Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'pediatra' translates to 'pediatrician' in English. A pediatrician is a medical doctor specializing in the treatment and care of children's health. They usually handle the health of a child, which includes physical, behavioral, and mental health issues. Pediatricians are proficient in diseases and treatments specific to young and growing bodies, from minor health issues to serious diseases. Hence, 'pediatra' is a very important term in Spanish relating to healthcare professionals.

Example sentences with  pediatra

The term 'pediatría' in Spanish translates to 'pediatrics' in English. It refers to the branch of medicine that involves the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that people be under pediatric care up to the age of 21. A medical doctor who specializes in this area is known as a pediatrician.

Example sentences with  pediatría
pedir algo
Ask for something.

The Spanish phrase 'pedir algo' translates to 'ask for something' in English. It is often used in the context of requesting an item or a service from someone. For example, in a restaurant, you might 'pedir algo' from the menu. Its usage is quite widespread in everyday conversations since the act of asking for something is common.

pedir cita
make an appointment

The Spanish phrase 'pedir cita' translates to 'make an appointment' in English. This is typically used in a professional context, such as scheduling a meeting, an appointment with a doctor or dentist, or a date with someone. It can also be used to reserve a table in a restaurant. It is composed of the verb 'pedir' which means 'to ask for', and 'cita' which means 'appointment' or 'date'. Therefore, 'pedir cita' could be literally translated as 'ask for an appointment'.

Example sentences with  pedir cita
pedir el divorcio
ask for divorce

The Spanish phrase 'pedir el divorcio' translates to 'ask for divorce' in English. This verb phrase is often used in legal and personal contexts. In a sentence, it would usually be used when one person in a marriage wants to legally end their relationship with their partner and they make this desire known by asking for a divorce.

pedir el libro de reclamaciones
order the claim book

The Spanish phrase 'pedir el libro de reclamaciones' generally translates to 'order the claim book' in English. In a commercial context, particularly in a consumer and business relationship, it is a formal request by a customer for a complaints book. This is a standard method of documenting dissatisfaction with a service or product in certain territories. Though the phrase can literally refer to the act of ordering a physical claim book, it is more widely understood and used as an invocation of consumer rights in a situation of dispute or dissatisfaction with a service or product.

pedir el menú
order the menu

The phrase 'pedir el menú' in Spanish translates to 'order the menu' in English. It is commonly used in restaurants when you want to ask for the list of food and drinks that are available. 'Pedir' translates to 'order' or 'ask for', 'el' is used for the English 'the', and 'menú' translates directly to 'menu'. Therefore, the combined phrase used in context would be similar to saying 'can I have the menu please' in English.

pedir el menú (del día)
order the menu (of the day)

The Spanish phrase 'pedir el menú (del día)' directly translates to 'order the menu (of the day)' in English. This is often used in restaurants where the patron would like to see the selections of meals offered for that day, or to place an order for the day's menu.

pedir el plato del día
order the dish of the day

The Spanish phrase 'pedir el plato del día' translates to 'order the dish of the day' in English. It is used primarily in restaurants or food-related settings to indicate the desire to order the special dish that is specifically prepared for that particular day. Each day might have a different special dish, and the phrase allows you to indicate your request for that meal without needing to know its specific name.

pedir la carta
ask for the menu

The Spanish phrase 'pedir la carta' translates to 'ask for the menu' in English. This is often used in restaurants when you want to see what food and drink options are available before you place your order. The verb 'pedir' means 'to ask for' or 'to request', and 'la carta' refers to 'the menu'. Therefore, when combined, 'pedir la carta' means that you are requesting to see the menu. This phrase can be used in any dining situation, whether that be in a more casual cafe setting or a formal restaurant.

pedir la cuenta
ask for the bill

The Spanish phrase 'pedir la cuenta' translates to 'ask for the bill' in English. This is often used in the context of dining at a restaurant. At the end of the meal, when you are ready to leave, you would tell the server that you're ready to 'pedir la cuenta'. Consequently, they would then bring you the bill. It's an essential phrase to know for dining etiquette in Spanish-speaking countries.

