Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

países en vías de desarrollo
developing countries

The Spanish term 'países en vías de desarrollo' translates to 'developing countries' in English. These are countries that have a lower living standard, underdeveloped industrial base, and low Human Development Index relative to other countries. They are usually characterized by being less industrialized, having lower incomes per capita, higher rates of illiteracy, and lower health standards.

Example sentences with  países en vías de desarrollo
países pobres
poor countries

The Spanish term 'países pobres' translates to the English term 'poor countries'. This phrase refers to countries that lack certain basic necessities and opportunities usually enjoyed by most countries, such as adequate healthcare, education, and employment. The term 'poor' here describes a state of poverty, in terms of wealth, resources, and opportunities, rather than a lack of moral or personal quality. However, it is important to note that this term can be considered pejorative and may not truly capture the diverse realities and potential of these countries.

países ricos
rich countries

The Spanish term 'países ricos' translates to 'rich countries' in English. This term refers to nations that possess great wealth, either by a high gross domestic product or by a large personal wealth per capita among residents. They are also often recognized for their influence on global matters, such as politics and economy. The wealth of these countries allows them to invest heavily in infrastructure, education, healthcare, and other sectors that directly contribute to the high living standards of their citizens.


A warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate distinguished by the possession of feathers, beaks, and typically by being able to fly.

Example sentences with  pájaro

The Spanish word 'pala' translates to 'shovel' in English. It is often used to refer to a tool with a broad blade and typically upturned sides, used for moving coal, earth, snow or other material. It's a common tool used in construction, gardening, and other labor-intensive fields. Keep in mind that the pronunciation and usage could be different depending on the Spanish-speaking region you're conversing in.

Example sentences with  pala

The Spanish term 'palabra' literally translates into 'word' in English. It is used in the same way as in English, to represent a single distinct meaningful unit of language that has spelling and pronunciation. It can be used in a sentence like 'una palabra en español' which means 'a word in Spanish.'

Example sentences with  palabra

The term 'palacete' in Spanish refers to a small palace or a very luxurious house, often in reference to a large, impressive, grandeur residential home that can be quite ornate and aesthetically pleasing. While it literally translates to 'little palace' in English, it doesn't necessarily denote a royal or imperial residence but rather a very opulent house often associated with wealth and extravagance.

palacio de deportes
sports palace

The Spanish term 'palacio de deportes' translates to 'sports palace' in English. This term is often used to refer to a large, typically domed building that is designed to host large scale sporting events and competitions. It can also be used for non-sporting events such as concerts or exhibitions. The term is used to refer to structures that have facilities for various sports and other amenities like locker rooms, equipment storage, and refreshment areas. An example of a 'palacio de deportes' in use would be 'El Palacio de Deportes de la Comunidad de Madrid', a sports complex located in Madrid, Spain.

palanca de cambio
change lever

The Spanish phrase 'palanca de cambio' translates to 'change lever' in English. It is often used in the context of vehicles, specifically cars, to refer to the gear shift lever. The gear shift lever is a device used by the driver to change gears manually in the transmission. The phrase 'palanca de cambio' might be used in a number of situations, including technical, conversational, or educational contexts. Learning such specific terms can provide useful context when dealing with car repairs or functions in a Spanish-speaking setting.

Example sentences with  palanca de cambio
palma de la mano
palm of the hand

The phrase 'palma de la mano' in Spanish refers to the inner surface of an individual’s hand. This term is often used in a medical context or generally in the description of parts of the body. In English, it is translated as 'palm of the hand'.

palm tree

The Spanish term 'palmera' refers to an English word 'palm tree'. Palm trees are a botanical family of perennial lianas, shrubs, and trees. They are commonly recognized by their large, compound, evergreen leaves arranged at the top of an unbranched stem. The term 'palmera' might be used when referring to the tree in aspects such as its description, location, cultivation, or type in a Spanish context.


'Pan' means 'bread' in English. Bread is a universal food, often consumed in breakfast meals in Spanish-speaking nations, making this word one of the first food-related words to learn in Spanish.

Example sentences with  pan
pan de jengibre

The Spanish term 'pan de jengibre' translates to 'bread of ginger' in English, and is used to refer to the sweet, spicy holiday treat we know as gingerbread. Just like in English, 'pan de jengibre' can refer to both the specific type of biscuit, often cut into shapes and decorated, as well as other baked goods flavored with ginger and spices, like gingerbread cake or gingerbread houses.

Example sentences with  pan de jengibre
pan de molde

The Spanish term 'pan de molde' directly translates to 'mold bread' in English. However, it is commonly understood as sliced bread or sandwich bread. This is a type of bread that is pre-sliced in a loaf, making it ready for use primarily in sandwich preparation. It is a staple in many households, often used for toast or the aforementioned sandwiches. The slice size can vary, and some loaves are additionally pre-packaged.

pan integral
wholemeal bread

The Spanish term 'pan integral' translates to 'wholemeal bread' in English. Wholemeal bread is a type of bread made using flour that is partly or entirely milled from whole or almost-whole wheat grains, husk and all. The significant difference between wholemeal bread and white bread is that the former retains the bran and germ of the wheat grain, offering a higher fiber content and more nutritious option. In Spanish cuisine, 'pan integral' is a common choice for breakfast or sandwich making.

pan rallado

The Spanish phrase 'pan rallado' translates to 'breadcrumbs' in English. Breadcrumbs are small particles of dry bread, used for breading or crumbing foods, topping casseroles, stuffing poultry, thickening stews, and adding inexpensive bulk to soups, meatloaves and similar foods.


