Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


Bears are carnivoran mammals of the family Ursidae. They are classified as caniforms, or doglike carnivorans. Bears are found on the continents of North America, South America, Europe, and Asia.

Example sentences with  oso
ostentar un cargo
to hold a position

The Spanish phrase 'ostentar un cargo' translates to 'to hold a position' in English. It is often used in professional or formal contexts to indicate someone's role or responsibility within an organization or structure. For instance, it might be used to refer to a person who holds a political office, a manager at a company, or someone in a leading role within a group or team. Similar English phrases that compare to 'ostentar un cargo' include 'to occupy a position' or 'to hold an office'.


The term 'otoño' is a noun in the Spanish language, which translates to 'autumn' in English. It is one of the four seasons experienced in many parts of the world, it is known for the changing color of the leaves and comes after summer and before winter. In Spanish-speaking countries, 'otoño' occurs during the months of March to June in the Southern hemisphere and September to December in the Northern hemisphere.

Example sentences with  otoño
otorgar una plaza
grant a place

The Spanish phrase 'otorgar una plaza' directly translates to 'grant a place' in English. This phrase is often used in professional or academic contexts, particularly when discussing job positions or school admissions. For example, when a company 'otorga una plaza', they are offering a job position to an individual. Similarly, in the educational context, when a university 'otorga una plaza' to a student, that means the student has been admitted or given a spot at the university.

otra vez

The Spanish word 'otra vez' translates to 'again' in English. It is used in similar contexts as the English word 'again'. This includes instances when an action or activity repeats or needs to be repeated. It can also mean 'another time' or 'once more'.

Example sentences with  otra vez

The Spanish word 'otro' is used much like the English word 'other'. It indicates an additional item or alternative option. Just like in English, 'otro' can be used either before the noun to express another one of something ('quiero otro café', meaning 'I want another coffee'), or after the noun to provide differentiation between two or more objects ('esta casa y la otra', meaning 'this house and the other one').

Example sentences with  otro

A sheep is a quadrupedal, ruminant mammal typically kept as livestock. Sheep are raised for fleece, meat (lamb or mutton), and milk. They can be found in parts of Europe, Asia and Africa.

Example sentences with  oveja

The Spanish term 'óxidos' translates to 'oxides' in English. These are compounds that contain at least one oxygen atom and one other element in its chemical formula. Most often, oxides are encountered in the context of chemistry or metallurgy. In everyday life, these substances often manifest as rust, which forms when iron comes into contact with moisture and oxygen, creating iron oxide. 'Óxidos' can refer to this as well as other similar compounds.

Example sentences with  óxidos

The Spanish word 'oxígeno' translates to 'oxygen' in English. It is a noun used to describe a chemical element that we breathe in to live. Oxygen makes up about 21% of the earth's atmosphere. It is essential for the process of respiration and combustion. As a Spanish word, 'oxígeno' is masculine; therefore, it's 'el oxígeno'. It is pronounced as 'ok-see-heh-noh' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  oxígeno

The word 'oyente' in Spanish translates to 'listener' in English. It is often used in contexts where someone is attentively listening or is a part of an audience, such as for a radio show or a lecture. Notably, the term 'oyente' can be used to describe both a male and female listener, as the term itself does not hold a gender. Therefore, whether you're referring to a man or woman, 'oyente' is the word to use.


In Spanish, 'paciente' means 'patient.' This word can be used in several contexts, such as medical or even emotionally. In the medical context, 'paciente' refers to a person receiving or registered to receive medical treatment just as in English. However, it is also used to describe a person able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious, just like in English. For example, 'ella es muy paciente cuando se trata de enseñar a los niños' (she is very patient when it comes to teaching children).

Example sentences with  paciente
pactar una exclusiva
agree on an exclusive

The Spanish phrase 'pactar una exclusiva' translates to 'agree on an exclusive' in English. This term is often used in business contexts where parties decide on a unique arrangement or deal, typically beneficial to both involved. It may also be used in journalistic contexts, where someone might secure an exclusive interview or the sole rights to a particular story. This phrase emphasizes the notion of exclusivity and agreement.


The Spanish word 'padrastro' translates to 'stepfather' in English. It is used to refer to a man who is married to one's mother but is not one's biological father. In a broader sense, the term can also describe a man who plays a paternal role in a person's life, regardless of marital status or biological relation.


The Spanish word for 'father' is 'padre'. It is often used to address one's own father in a formal manner. Moreover, it can also be utilized in titles, such as 'Padre Pio'. An everyday example of its utilization could be 'Mi padre es ingeniero', which means 'My father is an engineer'.

Example sentences with  padre
padre/hijo adoptivo
adoptive father/son

The phrase 'padre/hijo adoptivo' in Spanish translates to 'adoptive father/son' in English. This is used to describe a relationship where a person becomes the legal guardian of a child, even though they are not the child's biological parent. This relationship is legally binding and provides the adoptive parent with the responsibilities and rights of a biological parent. Similarly, the child gains the legal rights and privileges of a biological child towards the adoptive parent.


The Spanish word 'padres' translates to 'parents' in English. This term refers to a child's mother and father. In broader context, it can also refer to any entities or people that give birth or are considered sources or creators. The use of this word is similar in both Spanish and English, often utilized in familial or relational contexts.