pedir la jubilación (anticipada)
ask for retirement (anticipated)

The Spanish phrase 'pedir la jubilación (anticipada)' translates in English to 'ask for retirement (anticipated)'. It is commonly used in the context of employment and labor law. In particular, 'jubilación anticipada' refers to 'early retirement' or 'anticipated retirement'. This phrase reflects the act of an employee requesting to leave their professional life and start their retirement period ahead of the standard or expected retirement age.

pedir la separación
request for separation

The Spanish phrase 'pedir la separación' directly translates to 'request for separation' in English. This is typically used in legal contexts, referring to when a person asks officially for a separation from a spouse or partner. It can also be used more broadly to imply the ask for a severance or division from any kind of formal union or partnership.

pedir la vez
ask the time

The Spanish term 'pedir la vez' is usually not translated as 'ask the time' in English. Instead, it's a phrase used in certain contexts to signify 'to wait one's turn' or 'to ask for the turn'. It is used when, for example, several people are waiting in line for something, but there is no official queue. One would say 'pedir la vez' to make sure everyone knows they arrived and are waiting their turn. Mistaking it for 'ask the time' could lead to misunderstandings, as the correct Spanish expression for 'ask the time' is 'preguntar la hora'.

pedir revisión de examen
request review

The Spanish phrase 'pedir revisión de examen' translates to 'request review of exam' in English. It can typically be used in academic settings, where a student might request their teacher or professor to review or reevaluate an exam they have taken. This could be due to a belief that there may be an error in the marking or grading of the exam, or the student may simply want to understand their mistakes for future improvement.

pedir un año sabático
order a sabbatical year

The Spanish phrase 'pedir un año sabático' translates to 'order a sabbatical year' in English. In essence, it refers to the act of requesting a year off, typically from work or study. This is often for personal reasons such as travel, professional development or rest. The phrase is used broadly in educational and professional environments where prolonged breaks are permitted and managed. The concept of a sabbatical year originates from the Biblical practice of a year of rest after every seven years of work.

pedir un anticipo
order an advance

The Spanish phrase 'pedir un anticipo' translates to 'order an advance' in English. This can refer to a financial concept where someone may request an amount of money prior to the completion of a job or service. The phrase can also be used in general contexts where someone requests something in advance.

pedir un ascenso
ask for promotion

In the Spanish language, 'pedir un ascenso' translates to 'ask for a promotion' in English. It is a phrase often used in the business and work environment. 'Pedir' is the verb that means 'to ask', 'un' is an article that means 'a' or 'an', and 'ascenso' is a noun that means 'promotion'. So if you want to express that you are asking for a promotion at work, you can say 'pedir un ascenso'.

pedir un aumento de sueldo
request a salary increase

The Spanish phrase, 'pedir un aumento de sueldo', is an action statement that refers to a professional context. In English, it translates to 'request a salary increase'. This phrase is used when an employee, after careful consideration of their workload, experience, and current industry standards, feels the need to negotiate their income terms with their employer, management, or human resources. It is often used in formal conversations and has a serious tone attached to it.

pedir un crédito
ask for credit

'Pedir un crédito' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'ask for credit' in English. It can be used in various contexts, particularly financial, where one might need to request a loan or seek financial aid from a bank or another lending institution. As an action, it implies a formal request for monetary assistance based on certain agreed terms and conditions. Its usage might vary slightly based on the region, culture and specific financial system. It's an essential phrase to understand for anyone dealing with finance in the Spanish language.

pedir un día de asuntos propios
ask for a day of personal leave

The Spanish phrase 'pedir un día de asuntos propios' translates into English as 'ask for a day of personal leave'. It is commonly used in workplaces when an employee needs to take a day off for personal matters. The term encompasses a wide range of situations - it could be used if the employee has a private occasion to attend, needs time for self-care or wants a break for personal reasons. This phrase basically emphasizes the need for a day off for handling personal affairs, not related to sickness or vacation.

