Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

obtener un título
obtain a title

The Spanish phrase 'obtener un título' translates to 'obtain a title' in English. It is often used in contexts relating to achieving an academic degree, earning a professional title, or winning a championship in competitive settings. The verb 'obtener' signifies 'to obtain' or 'to get,' and 'título' means 'title'. Consequently, the concept is directly related to the achievement or acquisition of a title or recognition in a specific area or field.


The word 'oca' in Spanish translates to 'goose' in English. It is a noun and refers to a large waterbird with a long neck, short legs, webbed feet, and a short broad bill. Geese are generally white or gray with a black neck and head. They are known for their often aggressive behavior and their distinctive honking sound. They can be found in both wild and domesticated varieties.

Example sentences with  oca

The word 'occidental' in Spanish is translated into English as 'western'. This term is usually used in geographical context to refer to the region or direction that is towards the sunset. It is also used in a cultural context to refer to the societies or nations in the Western or European part of the world. The term 'occidental' has Latin roots, from 'occidens' which means 'setting', referring to the setting or the descent of the sun.

Example sentences with  occidental

The word 'Oceanía' represents a region in the world, translated as 'Oceania' in English. Including Australasia, Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia, the region consists of oceans and islands, notably Australia and New Zealand among thousands of other island states and territories. It also includes the Pacific Ocean. This geographical term was derived from the Greek word 'Ωκεανός' (Okeanos, Oceanus) meaning 'Ocean'.

Example sentences with  Oceanía
océano Ártico
Arctic ocean

The Spanish term 'océano Ártico' translates to 'Arctic Ocean' in English. The Arctic Ocean is the smallest and shallowest of the world's five major oceans. It is mostly covered by sea ice throughout the year and it's known for its harsh conditions and extreme cold.

Example sentences with  océano Ártico
océano Atlántico
Atlantic Ocean

The term 'océano Atlántico' is Spanish for 'Atlantic Ocean'. It is one of the world's five major oceans, located between the continents of America, Europe and Africa. It is primarily known for its size, diverse ecosystem, and importance to global trade and climate. Being a proper noun, it doesn't have plural form in its consideration. It is generally used in context of geographical and environmental statements or discussions.

Example sentences with  océano Atlántico
océano Pacífico
Pacific Ocean

The term 'océano Pacífico' refers to what is known in English as the Pacific Ocean. This is the largest and deepest ocean on earth, known for its immeasurable biodiversity and critical role in the worldwide water cycle. Translated literally, 'océano Pacífico' means tranquil or peaceful ocean, however, with its occasional typhoons, tsunamis, and its notorious 'Ring of Fire', it can often be anything but. It is recognized as one of the world's major oceanic divisions, bounded by the continents of Asia and Australia in the west, and the Americas in the east.

Example sentences with  océano Pacífico

Oceanography is a branch of Earth science that studies the physical and biological aspects of the ocean. It covers a wide range of topics, from marine life and ecosystems, to currents and waves, to the movement of sediments and to seafloor geology.

Example sentences with  Oceanografía

The Spanish word 'ocho' translates to 'eight' in English. It is used in the same contexts as in English, such as counting, ordering, and indicating quantity. For example, 'Tengo ocho manzanas' would translate to 'I have eight apples'. Overall, 'ocho' is a fundamental word in understanding and building numerical competence in Spanish.

Example sentences with  ocho

The word 'ocio' comes from Spanish language, which translates into 'leisure' in English. It is often used to denote free time or a period of relaxation. This word is mainly used in contexts such as recreation, pastime, relaxation activities, or even to represent unoccupied time. In a sentence, you could say: 'Me gusta pasar mi ocio leyendo', which means 'I like to spend my leisure time reading'.


The word 'oculista' refers to 'oculist' in English. An oculist is a previous term for an ophthalmologist or an eye doctor. They are medical doctors who specialize in eye and vision care. This includes eye exams, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, prescribing medications, and performing eye surgery.

Example sentences with  oculista

The Spanish word 'ocupación' translates to 'occupation' in English. This term refers to a person's job or profession, or a form of employment that provides a source of income. An occupation may also refer to the action, state, or period of occupying or being occupied by military force. It is widely used to discuss work activities and could be used in various contexts such as careers, jobs, and professions.

ocupar un cargo
to hold office

The Spanish phrase 'ocupar un cargo' translates to 'hold office' in English. This phrase is commonly used to refer to the duty or responsibility someone has in a specific position within an organization, government, or company. For example, a person may 'ocupar un cargo' as a mayor, president, or manager. The concept implies not only the position itself, but also the activities and tasks associated with performing the role.

ocupar un cargo de responsabilidad

The Spanish phrase 'ocupar un cargo de responsabilidad' may be translated into English as 'to hold a position of responsibility'. This would refer to a position within an organization or context that demands accountability for certain tasks or outcomes. This could refer to a managerial role, or another authoritative position where decisions made directly impact the success, progress or functioning of an entity. It underscores the process of undertaking and managing tasks that have significant effects on others and the entity at large.

