Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word for paper is 'papel'. It is used in the same context as the English word 'paper'. For instance, you might use it when talking about writing or drawing on a piece of 'papel'. It's also commonly used in expressions such as 'papel de impresora' which means printer paper, and 'papel higiénico', which means toilet paper.

Example sentences with  papel
papel cuadriculado
graph paper

The Spanish phrase 'papel cuadriculado' translates to 'graph paper' in English. Graph paper, also known as grid paper, is a writing paper that is printed with fine lines making up a regular grid. The lines are often used as guides for plotting mathematical functions or experimental data and drawing diagrams. It is commonly used in fields such as engineering, architecture, mathematics, and arts.

papel de impresora
printer paper

The Spanish term 'papel de impresora' translates to 'printer paper' in English. Printer paper is a type of paper designed specifically for use with a printer, including inkjet and laser printers. It commonly comes in standard sizes, such as A4 or Letter, and can vary in weight, brightness, and quality. It's often used in a variety of settings, from schools and offices to homes, for activities such as printing documents, photos, reports, essays, and more.

papel reciclado
recycled paper

The Spanish term 'papel reciclado' directly translates to 'recycled paper' in English. This term is widely used in environmental spheres and refers to paper materials that have been reprocessed and turned into fresh paper products for reuse. 'Papel reciclado' involves the process of collecting used paper products, processing them into a pulp, and reconstituting them into new paper. This term grandly symbolizes the greater movement for environmental sustainability and waste reduction.


The Spanish word 'papelera' translates to 'trash' in English. It is a noun and can refer to a garbage bin or wastebasket where unwanted materials are discarded. The word is feminine in gender, therefore the definite articles 'la' or 'una' are used before it. It is derived from the word 'papel' which means paper, indicating its common usage for paper waste. The plural form is 'papeleras'.

Example sentences with  papelera

The Spanish word 'papelería' translates to 'stationery' in English. The term 'stationery' refers to all items needed for written communication, including papers, envelopes, writing instruments like pens and pencils, and other office supplies. It is a noun and is pronounced 'pap-e-ler-ia' in Spanish with stress on the second last syllable. This word is commonly used in both the commercial and personal context.

ballot paper

The word 'papeleta' in Spanish translates to 'ballot paper' in English. It is commonly used in the context of voting or elections. It refers to the physical paper that voters use to mark their votes for different candidates or issues. The use and importance of the 'papeleta' may depend on the voting system of a specific country or institution.

Example sentences with  papeleta
paquete de arroz
rice package

The Spanish term 'paquete de arroz' translates to 'rice package' in English. It signifies a unit or package containing rice, typically used for selling or transporting the product. The term is widely used in Spanish-speaking grocery stores or markets when referring to packaged commodities such as rice.

paquete de harina
flour package

The Spanish term 'paquete de harina' directly translates to 'flour package' in English. This refers to a packaged quantity of flour, as found in shops or supermarkets. This is often used in contexts of baking or cooking, where the flour is a necessary ingredient. Understanding both words separately, 'paquete' means 'package' and 'harina' means 'flour', thus when put together it forms 'flour package'

paquete postal
postal package

The Spanish phrase 'paquete postal' translates to 'postal package' in English. A postal package can be an envelope, a box or any type of packaged item that is delivered or sent via the postal service. It is a common term used in logistics and shipping. Depending on the context, it may refer to a packet of documents or goods being sent from one place to another. The size and weight of a 'paquete postal' can vary widely, from small padded envelopes to large boxes.

para llevar
to carry

The Spanish term 'para llevar' is a common phrase used in various contexts. In English, it literally translates to 'for carry', but it's commonly used to mean 'take away' or 'to go' in the context of food orders. For example, if you're at a restaurant and you want to order food to go, you would say 'para llevar'. However, please note that while 'to carry' can be a direct translation, the phrase 'para llevar' may not be used to describe carrying items in general.

para tomar (aquí)
to take (here)

The Spanish phrase 'para tomar (aquí)' can be translated to English as 'to take (here)'. It's an instruction often used in various contexts. It can mean 'to take' in the sense of consuming something such as a meal or a drink. For instance, 'para tomar aquí' could be used in a restaurant to indicate you're having your order at the venue. Additionally, it can also mean 'to take' in the sense of choosing or selecting something. The word 'aquí' simply means 'here', indicating a specific location or place.

parada de autobús
bus stop

The Spanish term 'parada de autobús' translates to 'bus stop' in English. A bus stop is a designated place where buses stop for passengers to board or alight from a bus. These are usually positioned on the city streets, alongside the sidewalk or road. In Spain or any Spanish-speaking countries, if you're looking to use public transportation, especially buses, look for a 'parada de autobús'.

Example sentences with  parada de autobús
parada de metro
metro stop

The Spanish term 'parada de metro' translates directly into English as 'metro stop'. It refers to a designated place along a metro or subway line where the train will stop to allow passengers to board or disembark. These stops are often marked by a station or platform, and are critical points in urban public transportation systems. In everyday conversation, one might use this term to describe their commuting route or to give directions within a city.

Example sentences with  parada de metro
parada de taxi
taxi stop

The Spanish phrase 'parada de taxi' translates to 'taxi stop' in English. It is used to designate a specific location where taxis wait for passengers or where passengers can wait to hail a taxi. Similar to a bus stop, a taxi stop is a designated area usually signposted and reserved for this purpose.

