Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

objeto de conocimiento
object of knowledge

The term 'objeto de conocimiento' in Spanish translates to 'object of knowledge' in English. This refers to any topic, concept, or idea that can be studied or understood. It is something that people can hold knowledge about, and it serves as a focus for learning or intellectual pursuit.

objeto de estudio
object of study

The Spanish term 'objeto de estudio' directly translates to 'object of study' in English. 'Objeto' means object, and 'de estudio' means of study. It is often used in an academic or research context. For instance, in a research paper or project, the 'objeto de estudio' would be the specific subject or area that the paper or project intends to investigate or analyze. It lays the foundation for in-depth study or scrutiny.

Example sentences with  objeto de estudio
obra (des)conocida
work (unknown)

The Spanish term 'obra (des)conocida' can be translated into English as 'work (unknown)'. It refers to a piece of work, such as a book, a play, a piece of music, a painting, etc, that has not yet become widely known or recognized in the English-speaking world. Typically, this term is used in contexts related to literature, arts, and culture.

Example sentences with  obra (des)conocida
obra anónima
anonymous work

The term 'obra anónima' comes from the Spanish language and it translates to 'anonymous work' in English. In general context, this phrase is used to refer to a work, art, or literature from an unknown author or creator. It highlights the focus on the content of the work itself rather than the identity of the person who created it.

Example sentences with  obra anónima
obra arquitectónico
architectural work

The term 'obra arquitectónico' in Spanish translates to 'architectural work' in English. It refers to the planning, designing, and constructing of buildings or other physical structures by architects. Architectural works are perceived as cultural and political symbols and works of art. The term can be used to describe anything from a single room to an entire complex of buildings. Architectural works can come in a variety of forms indicative of the era, culture and location in which they were created.

Example sentences with  obra arquitectónico
obra artística
artistic work

The Spanish phrase 'obra artística' can be translated into English as 'artistic work'. An 'obra artística' refers to creations designed to express beauty or convey an emotional or intellectual concept through the application of human ingenuity and creativity. These may be physical or digital, and encompass a variety of forms including painting, sculpture, music, dance, theater, film, and more. The value of an 'obra artística' often lies not just in its aesthetic appearence but in the ideas, emotions, and reflections it evokes.

Example sentences with  obra artística
obra de arte
work of art

The Spanish term 'obra de arte' translates to 'work of art' in English. This term is primarily used to refer to creations by artists, usually visual creations such as paintings, sculptures, installations, and the like. However, it can also be broadly applied to refer to any exceptional creation or achievement in other fields, such as a beautifully designed building, a well-written piece of literature, a graceful ballet performance, or an innovative piece of technology. The specific connotation can vary based on context. Note, this term is a phrase of three words in Spanish, whereas in English, it's compounded into one phrase.

Example sentences with  obra de arte
obra de teatro
play theatre

The Spanish phrase 'obra de teatro' translates to 'play' or 'theatre play' in English, referring to a dramatic work performed on stage. This could be a piece of drama, tragedy, comedy, or other genres performed by actors usually in a theatre. The phrase literally translates to 'work of theatre' indicating that it is a creative or artistic work meant to be staged and performed in front of an audience.

obra de vanguardia
avante-garde work

The term 'obra de vanguardia' in Spanish translates to 'avante-garde work' in English. Avante-garde work usually denotes a piece of work in any field, not just arts, but literature, cinematography, or music that is innovative, experimental, or ahead of the trends in some way. The work is typically characterised by non-traditional, aesthetic innovation, and initial unacceptability, often seen as being ahead of its time. The usage of 'obra de vanguardia' therefore, means a production or creation that is unrestricted by conventional norms and stands as a symbol of progressiveness and innovation.

Example sentences with  obra de vanguardia
obra escultórico
sculptural work

The Spanish phrase 'obra escultórico' translates to 'sculptural work' in English. This term is typically used to refer to a piece of artwork, often in a three-dimensional form, created by shaping or combining hard or plastic material, sound, text, light, commonly stone (either rock or marble), metal, or wood. It represents any forms of art that are tangible or physically constructed by the artists. This may include statues, figurines, installations, and structures, among others.

Example sentences with  obra escultórico
obra extensa
extensive work

The Spanish term 'obra extensa' translates to 'extensive work' in English. This phrase is often used to describe a project, piece of literature, or any task that requires a significant amount of time, effort, or resources to complete. It can refer to a comprehensive study, a large-scale construction project, a lengthy novel, or any undertaking of considerable size and complexity.

Example sentences with  obra extensa
obra inacabada
unfinished work

The phrase 'obra inacabada' in Spanish translates to 'unfinished work' in English. It is composed of two words: 'obra' means 'work', usually referring to a piece of art, literature or a similar task or undertaking, and 'inacabada' means 'unfinished'. Thus, in its entirety, the phrase 'obra inacabada' is used to describe a task, artwork, or piece of literature that is not yet completed.

Example sentences with  obra inacabada
obra literario
literary work

The Spanish term 'obra literario' is translated as 'literary work' in English. It is a term used to categorize works of literature according to their unique form, substance, and style. This includes various types of texts such as novels, poems, plays, and essays. In general, a 'literary work' is understood to be a manifestation of creative or intellectual expression that is recognized for its artistic, cultural, or intellectual value.

Example sentences with  obra literario
obra maestra

The term 'obra maestra' in Spanish translates to 'masterpiece' in English. It refers to a work of art, music, literature, or other fields of creative activity, considered as the best, most outstanding, or most excellent work of an artist, composer, or writer. The term is often used to acclaim works that have stood the test of time and are widely recognized for their superior craft, artistry, and profound influence or impact.