ocupar un cargo honorífico
to hold an honorary position

The Spanish phrase 'ocupar un cargo honorífico' means 'to hold an honorary position' in English. It is used when someone holds a position out of honor, not necessarily because they perform daily tasks or duties. This is often an important or respected position, given as a special honor. It could be used in a variety of contexts, including work, socio-cultural activities, community services, amongst others. The phrase involves three words: 'ocupar' meaning 'to hold', 'un cargo' meaning 'a position', and 'honorífico' meaning 'honorary'.

ocupar un cargo público
public office

The phrase 'ocupar un cargo público' in Spanish translates to 'occupy a public office' in English. This term is often used in the context of politics and governance, for instance, when someone is elected or appointed to a position in government. The direct English translation may not capture the exact meaning of the phrase, however, the underlying concept remains the same. It refers to the responsibility and duty undertaken by an individual when they become a public representative or officer.

ocupar un cargo vitalicio
to hold a key role
ocupar un puesto
one post

'Ocupar un puesto' in Spanish does not mean 'one post' in English. Instead, it is usually translated as 'occupy a position' or 'hold a post'. It is most often used in the context of employment or official positions, implying that someone is currently performing the duties of a specific role or job.

ocupar una plaza
occupy a position

The Spanish phrase 'ocupar una plaza' translates as 'occupy a position' in English. It is often used in professional or employment contexts to refer to someone holding a certain position or role within a company or organization. However, it can also be used more broadly to indicate taking up or filling a physical space or place. Furthermore, in some cultural contexts, it can be used to signify a ceremonial or political occupation of a space in public squares or plazas. Hence, the specific meaning of the phrase can vary based on the context it is utilized in.


The Spanish word for 'happen' is 'ocurrir'. This verb is generally used in the same context as in English. It is used to describe events that occur or take place, without specifying the action itself. For example, if you want to say 'What happened?' in Spanish, you would say '¿Qué ocurrió?'. Remember, the use of this verb can change depending upon the region and the context.

Example sentences with  ocurrir

The Spanish word for 'hate' is 'odio'. It is used in Spanish just as it is used in English - to express intense or passionate dislike for someone or something. Like in English, it can be used in various contexts, such as 'I hate broccoli' ('Odio el brócoli') or 'They hate being late' ('Odian llegar tarde'). However, remember that the cultural context can affect how strong this sentiment feels.

Example sentences with  odio

In Spanish, 'oeste' translates to 'west' in English. It is commonly used in geographical context to indicate direction or when referring to western regions, similar to its use in English. For instance, 'El sol se pone en el oeste' means 'The sun sets in the west'.

Example sentences with  oeste

The Spanish word for 'offer' is 'oferta'. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as making a proposition ('Te hago una oferta') or in reference to discounted goods in a store ('La oferta del día'). Similar to English, 'oferta' relates to presenting something for acceptance or rejection, or providing something at a reduced price.

Example sentences with  oferta
oferta (pública) de empleo
offer (public) of employment

The Spanish term 'oferta (pública) de empleo' translates to 'offer (public) of employment' in English. This phrase is most often used in job postings or advertisements to indicate that there is a publicly available job or position. Similarly, it could also be utilized when a company or organization is advertising or announcing a new role or job that is open and available to the public. This could be for any type of job or position, from entry-level roles to higher executive positions.


The Spanish word 'oficial' typically refers to something authoritative, formal or public, similar to how 'official' is used in English. It can be used to describe a person, a position, or a document that is formally recognized or established. For example, in the sentence 'Es el documento oficial', it means 'It is the official document.'

Example sentences with  oficial

This noun is used to describe a room or a set of rooms where people work, usually in administrative or professional capacities.

Example sentences with  oficina
oficina bancaria
banking office

The term 'oficina bancaria' in Spanish translates to 'banking office' in English. This is the place where banks offer their main services, such as managing accounts, offering loans, accepting deposits, providing mortgages and so on. It's a place people visit to do transactions and banking businesses. In a practical sense, it may refer to both the physical location of the bank branches and the online platforms provided by the banks for their users.

oficina de información y turismo
Information and tourism office

The Spanish term 'oficina de información y turismo' translates to 'information and tourism office' in English. Essentially, these offices are specialized establishments that provide visitors and tourists with useful details about local attractions, activities, accommodations, and other tourist-related aspects. They play a significant role in boosting local tourism by offering valuable insights and facilitating better travel experiences for tourists.

Example sentences with  oficina de información y turismo
oficina de planificación y desarrollo
planning and development office

The Spanish phrase 'oficina de planificación y desarrollo' translates to 'planning and development office' in English. This is usually a department within an organization responsible for setting goals and deciding how to achieve them. They are typically involved in developing strategies, projects and plans for growth, expansion or improvement, using their understanding of the organization and its environment to make informed decisions.

Example sentences with  oficina de planificación y desarrollo
oficina de producción
production office

The Spanish term 'oficina de producción' translates to 'production office' in English. A production office is a place where administrative work for film production, television production or other media is overseed. It is the business center of production, where the behind-the-scenes management and organizational work occurs, including tasks such as paperwork, accounting, and hiring personnel.

Example sentences with  oficina de producción
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