Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

pagar en efectivo
pay in cash

The Spanish term 'pagar en efectivo' translates to 'pay in cash' in English. This expression is used in situations where a payment is required, particularly in contexts such as shops, markets or restaurants. When you 'pagar en efectivo', you make a monetary transaction using physical currency, such as coins and notes, as opposed to digital or card payments. This phrase is very common in Spanish-speaking countries, and knowing it can be particularly useful for travelers.

Example sentences with  pagar en efectivo
pagar en metálico
payable in cash

The Spanish phrase 'pagar en metálico' translates to 'payable in cash' in English. It is mainly used when talking about transactions and payments. In many settings, especially informal ones, it is used to specify that the payment should be made using physical money, as opposed to checks or electronic transfers.

Example sentences with  pagar en metálico
pagar impuestos
pay taxes

The Spanish phrase 'pagar impuestos' translates to 'pay taxes' in English. It is a verb phrase typically used in the context of monetary transactions, specifically relating to the mandatory contributions to state revenue that individuals, businesses, or other entities are required to make according to their income or the value of goods and services they've bought or sold. The term is widely used in both business and casual conversations.

Example sentences with  pagar impuestos
pagar intereses
pay interest

The phrase 'pagar intereses' in Spanish translates to 'pay interest' in English. This phrase is often used in a financial context where one party owes interest to another on a borrowed sum of money. For example, a borrower in a financial agreement may 'pagar intereses' to the lender, meaning they pay interest on the amount borrowed. Similarly, a saver with money in a bank may receive 'intereses' from the bank, paid periodically as a percentage of the deposited amount.

Example sentences with  pagar intereses
pagar la factura de la luz
pay the light bill

The Spanish phrase 'pagar la factura de la luz' translates to 'pay the light bill' in English. This is commonly used in everyday conversations when discussing monthly utilities or expenses related to electricity usage.

pagar la factura del agua
pay the water bill

The Spanish phrase 'pagar la factura del agua' translates to 'pay the water bill' in English. It is often used in the context of everyday life, where utilities such as water are billed to residents or businesses. The verb 'pagar' means 'to pay', 'la factura' means 'the bill', and 'del agua' means 'of the water'. Therefore, when put together, it signifies the action of making a payment for the water bill.

pagar la hipoteca
pay the mortgage

The Spanish phrase 'pagar la hipoteca' translates to 'pay the mortgage' in English. This phrase is often used in financial contexts and it refers to the act of making regular payments to reduce or eliminate a debt that is secured by a mortgage, which is a type of legal agreement. The process of 'pagar la hipoteca' typically involves paying both the principal amount loaned and the interest accrued on that loan over a set period.

pagar la matrícula
pay the tuition

The phrase 'pagar la matrícula' in Spanish translates to 'pay the tuition' in English. It's used in the context of making a payment for educational instruction, particularly in a school or university. This cost is generally paid per term and is typically considered a hefty expense necessary for accessing structured higher-level education.

pagar un crédito
pay a credit

The Spanish phrase 'pagar un crédito' translates to 'pay a credit' in English. It is commonly used in financial contexts. For example, when one has borrowed money in the form of a loan or credit from a bank or similar financial institution, the process of returning or settling that borrowed sum is referred to as 'pagar un crédito'. In English, we might say 'repay a loan' or 'pay off credit'. This concept is fundamental in the realm of personal and business finance.

pagar un préstamo
pay a loan

The Spanish phrase 'pagar un préstamo' translates to 'pay a loan' in English. This phrase can be used in financial contexts where a loan or borrowed money needs to be repaid back to the lender. 'Pagar' means 'to pay' in English, 'un' is a singular indefinite article which translates to 'a', and 'préstamo' translates to 'loan'. Therefore, when these words are combined together, the phrase 'pagar un préstamo' literally means 'to pay a loan' in English.

pagar un seguro
pay insurance

The Spanish phrase 'pagar un seguro' directly translates to 'pay insurance' in English. This is often used in the context of making payments towards an insurance policy. Insurance can refer to various types of coverages such as car insurance, health insurance, or house insurance. Therefore, 'pagar un seguro' could be used in various conversations relating to finance and personal arrangements.