pedir un día de permiso
order a day of leave

'Pedir un día de permiso' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'order a day of leave' in English. This phrase is commonly used in work or school settings, where one might need to request a day off for various reasons, such as personal matters, health issues, or even vacations. The verb 'pedir' means 'to ask for' or 'to order', 'un día' means 'a day', and 'de permiso' means 'of leave'. Therefore, when combined, it translates into the act of requesting a leave of absence for a day.

pedir un día libre
order a day off

The Spanish phrase 'pedir un día libre' translates to 'order a day off' in English. It is used when someone is requesting permission to take a day away from work or other daily responsibilities. The verb 'pedir' can be translated as 'to ask for' or 'to order', 'un día' means 'one day', and 'libre' translates as 'free'. So, when combined, 'pedir un día libre' essentially means asking for a free day or ordering a day off.

pedir un extracto de cuenta
order an account extract

The Spanish phrase 'pedir un extracto de cuenta' translates to 'order an account extract' in English. This phrase could be used when one wants to review their banking transactions or needs an official record of their account activities. Usually, this record includes a detailed list of all the transactions, deposits, withdrawals, and fees associated with that account in a certain period.

pedir un préstamo
ask for a loan

The phrase 'pedir un préstamo' in Spanish translates directly into English as 'ask for a loan'. It is used in business or personal contexts when someone is requesting a defined amount of money from a bank, a financial entity, or another person with the intention of paying it back, usually with interest. This phrase is the Spanish equivalent of how you would discuss initiating a process to borrow money in English.

pedir un presupuesto
request a budget

The Spanish phrase 'pedir un presupuesto' translates to 'request a budget' in English. It is usually used in a business or financial context when a company or individual wishes to obtain an estimate of the expected cost of a project or items to be procured. The act of 'requesting a budget' generally involves asking for a detailed breakdown of costs so that they can be adequately planned for in financial planning.

Example sentences with  pedir un presupuesto
pedir un recibo
order a receipt

The Spanish phrase 'pedir un recibo' translates to 'order a receipt' in English. This phrase is commonly used in contexts involving purchases or transactions, such as at a restaurant, retail store, or any other place where goods or services are exchanged for payment. When you 'pedir un recibo', you are asking the seller or service provider to provide a document that verifies your purchase or payment. This can be important for record-keeping or in case any disputes arise about the transaction.

Example sentences with  pedir un recibo
pedir una ampliación de hipoteca
ask for a mortgage extension

The Spanish phrase 'pedir una ampliación de hipoteca' translates to 'ask for a mortgage extension' in English, which is often a request made by mortgage borrowers to their lenders to extend the term of their mortgage loan agreement. This action is typically taken when the borrower has difficulties in meeting the originally agreed mortgage payment schedule and it can be due to various reasons - such like financial hardship, difficulty finding employment, or major unexpected expenses. Thus, by asking for a mortgage extension, the borrower can gain more time to repay their loan, thereby reducing their monthly mortgage payments to a more manageable level.

pedir una beca
order a scholarship

The Spanish phrase 'pedir una beca' translates in English to 'apply for a scholarship'. It is commonly used in academic contexts where a student is seeking financial aid or support from an educational institution or relevant organizations. The verb 'pedir', which means 'to ask for' or 'to request', combined with the phrase 'una beca' means 'a scholarship', hence creating the phrase 'pedir una beca' referring to the action of applying for a scholarship.

pedir una cancelación de hipoteca
order a mortgage cancellation

The Spanish phrase 'pedir una cancelación de hipoteca' translates into English as 'order a mortgage cancellation'. This phrase is typically used in legal and financial contexts where a person requests a financial institution to cancel their mortgage. The verb 'pedir' means 'to ask for' or 'request'. 'Una cancelación' translates directly as 'a cancellation'. 'De hipoteca' is a prepositional phrase that means 'of mortgage'. Therefore, when assembled, 'pedir una cancelación de hipoteca' means 'to request a cancellation of mortgage' or 'order a mortgage cancellation'.

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