Example sentences with  padres

The Spanish word 'padrino' translates to 'godfather' in English. In a traditional Christian setting, the 'godfather' is a person who sponsors a child's baptism and then takes an interest in the child's upbringing and personal development, particularly in regard to matters of faith and morality. In a broader cultural context, 'godfather' can also refer to a man who is influential or pioneering in a certain field or a man who is a guiding, mentor-like figure in someone's life. It can be used in both religious and secular contexts.

padrino (de boda)
godfather (wedding)

In Spanish, 'padrino (de boda)' translates to 'godfather (wedding)' in English. It has a religious and social connotation. The term is used to refer to a man who acts as a sponsor for a person (often a child) at baptism, which arises from a Christian tradition, for which he promises to help raise and educate the child in accordance with their religion should anything happen to the parents. However, in the context of a wedding, a 'padrino' is a very important guest, typically a close family friend or relative, who has certain responsibilities in the ceremony similar to the 'best man' in English cultural context.


Paella is a world famous dish originating from Spain. It is a culinary delight made up of rice primarily, cooked with a variety of ingredients that often include seafood, meats like chicken and rabbit, vegetables and spices, chiefly saffron, which gives the dish its distinct yellow color and exotic flavor. It is traditionally cooked in a large, shallow pan and is named after it. The preparation of Paella is considered an art in Spanish culture.

pagar (el recibo de) el agua
pay (the receipt of) water

The Spanish phrase 'pagar (el recibo de) el agua' translates to 'pay (the receipt of) water' in English. It refers to the action of making a payment for the water service. The phrase can be used in situations where one needs to settle their utility bill, specifically for water. The term itself can be broken down into two main components. 'Pagar' is a verb that means 'to pay'. 'El recibo de el agua' is a noun phrase which translates to 'the receipt of the water'. Combined, they form a sentence that symbolizes the act of settling a water utility bill.

pagar (el recibo de) el gas
pay (the receipt of) the gas

The Spanish phrase 'pagar (el recibo de) el gas' translates to 'pay (the receipt of) the gas' in English. It is often used in reference to settling a gas bill. The verb 'pagar' means 'to pay', and 'el recibo de el gas' refers to 'the gas receipt' or 'the gas bill'. So, if you hear this phrase commonly in a Spanish-speaking country, it usually means someone is discussing about paying their utility bills, specifically their gas bill.

pagar (el recibo de) el teléfono
pay (the receipt) the phone

The Spanish phrase 'pagar (el recibo de) el teléfono' translates to 'pay (the receipt of) the phone' in English. It is usually used in a context where one is required to pay a bill, particularly a phone bill. The word 'pagar' means to 'pay', 'el recibo de' translates to 'the receipt of', and 'el teléfono' translates to 'the phone'. Thus, when you say 'pagar el recibo de el teléfono', it means you are making a payment for your phone's receipt or bill.

pagar (el recibo de) la comunidad
pay (the receipt of) community

The Spanish phrase 'pagar (el recibo de) la comunidad' translates to 'pay (the receipt of) community' in English. It typically refers to the practice of paying communal fees or bills, often in the context of apartment block or neighborhood payments. These might cover costs like utilities, maintenance, and administrative services. The phrase demonstrates the subjunctive verb form 'pagar', which means 'to pay' and the use of the preposition 'de' to indicate possession ('of'). It's a common phrase in contexts where shared costs are involved.

pagar (el recibo de) la luz
pay the lighting bill

The Spanish phrase 'pagar (el recibo de) la luz' translates to 'pay the lighting bill' in English. It denotes the action of paying for the electricity usage in a given period. The word 'pagar' means 'to pay', 'el recibo de' means 'the receipt of', and 'luz' means 'light'. Put together, this phrase is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to the routine task of settling the electricity bill.

pagar a plazos
payable on time

The Spanish term 'pagar a plazos' translates to 'pay by installments' in English. The term refers to a common payment method where a total amount is divided into multiple smaller payments spread over a predetermined period of time. This allows for a larger or more costly purchase to be made without the necessity of paying the full amount upfront, instead gradually paying off the debt in portions over time.

Example sentences with  pagar a plazos
pagar al contado
pay the cash

The Spanish phrase 'pagar al contado' translates to 'pay the cash' in English. It refers to the act of making a payment for a product or service immediately with cash, without having to use any type of credit or installment plan. This term is commonly used in commerce and business where transactions are made instantly without any debt or any need for a further settlement of bills. It's often considered a beneficial practice as it avoids the accumulation of debt and interest.

Example sentences with  pagar al contado
pagar con cheque
pay with check

The Spanish phrase 'pagar con cheque' translates to 'pay with check' in English. This is usually used in financial and banking contexts to refer to the method of using a check to transfer money directly from one bank account to another. This is an old but still accepted method of payment in many parts of the world.

Example sentences with  pagar con cheque
pagar con tarjeta
pay with card

The Spanish phrase 'pagar con tarjeta' translates into English as 'pay with card'. This phrase is often used in retail or any customer-facing situation involving transactions. It refers to the action of making a payment for goods or services using a debit or credit card. Different types of cards may be accepted at different establishments, including bank cards, credit cards, or business debit cards. In Spanish-speaking countries, the phrase is commonly used in shops, restaurants or anywhere card payment methods are accepted.

Example sentences with  pagar con tarjeta
pagar el alquiler
pay rent

The phrase 'pagar el alquiler' in Spanish refers to the act of providing monetary compensation for borrowed space, typically a housing unit like an apartment or house. In English, this is referred to as 'paying the rent'. This is a common term used in financial, personal, and legal contexts.

pagar el recibo del agua
pay the water bill

The Spanish phrase 'pagar el recibo del agua' translates to 'pay the water bill' in English. It is typically used in the context of personal finances and household chores. It may refer to the action of making a payment for the water service provided to a home or business. For example, you may use it in a sentence like 'Necesito pagar el recibo del agua', which means 'I need to pay the water bill'.

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