Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

pedir una excedencia
ask for an exemption

The Spanish phrase 'pedir una excedencia' translates to 'ask for an exemption' in English. This phrase is often used in a professional context, such as when an employee might need to temporarily leave their position for a personal matter those are usually granted by organizations under certain conditions. However, it can also be used in other scenarios where one party may ask another for an exception or exclusion from a rule or requirement.

pedir una factura
order a bill

The Spanish phrase 'pedir una factura' translates to 'order a bill' in English. This phrase is usually used in contexts such as restaurants, shops, or services where you need to request an invoice or receipt for the goods or services you have received. The verb 'pedir' means to ask for or to order something, 'una' is an indefinite article equivalent to 'a' in English, and 'factura' is the Spanish term for a bill or invoice.

Example sentences with  pedir una factura
pedir una hipoteca
ask for a mortgage

The Spanish phrase 'pedir una hipoteca' translates to 'ask for a mortgage' in English. This phrase is often used in formal or business settings, particularly when discussing agreements or arrangements involving a financial institution such as a bank. 'Pedir' means 'to ask' or 'to request', 'una' implies the singularity of 'a', and 'hipoteca' translates directly to 'mortgage'. Therefore, when you 'pedir una hipoteca', you're requesting a home loan typically from a bank or another type of lending institution.

pedir una sopa
order a soup

The Spanish phrase 'pedir una sopa' translates to 'order a soup' in English. This phrase is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries in restaurants or wherever food is served. 'Pedir' is the Spanish verb for 'to ask' or 'to order', 'una' is an indefinite article which translates to 'a', and 'sopa' simply means 'soup'. Thus, when combined, 'pedir una sopa' means asking or ordering a soup.

pegar una palabra
paste a word

The phrase 'pegar una palabra' in Spanish translates to 'paste a word' in English. This is commonly used in computing and digital contexts, referring to the action of copying a word or string of text from one location and inserting, or 'pasting,' it into another. This is a basic concept for digital text handling. This phrase can also be used metaphorically to express the idea of borrowing or taking words from another source.

Example sentences with  pegar una palabra

The Spanish word 'pegatina' translates to 'sticker' in English. A 'pegatina' can be of various types, shapes and sizes, and are often used for decoration, branding, or conveying information or messages. They are usually adhesive and can be affixed to a variety of surfaces such as paper, wood, metal, glass, etc. Hence, the term 'pegatina' in Spanish can take many forms in everyday application, ranging from a child's decorative sticker to product label in a store.

Example sentences with  pegatina

The Spanish word 'peinado' translates to 'hairstyle' in English. It refers to the way in which a person's hair is cut, arranged, or styled. It is a commonly used term in both languages, particularly in contexts relating to beauty, personal grooming, and fashion. In a broader sense, it could also suggest a certain type of personal expression or identity, as hairstyles can often be a reflection of an individual's personal style or cultural background.

Example sentences with  peinado

The word 'peinarse' does not mean 'sinking' in English. It is a Spanish reflexive verb that translates to 'to comb one's hair' in English. It's used to describe an action one does to oneself, in this case, the action of combing one's hair. It involves a reciprocal relationship between the subject and the action.


The Spanish word 'peine' translates to 'comb' in English. It is a noun and it refers to a device made of solid material, usually with a series of narrow teeth, that is used for untangling, cleaning or arranging hair. The word 'peine' is masculine and its plural form in Spanish is 'peines'.

Example sentences with  peine
pelar fruta
peel fruit

The Spanish phrase 'pelar fruta' translates to 'peel fruit' in English. This is an action phrase, commonly used in contexts where one is preparing food, specifically fruit. The act of 'pelar fruta' involves removing the outer skin or covering of the fruit, usually with a knife or a special kitchen tool called a peeler.

pelar patatas
peel potatoes

The Spanish phrase 'pelar patatas' translates to 'peel potatoes' in English. This phrase refers to the action of removing the skin from potatoes, which is a common task in cooking and gastronomy. It is often used in the context of preparing the potatoes for various dishes such as fries, mashed potatoes, or soups. 'Pelar' means 'peel' and 'patatas' means 'potatoes'.


In Spanish, 'pelearse' is a reflexive verb that typically means to fight or quarrel. It's commonly used to denote that two or more individuals are engaging in a physical fight or a heated argument. Unlike the English equivalent 'fight', 'pelearse' instinctively suggests a reciprocal action between two parties, thus often indicating a more mutual involvement in the conflict situation.


This is the standard term for 'movie' in Spanish. It is used in both casual and formal contexts, identical to 'movie' in English. People can understand you referring to a feature film or movie.

Example sentences with  película
película con subtítulos
movie with subtitles

The Spanish term 'película con subtítulos' translates to 'movie with subtitles' in English. This term is used to describe a film that includes the written display of the dialogue in the same language as the spoken dialogue or in another language. The subtitles are usually displayed at the bottom of the screen and are often used to help those who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, or those who understand a different language, to follow along with the dialogue or narrative.

película de acción
action movie

The Spanish term 'película de acción' translates to 'action movie' in English. This is a genre of movies that typically involve a hero who takes on a series of challenges, often involving physical feats and extended fight scenes. These films generally have a high level of excitement and thrill, and often keep viewers on the edge of their seats with daring stunts, chases, rescues, battles, martial arts, explosions, and other fast-paced scenes.

Example sentences with  película de acción
película de amor
romance movie

The term 'película de amor' is Spanish for 'romance movie'. It refers to a genre of film that places its primary focus on the romantic relationships between people. These films often explore the themes of love, passion, desire, idealized love, and romantic idealism. Stories usually revolve around characters falling in love, overcoming obstacles to be with their love interest, or struggling to preserve their relationships. They often induce strong emotions in the audience, such as joy, sadness, and hope.

