Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

paso a nivel
level crossing

The Spanish phrase 'paso a nivel' translates to 'level crossing' in English. It is typically used in transportation contexts to refer to a place where a railway line intersects a road or path on the same level, as opposed to the train either passing over or underneath the road. It serves as a warning sign in many countries around the world, indicating a potential hazard where extra care should be taken. In more general contexts, it can also refer to the concept of crossing or intersecting at the same level or stage.

Example sentences with  paso a nivel
paso de cebra

The Spanish phrase 'paso de cebra' directly translates to 'zebra crossing' in English, but it is used to mean 'crosswalk'. It is a designated point on the road where pedestrians can cross safely. The term 'zebra' is associated with the white and black stripes painted on the road, which somewhat resemble a zebra's stripes. This is commonly used in Spain and many Latin American countries.

Example sentences with  paso de cebra
paso de peatones
pedestrian crossing

The Spanish term 'paso de peatones' refers to a specific area where pedestrians in traffic are allowed to safely cross the street or road. The phrase is a compound of the words 'paso' (step), 'de' (of), and 'peatones' (pedestrians), directly translating to 'step of pedestrians' but understood and referred to in English as 'pedestrian crossing'. It usually designates a marked part of the road where drivers are expected to allow pedestrians to cross, often displaying distinctive markings or traffic signals for added safety.

Example sentences with  paso de peatones

Pasta is a type of Italian dish typically made from an unleavened dough of wheat flour mixed with water or eggs, and formed into sheets or various shapes.

Example sentences with  pasta
pasta de dientes

The Spanish term 'pasta de dientes' translates to 'toothpaste' in English. It is a paste or gel dentifrice used with a toothbrush to clean and maintain the health of teeth. Toothpaste is used to promote oral hygiene, serving as an abrasive that aids in removing dental plaque, and food from the teeth. These usages control halitosis and deliver active ingredients such as fluoride to help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Example sentences with  pasta de dientes

The word 'pastilla' in Spanish translates to 'pill' in English. It often refers to medicine or supplements that are commonly ingested orally. It's used on a daily basis in pharmacies and health environments. Keep in mind, Spanish medical terms could be important to learn if traveling to Spanish-speaking countries or interacting with Spanish-speaking health professionals.

Example sentences with  pastilla
pastilla de jabón
bar of soap

The Spanish phrase 'pastilla de jabón' translates to 'bar of soap' in English. It is a common item in hygiene and daily routine, especially in the bathroom where it is used for washing hands or body. It exists in various kinds, colors, shapes, and scents in the market.

Example sentences with  pastilla de jabón

The Spanish word 'pastor' translates to 'pastor' in English. In religious context, a pastor is a minister in charge of a Christian church or congregation. However, in Spanish language, the word 'pastor' can also mean shepherd, which is a person who herds, tends, and guards sheep. The context and usage of the word will determine its exact meaning.

Example sentences with  pastor

The word 'patata' in Spanish translates to 'potato' in English. It refers to the starchy tuber of a plant that belongs to the nightshade family, which is widely used in cooking in many different ways. This word may also refer to the plant itself. The term 'patata' is used in Spain, whereas 'papa' is more commonly used in Latin America.


The Spanish word 'paternidad' translates to 'paternity' in English. It is a noun that refers to the status or relationship of a male parent to his offspring. The word paternity is often used in legal and social contexts to describe the father-child connection. It's often associated with parental rights, responsibilities and any legal issues that may arise. In many cultures and societies, the concept of paternity carries with it a certain status and responsibilities, often tied to the care and support of the child.


'Paciencia' means the ability to wait, or to continue doing something despite difficulties, or to suffer without complaining or becoming annoyed. In learning, patience plays a key role as not all subjects or skills can be mastered instantly and require consistent practice.

Example sentences with  patience

The Spanish word 'patinar' translates to 'skate' in English. It is a verb and it mainly describes the activity of moving on a surface, particularly ice or a smooth floor, by using skates. It can also metaphorically imply slipping or sliding in certain circumstances. This word can be used in various contexts such as sports, recreational activities, and transport. The English equivalent, skate, shares the same usages.

Example sentences with  patinar

A duck is a bird that is also a common name for a wide variety of waterfowl. Ducks are mostly aquatic birds, smaller than swans and geese, and may be found in both fresh and seawater.

Example sentences with  pato

The Spanish word 'patrimonio' translates to 'heritage' in English. It is a masculine noun used to describe something that is inherited from past generations. This can include, but is not limited to, tangible objects like property and money, or intangible concepts such as cultural traditions, values, and beliefs. The word 'patrimonio' can also be used in a broader sense to describe something that is considered to be a part of a certain place or people's rich cultural history.


The Spanish word 'patrocinador' translates to 'sponsor' in English. This term is primarily used in commercial contexts, encompassing individuals, organizations, or other entities who provide financial or material support for others, typically in return for advertising or other benefits. 'Patrocinador' may be used in various domains such as sports, arts, events, education and more, denoting the entity that funds or backs up a particular operation, initiative or individual.

Example sentences with  patrocinador

The Spanish word 'pavo' translates to 'turkey' in English. 'Pavo' is a noun and is typically used to describe the large bird that's often associated with Thanksgiving in North America. It can also refer to the meat of this bird used as food. Examples of 'pavo' in use could be: 'El pavo está en el horno,' which translates to 'The turkey is in the oven,' or 'Comeremos pavo en Acción de Gracias,' which means 'We will eat turkey on Thanksgiving.'

