Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

oficina de turismo
tourist office

The Spanish term 'oficina de turismo' translates to 'tourist office' in English. The 'oficina de turismo' is the place where tourists can get information about a destination, including recommendations on places to visit, eat, sleep and enjoy. The objective of a 'oficina de turismo' is to facilitate the experience of visitors, providing them with maps, guidance and all the necessary tools to make the most of their stay. The services provided in this office are generally free of charge and aimed to enhance the touristic potential of the area.


The Spanish word 'oficio' translates to 'office' in English. However, it is important to note that 'oficio' can also mean 'trade' or 'profession' depending on the context. It is often used in the contexts of work or administrative affairs. In addition, when in the plural form, 'oficios' may refer to chores or household tasks. Therefore, while 'oficio' can mean 'office' it has a variety of uses in different situations.

ofrecer educación superior
offer higher education

The Spanish term 'ofrecer educación superior' translates to 'offer higher education' in English. It refers to the act of providing or making available education beyond the secondary level. This might be done by universities, colleges, or other institutions, and the education provided usually results in an academic degree or professional certification. The phrase can be used in many contexts, such as educational policies, institutional mission statements, and discussions about access to education.

ofrecer educación universitaria
offer university education

The Spanish phrase 'ofrecer educación universitaria' translates to 'offer university education' in English. This phrase is typically used in the context of a university, college, or other higher education institution proposing a course, degree, or other educational opportunity available to students. 'Ofrecer' means 'to offer', 'educación' means 'education', and 'universitaria' means 'university'. Together, the phrase implies making education at a university level accessible to students.


The Spanish word 'oído' translates to 'ear' in English. It is a masculine noun ('el oído') and typically refers to the organ of hearing or balance located in the ear, or the sense of hearing itself. For example, you might use it in a sentence like 'Tengo un dolor en el oído' which means 'I have an earache'. In another example, 'Tiene buen oído para la música,' it translates to 'He/she has a good ear for music'.


The word 'oír' is a verb in Spanish that is equivalent to 'hear' in English. It is used to refer to the act of perceiving sounds through the ear. For instance, you might use it in a sentence like 'Puedo oír el sonido de la lluvia', meaning 'I can hear the sound of the rain'.

Example sentences with  oír
dark circle

The Spanish word 'ojera' translates to 'dark circle' in English. It is a term most commonly used in reference to the noticeable dark rings or shadows that form under a person's eyes due to fatigue, aging, or various health concerns. Just as in English, 'ojera' in Spanish can bear connotations of tiredness or poor health.


The Spanish word 'ojo' translates to 'eye' in English. In a physical context, it represents the organ of sight found in humans and animals, which allows them to perceive their surroundings through light. 'Ojo' can also be used metaphorically, signifying a point of view, awareness or understanding in certain situations. For example, in phrases like 'keep an eye on something', it symbolizes vigilance or careful observation.

ojo hundido
sunk eye

The Spanish term 'ojo hundido' directly translates to 'sunk eye' in English. The term can be found in medical or anatomical contexts to describe a condition where the eye appears to have sunk into the eye socket, often due to illness or aging. 'Ojo hundido' might also be used figuratively in literature or conversation to depict a tired, sickly, or aged appearance.

ojo rasgado
slanted eye

The Spanish phrase 'ojo rasgado' translates to 'slanted eye' in English. This phrase can be used to describe eyes that have a slanted, tilted shape, as opposed to round or almond-shaped. It's often used to describe a characteristic feature of certain ethnicities, particularly with East Asian individuals. However, please note the usage of this term could potentially be seen as offensive or stereotyping and should be used with caution.

ola de calor
heat wave

The Spanish term 'ola de calor' translates to 'heat wave' in English. The phrase is often used to describe a prolonged period of excessively hot weather, which may be accompanied by high humidity. This term is commonly found in meteorological reports and weather forecasts. Traditional heat wave periods are typically characterized by static high pressure and prolonged increase in temperatures over an extended geographical area. They are usually associated with significant discomfort or health risks, particularly when there is no relief during nighttime.

Example sentences with  ola de calor
ola de frío
cold wave

The word 'ola de frío' in Spanish directly translates to 'cold wave' in English. This term is often used in meteorological contexts to denote a significant drop in air temperatures, usually associated with the swift arrival of very cold air over an area, particularly during the colder months of the year. An 'ola de frío' can affect large geographic regions, and lead to unusually cold weather for an extended period of time.

Example sentences with  ola de frío

The Spanish verb 'oler' translates to 'smell' in English. It is commonly used to talk about the sense or act of smelling. Intriguingly, 'oler' is an irregular verb in Spanish, which means it does not follow the typical conjugation patterns. Its conjugation can change depending on the tense, so careful attention is required when using it. Words derived from 'oler' include 'olor' (smell, scent) and 'oliendo' (smelling).


The Spanish word 'olfato' translates to 'smell' in English. It is primarily used in the context of describing the sense involved in perceiving odors or scents. Notably, 'olfato' can refer to both the physical sense of smell itself (the ability), and the organ related to that sense (the nose), depending on the context in which it is used. It is an important word in Spanish vocabulary that is commonly used in daily conversation and literature.


The Spanish word 'olimpiada' translates to 'olympiad' in English. An olympiad is a period of four years between the games of the Olympic tournament that serves as a unit of time in historical dating systems of many ancient civilizations. It is also used in a more general sense to refer to a variety of sport competitions including various Olympic Games, such as Summer, Winter, and other international competitions.


