Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'parientes' translates to 'relatives' in English. Relatives are people who are connected to you by blood or marriage, such as mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, and cousins, among others. It is a noun, and it is often used in the plural form 'parientes' to indicate more than one relative. The singular form is 'pariente'.

give birth

The Spanish verb 'parir' translates into English as 'to give birth'. It refers precisely to the act of a mother bringing forth a young from the womb, such act that happens in most mammals including humans. It is generally used in a biological or medical context. However, it can also be used metaphorically in various expressions or contexts.


The Spanish word 'parlamentario' translates to 'parliamentary' in English. In politics, it refers to something that is related to a parliament or its proceedings. A parliament is a supreme legislative body in a government. 'Parlamentario' can be used as an adjective to describe anything related to such a body, like 'debate parlamentario' (parliamentary debate).

Example sentences with  parlamentario

The Spanish word 'parlamento' translates to 'parliament' in English. It is a noun that refers to the highest legislature, typically made up of elected representatives, in a government. For example, in many countries, the parliament is the sovereign legislative body and it may be bicameral or unicameral. Its primary roles often include passing laws, creating budgets, and making important decisions for the country.

Example sentences with  parlamento

A 'Parque' is a green area designated for recreational activities in a town or city. It may include playgrounds, sports fields, and picnic spots.

Example sentences with  parque
parque acuático
Water park

The Spanish term 'parque acuático' translates to 'water park' in English. A water park is a type of amusement park featuring water play areas, like water slides, splash pads, spraygrounds (water playgrounds), lazy rivers, or other recreational bathing, swimming, and barefooting environments. Water parks may be indoors, outdoors or can be combined with amusement parks.

parque de atracciones
amusement park

The Spanish word 'parque de atracciones' translates to 'amusement park' in English. An amusement park is a type of outdoor area that hosts various entertainment attractions like roller coasters, rides, games, and shows. The term 'parque de atracciones' is often associated with fun and leisure activities shared among friends, families, or individuals seeking enjoyment and thrill.

parque de bomberos
fire station

The term 'parque de bomberos' translates to 'fire station' in English. This is a location where firefighters are stationed and where firefighting equipment, such as fire trucks and other apparatus, are stored. Here, firefighters wait until they are called to an emergency, at which point they will rush to the scene to extinguish fires, rescue individuals, and help in other emergencies. Fire stations are critical parts of every community, providing an essential public safety function.

Example sentences with  parque de bomberos
parque natural
nature park

The Spanish term 'parque natural' translates to 'nature park' in English. A 'parque natural' is a legally declared area, set aside for the purpose of preserving the natural environment, wildlife, and cultural heritage. It may be established in areas that are representative of diverse biomes, ecological regions and landscapes. These parks are often open to the public for purposes of outdoor recreation, education, and tourism, but subject to rules and regulations designed to preserve the natural values of the park.

parque temático
theme park

The Spanish term 'parque temático' translates to 'theme park' in English. It refers to a type of amusement park that is structured around a particular theme or group of themes. Examples of these themes could range from the future, historical past, fairytales, various forms of media and others. Inside a theme park, you will find various rides, attractions, exhibitions and other entertainment endeavors that all align with the park's chosen theme or themes.

parque zoológico
zoological park

The term 'parque zoológico' in Spanish translates to 'zoological park' in English. A zoological park is a facility where animals are housed within enclosures, displayed to the public, and where they may also breed. Zoological parks are primarily designed for conservation and educational purposes. Different animals from various geographical locations are kept here for people to observe and learn about.

parish priest

The Spanish word 'párroco' translates to 'parish priest' in English. In the context of the Catholic Church, a parish priest is a priest appointed by the bishop to represent him to the local parish, which is a subdivision of the diocese that has its own church. The parish priest is the highest-ranking clergyman in the church and is responsible for administering spiritual care to his parishioners.

Example sentences with  párroco

The Spanish word for 'part' is 'parte'. You can use it in sentences to refer to a piece, section, or portion of something, or a role played by someone in a particular situation. Like in English, it's a very versatile word in Spanish, too.

Example sentences with  parte
parte meteorológico

The term 'parte meteorológico' is Spanish for 'weather report' or 'weather forecast'. This phrase literally translates to 'meteorological part', and it refers to predictions or reports related to weather conditions which may include temperature, precipitation, wind, humidity and visibility. It is commonly used in news broadcasts or in conversations to discuss upcoming weather patterns.


The Spanish word 'participación' translates to 'participation' in English. It is commonly used in various contexts such as elections, social events, business meetings, and discussions. It denotes the action of taking part in something or getting involved in an activity or event. For example, in a sentence: 'La participación ciudadana es importante para una democracia saludable' translates to 'Citizen participation is important for a healthy democracy'.

