describe an inability to express oneself effectively.

Example sentences with  perder la voz
perder las ganas de comer
lose the desire to eat

The phrase 'perder las ganas de comer' in Spanish translates to 'lose the desire to eat' in English. This phrase is often used when someone has lost their appetite, they don't feel hungry or they don't want to eat. This can be due to various reasons such as illness, stress, depression or simply not being in the mood for food. It's commonly used in everyday conversation in Spanish-speaking countries.

Example sentences with  perder las ganas de comer
perder las maletas
lose the bags

The Spanish term 'perder las maletas' translates to 'lose the bags' in English. This phrase is commonly used when traveling, particularly when referring to situations where individuals misplace or cannot find their luggage. It can relate to a variety of scenarios such as losing bags in transit, at the airport, or in a public place.

Example sentences with  perder las maletas
perder los nervios
losing nerves

The phrase 'perder los nervios' in Spanish translates to 'losing nerves' in English. This is a commonly used idiomatic expression in Spanish to convey the idea of losing self control, especially in a situation of stress or anxiety. In many contexts, it can also be translated as 'losing one's cool' or 'getting rattled'. Remember, idiomatic expressions often carry cultural nuances and do not always translate directly into other languages.

perder peso
lose weight

The Spanish term 'perder peso' translates to 'lose weight' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of fitness, dieting, or health where one is attempting to reduce their body mass, typically by reducing fat content. The verb 'perder' refers to losing or missing something, and 'peso' refers to weight, making it quite a literal translation.

Example sentences with  perder peso
perder un documento
lose a document

The Spanish phrase 'perder un documento' translates to 'lose a document' in English. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, such as when an important paper or file is misplaced or accidentally destroyed. It comprises of three words: 'perder', meaning 'to lose', 'un', an indefinite article equivalent to 'a' in English, and 'documento', which translates to 'document'. Overall, 'perder un documento' conveys the unfortunate situation of no longer being in possession of a document.

perder un juicio
losing a trial

The Spanish phrase 'perder un juicio' translates to 'losing a trial' in English. It is often used in the context of legal proceedings where a party fails to win their case. This phrase can be used metaphorically in everyday situations as well, to signify losing an argument or failing in an effort.

Example sentences with  perder un juicio
perderse un programa de radio
miss a radio program

The Spanish phrase 'perderse un programa de radio' translates to 'miss a radio program' in English. It is used when someone was unable to listen to a specific radio show or segment when it was originally broadcasted.

perderse un programa de televisión
missing a TV show

The Spanish phrase 'perderse un programa de televisión' translates to 'missing a TV show' in English. It is used when someone did not or could not watch a specific television program when it was originally aired or during its scheduled time. This could be due to factors such as forgetting about the show, not having access to a TV during the airing time, or being busy with other tasks.


The word 'pérdida' is used in Spanish in the similar scenarios as 'loss' in English. It can refer to the act of losing something or someone, experiencing a decrease or a reduction, like in a business context, or even in the sense of a personal, emotional loss. However, like in English, the context is key in determining the exact meaning.

Example sentences with  pérdida

The Spanish word 'pérdidas' translates to 'losses' in English. It is often used in context where there is a decrease in quantity, value, or achievement. Similar to its use in English, 'pérdidas' can refer to a variety of losses, including financial losses (pérdidas financieras), losses of life (pérdidas de vidas), or the act of losing a competition (pérdidas en competencias). The word is derived from the verb 'perder' which means 'to lose.'


The Spanish word 'perdiz' translates to 'partridge' in English. A partridge is a type of bird in the pheasant family, which is native to Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Partridges are ground-nesting seed-eaters, typically associated with agricultural lands, and known for their distinct call and fast, rounded wings. The term 'partridge' is not a precise one, and can refer to several species within a subgroup of non-migratory Old World galliformes.


The word 'perejil' is a Spanish term that translates to 'parsley' in English. It's a type of herb that's commonly used in various dishes and cuisines around the world. In Spanish-speaking countries, it's often found in recipes, particularly in sauces, salads, and as a garnish. Not only is 'perejil' a culinary delight enhancing the taste of food, but it is also recognized for its health benefits.


The Spanish word 'perezoso' translates to 'lazy' in English. This adjective is used to describe a person, animal, or entity that doesn't like to work hard or do anything that requires effort. It is similar to words like 'sluggish', 'indolent', 'inactive', or 'slothful' in English.


The term 'perfecto' is a Spanish adjective which translates to 'perfect' in English. It's often used to express that something is without flaws or defects, completely correct or has all the desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics. It can also be utilized in various contexts, whether it be describing a person, place, thing, or scenario. Remember that in Spanish, adjectives often change their form based on the gender and number of the noun they are qualifying. Hence, 'perfecto' may become 'perfecta', 'perfectos' or 'perfectas' depending on the context.

Example sentences with  perfecto

The Spanish word 'perfume' translates to 'perfume' in English. It is a fragrant liquid typically made from essential oils extracted from flowers and spices, used to impart a pleasant smell to one's body or clothes. The term originated from the Latin words 'per', meaning 'through' and 'fumus', meaning 'smoke'. Hence, 'perfume' refers to a substance that emits a pleasant aroma.

Example sentences with  perfume
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