The Spanish word 'olivo' translates to 'olive' in English. This can refer to the small oval fruit of the olive tree, which is typically green or black, commonly used as food when processed. It can also denote the olive tree itself, which is native to the Mediterranean region and is known for its fruit and the oil produced from it. Not only is it a main component of the region's cuisine, but olives have also had significant symbolic and religious uses throughout history.

Example sentences with  olivo
olla (a presión)
pot (pressure)

The Spanish word 'olla (a presión)' translates as 'pot (pressure)' in English. It is a cooking utensil, usually round and deep, typically used for boiling or stewing. When used with 'a presión' it refers to a 'pressure cooker', a special kind of pot which cooks food using pressure created by boiling a liquid, resulting in quicker cooking times.


The Spanish word for 'forget' is 'olvidar'. It is commonly used in both informal and formal contexts. However, it follows a different conjugation pattern in present tense, as per the subject: yo olvido (I forget), tú olvidas (you forget), él/ella olvida (he/she forgets), nosotros olvidamos (we forget), and ellos/ellas olvidan (they forget). It can also be used in different tenses like any Verb in Spanish Language.

Example sentences with  olvidar
belly button

The Spanish word 'ombligo' translates to 'belly button' in English. It is a noun used to refer to the small depression in the middle of a person's abdomen that marks the point where the umbilical cord was attached before birth. This term is often used in daily conversations and body-related topics. For instance, when talking about body parts in Spanish, 'ombligo' would be one of the words that may be mentioned. It's also common to see this word in children's books and songs to help young learners familiarize themselves with body parts vocabulary in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'opción' is used similarly to the English counterpart 'option'. It generally denotes a choice or alternatives among several available. It can be used in various contexts, such as when choosing food options at a restaurant (opciones de comida en un restaurante), or selecting different options in a settings menu on a computer (selección de diferentes opciones en un menú de configuración).

Example sentences with  opción

The Spanish verb 'operar' translates to 'operate' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as: in medical terms to perform a surgery, in terms of machinery as to run or control, and in mathematical operations. For example, 'El doctor va a operar al paciente' means 'The doctor is going to operate on the patient'. 'Operar una máquina' means to operate a machine and 'Operar con números' means to operate with numbers.

Example sentences with  operar
operar en bolsa
operate in the bag

'Operar en bolsa' directly translates to 'operate in the bag' in English, but the meaning is different. In the context of Spanish, this phrase is often used in the finance industry and its English equivalent is 'to trade stocks'. It refers to the buying and selling of securities, like stocks, on the stock market.


The Spanish word 'operario' translates to 'operator' in English. In the industrial or manufacturing context, an 'operario' is a person who operates equipment or machinery. It can also broadly refer to a person executing an action or operation, similar to the way 'operator' is used in English. The term emphasizes the role of executing or managing a process or system. It's worth noting the usage of the word may vary in different Spanish-speaking regions.

opinar abiertamente
openly think

The Spanish phrase 'opinar abiertamente' translates to 'openly think' in English. It is typically used to express the action of speaking one's mind freely, voicing one's thoughts or opinions without holding back. This may be used in debates, discussions, or any platform where free expression of thoughts or viewpoints is allowed or encouraged.

opinar imparcialmente
opinion impartially

The Spanish term 'opinar imparcialmente' translates to 'opinion impartially' in English. This phrase is used to describe the act of forming or expressing a judgment that is free from bias, prejudice, or favoritism. It suggests forming an opinion or viewpoint based solely on the factual information available, with no influence from personal feelings or prejudices.


The term 'opinión' in Spanish is used exactly as 'opinion' is used in English. It refers to a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. It is commonly used in everyday conversation and formal discussions. For example, 'En mi opinión, este libro es interesante', means 'In my opinion, this book is interesting.'

Example sentences with  opinión
oponerse a los padres
opposing parents

The Spanish phrase 'oponerse a los padres' translates to 'opposing parents' in English. It is typically used in contexts where children or adolescents go against the decisions, instructions or wishes of their parents. This can be for various reasons such as rebellion, stages of growth and development, or disagreements. It is a common phrase in familial and educational contexts.


The Spanish word for 'chance' is 'oportunidad'. It refers to the occurrence of a situation or event which gives one the possibility to do something. It is commonly used in daily conversations and is very beneficial in expressing opportunities or the lack thereof, for example, 'Tengo una oportunidad de ganar' refers to 'I have a chance to win'.

Example sentences with  oportunidad
optar a una beca
opt for a scholarship

The Spanish phrase 'optar a una beca' translates to 'opt for a scholarship' in English. This phrase is commonly used in the context of applying or choosing to apply for scholarships as a form of financial assistance in educational pursuits. In this phrase, 'optar' means 'to opt for' or 'choose', 'a una' can be translated as 'a' or 'one', and 'beca' refers to a 'scholarship'. Together, the phrase is relevant in the context of higher education, specifically when discussing funding options.

optar a una plaza
opt for a square

'Optar a una plaza' is a phrase in Spanish that translates to 'opt for a square' in English. However, it is important to note that this phrase is often used metaphorically. In contexts such as employment or education, 'plaza' often refers to a spot or a position. Therefore, 'optar a una plaza' might be better translated as 'apply for a position' or 'go for a spot', depending on the context. Similarly, 'optar' can also mean to choose or to decide on something. As a result, the meaning of this phrase can vary.

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