Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

noticia fiable
reliable news

The Spanish term 'noticia fiable' translates to 'reliable news' in English. It refers to news information that is trustworthy and credible. It is used to describe news content or sources that provide verified, accurate, and dependable information. This term is particularly important in the context of modern journalism and media, where the reliability of news has become a crucial issue.

noticia oficial
official news

The Spanish phrase 'noticia oficial' translates to 'official news' in English. This term typically refers to news or updates that are officially released or endorsed by an authoritative body or entity. It commonly appears in contexts such as government announcements, company statements, or other formal communications. While 'noticia' itself means 'news', the addition of 'oficial' denotes a credible, authoritative source behind the information.


In English, 'tidings' is an old-fashioned term for news or information typically related to a specific event or situation. The Spanish equivalent is 'noticias', commonly used in daily conversation and broadcasting. Like 'tidings', 'noticias' could also pertain to any information, usually of public interest, regarding specific situations or events.

Example sentences with  noticias

The Spanish word 'notificación' translates to 'notification' in English. It is used in a similar context as English, often relating to alerts, updates, or formal communications of certain facts or events. This term is widely used in the digital context such as emails, messages, or app updates, but it can also refer to more traditional modes of communication such as postal notifications.


The Spanish word 'notificar' translates to 'notify' in English. It is a verb that refers to the act of informing someone of something, or making something known or official. This could be notifying someone of a change, a decision, some news, or a certain condition or situation. The use of 'notificar' often implies an official or formal notice or warning. It can also be used to say that you are notifying someone about something by means of a formal communication, whether it be written or oral.


The Spanish word 'novato' translates to 'rookie' in English. This is often used to refer to a person who is new to a particular field, job, or activity and does not have much experience or skill in it yet. This term frequently appears in sports, business, and other fields where people often start as beginners and gradually acquire more expertise and proficiency.


The word 'novela' in Spanish translates to 'novel' in English. It refers to a long written narrative, typically in prose format, which is usually fiction. It's used to describe any book-length narrative piece of work, including both genre fiction and more literary works. The novel is a significant literary genre that displays humanity and its complex emotions and thoughts, making it a major piece of culture in both the Spanish and English languages.

Example sentences with  novela
novela de amor
romance novel

The term 'novela de amor' in Spanish directly translates to 'romance novel' in English. This is a type of novel that places its primary emphasis on the relationship and affectionate love between two people, and must have an emotionally satisfying and optimistic ending. This genre often intersects with many other genres, including but not limited to suspense, historical fiction, and science fiction. 'Novela de amor' may present situations drawn from true life or completely fictional, but always explore themes of love and relationships.

Example sentences with  novela de amor
novela de aventuras
adventure novel

The term 'novela de aventuras' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'adventure novel' in English. This is a genre of novel that typically features a protagonist who embarks on a dangerous, exciting, and often long journey, facing various challenges along the way, which may involve physical danger, exploration of unique locations or meeting with interesting characters. These types of novels are characterized by their action-packed, suspenseful and thrilling narrative, often involving plot twists and unexpected turns of events.

Example sentences with  novela de aventuras
novela de ciencia ficción
science fiction novel

The term 'novela de ciencia ficción' is Spanish for 'science fiction novel'. This phrase is used to describe a book or narrative genre that typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science and technology, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life. It has been called the 'literature of ideas', and often explores the potential consequences of scientific, social, and technological innovations.

Example sentences with  novela de ciencia ficción
novela histórica
historical novel

The term 'novela histórica' translates to 'historical novel' in English. A historical novel is a genre of literature that has a narrative set in a specific time period in the past. These novels combine imaginary characters and sometimes events with real historical events, figures, and places. The aim of a historical novel is often to convey a realistic representation of a specific historical period.

Example sentences with  novela histórica
novela negra
Black novel

The term 'novela negra' translates to 'black novel' in English. It's used to describe a genre of crime fiction which is typically distinguished by its realistic, gritty tone and its focus on the crime and detective work. These stories usually take place in urban settings and are not afraid to delve into the darker aspects of human nature. Internationally acclaimed examples include author Raymond Chandler's Philip Marlowe series.

Example sentences with  novela negra
novela policiaca
detective novel

The term 'novela policiaca' refers to a genre of literature originating in the Spanish-speaking world. This genre, akin to the mystery genre in English literature, typically involves stories centered around investigation and crime-solving scenarios. Historically, 'novelas policiacas' revolve around a dominant detective figure who is instrumental in solving crimes that are intricately woven into the plot. Much like detective novels in English, these Spanish novels often explore themes of criminality, justice, and the human psyche.

Example sentences with  novela policiaca

The Spanish word 'novelista' translates to 'novelist' in English. This refers to a person who writes novels, which are extended works of fiction. Novelists often spend a long time developing characters, plot, and setting to create engaging and immersive stories that transport the reader to a different place or time. The profession demands creativity, imagination, understanding of human nature and sometimes, research skills.

Example sentences with  novelista

The Spanish word 'novio' translates to 'boyfriend' in English. It is used in a romantic context to refer to a person's male partner. In a broader and more traditional context, 'novio' can also refer to 'fiancé', a man that a person is engaged to be married to.


