Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'optimismo' is generally used in the same context as its English equivalent 'optimism'. It can refer to a positive or hopeful outlook on life, situations, or future events. It is used in a sentence in the same way as the English word. For example, in the sentence 'I have optimism that things will improve,' 'optimism' would be replaced with 'optimismo' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  optimismo

The Spanish word 'optimista' translates to 'optimistic' in English. The term refers to the tendency or inclination to look at the positive side of things or expect the best possible outcome. It is used to describe people who have a positive outlook on life and believe that good things will happen. Much like in English, 'optimista' can be used in various contexts -- for example, to describe a person's general demeanor or attitude in life, or their perspective on a particular situation.


The word 'órbita' in Spanish translates to 'orbit' in English. An orbit refers to the gravitationally curved trajectory of an object, such as the trajectory a planet follows around a star or a moon around a planet. In general terms, 'orbit' could also represent a sphere of influence or activity. In Spanish, 'órbita' hold the same implications.

Example sentences with  órbita

The word 'order' is translated into Spanish as 'orden'. It is used much in the same way as it is in English – to refer to a sequence or arrangement, a directive, or the state of tidy arrangement. It is common in both formal and informal usage. As in English, it can also refer to a classification in taxonomy. The context will generally make the meaning clear.

Example sentences with  orden

The Spanish word 'ordenar' is used in a similar context as 'sort' in English. It can be referred to as arranging or categorizing things based on certain parameters. Very common in technical context used to refer to the arrangement of data in a specific order such as numerical or alphabetical. But it can be used in general context too, like sorting out your clothes, which would translate to 'ordenar tu ropa'.

Example sentences with  ordenar

The word 'orégano' is a noun in Spanish language. It translates to 'oregano' in English. Oregano is a type of herb used in cooking, especially in Mediterranean and Mexican dishes, to enhance the flavor. It is known for its earthy and mild spicy flavor and is used dried or fresh in recipes. Oregano is also known for its medicinal properties including anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.


The Spanish word 'orgánico' does not translate to 'professional' in English. Instead, it translates to 'organic.' It's often used to describe natural products that don't contain artificial chemicals, or it could refer to things related to organs, in a biological sense.

Example sentences with  orgánico

The Spanish word for organization is 'organización'. It follows the same concept as in English, referring to a group of people who work together in an ordered way. It is used in various contexts such as a business setting, social groups and even when referring to the organization or structure of a system or entity.

Example sentences with  organización
Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos (OEI)
Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI)

The 'Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos (OEI)' is an international organization, known in English as the 'Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI)'. This organization consists of 23 member countries primarily from Latin America, Spain, Portugal and Equatorial Guinea. In English-speaking countries, it's commonly referred to by its acronym 'OEI'. The OEI is based in Madrid, Spain and mainly concerns itself with education, science, technology and culture in the Ibero-American space.

Example sentences with  Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos (OEI)
Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU)
United Nations Organization (UN)

The 'Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU)' is a Spanish term, which translates to 'United Nations Organization (UN)' in English. The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. It is composed of nearly every independent nation and serves as a global forum for resolving international conflicts, facilitating cooperation in international law, promoting human rights, fostering social and economic development, and coordinating efforts to tackle global challenges, such as climate change and poverty.

Example sentences with  Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU)
Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

The 'Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN)' is Spanish for 'North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)'. This signifies an international organization composed of North American and European countries brought together by the North Atlantic Treaty, which was signed on 4 April 1949. This entity functions as a collective defence wherein independent member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party.

Example sentences with  Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN)
organizar un cóctel
organize a cocktail

The Spanish phrase 'organizar un cóctel' translates to 'organize a cocktail' in English. Essentially, it refers to the act of planning and arranging a social gathering where cocktails, a type of mixed drink typically made with spirits, are served. This could involve tasks like choosing the venue, coordinating the date and time, deciding on the menu including the selection of different cocktails and other beverages available, and inviting guests.

organizar un funeral
organize a funeral

The phrase 'organizar un funeral' in Spanish translates to 'organize a funeral' in English. This phrase can refer to the process of arranging and planning all aspects associated with a funeral. This may include, but is not limited to, scheduling a time and place for the service, deciding who will officiate the service, arranging for transportation of the deceased and the family, ordering floral arrangements, and choosing burial or cremation options, among other tasks necessary to honor and remember the deceased.

organizar un viaje
organize a trip

The phrase 'organizar un viaje' in Spanish translates to 'organize a trip' in English. This phrase is often used when someone is planning or arranging the details of a journey or trip. This typically includes elements such as selecting a destination, preparing an itinerary, booking accommodations, and coordinating transportation. It can be applied to a wide range of contexts, but it is especially used when discussing travel plans.