Example sentences with  parada de taxi

The Spanish word 'parador' translates to 'hostel' in English. The term is commonly used in Spain and refers to a kind of luxury hotel, often located in a historic building such as a monastery or castle, which provides accommodation to travelers. Although it uses the same term, a 'parador' is not the same as a hostel in the context of budget accommodations for backpackers. Rather, it typically offers high-end services and is part of a state-run chain.

Example sentences with  parador

The Spanish word 'paraguas' translates to 'umbrella' in English. This is a common object used to shield oneself from rain or sun. Its structure usually includes a pole or handle that is manually or automatically extendable, with a top part made of material designed to resist water or reflect sunlight. 'Paraguas' is a compound word in Spanish, derived from the words 'para' meaning 'for' and 'aguas' meaning 'waters', which paints a vivid picture of its purpose - for the waters.


The Spanish word 'paraíso' translates to 'paradise' in English. It is used to depict a place or state of absolute happiness, delight, or an idyllically beautiful location, often considered in religious contexts as a heavenly place. The term 'paraíso' in Spanish carries the same connotations, invoking a sense of perfect peace and profound joy.

Example sentences with  paraíso

The Spanish word 'parapente' translates to 'paragliding' in English. Paragliding is a recreational and competitive adventure sport of flying paragliders: lightweight, free-flying, foot-launched glider aircraft with no rigid primary structure. The pilot sits in a harness or lies supine in a cocoon-like 'speed bag' suspended below a fabric wing. It is a popular activity and offers a sense of freedom and excitement.

Example sentences with  parapente

The Spanish word 'parar' is equivalent to the English word 'stop'. It can be used in many different contexts, such as telling someone to stop doing something (¡Para!) or indicating a cessation of motion (El bus va a parar). It performs the same linguistic function as 'stop' in English.

Example sentences with  parar

The Spanish verb 'parecer' is used similarly to the English verb 'seem'. It is often used to express an opinion or impression, make comparisons, and talk about resemblance. Just like in English, 'parecer' can be used with various tenses and moods, depending on the context.

Example sentences with  parecer
parecerse a su hermano
to look like his brother

The Spanish phase 'parecerse a su hermano' translates to 'to look like his brother' in English. It refers to the similarity in physical appearance between two individuals, specifically, between siblings. It can be used in contexts where there is a need to describe or express resemblances in families. This phrase is usually reflective of hereditary features passed down which leads to members of the same family looking alike.

parecerse a su padre
to look like his father

The Spanish phrase 'parecerse a su padre' translates to 'to look like his father' in English. It is typically used when someone shares physical characteristics or behaviors with their father, indicating a strong resemblance between them. For example, someone might say 'Juan se parece a su padre en su manera de hablar,' which means 'Juan looks like his father in his way of talking.' This phrase indicates kinship, similarity, and often invokes a sense of continuity between generations.

parecerse entre ellos
to look among them

The Spanish term 'parecerse entre ellos' is more accurately translated to English as 'to resemble each other'. This phrase is often used to highlight similarities or shared characteristics among a group of individuals or objects. This idiomatic expression is commonly applied in both descriptive and analytic contexts.


The Spanish word for 'wall', 'pared', is used in a same way as in English. It refers to a vertical structure, often made of stone or brick, that divides or surrounds an area. However, it's important to note that 'pared' is generally used for interior walls. For referring to an exterior wall or a wall of a building, you'd often use the word 'muro'.

Example sentences with  pared
pared abrupta
steep wall

The Spanish phrase 'pared abrupta' translates to 'steep wall' in English. This term can be used in various contexts, but it is often used in referring to landmarks, mountain climbing, architecture, and in describing certain landscapes. The word 'pared' means 'wall' and 'abrupta' translates to 'steep', hence when combined, the phrase gives the meaning of a wall that is very steep, similar to a cliff or a very sharp incline. This phrase perfectly exemplifies how descriptive Spanish can be, allowing for such specific phrases to be constructed.

Example sentences with  pared abrupta
pared escarpada
a steep wall

The term 'pared escarpada' in Spanish translates to 'steep wall' in English. It is often used in the context of natural geography and outdoor activities such as mountain climbing and hiking. In architecture or urban contexts, it might refer to a sharply inclined side of a building or other structure.

Example sentences with  pared escarpada
pared rocosa
Rocky wall

The Spanish phrase 'pared rocosa' is translated in English to 'rocky wall'. This consists of two words: 'pared', meaning 'wall', and 'rocosa', meaning 'rocky'. It is used to describe a wall or a surface that is made of, covered with, or resembling rock. It's often used in the context of natural environments, such as cliffs, mountain sides, or cave interiors. Being an evocative phrase, it could also be used in a metaphorical or symbolic sense in literature or conversation.

Example sentences with  pared rocosa

The Spanish word 'pareja' translates to 'couple' in English. This could refer to two people in a romantic relationship, two people paired together, or simply two items that are grouped together. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.

Example sentences with  pareja
pareja de hecho
de facto couple

The Spanish term 'pareja de hecho' translates to 'de facto couple' in English. This usually refers to a couple that lives together and shares a domestic life, but is not married or in a registered civil partnership. Despite not having a formal recognition, de facto couples often have many of the same responsibilities and rights as married couples. In many jurisdictions, certain legal consequences are enjoyed by people living as a de facto couple, which can include property settlement and maintenance rights.

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