Example sentences with  pagar un seguro
pagar una hipoteca
pay a mortgage

The Spanish phrase 'pagar una hipoteca' translates to 'pay a mortgage' in English. This phrase is commonly used in the financial sector. If you own a property, you would 'pagar una hipoteca' to the bank or financial institution until you repaid the loan that you borrowed to buy the property. The term 'hipoteca' refers to a legal agreement by which a bank, building society, etc. lends money at interest in exchange for taking title of the debtor's property, with the condition that the conveyance of title becomes void upon the payment of the debt. Both 'pagar' and 'hipoteca' are common words used in financial and everyday conversations in the Spanish language.

pagar una multa
pay a fine

The phrase 'pagar una multa' in Spanish translates directly to 'pay a fine' in English. It is commonly used in legal contexts where a person is required to pay a specific amount of money as a penalty for breaking a law or rule. The verb 'pagar' means 'to pay', 'una' is an indefinite article that means 'a', and 'multa' translates to 'fine'. Thus, the combination of these words creates the phrase 'pagar una multa'.

Example sentences with  pagar una multa

In Spanish, 'página' is used to refer to a leaf or side of a leaf as in a book, manuscript, or letter. It somewhat matches the English context of 'page', which could be in a book, magazine, or website. For instance, you can say 'Por favor, voltea la página' which translates to 'Please, turn the page'. However, in the digital context (such as a website page), the term 'página web' is used.

Example sentences with  página
página web
web page

The Spanish term 'página web' translates to 'web page' in English. A web page is a document or information resource that is suitable for the World Wide Web and can be accessed through a web browser. This terminology is commonly used in technological and digital contexts, and implies to any page that we can navigate on the internet. Different web pages contain different data like text, images, videos, etc.

páginas amarillas
yellow pages

The term 'páginas amarillas' translates to 'yellow pages' in English. It traditionally refers to a telephone directory of businesses, categorized by their particular field or service, printed on yellow paper. In a broader context currently, it could also mean a website or any other online platform providing similar information.


The Spanish word 'pago' translates into English as 'payment'. It is a noun that refers to the action of paying. It can refer to the act of giving money to another individual, entity, or organization in exchange for goods, services, or to fulfill a legal obligation. The usage of 'pago' can be seen in various contexts such as bills, fees, and other financial transactions.

pagos en especie
payments in kind

The term 'pagos en especie' originates from Spanish language and it translates to 'payments in kind' in English. This is a type of transaction where services or goods are exchanged instead of monetary payment. For instance, if you paint a house in exchange for a car, this would be considered a 'pago en especie'. The exchange is performed based upon the mutual agreement where both parties recognize a particular value for the goods or services exchanged, effectively bypassing the need for money based transaction.


The Spanish word for 'country' is 'país'. It is used similarly to English, to refer to a nation or state. For example, 'Estados Unidos es un país' - United States is a country. The plural is 'paises' which means 'countries'.

Example sentences with  país
paisaje desértico
desert landscape

The term 'paisaje desértico' in Spanish translates to 'desert landscape' in English. It refers to an area of land that is extremely dry, typically because of low rainfall that is unable to support much plant life. This term is usually used to describe a barren, arid region that is generally inhospitable and features conditions like rolling sand dunes, rocky hills, or plains with sparse to no vegetation.

Example sentences with  paisaje desértico
paisaje desolador
desolate landscape

The Spanish term 'paisaje desolador' translates to 'desolate landscape' in English. It's typically used to describe an area or scene that is barren or empty, often evoking a sense of bleakness or desolation. This phrase could be used in various contexts - from literal descriptions of physical environments, such as a desert or a war-ravaged city, to more metaphorical uses in literature and conversations to convey a sense of emotional emptiness or despair.