Example sentences with  obra maestra
obra pictórico
pictorial work

The term 'obra pictórico' in Spanish translates to 'pictorial work' in English. It refers to any creation that is made by using techniques of painting either on a surface, like canvas, or creating digital imagery. It could include various forms of art ranging from traditional painting to modern digital and pixel art. The term 'obra pictórico' can encompass a wide variety of artistic expressions, techniques, and styles, all related to the field of visual art.

Example sentences with  obra pictórico
obra representativa
representative work

The Spanish term 'obra representativa' translates to 'representative work' in English. It is often used in a cultural or artistic context to refer to a piece of work (such as a book, movie, painting, etc.) that is a prime or typical example of an artist's or author's work. It can also imply a work that accurately depicts or represents a certain style, period, genre, or group.

Example sentences with  obra representativa
obra teatral
theatrical work

The Spanish phrase 'obra teatral' translates to 'theatrical work' in English. This term is frequently used in the world of arts and literature. It refers to a piece of drama that is primarily composed to be performed by actors on a stage in front of an audience. 'Obra teatral' might encompass a wide variety of genres, including tragedy, comedy, musical, drama, and others. The creation of an 'obra teatral' often involves multiple stages including script-writing, casting, rehearsing, and finally, public performance.

Example sentences with  obra teatral
obrero (especializado)
worker (specialized)

The Spanish word 'obrero (especializado)' translates to 'worker (specialized)' in English. It is frequently used in contexts such as job descriptions, worker union terminology, and discussions around skilled labour. Referring to an individual with specific skills in their line of work, 'obrero (especializado)' is often used to distinguish a normal worker from someone that has a high level of expertise or specialization in a particular area. For instance, in the construction industry an 'obrero (especializado)' would be someone who has specific skills such as a plumber, electrician, or carpenter.

Example sentences with  obrero (especializado)

The Spanish word 'observatorio' translates to 'observatory' in English. An observatory is a location used for observing terrestrial or celestial events such as astronomy, climatology, or for weather forecasts. Therefore, when you say 'observatorio' in Spanish, you are referring to a place continually monitoring a particular set of activities or phenomena.

Example sentences with  observatorio
obtener buenas notas
get good grades

The phrase 'obtener buenas notas' in Spanish can be translated to English as 'get good grades'. It involves earning high marks in school or academic settings. High quality performance in subjects or modules typically results in good grades. It's often used to encourage students to strive for academic excellence.

obtener buenos resultados
to obtain good results

The Spanish phrase 'obtener buenos resultados' translates to 'obtain good results' in English. This phrase is typically used to express the idea of achieving favorable or successful outcomes in a certain situation or as the result of certain actions. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as in business, education, sports, among others.

obtener créditos

The Spanish phrase 'obtener créditos' translates to 'obtain credits' in English. It could be used in financial contexts, such as when someone is looking to acquire or gain credits, possibly for purposes such as academic credits (like in a school or university) or financial credits. It doesn't directly translate to just 'credits', but means to gain or get credits.

obtener el divorcio
get divorce

The Spanish phrase 'obtener el divorcio' translates to 'get divorce' in English. This is usually used in the context of a marriage ending legally, where one would 'get a divorce' from their spouse. This term is used in legal and personal situations when discussing the end of a marital relationship.

obtener el graduado escolar
obtain the school graduate

The Spanish phrase 'obtener el graduado escolar' translates to 'obtain the school graduate' in English. This could refer to the act of earning a graduation certificate from school or achieving some form of school completion level. It can be used in various contexts especially regarding educational achievements.

obtener ganancias

The Spanish term 'obtener ganancias' translates into English as 'gain'. It is often used in business and financial contexts and refers to the increase in value or profit that one obtains from certain transactions or activities. For instance, 'obtener ganancias' from a business would mean earning a profit from it. The verb 'obtener' means to obtain, and 'ganancias' refers to gains or profits.

Example sentences with  obtener ganancias
obtener la separación
to obtain separation

The Spanish phrase 'obtener la separación' translates to 'to obtain separation' in English. This could refer to a number of different contexts, such as obtaining separation in a physical sense, like separating two objects from each other. It can also refer to legal or emotional separation, such as pursuing a divorce or distancing oneself emotionally from a person or situation.

obtener malas notas
get bad grades

The Spanish term, 'obtener malas notas', is translated in English to mean 'get bad grades'. This is a term commonly used in educational settings and refers to the situation where a student does not perform well in their assignments, tests or exams and as a result, receives low or failing scores. It can be an indication of struggling or not being able to understand the course material. More than often, it necessitates the need for extra help or tutoring for the student in question.

obtener malos resultados
get bad results

The Spanish phrase 'obtener malos resultados' translates to 'get bad results' in English. This is often used to describe a situation where the outcomes are not as expected or desired, or generally unsatisfactory. It is made up of the words 'obtener' meaning 'get', 'malos' meaning 'bad', and 'resultados' meaning 'results'. It is often used in academic or professional contexts, but can be used in other settings as well.

obtener un descuento
get a discount

The Spanish phrase 'obtener un descuento' translates to 'get a discount' in English. This is often used in retail context where there is a decrease in the original price of a product or service, making it more affordable to a customer. It could also be used in the context of negotiating, bargaining or striking a deal where the aim is to reduce the cost or expense.

Example sentences with  obtener un descuento
obtener un indulto
get a pardon

The Spanish phrase 'obtener un indulto' translates to 'get a pardon' in English. This phrase is typically used within legal and judicial contexts. Essentially, when someone is saying 'obtener un indulto', they are speaking about the act of receiving formal forgiveness for a crime, generally from a figure of authority, which results in the cancellation or postponement of the penalty. 'Obtener' means 'to get' or 'to obtain', 'un' is the indefinite article 'a', and 'indulto' is the noun for 'pardon'.

Example sentences with  obtener un indulto
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