Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

área protegido
Protected area

The term 'área protegido' is translated as 'protected area' in English. It refers to a location which receives protection because of its recognized natural, ecological, or cultural values. These areas can be found all over the world and are often set aside for the purposes of conservation, to preserve the living, non-living, cultural, and natural resources that are inherent in the zone. Examples might include nature reserves, parks, and biosphere reserves.

Example sentences with  área protegido
área virgen
virgin area

The Spanish term 'área virgen' translates to 'virgin area' in English. The term is typically used in ecological or geographical contexts to refer to a piece of land, territory, or environment that has not been significantly affected or altered by human activities. It suggests a pristine and untouched condition, often associated with intact ecosystems, untouched nature reserves, or undisturbed habitats where human influence is minimal or non-existent. An 'área virgen' might thus refer to a wilderness area, a remote island, a deep-sea region, a high altitude mountain zone, or any other environment that remains in its natural state.

Example sentences with  área virgen

The Spanish word 'arena' translates to 'sand' in English. It is often used to describe the tiny, granulated particles often found at beaches, deserts, or other natural habitats. In a broader sense, it can also represent concepts related to desolation and time passing, in line with its literal meaning.

Example sentences with  arena

The Spanish word 'argumento' means 'argument' in English. It can be used in many of the same contexts as the English word, referring to a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong. However, 'argumento' can also refer to the plot or storyline of a book, play, or movie. This usage does not have a direct equivalent in the English word 'argument'.

Example sentences with  argumento

The Spanish word 'árido' translates to 'arid' in English. It is an adjective used to describe a dry, barren, or desert-like environment. Typically, it is applied to lands where the lack of rainfall, dry conditions, or poor irrigation systems make it difficult for plants and vegetation to grow. In literature, it can be used metaphorically to signify sterility or lack of productivity.

Example sentences with  árido

The Spanish word 'aristocracia' translates to 'aristocracy' in English. In context, this term refers to the highest class in certain societies, usually formed by social rank, familial lineage, or hereditary titles. Historically, the aristocracy held certain rights or privileges not granted to other members of society. While it's notable in the development and societal structure of many cultures and nations, its importance and influence vary worldwide.

Example sentences with  aristocracia

The Spanish word 'aristócrata' translates to 'aristocrat' in English. An aristocrat is a person who belongs to the highest social class, especially those holding hereditary titles. Historically, aristocrats often wielded significant power, particularly in the governance of nations. In modern times, the term primarily serves as a social marker, often associated with wealth, influence, and privilege.

Example sentences with  aristócrata

The Spanish word for 'weapon' is 'arma'. It is used such as in the sentence 'Él trajo un arma a la pelea', which translates to 'He brought a weapon to the fight'. It refers to any instrument or device used with intent to injure, defeat, or destroy.

Example sentences with  arma
arma (semi)automática
weapon (semi)automatic

The Spanish term 'arma (semi)automática' translates to 'weapon (semi)automatic' in English. This refers to a type of firearm that reloads itself after each shot and fires again with each pull of the trigger. The '(semi)' indicates that the weapon fires one round for each trigger pull, as opposed to an 'automatic' weapon, which continues to fire rounds as long as the trigger is depressed and ammunition is available.

Example sentences with  arma (semi)automática
arma atómica
atomic weapon

The term 'arma atómica' is a Spanish word that translates to 'atomic weapon' in English. This is a type of weapon that uses nuclear technology for its destructive power and is considered to be one of the most lethal weapons. The power of such a weapon comes from energy released through nuclear reactions, either fission or a combination of fission and fusion. The phrase 'arma atómica' is often used when referring to issues of international security and warfare.

Example sentences with  arma atómica
arma biológica
biological weapon

The term 'arma biológica' in Spanish refers to a type of weapon that uses bacteria, viruses or other disease-causing biological agents. Commonly known as a 'biological weapon' in English, it is designed to kill or incapacitate people, animals or plants as an act of war. Biological weapons are often associated with terrorism and are considered a serious threat due to their potential to cause widespread illness and death.

Example sentences with  arma biológica
arma de fuego

The Spanish term 'arma de fuego' translates to 'firearm' in English. Firearms are portable guns, weapons that launch one or more projectiles driven by rapidly expanding high-pressure gas produced by chemical reactions within a confined space. These weapons are seen in a variety of contexts including hunting, self-defense, and military use. The phrase 'arma de fuego' can refer to any type of firearm from small handguns to larger rifles and guns.

Example sentences with  arma de fuego
arma nuclear
nuclear weapon

The Spanish phrase 'arma nuclear' translates to 'nuclear weapon' in English. In military terminology, a 'nuclear weapon' is an explosive device that derives its destructive force from nuclear reactions. It can either be fusion or fission reactions or a combination of both. These reactions release a huge amount of energy from relatively small amounts of matter. The term 'nuclear weapon' is often used to describe these types of devices, which have been utilized in warfare and pose significant global risks.

Example sentences with  arma nuclear
arma química
chemical weapon

The term 'arma química' refers to a complex system that uses chemicals formulated to cause death or harm on a large scale. A chemical weapon is typically a weaponized version of a toxic chemical or its precursor, designed to inflict damage in warfare or terrorist activities. These can be volatile substances, gases, or small particles spread through air, water, or even on surfaces, affecting the skin. Humanitarian laws universally condemn their use due to their indiscriminate nature and long-lasting effects.

Example sentences with  arma química

A wardrobe is a standing closet used for storing clothes. The earliest wardrobe was a chest, and it was not until some degree of luxury was attained in regal palaces and the castles of powerful nobles that separate accommodation was provided for the apparel of the great.

