Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

no estar nada mal
Not bad.

The phrase 'no estar nada mal' in Spanish translates to 'not bad' in English. It is usually used as a slang phrase to comment lightly on a situation, object, or person stating that it's decent or somewhat good. It doesn't necessarily mean something is exceptionally good, but it's certainly not bad either. The use and meaning can vary based on the context, inflection, and tone in which it's used.

Example sentences with  no estar nada mal
no poder más
No more power.

'No poder más' is a Spanish phrase that literally translates to 'no more power' in English. However, in actual usage, it is often used to express extreme tiredness or exhaustion, not unlike the English phrase 'cannot take it anymore' or 'cannot go on'. Therefore, it's important to consider the context in which the phrase is used for a more accurate translation.

no soportar
I can't stand it.

The Spanish phrase 'no soportar' is usually translated into English as 'I can't stand it'. It is a commonly used expression to indicate that the speaker is extremely annoyed or bothered by a particular situation or individual. It is a strong phrase used to express an individual's intense negativity or dislike towards something or someone.

no ver tres en un burro
to be as blind as a bat

The Spanish idiom 'no ver tres en un burro' is often used informally to describe someone who has poor eyesight or doesn't observe things well. This phrase literally translates to 'not to see three on a donkey', but the equivalent expression in English would be 'to be as blind as a bat'.


The Spanish word 'nobleza' translates to 'nobility' in English. It is a noun that is used to describe the quality of being noble in character or high in moral qualities. This word is commonly used in the context of aristocracy or upper classes in society, but it can also refer to a person's noble qualities or actions. So, in a broader sense, 'nobleza' could mean decent, ethical, or honorable behavior that showcases one's good character or high moral standards.

Example sentences with  nobleza

The Spanish word for 'night' is 'noche'. It is commonly used in the same way as in English, to refer to the period of darkness in each twenty-four hours. It can also be used within different phrases and expressions, such as ‘buenas noches’ which means ‘good night’.

Example sentences with  noche

The Spanish word 'nombre' is used just like the English word 'name'. It can refer to the name of a person, a place, or an object. For example, in the sentence 'Mi nombre es Juan' means 'My name is Juan'. It's a very common word and one of the first words people learn in Spanish. It's also used commonly in phrases and questions, such as '¿Cómo se llama?' meaning 'What is your name?'.

Example sentences with  nombre

The Spanish word 'nombre' translates to 'name' in English. It is used in the same way as in English to refer to the identification title given to a person, place, or thing. For example, in the sentence '¿Cuál es tu nombre?', the English translation would be 'What is your name?'. Thus 'nombre' is a common term in Spanish that you'll frequently use when referring to people or items by their given names.

nombre artístico
stage name

The term 'nombre artístico' in Spanish translates to 'stage name' in English. This term is commonly used in entertainment industries such as music, acting and certain forms of visual arts. A stage name is a pseudonym taken on by artists for various reasons, such as easier pronunciation, to be more memorable, or to create a distinct persona.

nombre de pila
first name

The Spanish phrase 'nombre de pila' translates to 'first name' in English. It is used to refer to the name given to a person at birth, typically by their parents, and is usually different from their family or surname. It is used for addressing a person directly and is often unique to each individual, although there are popular first names in every language or culture.

nombre de usuario

The Spanish phrase 'nombre de usuario' translates to 'username' in English. It is commonly used in digital contexts to refer to the unique identity that an individual adopts within an online platform, website or application. For example, when you create an account on a website, you may be asked to create a 'nombre de usuario', or in English, a 'username'.


Northeast, known as 'Nordeste' in Spanish, refers to the direction that is at an angle of 45 degrees on a compass. In Geography, it is often used to describe the region of a country, area, or city that is situated towards the northeast. In context, it can refer to the part of a place (such as a country or region) that is towards the northeast, or it can also refer to the northeastern part of a particular place.

Example sentences with  Nordeste

'Norma' is a Spanish word that translates to 'standard' in English. It is used to indicate a level of quality or attainment. It could also signify an accepted and agreed-upon model or pattern, often serving as a basis for comparison or as a guide for behavior or actions in various settings, such as social, professional, or educational.

Example sentences with  norma
normas de circulación
traffic rules

The phrase 'normas de circulación' in Spanish translates to 'traffic rules' in English. It refers to the rules that govern the movement or operation of vehicles, pedestrians, and other conveyances, either individually or in conjunction with each other, on roads and public ways. Such rules can encompass everything from giving right of way to indicating when to use lights or blinkers, to setting speed limits and so forth. Understanding and following 'normas de circulación' is essential for safety on the roads.