Example sentences with  paisaje desolador
paisaje idílico
idyllic landscape

The Spanish term 'paisaje idílico' translates to 'idyllic landscape' in English. It refers to a scenery or setting that is incredibly beautiful, peaceful, and picturesque, often seen as perfect or ideal, much like the image that the word 'idyllic' conjures up. This could be anywhere from a serene countryside filled with flowers and greenery to a peaceful beach scene with a perfect sunset. The term 'paisaje idílico' is used to describe such locations in literature, art, and everyday conversation in Spanish.

Example sentences with  paisaje idílico
paisaje industrial
industrial landscape

The Spanish term 'paisaje industrial' directly translates to 'industrial landscape' in English. It is used to describe a type of landscape characterized by large-scale industrial operations, manufacturing, or other heavy industry activities. These can include factories, refineries, mining operations, warehouses, and ports, which may be associated with negative environmental impacts but also represent economic and employment opportunities.

Example sentences with  paisaje industrial
paisaje natural
natural landscape

The Spanish term 'paisaje natural' translates to 'natural landscape' in English. This usually refers to an area of land that is free from human-made structures or alterations, and instead, is filled with the inherent beauties that nature provides. Natural landscapes can be anything from vast forests, majestic mountain ranges, calming bodies of water to the barren expanses of deserts. The term is often used in context of the environment, ecosystem discussions or nature-related conversations in Spanish.

Example sentences with  paisaje natural
paisaje pintoresco
picturesque landscape

The term 'paisaje pintoresco' in Spanish translates to 'picturesque landscape' in English. This phrase is typically used to describe a scene or view that is artistically pleasant and charming, much like a picture. It refers to a landscape that is especially attractive and beauty-filled, typically because of its natural features like rolling hills, vibrant flower fields, beautiful trees, calm rivers, or majestic mountains. It might also be used to describe man-made beauty such as a quaint village or cityscape. This phrase is often used in travel descriptions or conversations about outdoor beauty.

Example sentences with  paisaje pintoresco
paisaje rocoso
rocky landscape

The term 'paisaje rocoso' in Spanish translates to 'rocky landscape' in English. It typically refers to areas dominated by visible and often large rock formations. These can occur naturally, in outdoor environments where weathering and erosion have exposed rocks on the surface. They can also be man-made, particularly in the context of rock gardens or similar landscaping features. The phrase can be used literally, to discuss geography and physical terrain, or metaphorically, to suggest a tough or challenging situation.

Example sentences with  paisaje rocoso
paisaje tropical
tropical landscape

The Spanish term 'paisaje tropical' translates to 'tropical landscape' in English. It typically refers to a type of geographical setting that exudes an exotic, humid, and lush aura generally found in tropical regions. These landscapes, often abundant with diverse forms of wildlife and vegetation, are usually located near the equator. Therefore, this term can represent pictures or descriptions of such landscapes in various contexts such as in literature, photography, painting, or even in travel planning.

Example sentences with  paisaje tropical
paisaje urbano
urban landscape

The Spanish phrase 'paisaje urbano' translates to 'urban landscape' in English. It is often used to describe the physical features of a city or town including its buildings, roads, and other man-made structures. This can also refer to the general visual appearance of these areas, encompassing not just the physical elements but the arrangement and interplay between them. It is a common term in discussions about urban planning, architecture, and environmental studies.

Example sentences with  paisaje urbano
paisaje volcánico
volcanic landscape

The Spanish term 'paisaje volcánico' translates to 'volcanic landscape' in English. This phrase is comprised of two parts. 'Paisaje' means 'landscape' or 'scenery' and 'volcánico' means 'volcanic'. Therefore, when put together, they refer to the landscape or scenery that is characterized by, formed from, or relates to volcanoes. This could refer to actual geographical and natural terrains that have been shaped by volcanic activity, and can include features such as lava fields, volcanic mountains, craters, and more.

Example sentences with  paisaje volcánico

The Spanish word 'paisajista' translates to 'landscape' in English. This term is usually used to refer to the visible features of an area of land, including physical elements such as landforms, bodies of water, plants, structures, and other similar features. 'Paisajista' could also refer to a person who is a landscape artist or a landscape architect, one who designs, plans, and manages the landscape.

Example sentences with  paisajista
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