Example sentences with  película de amor
película de aventuras
Adventure movie

The term 'película de aventuras' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'adventure movie' in English. This is a category of movies that are often characterized by exciting and adventurous plot lines, often involving a quest or journey, and typically featuring varied settings that may include different countries or worlds. These movies may involve elements of action, thrill, and suspense, and often tend to feature heroes or protagonists who overcome obstacles or challenges in their path. Examples of 'película de aventuras' could include movies like Indiana Jones, Pirates of the Caribbean, or The Lord of the Rings.

Example sentences with  película de aventuras
película de ciencia ficción
science fiction film

The Spanish phrase 'película de ciencia ficción' translates to 'science fiction film' in English. This phrase is used to describe a genre of movie that uses speculative, fictional science-based depictions of phenomena that are not fully accepted by mainstream science, such as extraterrestrial lifeforms, alien worlds, extrasensory perception and time travel, along with futuristic elements such as spacecraft, robots, or other technologies. Science fiction films have been used to focus on political or social issues, and to explore philosophical issues like the human condition.

Example sentences with  película de ciencia ficción
película de dibujos animados
cartoon movie

The Spanish term 'película de dibujos animados' translates to 'cartoon movie' in English. It refers to a motion picture crafted by sequencing a set of animated images. A wide variety of techniques, including hand-drawn animation and computer-generated imagery, can be used to create these films. The narrative often includes characters, plots, and settings that are distinctive and imaginative, appealing to children as well as adults. This term is often used in conversations and contexts related to animation industry, film studies, and popular culture.

Example sentences with  película de dibujos animados
película de guerra
war movie

The Spanish term 'película de guerra' translates to 'war movie' in English. It is used to categorize films that emphasize warfare actions, often showcasing the horrors, struggles, and drama of war, usually set in periods of historical wartime events. Such movies create an understanding of the human experiences during wartime, often portraying elements of heroism, loyalty, and survival.

Example sentences with  película de guerra
película de risa

The Spanish phrase 'película de risa' can be translated to English as 'comedy'. It is typically used to describe a genre of film that is intended to entertain the audience by provoking laughter and amusement. This genre may be characterized by humorous dialogues, slapstick scenarios, or satirical elements, often revolving around improbable situations and exaggerated characters.

Example sentences with  película de risa
película de terror
horror movie

The Spanish term 'película de terror' translates to 'horror movie' in English. This term is used to categorize a genre of movies designed to frighten, scare, disgust, or startle its audience by invoking an eerie and frightening atmosphere. 'Película' translates to movie, and 'de terror' translates to of horror. Often these types of films feature an evil force, event, or character of supernatural origin. Many horror movies also include a central villain or character that audiences are lead to fear.

Example sentences with  película de terror
película doblada
dubbed movie

The Spanish term 'película doblada' translates to the English term 'dubbed movie'. In the world of cinema, a 'dubbed movie' refers to a film that was originally recorded in one language, but has had its dialogue replaced or 'dubbed' over in another language. This process allows audiences in different countries to enjoy films from around the world in their own native language, ensuring that language is not a barrier to the storytelling.

Example sentences with  película doblada
película en versión original
movie in original version

The Spanish term 'película en versión original' directly translates into English as 'movie in original version'. This term is mainly used in the context of cinema, indicating that a movie is shown in its original language as opposed to being dubbed or translated. For example, a French film showing in Spain would be called a 'película en versión original' if it were shown in French with Spanish subtitles, rather than being dubbed into Spanish.

película policiaca
crime movie

The Spanish term 'película policiaca' translates as 'crime movie' in English. This refers to a genre of film that commonly centers around characters such as detectives, criminals, or police officers, and emphasizes the systematic investigation of crime by the protagonist. This genre is known for suspense-building elements and narratives involving intricate plots and mystery.

Example sentences with  película policiaca
película romántica
romance movie

The Spanish term 'película romántica' translates to 'romance movie' in English. This term comprises two words: 'película' meaning 'movie' and 'romántica' meaning 'romantic'. When combined, it refers to a film genre characterized by romantic love stories, which typically focus on passion, emotion, and the romantic love between main characters. Such movies usually have happy endings or emotionally satisfying endings, and are popular for their heartwarming and emotional narratives that revolve around romantic relationships.

Example sentences with  película romántica
película subtitulada
subtitled film

The Spanish phrase 'película subtitulada' translates to 'subtitled film' in English. This refers to a film in a certain language that has the dialogue translated and displayed on screen in another language. This is very common when a film is being shown to an audience that may not understand the original language of the film. In other words, a 'película subtitulada' allows people to enjoy films in languages they do not speak and understand.

Example sentences with  película subtitulada

The word 'pelo' is used in Spanish to refer to 'hair'. It is a common word used to describe the thin, thread-like structures that grow on people's bodies, especially on their heads. For example, 'Ella tiene el pelo largo' means 'She has long hair'. The word 'pelo' can be used in different contexts and can also change meaning depending on the specific situation.

Example sentences with  pelo
pelo brillante
bright hair

The Spanish term 'pelo brillante' translates to 'bright hair' in English. This phrase may be used to describe hair that shines or catches the light in a significant way, often implying that the hair is healthy, clean, or styled in a certain manner. The adjective 'brillante' can be used with other nouns as well, always indicating some kind of brightness or shine.

Example sentences with  pelo brillante
pelo fino
fine hair

The Spanish term 'pelo fino' translates to 'fine hair' in English. It is used to describe the texture and thickness of someone's hair. 'Fino' means fine or thin, and it is used in many other contexts as well, not just to describe hair. 'Pelo', on the other hand, simply means 'hair' in English. Therefore, 'pelo fino' specifically refers to thin or fine-textured hair.

Example sentences with  pelo fino
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