Example sentences with  normas de circulación

The Spanish term 'normativa' is directly translated to 'regulations' in English. This term refers to the set of rules or instructions that are officially established by an authority. Its usage is predominant in legal, administrative and organizational contexts, wherein the 'normativa' puts in order the actions or behaviors that should be carried out within a specific framework or situation. In essence, 'normativa' is the fundamental basis for guiding proper conduct and actions to ensure smooth and legal operations.

Example sentences with  normativa

The Spanish word 'Noroeste' is translated as 'Northwest' in English. It is a cardinal point on the compass indicating a direction in between North and West. It's commonly used in geographic contexts, or when giving or receiving directions. The term is a combination of 'Norte' which means 'North' and 'Oeste' which means 'West'.

Example sentences with  Noroeste
Nos vemos
We'll see each other

This is a common and casual way of saying goodbye when you expect to see the person again.

Example sentences with  Nos vemos

Nota represents the 'Note' in English. It's a sign which symbolizes the relative duration and pitch of a sound.

Example sentences with  nota
nota (musical)
note (musical)

The Spanish word 'nota (musical)' translates to 'note (musical)' in English. In the context of music, a note is the minimum unit of music that a person can identify. It corresponds to a sound with a particular pitch and duration. Just as in Spanish, these musical notes form the building blocks of music compositions in the English-speaking music world too. So, 'nota (musical)' in Spanish and 'note (musical)' in English share the same meaning in the universal language of music.

Example sentences with  nota (musical)
nota alta
high grades

The Spanish phrase 'nota alta' translates to 'high grades' in English. This term typically refers to scores or marks that are above average in an academic context. For example, a student who consistently performs well on exams or assignments might be said to receive 'notas altas' or high grades. This phrase is often used in school or university settings.

nota baja
low grade

The Spanish term 'nota baja' translates to 'low grade' in English. It's commonly used in educational contexts where students' performances are evaluated and graded. For instance, if a student doesn't perform well on an exam, essay, or project, he or she may receive a 'nota baja'. It's important to pay attention to this term, as it's an indicator of underperformance and shows that improvement is needed.

nota final
Final note

The Spanish term 'nota final' translates to 'final note' in English. It has two parts: 'nota', which is Spanish for 'note', and 'final', which stays the same in both languages. The term is usually used in academic contexts to denote the final grade or score a student receives after all evaluations in a course or subject. It could also refer to the last observation or remark made on a particular issue or topic.

nota injusta
unfair note

The Spanish term 'nota injusta' can be translated into English as 'unfair note'. This term might be used in a academic context where a student feels their marks or feedback are not a fair reflection of their effort or work quality. It can literally mean a note or grade that is considered unjust or unreasonable. 'Nota' refers to 'note' or 'grade' in English and 'injusta' translates to 'unfair'.

nota justa
Fair note

The term 'nota justa' in Spanish translates to 'fair note' in English. It is usually used in contexts where matters of justice or fairness are discussed. In a school setting, it could be used to describe a grade or score that a student deservedly received based on their work or performance. Beyond such contexts, it could also refer to a fair comment, observation, or point made in any form of discourse or discussion.

nota media
average note

The Spanish term 'nota media' translates to 'average note' in English. It is commonly used in educational settings to refer to the average grade a student has achieved. It can be used in various contexts such as in school report cards, grade reports at university level, or any situation where an average of numerical values or grades are taken into account. The term combines 'nota', meaning 'note' or 'grade', and 'media', meaning 'average' or 'mean'. So, 'nota media' essentially means 'average grade' or 'mean grade'.


The Spanish word 'notar' translates to 'notice' in English. It is used when someone observes, detects, or pays attention to something. Like in English, it can be used in various contexts. For example, in describing observing a change ('I noticed you changed your hair'), or expressing a need to pay attention to something ('You should notice the traffic signs.').

Example sentences with  notar

The Spanish word 'notas' directly translates to 'notes' in English. It could indicate a physical note that you write or leave for someone, or it could refer to mental notes you take. It can also refer to musical notes in the context of music. Furthermore, 'notas' can be used in an educational setting referring to the marks or grades received on your assignments or tests.


The Spanish word 'noticia' translates to 'news' in English. It is a noun and it can refer to information or report about recent events. It is often used in the context of broadcasting, newspapers, and other forms of media where information is disseminated to the public. It can also refer to a piece of information about a recent event or development.

noticia de última hora
latest news

The Spanish term 'noticia de última hora' translates to 'latest news' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of news reporting or media to signify current or recent news. The term 'última hora' literally means 'last hour', denoting the urgency or immediacy, while 'noticia' means news.

noticia extraoficial
unofficial news

The Spanish phrase 'noticia extraoficial' translates to 'unofficial news' in English. It refers to information or reports that have not been confirmed or officially announced. Often, this term is used in journalistic contexts where the credibility or source of the information is not completely reliable or directly sourced from officials. It is important to approach unofficial news cautiously as it may contain conjectures, rumors, or misinformation.

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