Example sentences with  participación
participar en el entrenamiento
participate in training

The phrase 'participar en el entrenamiento' in Spanish translates to 'participate in training' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of attending or taking part in a training session or course. It involves the action of being actively involved or engaged in a learning process or activity. This phrase can be used in various contexts such as in sports training, business training sessions, educational training programmes, and others.

participar en un proceso de selección (de personal)
participate in a selection process (of personnel)

The phrase 'participar en un proceso de selección (de personal)' in Spanish translates to 'participate in a selection process (of personnel)' in English. This refers to the act of engaging, typically actively, in a process designed to choose, sort, or carefully select personnel or staff for certain positions or roles. It is often actively undertaken by individuals seeking employment, where they go through various rounds of interviews or tests to prove their suitability for the position in question.

participar en una lista de distribución
participate in a distribution list

The Spanish phrase 'participar en una lista de distribución' translates to 'participate in a distribution list' in English. It refers to the action of joining or taking part in a shared list, typically used for the widespread distribution of information to multiple recipients, such as in an email list, newsletter, or other forms of mass communication.


The Spanish word 'particularmente' is an adverb that is used to highlight something specific. It can be used to stress on certain point, or when mentioning a certain example which is noticeable or exceptional. Like in English, it is also used to indicate more than usual. It can be replaced by words like 'específicamente' or 'especialmente' in some contexts.

Example sentences with  particularmente
partido de baloncesto
basketball game

The Spanish phrase 'partido de baloncesto' translates into English as 'basketball game'. It is used to refer to an event where two teams play the sport of basketball against each other, typically in a structured competition. This might be in a formal setting, such as a professional league or tournament, or a casual context, like a community game or school sports event. The length of the game can vary, but it is typically composed of four periods or quarters of game time.

partido de centro
centrist party

The Spanish term 'partido de centro' translates to 'centrist party' in English. This term typically refers to a political organization or party that avoids leanings towards the far-left or far-right, instead favoring moderate, middle-of-the-road stances on most political issues. Centrist parties often work towards balancing social equality and social order, aiming to combine elements of both liberal and conservative ideologies.

Example sentences with  partido de centro
partido de derechas
right-wing party

The term 'partido de derechas' in Spanish directly translates to 'right-wing party' in English. A 'right-wing party' is a political organization or group that follows the principles of right-wing politics, such as limited government intervention, free market capitalism, and traditional societal values. These parties can exist within many different political systems and countries, and their specific policies can vary widely. However, they generally advocate for individual liberties and economic freedoms.

Example sentences with  partido de derechas
partido de fútbol
football game

The Spanish term 'partido de fútbol' translates to 'football game' in English. It implies a competitive event where two teams play against each other in the game of football. Each team tries to score more goals than the other during a prespecified duration.

partido de izquierdas
left-wing party

The term 'partido de izquierdas' in Spanish translates to 'left-wing party' in English. This phrase is typically used to describe a political party that advocates for social equality and opposes the social hierarchy. The left-wing parties often endorse policies aimed at addressing issues such as inequality, climate change, social justice, and labor rights. However, the specific ideologies and policies may vary significantly between different left-wing parties.

Example sentences with  partido de izquierdas
partido de la oposición
opposition party

The phrase 'partido de la oposición' in Spanish translates to 'opposition party' in English. It is used in a political context to refer to a party in the lower house which is not in government and contests the decisions of the party in power. Similarly, in an election, an opposition party is one that competes against the party currently holding power. The main role of an opposition party involves scrutinizing government policies and providing an alternative government for voters if they are not satisfied with the current government.

Example sentences with  partido de la oposición
partido político
political party

The Spanish phrase 'partido político' translates to 'political party' in English. A political party is an organised group of people who share similar political views and work together to influence public policy and government actions. They do this typically by participating in elections, with the intent to get their candidates elected to various government offices. Political parties play a crucial role in a democratic system, encouraging citizen participation and representing a diversity of opinion within a political system.

Example sentences with  partido político
partirse el corazón
break the heart

'Partirse el corazón' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'break the heart' in English. It is typically used to describe a strong feeling of sadness or dismay, often related to personal loss or disappointment. It conveys the emotional pain someone feels when they experience a tragic or deeply upsetting event. This phrase helps to express the depth of human emotions, reflecting the concept that such experiences aren't just mentally distressing, but can feel physically painful as well.

parto natural
natural birth

The Spanish term 'parto natural' translates to 'natural birth' in English. This is a birthing process where the mother gives birth without the aid of surgical or medical interventions such as caesarian section or use of epidural anesthesia. The process takes place under the principle that childbirth is a natural and normal biological function, and therefore, in most scenarios, can take place without the need for medical procedures or interventions.

parto por cesárea

The Spanish phrase 'parto por cesárea' translates to 'caesarean' in English. In medical context, this phrase refers to a surgical operation in which one or more incisions are made through a mother's abdomen (laparotomy) and uterus (hysterotomy) to deliver one or more babies, or, rarely, to remove a dead fetus. This is usually performed when a vaginal delivery would put the baby's or mother's life or health at risk. The phrase 'parto por cesárea' can also be related to the relevant health-related vocabulary in the discussion of childbirth and maternity healthcare.

parto prematuro
premature birth

The term 'parto prematuro' in Spanish translates to 'premature birth' in English. In medical terms, a premature birth is a birth that takes place more than three weeks before the baby's estimated due date. In other words, a premature birth is one that occurs before the start of the 37th week of pregnancy. Premature babies, especially those born very early, often have complicated medical problems. Typically, the complications of prematurity vary, but the earlier your baby is born, the higher the risk of complications.

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