Example sentences with  armario

The Spanish word 'armonía' translates to 'harmony' in English. It can refer to a pleasing arrangement of parts, congruence, or compatibility in English. In music, 'armonía' means the simultaneous combination of tones, especially when blended into chords pleasing to the ear. It can also denote peace and understanding among individuals or groups. Thus, 'armonía' encapsulates a sense of order, balance, and peace.

Example sentences with  armonía
arquear las cejas
arch the eyebrows

'Arquear las cejas' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'arch the eyebrows' in English. It can be used in a variety of contexts, often to convey surprise, skepticism, or disbelief. Similar to English, the phrase can describe a physical action, that is, literally arching one's eyebrows; it can also represent an emotional response or facial expression associated with the aforementioned feelings. Hence, this phrase is not limited to a strict interpretation but rather is used largely to express subtle emotions and reactions.


The Spanish word 'arquitecto' translates to 'architect' in English. An architect is a person who designs buildings and prepares plans to construct them. The same duties apply to an 'arquitecto' in Spanish-speaking contexts. The profession involves practical, technological, and aesthetic knowledge to create spaces that meet various needs and impacts both the users and the environment positively.

Example sentences with  arquitecto

The Spanish word 'arquitectura' translates to 'architecture' in English. It pertains to the design of buildings and structures. It consists of artistic design and methodical engineering to create a functional, aesthetic, and enduring environment. As in English, 'arquitectura' in Spanish can also imply the style or approach used in a design or project, not only restricted to buildings, it could also refer to system, software, and structural design in other various fields.

Example sentences with  arquitectura

The Spanish word 'arrancar' translates to 'start' in English. This verb is often used in contexts involving the beginning of a process or event. For example, it could be used to talk about starting a car or starting a project. Just like 'start' in English, 'arrancar' is a versatile word in Spanish with a variety of uses depending on the context.

Example sentences with  arrancar

The Spanish word 'arrastrar' translates to 'drag' in English. This verb can be used in several contexts. For instance, one might 'arrastrar' a heavy box across the floor, which means they are dragging it. Similarly, it can denote the action of moving something slowly or with difficulty across a surface, or causing someone to move in such a manner. In computing, we often 'arrastrar' files from one folder to another, meaning we drag and drop them.

Example sentences with  arrastrar
arreglar el bajo
fix the bass

In English, 'arreglar el bajo' means 'fix the bass'. This is a phrase that could be used in various contexts, such as a musician needing to repair a bass guitar, a sound engineer adjusting the bass levels in a piece of audio, or a fisherman mending a certain type of fishing net called a 'bass'. It primarily involves the activities of correcting, repairing or making adjustments to improve the function or performance of a 'bass'.

arreglar el coche
fix the car

'Arreglar el coche' is a Spanish phrase that literally translates to 'fix the car' in English. It is a phrase commonly used to indicate the act of repairing or making necessary adjustments to a car. It is used in contexts where a car has a mechanical problem or fault that needs to be corrected to ensure its proper functioning.

Example sentences with  arreglar el coche
arreglar el dobladillo
fix the hem

The Spanish phrase 'arreglar el dobladillo' translates to 'fix the hem' in English. It is a commonly used phrase in situations where the bottom edge of a piece of clothing, usually a skirt or a dress, needs to be adjusted or repaired.

arreglar la casa
fix the house

The Spanish phrase 'arreglar la casa' translates to 'fix the house' in English. This can refer to a variety of tasks related to home improvement, maintenance, or cleaning that aim to make the house a better place. It implies making something in disrepair or disorder orderly or functional again. This phrase could be used in various real-life contexts and scenarios where house repair work, cleaning, or organizing tasks are involved.

arreglar la cintura
fix the waist

The Spanish phrase 'arreglar la cintura' can be translated into English as 'fix the waist'. The term 'arreglar' generally implies fixing or arranging something, and 'la cintura' is the Spanish term for 'the waist'. Therefore, the phrase is often used in a context where a piece of clothing might be too loose around the waist and needs to be adjusted or fixed to fit better. However, the phrase could also be used in a more metaphorical sense to imply getting in better shape or losing weight around the waist area.

arreglar la manga
fix the sleeve

The Spanish phrase 'arreglar la manga' translates to 'fix the sleeve' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of clothing repair or alteration, where 'arreglar' means to fix, mending, or arrange, and 'la manga' means the sleeve. So, if you have a shirt with a torn or ill-fitting sleeve, you would 'arreglar la manga' to make it wearable again.

arreglar un aparato eléctrico
fixing an electrical appliance

The Spanish phrase 'arreglar un aparato eléctrico' translates to 'fixing an electrical appliance' in English. It is generally used to refer to the process of repairing any device or equipment that operates on electricity. This could range from small household appliances such as toasters or laptops, up to larger items such as washing machines or refrigerators. The crucial element is the action of 'arreglar' - to fix or repair - with the appliance (or 'aparato') being specified as an electrical one ('eléctrico').

arreglar un enchufe
fix a plug

The Spanish phrase 'arreglar un enchufe' translates into English as 'fix a plug'. In this context, 'arreglar' means 'to fix', 'un' is the indefinite article 'a', and 'enchufe' translates to 'plug'. This phrase might be used in situations where electrical appliances or fixtures have gone out of order and need repairing.

arreglar un interruptor
fix a switch

The Spanish phrase 'arreglar un interruptor' translates to 'fix a switch' in English. 'Arreglar' is a verb in Spanish that means 'to repair' or 'to fix'. 'Un' is an indefinite article that means 'a'. 'Interruptor' is a noun that refers to 'switch'. Therefore, when you say 'arreglar un interruptor' in Spanish, you're expressing the action of fixing a switch.

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