The Spanish word 'nube' translates to 'cloud' in English. It is commonly used to refer to those white fluffy formations seen in the sky, which are condensed water vapor. The word 'nube' can also be metaphorically used in context to indicate a gloomy or depressing atmosphere or situation, for instance, 'Ella tiene una nube sobre su cabeza' would mean 'She has a cloud over her head'.

Example sentences with  nube

The Spanish word 'nublarse' is a verb that does not directly translate to 'cloud' in English. Instead, 'nublarse' is associated with the process of becoming cloudy or overcast, mainly used when referring to the sky or someone's vision or thoughts. 'Cloud' in Spanish is 'nube'. Note that the infinitive form of the verb 'nublarse' may frequently be used in contexts such as 'el cielo se está nublando' which translates to 'the sky is becoming cloudy'.

Example sentences with  nublarse

The word 'nudo' in Spanish translates to 'knot' in English. It can refer to a range of concepts, from the physical braid or loop formed by interweaving, twisting, or tying a rope or string, to a unit of speed in aviation or maritime contexts. Additionally, it could denote a complex or difficult problem or situation.

Example sentences with  nudo

The Spanish word 'nueces' translates to 'nuts' in English. It is a plural and feminine noun in Spanish. Often used in the context of food, 'nueces' refers primarily to a type of food commonly consumed as a snack or used in cooking and baking. The term 'nuts' in English has a similar use, referring to a group of snack foods that includes almonds, walnuts, pistachios, and many others. While the direct translation from 'nueces' to 'nuts' can be accurate in most contexts, cultural or regional usage may vary.

nuevas tecnologías
new technologies

The term 'nuevas tecnologías' in Spanish translates to 'new technologies' in English. It refers to the latest inventions and innovations in the technological sphere. These could include advancements in computing, artificial intelligence, robotics, and other related fields. This term embodies the ongoing progress and development prevalent in the technology sector.

Example sentences with  nuevas tecnologías

The Spanish word 'nuevo' translates to 'new' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as describing something that has been recently discovered, made, or acquired. It can refer to newly introduced ideas or concepts. When referring to things that have existed but have been changed or improved, the English equivalent would be 'newly renovated' or 'upgraded'. 'Nuevo' is also used to indicate freshness or recency, for instance in describing news (noticias nuevas) or new clothes (ropa nueva).

Nuevo Testamento
New Testament

The Spanish term 'Nuevo Testamento' translates to 'New Testament' in English. The New Testament is an integral part of the Christian biblical canon, and it's centered on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This term is commonly used in religious contexts and conversations about Christianity.

Example sentences with  Nuevo Testamento
nuevos comienzos
new beginnings

The Spanish phrase 'nuevos comienzos' is used in contexts reflecting the start of something new, such as a project, a year, or a phase of life. It can be used both literally and metaphorically, much like its English equivalent 'new beginnings'.

Example sentences with  nuevos comienzos

The Spanish word 'número' is used to indicate the amount or rank of something, similar to how 'number' is used in English. It can refer to anything from a telephone number (número de teléfono) to specifying the rank of a person or thing in a particular sequence (for example, the number one runner in a race would be el corredor número uno).

Example sentences with  número
número de teléfono
phone number

The Spanish term 'número de teléfono' translates to 'phone number' in English. It's a sequence of digits or symbols that is used to call or send a message to a specific telephone line. Each number is unique to its line, allowing you to reach exactly who you wish to communicate with. The number often includes a country code, an area code, and a personal line number.

número decimal
Number of

The phrase 'número decimal' in Spanish translates to 'decimal number' in English. It is a way of expressing numbers that are not whole, defining values between integers. The 'decimal' refers to the system of numbers or arithmetic based on the number ten, or numbers expressed in the decimal system, particularly concerning decimal points. It's used widely in various fields such as mathematics, sciences, engineering and daily life to represent partial quantities.

Example sentences with  número decimal

It describes negative situations when the action, state or occurrence doesn't happen or exist.

Example sentences with  nunca
obedecer a los padres
obeying parents

The Spanish phrase 'obedecer a los padres' translates to 'obeying parents' in English. It is an action or behavior that children are expected to demonstrate towards their parents, meaning to follow the rules or commands that the parents give. This could include tasks like doing homework, cleaning their rooms, or going to bed at a specified time. Notably, in English, we generally use the verb to 'obey' for anyone we're expected to follow rules or orders from, not just parents.

obedecer una ley
obey a law

The Spanish phrase 'obedecer una ley' translates to 'obey a law' in English. It's generally used in a legal or authoritative context to signify the act of following a specific law or regulation. The phrase can be used in various situations such as in court, in school, or in general conversation while referring to any situation where someone is required or expected to adhere to certain legal or even unspoken societal rules.

Example sentences with  obedecer una ley
objeto de análisis
object of analysis

The Spanish phrase 'objeto de análisis' translates to 'object of analysis' in English. Specifically, 'objeto' means 'object', and 'de análisis' means 'of analysis'. It is commonly used in academic or professional contexts to refer to the subject or entity being examined or studied in detail.

Example sentences with  objeto de análisis
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