Example sentences with  organizar un viaje
organizar una celebración
organize a celebration

The Spanish term 'organizar una celebración' translates to 'organize a celebration' in English. This phrase is typically used when planning a special event such as a party, festival, or ceremony. Organizing a celebration can involve multiple tasks including choosing a date and location, sending out invitations, arranging for food and drinks, decorating, and managing a schedule of activities or entertainment.

organizar una exposición
organize an exhibition

The Spanish phrase 'organizar una exposición' translates to 'organize an exhibition' in English. This phrase generally refers to the process of planning, coordinating, and setting up an exhibition, which could be a showcase of art, historical artifacts, scientific discoveries, among others. It involves a series of tasks including selection of exhibits, layout design, installation, and promotion.

organizar una fiesta de disfraces
organize a costume party

The Spanish phrase 'organizar una fiesta de disfraces' translates to 'organize a costume party' in English. It's commonly used when planning or arranging a special event where participants are expected to come dressed in costumes. This may often be associated with certain holidays like Halloween, or special themed events or celebrations.


The Spanish word 'orgullo' translates to 'pride' in English. It is used to express a sense of self-respect and personal worth. It can also refer to a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction that comes from one's own achievements, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired. Just as in English, 'orgullo' can be used in various contexts, and can have both positive and negative connotations, depending on the specific use-case.

orientado al norte
North facing

The Spanish phrase 'orientado al norte' translates to 'north facing' in English. This phrase can be used in a wide range of contexts. In a sentence, it usually refers to the orientation or positioning of an object, place, or direction. This could be used for directions, i.e., a place or object that is directed towards the north, or to describe the orientation of a structure, like a building or room that faces the north.

orientado al sur
South facing

The Spanish phrase 'orientado al sur' translates to 'south facing' in English. This term is commonly used in real estate, geography, or when providing directions. For example, if a house, garden or any other structure is 'orientado al sur', it means the structure is positioned or designed in such a way that its front or main surface faces towards the southern direction.


The Spanish word 'orientarse' can be translated into English as 'orient'. It is a reflexive verb that indicates the action of finding one's direction or position, or adapting to a new situation or environment. In context, it can be used in different phrases, such as 'orientarse en la ciudad' (orient oneself in the city) or 'fui capaz de orientarme en la nueva escuela' (I was able to orient myself in the new school).

Example sentences with  orientarse
Oriente Medio
Middle East

The term 'Oriente Medio' is a geographical reference used in Spanish language, and when translated into English, it means 'Middle East'. This refers to the region stretching from the eastern Mediterranean to Iran, including countries like Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and so on. The term, Middle East, is widely used in English to wonder about the eastern part of the 'middle half' of the globe.

Example sentences with  Oriente Medio
Oriente Próximo
Near East
Example sentences with  Oriente Próximo

The Spanish word 'original' directly translates to 'original' in English. It is an adjective that describes something as first or earliest in form or existence, something from which a copy, translation, or derivative form is drawn or based. It can also refer to something authentic and not derivative, not a copy or reproduction. Just like in English, it can also refer to a person who displays individuality.

Example sentences with  original
orilla del mar

The Spanish phrase 'orilla del mar' translates to 'seashore' in English. The phrase effectively refers to the land area immediately adjacent to the ocean, specifically where land meets the sea. In English, as in Spanish, the phrase is often used in both literal and metaphorical contexts, referring both to the physical location and also to concepts of crossing boundaries or arriving at new stages in one's life.

Example sentences with  orilla del mar
orilla del río
banks of the river

The Spanish term 'orilla del río' translates to 'banks of the river' in English. This is often used to refer to the sides of a river, typically indicating the parts of the river's margins that are above water level.

Example sentences with  orilla del río

The word 'oro' is a masculine noun in Spanish. It translates to 'gold' in English. It is commonly used to refer to the precious yellow metallic element, highly malleable and ductile, and not subject to oxidation or corrosion. 'Oro' is also used in various expressions and phrases in Spanish language. For example, 'vale su peso en oro' literally means 'worth its weight in gold', used to describe something very valuable.

Example sentences with  oro

An orchestra is a large group of musicians playing a variety of musical instruments, especially stringed instruments. The word 'orquesta' in Spanish has the same meaning.

Example sentences with  orquesta

The word 'ortodoxo' in Spanish translates to 'orthodox' in English. It is primarily used to describe something or someone as adhering to the accepted or traditional and established faith, especially in religion. In a broader context, it could also refer to anything that is generally accepted as the right or true way. Like the word 'orthodox' in English, 'ortodoxo' carries the same usage and connotation in Spanish.

Example sentences with  ortodoxo

The word 'oscuro' in Spanish refers to the lack of light in a physical space or the colour black, akin to its usage in English. It can be used describing the colour of an object, the weather, or a room. It can also be metaphorically used for describing situations or moods that are gloomy or depressing, just like in English-language usage.

Example sentences with  oscuro
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