Example sentences with  pavo

The Spanish word 'paz' is used nearly identically to how 'peace' is used in English. It can refer to a state of tranquility or quiet, but is often used in political and social contexts to refer to the absence of war or conflict. Like in English, 'paz' is a common word used in wishes and greetings, especially during holiday seasons and in religious contexts.

Example sentences with  paz

The Spanish word 'peaje' translates to 'toll' in English. This term is most commonly used to refer to the charge or fee for using a bridge, road, or tunnel. It comes from the word 'pagar' which means 'to pay' in Spanish, indicating a payment for a service. In some cases, 'peaje' can also refer to the booth where these fees are collected on highways or roads.

Example sentences with  peaje

The Spanish word 'peatón' is translated into English as 'pedestrian'. It refers to a person who is walking, especially in an area where vehicles go. The term 'peatón' is used in different Spanish-speaking contexts such as in road safety where it's greatly stressed to observe traffic rules not only for the vehicle drivers but also for the 'peatones' or pedestrians.

Example sentences with  peatón

The Spanish word 'pecado' translates to 'sin' in English. It primarily refers to an act considered morally wrong as per the values or principles of a certain religion or societal expectation. It can also be used more broadly to indicate any wrongdoing, mistake, or negative action. The concept of 'pecado', or sin, varies widely across different cultural and religious contexts.

Example sentences with  pecado
pecado capital
deadly sin

'Pecado capital' in Spanish refers to a 'deadly sin' in English. The phrase is often associated with religious contexts, specifically with Christian doctrine. It is used to denote a particular category of sins that are viewed as particularly destructive, severe, and grievous. These sins include wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony in their traditional interpretation. 'Pecado capital' can also be used metaphorically to signify a serious fault or transgression in broader, non-religious contexts.

Example sentences with  pecado capital
pecado mortal
mortal sin

The Spanish term 'pecado mortal' translates to 'mortal sin' in English. This is a concept used primarily in Roman Catholic theology. It refers to a grave offence against God’s law, which can lead to eternal damnation if not repented. The nature of a mortal sin is that it severs the relationship between the individual and God. In a broader, non-religious context, it can be used figuratively to denote a severe error or wrongdoing.

Example sentences with  pecado mortal

The Spanish word 'pecador' translates to 'sinner' in English. This term is used to define a person who transgresses against divine law by committing an immoral act or acts. It is a common word used in religious contexts, often referring to a person who falls short of personal moral codes or societal norms, particularly those related to ethics or religion. However, 'pecador' might also simply be used to refer to someone who has made a mistake or error.

Example sentences with  pecador

The Spanish word 'pecho' translates to 'chest' in English. It can refer to the front part of a person's body from the neck to the abdomen. It is also used in different contexts, like 'chest pain' translating to 'dolor de pecho'. It can also refer to the upper front part of a bird's body or other animals. The term 'pecho' is used in various idioms and phrases as well which means learning this word can provide you with a deeper understanding of Spanish language and culture.

pechuga de pollo
chicken breast

The Spanish term 'pechuga de pollo' translates to 'chicken breast' in English. This word is often found in menus in Spanish-speaking countries, referring to a common type of poultry dish. 'Pechuga' directly translates to 'breast', and 'pollo' translates to 'chicken'. This term is frequently used in food recipes or when ordering food in a restaurant. 'Pechuga de pollo' is a lean meat that is often grilled, fried, or baked, and served with various types of sauces or side dishes.

pechugas de pavo
turkey breasts

The Spanish term 'pechugas de pavo' is translated to 'turkey breasts' in English. This phrase usually refers to a portion of a turkey used primarily in cooking and food preparation. It is the part of the turkey which is lean, white meat and is located on the front of the bird's body. This cut of meat is often roasted, grilled, or used to make sandwiches and salads.

pechugas de pollo
chicken breasts

The Spanish phrase 'pechugas de pollo' translates to 'chicken breasts' in English. This term is commonly used in cooking and culinary discussions. It refers to a specific part of the chicken's body, which is often used as a main ingredient in various recipes. The 'pechuga' is the part of the chicken that is lean white meat and is found on the chicken's breast. 'De' is a Spanish preposition equivalent to 'of' in English, and 'pollo' is the Spanish word for 'chicken'.


The word 'pedagogía' in Spanish translates to 'pedagogy' in English. It is derived from the Greek words 'paidō' and 'ago' which mean 'child' and 'lead' respectively. In essence, pedagogy refers to the method and practice of teaching, specifically as an academic subject or theoretical concept. It involves understanding the processes and strategies for effective teaching and learning, including the exploration of different teaching techniques, understanding how children learn, factors that influence learning, and the overall classroom environment.


The Spanish word 'pedagógico' translates to 'pedagogical' in English. This adjective is generally used in an educational context, to describe something that is related or connected to teaching or education. It relates to the methods and theory of teaching, often used in relation to how people are taught or learn. For example, an educator can use a 'pedagogical approach' to teach students effectively.


The Spanish word 'pedagogo' translates to 'pedagogue' in English. A pedagogue is an educator, a teacher, or someone who provides instruction in a particular field. The term 'pedagogue' emphasizes the process of teaching. Hence, when you say 'pedagogo' in Spanish, you are referring to a person involved in the task of educating or instructing, typically in a school setting.

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