The word 'panadería' is a Spanish noun which comes from 'pan', meaning 'bread', and the suffix '-ería', indicating a place where something is sold. Thus, 'panadería' directly translates to 'place where bread is sold', or in other words, a 'bakery' in English. A panadería in Spanish-speaking cultures is not only a place to purchase bread, but also other baked goods like pastries, making it an often central and bustling hub in many communities.


The Spanish word 'pancarta' translates to 'banner' in English. A 'pancarta' is typically a large piece of cloth bearing a slogan or design, hung in a public place or carried in a demonstration or procession. Banners are used as a means of announcement or to make a visual appeal. They can be found in locations such as schools, events, demonstrations, and storefronts. The Spanish word 'pancarta' sums up all of these contexts.

Example sentences with  pancarta

The Spanish word 'páncreas' translates to 'pancreas' in English. It is a noun that denotes a large gland behind the stomach which secretes digestive enzymes into the duodenum. These enzymes help in the digestion and absorption of nutrients. 'Páncreas' is used in the same context in Spanish-speaking countries.

panel fotovoltaico
photovoltaic panel

A 'panel fotovoltaico' is a Spanish term that refers to a 'photovoltaic panel' in English. Essentially, the photovoltaic process is what enables solar panel technologies to convert sunlight into electricity, a method widely used for sustainable, green energy production. The term photovoltaic comes from the process of converting photons (light particles) into voltage (electricity) which is achieved through the use of semiconducting materials. 'Panel fotovoltaico' therefore refers to these panels that generate and supply solar power by converting energy from the sun.

Example sentences with  panel fotovoltaico
panel solar
solar panel

A 'panel solar' in Spanish translates to 'solar panel' in English. A solar panel is a device designed to absorb the sun's rays as a source of energy for generating electricity or heating. It's widely used as a renewable source of energy to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels. You might see them on rooftops, on spacecraft, in remote locations, or any place where there's a need for power and traditional electric grid service is not available.

Example sentences with  panel solar
paño de cocina
kitchen cloth

The term 'paño de cocina' is a Spanish noun, refers to an object that is commonly used in kitchens. In English, 'paño de cocina' means 'kitchen cloth'. This item is typically made of soft, absorbent material and is used for wiping dishes, cleaning surfaces, or drying hands in the kitchen. It is a household essential and can be found in almost every home, regardless of the country or culture.


The Spanish word 'pantalla' translates to 'screen' in English. It can be used in many contexts such as computer screen, phone screen, TV screen, or even a movie screen. It's a very useful word to know as we commonly use screens in our everyday life. For example, you can say 'La pantalla de mi computadora está rota' which translates to 'The screen of my computer is broken'.

Example sentences with  pantalla
pantalla plana
flat screen

The term 'pantalla plana' in Spanish translates to 'flat screen' in English. This term is often used in the context of televisions and computer monitors, and it describes a thin, flat display device. The technology in a 'pantalla plana', or flat screen, allows it to produce a high-quality image with wide viewing angles. This phrase is significant in the consumer electronics industry, as it indicates a modern type of display that's sleek and space efficient.

Example sentences with  pantalla plana

A piece of clothing covering the body from the waist to the ankles, with a separate part for each leg.

Example sentences with  pantalones

The Spanish word 'pantano' translates to 'marsh' in English. A marsh is a type of wetland, characterized by water-logged soils and aquatic vegetation. It's a term often used in geography and nature-related contexts. Similarly, 'pantano' in Spanish is used to describe a natural landscape that is frequently or entirely covered by water, with abundant aquatic plants.

Example sentences with  pantano

The word 'pañuelo' is a common term in Spanish which translates to 'scarf' in English. It refers to a piece of fabric, often rectangular in shape, that is worn around the neck for warmth, sun protection, cleanliness, fashion, or religious reasons. In colder climates, it is typically made of wool or heavy cloth to provide warmth, whereas in warmer climates, it may be made of lighter materials such as silk or cotton. The term 'pañuelo' can also refer to a smaller piece of cloth used as a handkerchief.


The word 'papá' in Spanish translates commonly to 'dad' in English. It's used in informal communication and is quite universal, being utilized in many Spanish-speaking regions. It denotes a familial relationship, specifically a paternal figure or father. Similar to 'dad' in English, 'papá' is typically less formal than 'padre', which also means father. It's an easy-to-remember and often taught early on in Spanish language education.

papá noel
santa claus

The term 'papá noel' is used in the Spanish language to refer to the mythical figure also known as 'Santa Claus' in English. It literally translates to 'Daddy Christmas'. 'Papá Noel' is associated with Christmas time, where it's believed he brings gifts to children in the night of the 24th to the 25th of December.

Example sentences with  papá noel

The word 'papaya' in Spanish refers to a tropical fruit native to Mexico and Central and South America. This fruit is generally large with a sweet and juicy orange or pink pulp inside. It's well-known for its black seeds, which while being edible can have a slightly bitter taste. Beyond just being a fruit, 'papaya' is also used metaphorically in some Spanish-speaking countries to refer to different things.

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